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我国幅员广阔,各地的气候差异很大,只用温差一个参数很难准确地反映高温作业的实际情况。湿球黑球温度(WBGT)指数是由黑球、自然湿球、干球3个温度综合构成的。它综合考虑了空气温度、风速、空气湿度和辐射热(平均辐射温度)4个因素,可以比较准确地反映工作地点的气象条件。1997年正式颁布的《高温作业分级标准》(GB/T4200-1997)采用了WBGT指数来评价高温车间的气象条件。由于对标准的内容和仪器的性能理解上的一些问题,在贯彻标准和应用仪器测试WBGT指数时,也还存在一些问题。  相似文献   

Statistical models estimating the level of protection and thermal comfort performance of woven fabrics were developed using simple fabric and liquid parameters. Eighteen woven fabrics were evaluated against three pesticide mixtures of atrazine and pendimethalin at different concentrations. Using three mixtures that represent a range of both surface tension and viscosity, percentages of pesticide penetration are measured, along with fabric thickness, fabric cover factor, yarn twist factor, yarn packing factor, solid volume fraction, wicking height, and air permeability. Statistical analyses are performed to examine the relationship between liquid/fabric parameters and pesticide penetration. Statistical analyses show that fabric cover factor, yarn twist factor, viscosity of pesticide mixture, critical surface tension of solid, and wicking height are significant parameters affecting pesticide penetration. For this purpose, cover factor and twist factor are better parameters in describing the geometry of woven fabrics than solid volume fraction. Modeling of comfort performance of woven fabric based on simple textile parameters shows that the combination of fabric thickness, cover factor, yarn twist factor and yarn packing factor can be used to estimate air permeability of woven fabric. These findings could be used for developing selection charts or tools as guidelines for the selection of personal protective equipment for use in hot, humid environments.  相似文献   

Franz diffusion experiments with human skin combined with work-clothing fabric have shown that skin exposure to pesticides is reduced by the presence of traditional nonbarrier textiles. This study was undertaken to obtain further information about the reduction in exposure using traditional work-clothing fabrics that had chemical finishing to increase the sorption properties. The effects of a renewable starch finish and chemical modification by carboxymethylation on cotton fabrics on the pesticide (methyl parathion) retention, transfer, and decontamination by laundering were investigated. Two weights of work clothing fabrics made of 100% cotton were used, one appropriate for shirts and the other for pants. The amount of pesticide observed on human skin was reduced by the presence of clothing fabric. Carboxymethylation of the shirt fabric reduced the amount of pesticide observed on the human skin. This treatment also resulted in less pesticide being transferred to a second fabric layer within a clothing system. No pesticide penetrated to the second fabric layer when the heavier pant fabric was used as the outer layer. The lighter weight shirt fabric did not retain as much pesticide as the pant fabric. The pesticide retained on the shirt fabric was increased by the application of a renewable starch finish and by carboxymethylation; both of these finishes were found to be effective in enhancing the decontamination of cotton fabrics by laundering. Received: 15 May 1997/Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

As medical technology has improved, greater numbers of previously infertile couples have been able to conceive. Evidence of idealized views of parenting and unrealistic expectations for their children has fueled speculation about a possible negative impact of infertility on parent-child relationships. We evaluated the impact of past infertility on parent and child adjustment. Women with a history of infertility (N = 45) or who had voluntarily delayed pregnancy (n = 45) and who had a child 5 years old or younger completed the Parenting Stress Index (PSI) and Child Behavior Checklist. Results showed that mothers who were at one time infertile did not report significantly greater adjustment difficulties for themselves or their children than a comparable group of parents who voluntarily delayed pregnancy. The control group did report significantly higher scores on several subscales of the PSI, indicating that they felt more restricted, isolated, and unsupported than the group with a history of infertility. Neither of the groups, however, showed clinically significant scores on either of the dependent measures. The positive implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   



Urban youth are often exposed to compounded risk factors which make them more vulnerable to negative outcomes. Research examining promotive factors which may reduce vulnerabilities to poor psychosocial adjustment among this population is limited.


The current study addresses this limitation by examining the impact of self-efficacy and positive expectations about the future, as promotive factors, on levels of depressive and anxious symptomatology, sense of belonging, and friendship among a sample of urban youth.


Data are from 1202 4th and 5th grade students enrolled at 27 elementary schools in a high poverty, high minority school district in the Southeastern United States.


Using ordinary least squares regression, analyses reveal that promotive factors are significant predictors of psychosocial adjustment and thus have implications for improving negative outcomes among urban minority youth.


The findings suggests that interventions aimed at increasing self-efficacy and positive expectations about the future may reduce child and adolescent vulnerability to negative outcomes associated with poor psychosocial adjustment.

This paper examines the effect of a student’s own school adjustment as well as the contextual level of school adjustment (the normative level of school adjustment among students in a school) on students’ self-reported use of alcohol. Using a dataset of 43,465 male and female 8th grade students from 349 schools across the contiguous United States who participated in a national study of substance use in rural communities between 1996 and 2000, multilevel latent covariate models were utilized to disentangle the individual-level and contextual effects of three school adjustment variables (i.e., school bonding, behavior at school, and friend’s school bonding) on alcohol use. All three school adjustment factors were significant predictors of alcohol use both within and between schools. Furthermore, this study demonstrated a strong contextual effect: Students who attended schools where the overall level of school adjustment was higher reported lower levels of alcohol use even after taking their own school adjustment into account. The results demonstrate the importance of both a student’s own level of school adjustment and the normative level of school adjustment among students in the school on an adolescent’s use of alcohol. Differences in school adjustment across schools were quite strongly related to an adolescent’s own alcohol use, indicating that school adjustment is an important aspect of school climate. Initiatives aimed at improving school climate may have beneficial effects on students’ alcohol use.
Kimberly L. HenryEmail:

[目的]探索影响大学生社会适应状况的学校环境因素,为进一步研究提高我国大学生社会适应能力的措施提供依据。[方法]2008年,采用大学生社会适应状况量表和影响因素问卷,对福州市大学生进行调查,对结果进行单因素和多因素分析。[结果]调查1904名大学生,其中有效的1844名,各条目平均得分为1.490~3.277;多元线性回归分析结果,对勤工俭学制度、特困补助制度的认知度越高,社会适应状况量表得分越低;可选修到兴趣课程、获得老师帮助、宿舍讨论学习、同学之间互助、有社会实践经验、对教师授课满意度越高者,社会适应状况越好。相对满意度<30%,满意度30%~、60%~>80%所对应的相关系数分别为-6.270、-12.541、-15.341,认为教师经常、较常、偶尔课堂教授学习方法的相对于从不教授学习方法与大学生社会适应状况得分的相关系数分别为-25.838、-21.079、-15.817。[结论]对教师授课、选修课程种类的认可和满意,小群体讨论、同学互助、老师给予帮助、参加社会实践有助于大学生的社会适应。  相似文献   

目的评价持续质量改进(CQI)在提高病区被服管理中的应用效果。方法成立CQI管理活动小组,主题围绕提高病区被服的规范化管理进行讨论,整个活动遵循PDCA循环,对实施效果进行评价。结果实施CQI后,被服管理规范率显著提高(P〈0.01);同时,临床护理人员、质检人员、住院患者对被服管理工作的满意度显著提高,与实施前相比差异有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。结论 CQI活动可显著提高病区被服管理的规范率,提高临床护理人员、质检人员、住院患者对被服管理工作的满意度,减少潜在的医院感染隐患。  相似文献   

The accumulation of stressors is adversely related to adolescent well‐being. Using the contextual model of family stress and the theory of community action and change, the authors explored normative and context‐specific risks factors among adolescents from military families (N = 1,036) and the role of relationships (family, informal networks, formal systems) as protective factors. Youth who reported higher levels of cumulative risk experienced more depressive symptoms, lower academic performance, and lower persistence. When accounting for family support and presence of informal networks, depressive symptoms were lower, academic performance was higher, and persistence was higher; participation in formal systems was associated with better academic performance. The influential nature of cumulative risk was mitigated in the presence of meaningful relationships, providing support for empirically grounded leverage points to enhance positive youth development.  相似文献   

目的 初步探讨对我国退伍军人的社会适应状况造成影响的心理因素和外在因素. 方法采用新编退伍军人社会适应状况及其影响因素调查问卷对1048名男性退伍军人进行了调查. 结果 (1)非农村户口的退伍军人社会适应状况优于农村户口的(r=0.23);(2)退伍军人的受教育程度与其社会适应状况呈正相关(r=0.14);(3)有主动意愿参军的退伍军人社会适应状况优于被动参军的(r=0.34);(4)退伍军人的社会适应状况与其父母教养方式的父因子Ⅱ(r=0.37)、父因子Ⅳ(r=0.15)、父因子Ⅴ(r=0.35)、母因子Ⅱ(r=0.25)、母因子Ⅲ(r=0.34)、母因子Ⅳ(r=0.31)、母因子Ⅴ(r=0.19)呈显著正相关;(5)退伍军人的社会适应状况与其稳定性呈正相关(r=0.17). 结论本研究表明退伍军人的人格特点、受教育程度、户口类别和参军意愿可能会影响他们退伍后的社会适应能力和适应状况.  相似文献   

This study measured the clothing adjustment factors (CAFs) for four clothing ensembles (Cotton Coveralls, Tyvek 1427 Coveralls, NexGen Coveralls, and Tychem QC Coveralls; all coveralls were worn without hoods) against a baseline of cotton work clothes to determine whether the CAFs would be affected by the metabolic rate. Fifteen participants wore one of the five ensembles while walking on a treadmill at low, moderate, and high rates of work in an environment maintained at 50% relative humidity. A climatic chamber was used to slowly increase the level of heat stress by increasing air temperature. When the participant's core temperature reached a steady-state, the dry bulb temperature was increased. The point at which the core temperature began to increase was defined as the inflection point, and the WBGT recorded 5 min before the inflection point was the critical WBGT for each ensemble. A three-way mixed effects linear model with ensemble by metabolic rate category interactions demonstrated that the CAF did not change with metabolic rate, so CAFs can be used over a wide range of metabolic rates. The data at the moderate metabolic rate were combined with data on 14 participants from a previous study under the same conditions. The CAFs in degrees C WBGT were 0 for cotton coveralls, 1.0 for Tyvek 1422A, and 2.5 for NexGen. Although the value of 7.5 for Tychem QC was found, the recommendation remained at 10 to account for the effects of humidity. The standard error for the determination of WBGT crit at 50% relative humidity was 1.60 degrees C WBGT.  相似文献   

环境与职业因素对胎儿生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨环境与职业因素对胎儿生长发育的影响,对572例孕妇进行回顾性调查,单因素分析结果提示:孕妇暴露于苯系混合物在家被动吸烟能使新生儿出生体重及身长降低,与对照组比较差异具有显著性,孕妇摄食蛋白,鱼类,肉类,奶类增多,有促使新生儿出生体重,身长增加的趋势,多因素逐步回归分析结果提示:在多种职业及环境因素并存的情况下,诸因素之间存在联合作用,孕妇苯系混合物暴露是影响胎儿生长发育的主要因素,而孕妇被动  相似文献   

社会人口学因素对产后抑郁的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 本研究旨在探讨与产后抑郁发生有关的社会人口学因素,希望能引起社会有关部门对产后抑郁的关注与重视.方法 对北京市11所医院的603名产后42 d的产妇进行产后抑郁的相关调查及社会人口学影响因素分析.结果 产后42 d产妇的产后抑郁发生率18.7%,妇女的受教育水平、经济情况和居住环境与产后抑郁显著相关.结论 为进一步降低产后抑郁的发生,建议增加卫生经费的投入;加强孕期健康教育的宣传,提高孕产妇对产后抑郁的认识;加强对农村户籍流动人口孕产妇的重视.  相似文献   

Physicians today need a number of non-cognitive attributes and skills in order to be maximally effective. However, these attributes and skills, such as caring and respect for others, self-awareness, and communication skills, are not always addressed in medical education. Many would-be physicians find that medical school is a grueling experience characterized by chronic stress, the need to recognize one's strengths and limitations, and dissonance between their own values and beliefs and those of the school. The faculty and administrators at one medical school developed a special extra-curricular program to render their undergraduate program more humanistic in supporting student socialization and adjustment. The program featured intentionally structured,faculty-facilitated small groups of first-year students.This study used focus group interviews to explore student perceptions of the effectiveness of the Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development Program and thereby to gain insight into the phenomena that affect the development of medical students as future health care providers. Findings showed that students described social support and academic support from peers and faculty as contributing to their adjustment. The most compelling factor in student adjustment was faculty behavior and attitudes. Implications for adult learning and humanistic education practices are described.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

人为因素对消化内镜清洗消毒效果影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的通过对消化内镜清洗消毒效果的监测和比较,探讨人为因素在消化内镜清洗消毒效果中的影响。方法将洗消人员分为3组:未经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组,经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组;混合组(既有未经过系统培训及考核的也有经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组),采用现场采样监测法对其3组洗消人员实验性清洗消毒后的消化内镜共计208份标本进行生物学监测。结果208份标本共检出阳性标本23份,阳性率为11.1%;其中未经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组标本60份,检出阳性标本13份,阳性率为21.7%;经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组标本60份,检出阳性标本0份,阳性率为0;混合组标本88份,检出阳性标本10份,阳性率为11.4%;对未经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组和经过系统培训及考核的洗消人员组的试验进行比较,细菌阳性检出率差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论人为因素直接影响消化内镜清洗消毒效果。  相似文献   

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