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318例良性阵发性位置性眩晕的诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究不同类型良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的诊断、治疗及疗效。方法:回顾性分析318例BPPV患者的资料,根据变位试验诱发的眼震特点进行分型,并采用相应的耳石复位技术治疗,对治疗1次无效者间隔7d重复治疗,重复3次无效者采用Brandt-Daroff习服练习;完成治疗后随访观察总有效率。结果:①后半规管BPPV患者221例(69.5%),采用Epley管石复位法;②水平半规管BPPV患者62例(19.5%),采用Bar-becue翻滚加强迫侧卧体位疗法;③前半规管BPPV患者23例(7.2%),采用Epley管石复位法;④混合型BPPV患者12例(3.8%),采用Epley加Barbecue翻滚联合治疗。1周后随访总有效率为82.1%(261/318),3个月后随访总有效率为91.8%(292/318)。结论:结合病史,根据不同变位试验诱发的眼震特征对BPPV患者进行诊断并采用相应手法复位治疗是一种非常有效的方法,能有效缩短病程,减轻患者痛苦,可在临床广泛应用。  相似文献   

目的探讨水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(HSC-BPPV)患者管结石复位过程中耳石移位误入其他半规管的发生率、识别方法和治疗策略。方法对98例HSC-BPPV患者应用红外线视频眼动记录仪分析其变位试验诱发的眼震特点,进行分型、定侧,并采用相应的耳石复位法治疗,分析复位过程中出现耳石移位误入其他半规管的情况。结果 63例水平向地性眼震(水平半规管BPPV)患者复位过程中转变为后半规管BPPV患者5例;35例水平背地性眼震患者(水平半规管嵴帽结石)在Gufoni法复位后变为管结石4例;总发生率为9.18%(9/98)。结论 HSC-BPPV患者在复位过程中可能发生耳石移位至其他半规管,可通过仔细观察并正确识别眼震方向发现;水平半规管嵴帽结石在转化为管结石后可以进行管结石复位治疗。  相似文献   

水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕的眼震特点和治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(HSC-BPPV)的眼震特点和治疗方法.方法:对43例HSC-BPPV患者应用红外线视频眼动记录仪分析其变位试验诱发的眼震特点,进行分型、定侧,并采用相应的耳石复位法治疗.结果:43例患者中:①水平向地性眼震患者27例,其中19例接受Barbecue翻滚疗法,或结合强迫侧卧体位疗法,8例不适于翻滚或体位维持困难者接受AspreUa法治疗;②水平背地性眼震16例,其中自行或采用Gufoni疗法后转变为水平向地性眼震12例,方向不能转换4例,采用Barbecue翻滚和(或)强迫侧卧体位疗法.1周后随访总有效率为72.1%,3个月后总有效率为81.4%.结论:HSC-BPPV的诊断和治疗应根据不同变位试验诱发的眼震特征判别耳石位于半规管的不同部位及不同发病机制类型,并选择合适的耳石复位技术治疗.  相似文献   

目的:验证一种新的用于治疗水平背地性眼震良性阵发性位置性眩晕(apogeotropicHSC—BPPV)的手法复位方法。方法:该研究采取改良的SupineRollTest(M-RollTest)方法共诊断出l78例水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(HSC-BPPV)患者,其中37例apogeotropicHSC—BPPV纳入该研究样本,占发病数的20.79%。采用管石重置手法先将37例apogeotropicHSC—BPPV患者水平背地性眼震转变为水平向地性眼震;此后,施行传统barbecue法进行手法复位。管石重置手法如下:①患者取仰卧头垫高30°体位静卧;②10min后头快速向患侧转90°;③2min后头向中线回旋45°;④保持体位2min后患者恢复仰卧头高30°体位;静卧10min后,采用M—RollTest检查验证患者是否出现双侧水平向地性眼震。如管石重置失败,重复以上手法多次,直至出现双侧水平向地性眼震为止。结果:36例双侧水平背地性眼震经水平背地性眼震管石重置手法全部转变为双侧不同强度的水平向地性眼震,其中,18例经1次,11例经2次,4例经3次,3例经4~6次。1例经1次管石重置手法后自觉症状减轻,再次行M—RollTest检查证明水平眼震消失,但Dix-hallpike手法复位检查出现同侧上跳性扭转性眼震,确诊为同侧后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(PSC-BPPV)。该组管石重置成功率为为97.3%。36例HSC—BPPV患者经barbecue法手法复位全部一次性获得成功,1例PSC—BPPV患者经Eptey管石复位法一次性获得成功。结论:该研究设计的水平背地性管石重置手法是治疗apogeotropicHSC—BPPV的必要手段,简便易学、成功率高,患者舒适度好,相对依从性高。  相似文献   

上半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕的诊断及治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨上半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的诊断和治疗。方法回顾性分析了上半规管BPPV患者31例,并对所有患者采用管石复位法治疗后的效果进行评估。结果在Dix-Hallpike检查中,所有患者均诱发出垂直向下的眼震。22例(70.97%)患者一侧诱发出眼震,其中17例眼震伴有扭转成分,5例眼震不伴扭转成分。其余9例(29.03%)患者双侧诱发出现眼震,眼震伴有扭转成分的7例,其中2例眼震扭转方向指向同一侧,4例眼震的扭转方向不固定,1例患者仅一侧出现扭转成分。另外2例患者眼震不伴扭转成分。受累侧别明确诊断的19例(61.29%),其中11例为左侧上半规管受累,8例为右侧上半规管受累。受累侧别未明确诊断的12例(38.71%)。所有患者中,11例(35.48%)患者同时合并后半规管受累。对所有患者采取管石复位法治疗,21例(67.74%)痊愈,29例(93.55%)有效、2例(6.45%)无效。其中首次治愈14例(45.16%),平均治愈次数为1.71次。随访期间5例复发。结论上半规管BPPV临床中少见。在变位检查中,眼震的扭转成分较弱,临床中不易观察。在部分单侧上半规管BPPV患者中,双侧检查均能诱发眼震。管石复位法是治疗上半规管BPPV简单有效的手段。  相似文献   

目的 探讨管石复位法治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的效果与方法.方法 回顾分析了2006年4月至2010年3月间我院治疗的BPPV患者96例,其中男性34例,女性62例,年龄43~70岁(平均55.5岁),后半规管BPPV 78例,水平半规管BPPV 16例,同时合并同侧后、水平半规管BPPV 2例,分别采用Epley管石复位法、Barbecue翻滚疗法及Brandt-Daroff习服疗法治疗.结果 后半规管BPPV 78例,经用Epley管石复位法治疗1~3次眩晕消失;水平半规管BPPV 16例,14例采用Barbecue翻滚疗法治疗1~2次眩晕消失,2例复位4次仍有眩晕,考虑嵴顶结石症,改用Brandt-Daroff习服疗法治疗半月眩晕消失;2例同时合并同侧后、水平半规管BPPV患者各复位2次眩晕消失.结论 管石复位法治疗BPPV安全有效,可疑嵴顶结石症患者,改用Brandt-Daroff习服疗法治疗效果良好.  相似文献   

目的探讨良性阵发性位置性眩晕的临床特征。方法回顾160例确诊BPPV患者,分析其临床资料。结果BPPV发病年龄为7-82岁,好发年龄段均为50—70岁,男女比例为0.68:1。发生于后半规管的BPPV为113例(70.6%),水平半规管为21例(13.1%),有26例(16.3%)为同时发生于后半规管和外侧半规管。47例水平半规管BPPV中,33例(70.2%)为半规管耳石,14例(29.8%)为壶腹嵴顶耳石。确诊患者中,有98例(61.3%)为首次发作,有49例(30.6%)为复发,或者有明确的类似发作病史。13例(8.1%)曾有眩晕发作,但具体发病特征不明确。对P—BPPV以Epley复位,1周后复查有效率为81.4%(92/113)。半规管型H—BPPV以Lempert法复位,有效率为72.7%(24/33)。壶腹嵴顶型H—BPPV采用强迫体位(健侧卧位)治疗,1周后复查有38.5%(5/13)转为半规管型,以Lempert法复位奏效。随访1月有12例复发(9例P—BPPV和3例H—BPPV)。结论BPPv在各年龄段均有发作,通过患者的发病特征和详细的神经耳科学检查可以做出诊断。根据不同类型进行复位治疗可以取得较好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的临床特点.方法 回顾性分析2003年8月至2010年12月诊治的239例水平半规管BPPV患者的临床表现.结果 水平半规管BPPV占同期全部BPPV患者的25.7%(239/931).平卧侧头试验见水平向地性眼震者197例,眼震的平均潜伏期为(0.88±0.72)s,持续时间(26.36±19.71)s;水平离地性眼震者42例,平均潜伏期(2.69±1.83)s,持续时间(53.48±43.12)s;其中39例眼震表现为水平略带扭转向上而非纯水平,占16.3%(39/239).离地组眼震潜伏期明显长于向地组(t=-6.33,P<0.001),眼震持续时间亦明显长于向地组(t=-3.99,P<0.001).水平向地性眼震者予以Barbecue翻滚法治疗,192例经(1.6±0.8)个循环复位成功;水平离地性眼震者经左右侧头训练后,40例眼震转化为向地性,经(1.9±0.8)个循环后复位成功.结论 水平半规管BPPV占同期BPPV的比例较预期高.水平向地性眼震患者可直接给予Barbecue翻滚法治疗,水平离地性眼震患者应先行左右侧头训练,再给予Barbecue翻滚法复位.  相似文献   

目的 评价体位治疗在良性阵发性位置性眩晕(BPPV)的应用价值。方法 回顾性分析36例原发性或继发性BPPV的临床资料,后半规管BPPV采用改良Epley手法或Semont手法复位,水平半规管采用Barbecue翻滚疗法复位治疗,评价其治疗效果。结果 33例后半规管BPPV患者应用改良Epley手法或Semont手法复位,有效率为93.9%。3例水平半规管BPPV患者采取Barbecue翻滚法复位后症状均明显改善。结论 手法复位治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕方法简单,疗效可靠,治愈率高。  相似文献   

目的 探讨水平半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的临床特点.方法 回顾性分析56例水平半规管BPPV患者的临床表现及眼震电图特征,通过体位试验确诊BPPV后,水平向地性眼震者以Barbecue翻滚法复位治疗,水平背地性眼震者经左右侧头训练后再同法复位,并限制体位.结果 56例患者中,平卧侧头试验见水平向地性眼震者41例,潜伏期为2.5±1.3s,其中5例患者无明显潜伏期,眼震持续时间22.9±16.4s,2例持续时间≥60 s;诱发出水平背地性眼震者15例,潜伏期为3.7±3.1s,眼震持续时间67.2±17.7s,其中2例持续时间≤60 s.41例水平向地性眼震者中39例1次复位成功,首次复位治疗成功率为95.12%(39/41),其中2例眼震持续时间>60 s的患者均一次复位成功;有2例复位不成功.15例水平背地性眼震患者中,2例在首次左右侧头训练时即见眼震转化为水平向地,3例在2~4次随访时转化为水平向地;眼震转化后再行平卧侧头试验表现为,转向起初眼震为水平背地较弱侧时,其水平向地性眼震更明显,且眼震速度明显增快、潜伏期明显缩短.结论 在水平半规管BPPV患者的复位治疗过程中,翻滚复位法结合左右侧头训练及体位限制有助于复位成功.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To present treatment effectiveness of 923 consecutive cases of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) using canalith repositioning, liberatory, and log roll maneuvers combined with redistribution exercises. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case review. METHODS: Patients presented with either posterior semicircular canal (P-SCC) BPPV or horizontal semicircular canal (H-SCC) BPPV. Diagnosis was based on patient history of transient paroxysmal vertigo and a positive Dix-Hallpike response with either torsional or horizontal nystagmus. Patients with P-SCC BPPV numbered 840, and 83 patients had H-SCC BPPV. In the original study, there were 1,000 patients; however, 77 patients were dropped from the study because of lack of follow-through. Intervention was canalith repositioning, liberatory maneuvers, log roll maneuvers, and redistribution exercises. Patients numbering 607 were treated with canalith repositioning, 233 patients had liberatory maneuvers, and 83 received log roll maneuvers. All patients received redistribution exercises before treatment maneuvers. After intervention, patients were reassessed at 6 months. RESULTS: There were 601 women and 322 men from ages 12 to 94 (median 55) years. The average duration of symptoms before intervention was 30 months. Outcome measures were considered met when symptoms of BPPV had abated and patients demonstrated a negative Dix-Hallpike response. In the repositioning group, 94% of patients were symptom free or improved, 98% in the liberatory maneuver group and 100% in the log roll group. The average number of sessions was three for all groups. Recurrence of symptoms was demonstrated in 140 (16%) patients at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of BPPV can be effective using either repositioning, liberatory, or log roll maneuvers in combination with redistribution exercises.  相似文献   

颗粒复位法治疗后半规管良性阵发位置性眩晕   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
目的 评价颗粒复位法治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕的效果。方法 对1996年7月-1998年6月间治疗的31一半规管性良性性位置性眩晕患者进行回顾分析。地规管耳右症假说,患者接受1次颗粒复位法治疗。治疗结束2周后复查并评价疗效。结果 21例患者的眩晕和眼一立刻或在1-2周内逐渐消失。6例改善,4例无效。总有效率87.1%。结论 颗粒复位法对大多数良性阵发性位置性眩晕患者有效,推荐作为治疗该的首选方法。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo observe the type of nystagmus in each position of posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) after treatment with the Epley maneuver and analyze the relationship between the type of nystagmus in the second and third positions of the Epley maneuver and the effect of treatment. Then, the role of orthotropic nystagmus in predicting the success of posterior semicircular canal BPPV treatment was explored.MethodsTwo hundred seventy-six patients diagnosed with posterior semicircular canal BPPV who were admitted from September 2018 to October 2019 to Zhejiang Hospital were included. All patients were treated with BPPV diagnosis and treatment system (Epley maneuver). During the treatment, we observed and recorded the type of nystagmus in the second and third positions, including the direction and duration of nystagmus. One hour after the first treatment, all patients were evaluated by both the Dix-Hallpike and Roll tests to determine whether the treatment was successful. The difference in the success rate of treatment between different types of nystagmus was compared, and the differences in sensitivity and specificity of orthotropic nystagmus in the second and third positions in predicting the effect of treatment were compared.ResultsAmong the 234 patients who had successful repositioning for the first time, the proportion of orthotropic nystagmus during the third position of the Epley maneuver was 88.9%, which was significantly higher than 23% in the unsuccessful group (42 cases) (P < 0.05) The proportion of patients with reversed nystagmus (4.7% vs 33.3%, P < 0.05) and no nystagmus (6.4% vs 42.9%, P < 0.05) was lower in the successful group than in the unsuccessful group. The proportion of orthotropic nystagmus during the second position of the Epley maneuver was 50.9%, which was also higher than the 19% in the unsuccessful group (P < 0.05). The proportion of reversed nystagmus (13.7% vs 31%, P < 0.05) was lower in the successful group than in the unsuccessful group. Additionally, the proportion of no nystagmus (35.5% vs 50%, P = 0.074) was lower in the successful group than in the unsuccessful group, but the difference was not statistically significant. The sensitivity of orthotropic nystagmus in the third position (88.9%) of the Epley maneuver in predicting the efficacy of treatment was higher than that of orthotropic nystagmus in the second position (50.9%), but there was no significant difference in specificity between the two.ConclusionOrthotropic nystagmus during the Epley maneuver, especially in the third position, has certain value in predicting the efficacy of posterior semicircular canal BPPV repositioning, which is better than its predictive effect in the second position, whereas reversed nystagmus or no nystagmus in the third position is suggestive of unsuccessful repositioning. Therefore, clinicians can carry out individualized treatments based on nystagmus types during repositioning to improve the effect of treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of postural restriction after canalith repositioning in treating benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). DESIGN: Prospective trial of patients with postural restriction vs those without postural restriction after treatment. PATIENTS: Patients with classic BPPV and with BPPV without nystagmus were treated using the modified Epley canalith repositioning procedure. Patients were randomly separated into 2 groups. The first group was instructed to wear a cervical collar and to maintain an upright head position for 2 days. The second group had no motion restriction. After 5 days, the patients were followed up and evaluated using the Dix-Hallpike test. RESULTS: In the first group, 56 of 62 ears healed after the first maneuver, and the remaining ears healed after the second. In the second group, 45 of 57 ears healed after the first maneuver, 6 after the second, and 5 (with subsequent postural restriction) after the third (1 ear did not improve). Five patients in the first group and 3 patients in the second group had BPPV without nystagmus; all of these patients healed after a single maneuver. The difference between the 2 groups in the number of maneuvers required for treatment was statistically significant (P<.05). The number of patients who required a third maneuver was significantly higher in the second group (P<.05). CONCLUSIONS: Postural restriction enhances the therapeutic effect of canalith repositioning in the treatment of posterior semicircular canal BPPV. The long-term efficacy of postural restriction in preventing BPPV recurrence has not been demonstrated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the frequency and characteristics of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) arising from involvement of the anterior semicircular canal (AC) as compared with the posterior canal (PC) and horizontal canal (HC). STUDY DESIGN: Prospective review of patients with BPPV. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: A total of 260 patients who were evaluated for vertigo were identified as experiencing BPPV. INTERVENTIONS: Standard vestibular assessment including the use of electrooculography (EOG) or video-oculography (VOG) was completed on all patients. Based on EOG/VOG findings, the BPPV origin was attributed to AC, PC, or HC involvement secondary to canalithiasis versus cupulolithiasis. Treatment was performed with canalith repositioning maneuvers (CRMs) appropriate for type of canal involvement. RESULTS: For the 260 patients, the positionally induced nystagmus patterns suggested the canal of origin to be AC in 21.2%, PC in 66.9%, and HC in 11.9%. Cupulolithiasis was observed in 27.3% of the AC, 6.3% of the PC, and 41.9% of the HC patients. Head trauma was confirmed in the history preceding the onset of vertigo in 36.4% of the AC, versus 9.2% of the PC and 9.7% of the HC patients (p < 0.001). The number of CRMs completed to treat the BPPV did not differ between canals involved (1.32 for AC, 1.49 for PC, and 1.34 for HC). CONCLUSION: The direction of subtle vertical-beating nystagmus underlying the torsional component is critical in differentiating AC versus PC origin; EOG/VOG aids in accurate assessment of the vertical component for the diagnosis of canal involvement. AC involvement may be more prevalent than previously appreciated, particularly if the examiner does not appreciate the vertical component of the nystagmus or the diagnosis is made without the assistance of EOG/VOG. Head trauma history is significantly more frequent in AC versus other forms of BPPV, and patients with a history of head trauma should be examined closely for AC involvement. CRM is as successful for treatment of AC BPPV as for other types of BPPV.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, BPPV; a torsional-vertical down beating positioning nystagmus can be elicited in the supine straight head-hanging position test or in the Dix-Hallpike test to either side. This type of nystagmus can be explained by either an anterior canal BPPV or by an apogeotropic variant of the contralateral posterior canal BPPV Until now all the therapeutic maneuvers that have been proposed address only one possibility, and without first performing a clear differential diagnosis between them.ObjectiveTo propose a new maneuver for torsional-vertical down beating positioning nystagmus with a clear lateralization that takes into account both possible diagnoses (anterior canal-BPPV and posterior canal-BPPV).MethodsA prospective cohort study was conducted on 157 consecutive patients with BPPV. The new maneuver was performed only in those with torsional-vertical down beating positioning nystagmus with clear lateralization.ResultsTwenty patients (12.7%) were diagnosed with a torsional-vertical down beating positioning nystagmus. The maneuver was performed in 10 (6.35%) patients, in whom the affected side was clearly determined. Seven (4.45%) patients were diagnosed with an anterior canal-BPPV and successfully treated. Two (1.25%) patients were diagnosed with a posterior canal-BPPV and successfully treated with an Epley maneuver after its conversion into a geotropic posterior BPPV.ConclusionThis new maneuver was found to be effective in resolving all the cases of torsional-vertical down beating positioning nystagmus-BPPV caused by an anterior canal-BPPV, and in shifting in a controlled way the posterior canal-BPPV cases of the contralateral side into a geotropic-posterior-BPPV successfully treated during the followup visit. Moreover, this new maneuver helped in the differential diagnosis between anterior canal-BPPV and a contralateral posterior canal-BPPV.  相似文献   

BPPV when diagnosed before any repositioning procedure is called primary BPPV. Primary BPPV canalithiasis treatment with repositioning procedures sometimes results in unintentional conversion of BPPV form: transitional BPPV. Objectives were to find transitional BPPV forms, how they influence relative rate of canal involvement and how to be treated. This study is a retrospective case review performed at an ambulatory, tertiary referral center. Participants were 189 consecutive BPPV patients. Main outcome measures were detection of transitional BPPV, outcome of repositioning procedures for transitional canalithiasis BPPV and spontaneous recovery for transitional cupulolithiasis BPPV. Canal distribution of primary BPPV was: posterior canal (Pc): 85.7 % (162/189), horizontal canal (Hc): 11.6 % (22/189), anterior canal (Ac): 2.6 % (5/189); taken together with transitional BPPV it was: Pc: 71.3 % (164/230), Hc: 26.5 % (61/230), Ac: 2.2 % (5/230). Transitional BPPV forms were: Hc canalithiasis 58 % (24/41), Hc cupulolithiasis 37 % (15/41) and common crux reentry 5 % (2/41). Treated with barbecue maneuver transitional Hc canalithiasis cases either resolved in 58 % (14/24) or transitioned further to transitional Hc cupulolithiasis in 42 % (10/24). In follow-up of transitional Hc cupulolithiasis we confirmed spontaneous recovery in 14/15 cases in less than 2 days. The most frequent transitional BPPV form was Hc canalithiasis so it raises importance of barbecue maneuver treatment. Second most frequent was transitional Hc cupulolithiasis which very quickly spontaneously recovers and does not require any intervention. The rarest found transitional BPPV form was common crux reentry which is treated by Canalith repositioning procedure. Transitional BPPV taken together with primary BPPV may decrease relative rate of Pc BPPV, considerably increase relative rate of Hc BPPV and negligibly influence relative rate of Ac BPPV. Transitional BPPV forms can be produced by repositioning maneuvers (transitional Hc cupulolithiasis) or by the subsequent controlling positional test (transitional Hc canalithiasis and common crux reentry); underlying mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

A 54-year-old woman complained of positional vertigo. During 3 months' observation, the patient showed mostly geotropic or apogeotropic nystagmus due to right canalolithiasis or cupulolithiasis, however, she sometimes showed nystagmus which suggested left horizontal canalolithiasis. We suspected that she suffered from bilateral horizontal canal type benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and performed Lempert's maneuver for both directions, however, they were ineffective. She underwent canal plugging for right horizontal canal. After surgery she showed no positional nystagmus of right horizontal canal origin. However, apogeotropic nystagmus of the left horizontal canal origin was still observed. This nystagmus changed to geotropic nystagmus and finally disappeared following Lempert's maneuver for the left side. Bilateral horizontal canal BPPV is difficult to be resolved, probably because physical treatment for one side would move debris to the cupula in the other canal. Canal plugging combined with Lempert's maneuver to the other side is one treatment option for intractable bilateral horizontal canal BPPV.  相似文献   

The authors report a 64-year-old man who developed persistent direction fixed nystagmus after a canalith repositioning maneuver for horizontal canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (HC-BPPV). The patient was initially diagnosed with right HC-BPPV given that the Dix-Hallpike test showed geotropic horizontal nystagmus that was more pronounced on the right side, although the roll test did not show any positional nystagmus. The patient was treated with a canalith repositioning maneuver (Lempert maneuver). The next day, the patient experienced a different character of dizziness, and left-beating spontaneous nystagmus regardless of head position was observed. After a forced prolonged left decubitus and frequent head shaking, his symptoms and nystagmus resolved. This condition, referred to as canalith jam, can be a complication after the repositioning maneuver in patients with BPPV. Atypical positional tests suggest that abnormal canal anatomy could be the underlying cause of canalith jam.  相似文献   

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