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Epilepsy is cerebral functional disturbance syndrome induced by various factors. It is the paroxysmal abnormality of consciousness caused by abnormal over-discharge of cerebral cells. The clinical manifestations are sudden falling down, loss of c6nsciousness, salivation, eye deviation, convulsion of four limbs, sheep- like sound or sharp screaming and becoming as a normal person after wakening from the seizure. In the persistent seizure state~ if no any management is applied promptly to terminate the seizure, it will induce deep coma, high fever, dehydration, brain edema, respiratory failure, even mental abnormality and death.  相似文献   

By means of acupuncture,the author basically cHred one case of intractable hiccup lasting for over 2 years in November of 2007.The following is a report. 1 GENERAL SITUATION A male soldier,21 years in age,suffered from frequent hiccup for over two years.He had given up treatment due to rio alleviation achieved by medication shortly used before he came to our clinic.His hiccup at the frequency of 1-2 time and 5-6 times/min with large scope and sound occurred all the day except sleeping time,and it affected his eating and swallowing.No abnormality was found except for slight congestion in his pharynx.  相似文献   

By means of acupuncture, the author basically cured one case of intractable hiccup lasting for over 2 years in November of 2007. The following is a report.  相似文献   

Inrecent3years,wriersemployedfacialacupuncturecombinedwithauricular-plastertherapytotreat43casesofchloasmaandtookother23casesofchloasmaascontrolgrouptreat-edbyauricular-plastertherapyalone.Throughanalysisofcomparisonbetweenthem,thecura-tiveeffectoftheform…  相似文献   

42 cases with ischialgia were divided into two groups at random,in which 30cases were treated by acupuncture,12 cases treated by Chinese herbs.The result showed thatacupuncture therapy was morm effective than the Chinese herbs.The experimental study indicatedthat the concentration of peripheral plasma 5-HT was markedly higher than normal value beforeacupuncture treatment,whereas its concentration declined significantly after treatment.(P<0.05)  相似文献   

In recent years, the writer had adopted acupuncture in combination with Chinese herbs to treat hiccup and compared the therapeutic effects with that of simple Chinese herbs, and had achieved the satisfactory results. It is reported as follows.[第一段]  相似文献   

电针预测与针刺治疗面神经炎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针灸治疗面神经炎累有报道 ,用电针刺激穴位来检测面神经炎的预后报道甚少 ,近年来我们在临床实践中用穴位电针预测与治疗观察本病 1 32例 ,初步摸索出较为简便的判断面神经炎预后的方法 ,现报道如下。临床资料1 .一般资料1 32例中 ,男 65例 ,女 67例 ;年龄最小 9个月 ,最大 73岁 ;病位左侧 71例 ,右侧 61例 ;病程最短 1d,最长 4年 ,病程 <1 5d者 1 1 4例 ( 86.36% )。2 .预测方法( 1 )定位 我们将面部肌群分为上、中、下 3组 ,以平眼睛以上的肌群 (包括额肌、上眼轮匝肌等 )称为面上肌群 ;以平眼以下至平口角以上的肌群 (包括下眼轮匝肌 ,…  相似文献   

Objective: The author treated a case of Meniere disease of influenza which was healed by the acupuncture therapy of tri-jiao and quintuple puncture on the head.Methods: This example was a woman of 63-years-old farmer.Her first visit was in March of 2013.She said she got Meniere disease after virus encephalitis and influenza had not been healed.She had symptoms of dizziness, tinnitus, nystaxis,.nausea and vomiting.She felt the house and the surrounding scenery were in turn, and she would feel better if she closed eyes and lay on bed, but when she opened eyes and walked would feel bad again.She felt her ears being blocked, and astasia, and lower limbs were all shaking.The author treated the disease with the acupuncture therapy of tri-jiao and quintuple puncture on the head, twice a week.Results: The disease has been healed after 26 times of treatment.After treatment, dizziness, tinnitus and deafness disappeared in a short time.Her hearing restored to the normal level.Conclusion: The curative effect is satisfied.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the therapeutic effects of acupuncturemoxibustion of Baihui(GV20), Neiguan(PC6), Zusanli(ST36)combined with psychotherapy on heroin craving, anxiety and sleep disorders of heroin addicts and to investigate the mechanisms of the effect of acupuncture on heroin craving by functional magnetic resonance imaging.Methods: A total of 120 cases of heroin addicts were stochastically divided into the treatment group and the control group.Each group had 60 cases.The treatment group received acupuncture combined with psychological nursing and psychological desensitization.Heroin addicts in the control group were afforded with psychotherapy.Twenty heroin addicts were selected stochastically from the treatment group and were acupunctured bilateral Zusanli point(ST36).The instant effect of cue-induced acupuncture was observed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.Results: After treatment, the VAS score of the treatment group was lower than that of the control group(P0.05), and there was a significant difference in the treatment group and the control group.After treatment, psychological anxiety factor and body anxiety factor were decreased in the treatment group, but the psychological anxiety factor of the treatment group was lowerthan that of the control group( P0.01).The total effective rate of anxiety improvement in the treatment group was 81.67%, while in control group was 13.11%.The total effective rate of the psychological craving improvement in the treatment group was 83.33%, while in the control group was 23.33%.The total effective rate of anxiety improvement and psychological craving improvement in the treatment group was significantly higher than that of the control group.The bilateral frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, cerebellum, brainstem and other brain areas were activated when heroin addicts were watching drugs.The hypothalamus, temporal lobe and marginal system were activated when heroin addicts were acupunctured at Zusanli.  相似文献   

针刺推拿治疗小儿食积症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:用针刺推拿方法治疗小儿食积之食欲不振,使其恢复食欲能正常进食。方法:采用针刺加推拿的方法治疗小儿食积症476例。结果:经一次治疗后痊愈者385例,好转91例,总有效率100%。结论:针灸推拿治疗小儿食积症疗效显著。  相似文献   

针刺结合中药治疗充血性前列腺炎临床观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
慢性充血性前列腺炎为男性常见病 ,笔者 1 998~ 1 999年对 1 0 8例患者进行随机对照治疗观察 ,现报道如下。临床资料按单双日就诊随机分组 ,治疗组 54例 ,年龄 2 3~ 48岁 ,平均 2 7.80± 3.0 5岁 ;病程 1~ 1 2年 ,平均4.1 0± 1 .2 9年。对照组 54例 ,年龄 2 3~ 47岁 ,年均2 9.50± 4.36岁 ;病程 1~ 1 3年 ,平均 3.74± 1 .37年。经 t检验 ,两组在年龄与病程方面无显著差异 ( P>0 .0 5) ,具有可比性。治疗方法1 .对照组中药灌肠 大黄、川楝、红花、赤芍各 2 0 g,败酱草、丹皮、野菊花、白头翁、槟榔各 30 g,黄柏、王不留行籽各 40 g,…  相似文献   

Migraine is a neurovascular headache with recurrent attack and long history. It is quite difficult in clinic for the healing of migraine. The author since 1993, has treated migraineurs with point-injection, acupuncture combined with Chinese herbs in special migraine clinic of ZhejiangCollege of TCM, and meantime, made full short-term and long-term observation and received satisfied results.  相似文献   

Windstrokeisoneofthecommonly-en-counteredandfrequentlyoccurringdiseases,withhighincidenceofmortalityanddisability.Since1992,theauthorhastreated5ocasesofwindstrokeusingacupunctureatthe13pointsalongDumeridian,anempiricalrecipeoriginat-edbytheseniorintheacupuncturecircles,DrWangLeting.Andthetherapeuticeffectwascomparedwiththatinthecontrolgroup.Itisreportedasfollows.CLIN1CALDATATheobservationwasmadeon5oin-patientsinthedepartmentofacupunctureinourhospitalfrom()ctober,1992toFebruary,1995.They…  相似文献   

Lamb's facial paralysis is caused by tick-borne spirochete damaging the facialnerve, its symptom is wry mouth with distorted eye. This paper reported that serum antibody in 46cases of Lamb's disease had been tested by indirect immuofluorescence since 1991 and the positive ratewas 43.48%. 20 cases out of them were treated by combination of acupuncture and medicine and thecure rate was 85%, the total effective rate was 100%.  相似文献   

靳三针为主治疗气虚血瘀型中风   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们在临床上探索了用靳三针为主的针刺方法加中药治疗气虚血瘀型中风 ,报道如下。一般资料1 0 2例患者均为我院住院和门诊脑血管意外恢复期及后遗症期病人 ,诊断及中医辨证符合《中风病诊断与疗效评定标准》中的中风病的气虚血瘀型。其中脑梗塞 76例 ,脑出血 2 6例 ;年龄最小 52岁 ,最大85岁 ;男 43例 ,女 59例。随机分为针药组 54例 ,针刺组 48例。治疗方法1 .针刺组穴位采用靳三针为主 ,包括颞三针 (耳尖直上发际上二寸为第 1针 ,在第 1针水平向前后各旁开 1寸为第 2、第 3针 )、手三针 (合谷、曲池、外关 )、足三针 (足三里、三阴交、太…  相似文献   

Objective: This study aims to investigate the action and value of acupuncture in treatment of cerebral palsy rehabilitation.Methods: A total of 200 patients from 1 to 7 years old with spastic cerebral palsy were randomly divided into two groups.Acupuncture with rehabilitation training group: 100 patients were treated with head acupuncture and body acupuncture and rehabilitation training; rehabilitation training group: 100 patients were treated with physical therapy.The two groups underwenta 3-month treatment and the Gross Motor Function Measure(GMFM) and Beijing Gesell were used to evaluate the effects of the two groups; atrophy in computed tomography(CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) was used to scan the rate of skull recovery.Results: The effective rate of acupuncture with rehabilitation training group was 87%, obviously higher than 55% of the rehabilitation training group.The total effective rate of the acupuncture and rehabilitation training group was obviously higher than that of the rehabilitation training group.After treatment the development quotient value and GMFM of the acupuncture with rehabilitation training group were higher than that of the rehabilitation group(P0.01).In the acupuncture with rehabilitation training group, improvement rate of brain dysphasia, brain atrophy in skull CT/MRI and recovery-to-normal rate of skull were higher than those of the rehabilitation group(P0.01).Conclusion: Acupuncture can obviously increase cerebral blood flow and improve cerebral cell metabolism, and promote partial or complete compensation of cerebral function, as well as the restoration and function of plasticity of cerebral tissue in children with cerebral palsy.  相似文献   

针刀为主治疗颈椎病   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了观察针刀疗法与颈椎牵引对颈椎病治疗的临床效果。选用了诊断明确的126例现患者,随枘发为治疗组96例,以针刀治疗,对照组30例,以颈椎牵引治疗。两组同时配合服用中药。结果治疗组治愈86例(89.6%),总有效率96.9%,对照组治愈17例(56.7%),总有效率83.3%。治疗组治愈率和总有效率明显优于对照组(P〈0.05)。表明对颈椎病的治疗,针刀疗法优于颈椎牵引。  相似文献   

Apartofpatientsaftergeneralsurgicalop-erationoccurgastrointestinaldysfunction,clini-cally,nausea,vomiting,sourregurgitation,anorexia,abdominaldistension,etc.,beingcommonlyseengastrointestinalresponses.Since1991,theauthorhastreated43in-patientsofgastrointestinaldysfunctionaftergeneralsurgicaloperationbyacupunctureplusauricular-plastertherapywithasatisfactoryresult,whichissum-marizedinthefollowing.GENERALDATAIntheseries,43casesallwerein-patientsofgeneralsurgicaloperation,amongthem2Ocaseswere…  相似文献   

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