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2003年墨西哥启动卫生改革,建立了覆盖非正式就业人群的大众健康保险,实现全民健康覆盖。为了保证不同健康保障制度的一致性,墨西哥政府为非正式就业人员提供补助,保证他们与正式就业人员健康保障筹资水平相同,进而享有同样的卫生服务。尽管改革取得了很大成效,但依然存在一些问题:卫生系统碎片化、缺少激励提供者改进服务的机制、不同健康保障制度间及不同州之间依然存在不公平、患者自付费用仍然很高、州政府资金未能及时到位。墨西哥卫生改革经验对我国有一定的借鉴意义:医疗保险制度与卫生服务体系改革应同步推进,尽快实现不同医疗保险制度之间的一致性,加强不同部门之间的协调,明确各级政府的筹资责任。  相似文献   

全民健康覆盖的内涵界定与测量框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“全民健康覆盖”的概念提出以来,学术界对这一概念存在着不同的理解和诠释。本研究从“人人享有卫生保健”角度,结合中国实践,探讨“全民健康覆盖”的内涵,认为这一概念应包括风险保护、服务提供、服务获得、服务结果四方面核心要素,可以从经济可负担性、服务可提供性、服务可获得性、体系有效性四个维度进行测量。下一步的研究重点应是建立起具有可操作性的指标体系和数学模型,并在实践中予以检验和不断完善。  相似文献   

本文介绍了泰国全民健康覆盖的经验及其对中国的启示。泰国于2001年通过"30泰铢计划"实现了全民健康覆盖。泰国全民健康覆盖显著的特点表现在三个方面,分别是区域医疗联合体为基础的服务提供体系,强调基层医疗卫生服务的核心作用,以及通过按人头支付等措施合理配置卫生资源。有研究证据表明泰国实施全民健康覆盖后,卫生系统绩效得到显著改善。我国在实现全民健康覆盖的过程中,可借鉴泰国经验,加强政府的政治承诺,强化基层卫生服务体系建设,开展协调的综合改革。  相似文献   

本文以墨西哥、泰国、中国为例进行卫生筹资机制的比较研究,考量不同卫生筹资机制对实现全民健康覆盖的影响。结果表明,多数中低收入国家致力于建立更加公平有效的筹资体系,加快医疗保障制度改革,依托多种医疗保障制度,推进全民健康覆盖。每个国家应根据自身经济情况开展全民健康覆盖;增加卫生筹资和提高资源使用效率是实现全民健康覆盖最重要的条件;对于由多种保障制度覆盖的国家中,应考虑全民健康覆盖的范围、保障内容、补偿水平以及所有制度基金的统筹水平。  相似文献   

目的:研究我国基本医疗制度全民覆盖在我国推进"全民健康覆盖"进程中的作用,同时剖析"全民健康覆盖"与"全民医保"之间的关系。方法:对比2003~2011年我国3次国家卫生服务调查中医疗保险覆盖率、住院补偿比、灾难性卫生支出等健康服务利用指标等相关数据。结果:我国实现了基本医疗保险全覆盖;医疗保险覆盖率和补偿比的双重提高促进居民更多地利用卫生服务;居民疾病经济负担并未明显减轻。结论:我国全民医保推动了全民健康覆盖的进程,但当前服务利用不公平性是全民健康服务推进的主要制约。  相似文献   

"全民健康覆盖"是许多国家卫生体系发展和卫生政策所追寻的目标。目标的实现离不开具体政策和措施的推行,而在卫生政策的制定和评价中,科学研究的作用越来越受到重视。本文总结和分析了科学研究如何支持全民健康覆盖策略的制定和完善,以及研究如何评价全民健康策略对提高服务可及性、降低经济风险和健康促进的影响。在总结科学研究对全民健康覆盖的推动作用和存在问题的基础上,提出要更有效地推动我国"全民健康覆盖"的实现,研究机构和人员需要继续完善研究内容、提高研究质量、重视对现有高质量研究的利用、并推动研究结果向政策的转化。  相似文献   

概念、政策与策略:我国如何实现全民健康覆盖的目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界卫生组织早在2005年就明确提出全民健康覆盖的基本概念和政策,并将其作为2015年之后全球发展议程的重要目标和内容。本文提出我国实现这一目标的时间表、路线图和实施策略。  相似文献   

分级诊疗有助于提供低成本、高效率和以人为本的服务,促进全民健康覆盖目标的实现."全民健康覆盖"包含卫生服务利用公平、卫生保健质量和经济风险保护三层含义.通过合理配置医疗资源、发挥医保战略性购买功能、提高初级卫生保健能力,促进分级诊疗,从而确保全民健康覆盖目标的实现.  相似文献   

目的了解我国全科医生的数量分布情况,并对未来需求数量进行预测。方法选取《中国卫生和计划生育统计年鉴(2014—2018)》和《中国统计年鉴2018》的数据作为资料来源,通过对2013—2017年我国各地全科医生数量和全科诊疗相关数据进行分析整理,探讨当前我国全科医疗资源配置情况和全科服务情况,同时,对2030年我国全科医生的需求数量进行预测。结果2013—2017年,我国全科医生数量、每万常住人口全科医生数量稳定增长,预计到2030年,我国74.20%的省份每万常住人口全科医生数量将达到政策要求。结论我国全科医生按地理和人口配置差异显著,全科医生服务效率有待加强,不同省份之间全科医生分布不平衡,应结合人口、地理和经济因素对全科医生资源配置进行合理规划。  相似文献   

目的:探究健康中国行动从酝酿布局阶段到全面实施阶段的政策演进,为加快推动健康中国建设提供理论依据。方法:收集2016—2022年国家层面健康中国行动相关政策文件946件,进行政策文本分析。结果:健康中国行动酝酿布局阶段以全方位干预健康影响因素为主,维护全生命周期健康和防控重大疾病为辅,重点关注健康环境、全民健身和健康知识普及行动;全面实施阶段三大健康领域均衡发展,重点关注传染病及地方病防控、老年健康、健康知识普及行动、中小学生健康和妇幼健康促进行动。结论:健康中国行动紧贴时代特征和现实国情,全面实施以来政策建设取得较好进展,不同健康领域和专项重点行动的政策主题存在阶段性变化,框架结构逐渐优化并趋于均衡,但整体层面按时完成率和部分行动总体完成率有待提高,还需重点加强心理健康和慢性病防治行动建设。  相似文献   

目的定量分析中国全民统一健康保障(简称全民统一健保)发展程度。方法构建加法模型,收集相关指标数据,定量分析中国自2003—2011年期间全民统一健保的发展程度。结果计量分析表明,在用0~5的取值范围表示全民统一健保发展程度的情况下,中国全民统一健保的得分在2003年为2.79,2008年为2.32,2011年为2.60,在全民统一健保的进程中行至一半。结论中国全民统一健保程度已处于发展中期。  相似文献   

我国全民医疗保障制度建立的依据与目标   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在研究分析社会保障制度和医疗保障的发展与变迁及其特征的基础上,提出我国全民医疗保障制度不同的发展阶段目标,第一阶段为保障基本卫生保健的公平可及性;第二阶段为逐步向筹资公平性目标迈进;第三阶段为促进健康公平性目标的实现。对全民医疗保障制度的内涵与外延、全民医疗保障制度设计基本依据与原则进行了阐述。  相似文献   

BackgroundPublic health service is an important component and pathway to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), a major direction goal of many countries. China’s National Basic Public Health Service Program (the Program) is highly consistent with this direction.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to analyze the key experience and challenges of the Program so as to present China’s approach to UHC, help other countries understand and learn from China’s experience, and promote UHC across the world.MethodsA literature review was performed across five main electronic databases and other sources. Some data were obtained from the Department of Primary Health, National Health Commission, China. Data obtained included the financing share of the national/provincial/prefectural government among the total investment of the program in 32 provinces in 2016, their respective per capita funding levels, and some indicators related to program implementation from 2009 to 2016. The Joinpoint regression model was adopted to test the time trend of changes in program implementation indicators. Face-to-face individual interviews and group discussions were conducted with 48 key insiders.ResultsThe program provided full life cycle service to the whole population with an equitable and affordable financing system, enhanced the capability and quality of the health workforce, and facilitated integration of the public health service delivery system. Meanwhile, there were also some shortcomings, including lack of selection and an exit mechanism of service items, inadequate system integration, shortage of qualified professionals, limited role played by actors outside the health sector, and a large gap between the subsidy standard and the actual service cost. The Joinpoint regression analysis demonstrated that 13 indicators related to program implementation showed a significant upward trend (P<.05) from 2009 to 2016, with average annual percent change values above 10% for 6 indicators and below 6% for 7 indicators. Three indicators (coverage of health records, electronic health records, and health management among the elderly) rose rapidly with annual percent change values above 30% between 2009 and 2011, but rose slowly or remained stable between 2011 and 2016. In 2016, the subsidy standard per capita in the eastern, central, and western regions was equivalent to US $7.43, $7.15, and $6.57, respectively, of which the national-level subsidy accounted for 25.50%, 60.57%, and 79.52%, respectively.ConclusionsThe Program has made a significant contribution to China’s efforts in achieving UHC. The Program focuses on a key population and provides full life cycle services for the whole population. The financing system completely supported by the government makes the services more equitable and affordable. However, there are a few challenges to implementing the Program in China, especially to increase the public investment, optimize service items, enhance quality of the services, and evaluate the health outcomes.  相似文献   

医疗保障的制度创新与全民医保相关措施探讨(上)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全民覆盖是世界各国医疗保障改革的重要目标。经过长期探索,一些先进国家已经形成了典型的医疗保障模式,从筹资的角度看可以归为税收筹资模式、社会健康保险筹资模式和商业健康保险筹资模式。后起国家的医疗改革并不同于固定的模式,而是根据本国的社会经济情况,在先进国家经验的基础上进行创新,体现在横向上通过不同模式向无保障的人群拓展;纵向上划分保障层次,安排不同的筹资渠道。文章主要研究了泰国、新加坡和墨西哥等国家在医疗保障制度创新上的经验。在此基础上,结合我国的现实情况,讨论了城镇居民基本医疗保险的制度设计,以及实现医疗保障全民覆盖的实施路径。  相似文献   



It is an unresolved issue as to whether cost-benefit analysis (CBA) or cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) is the preferable analytical toolkit for use in health technology assessment (HTA). The distinction between the two and an expressed preference for CEA go back at least to 1980 in the USA and, most recently, a Harvard-based group has been reappraising the case for CBA.


This article seeks to answer the question: would the use of cost-benefit analysis rather than the more usual cost-effectiveness analysis be an improvement, specifically in appraising health and health-related investments in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) as they transition to Universal Health Coverage?.


A selective literature review charts the welfare economics (welfarism and extra-welfarism) roots of both approaches. The principal distinguishing feature of the two is the monetary valuation of health outcomes under CBA compared with the use of health constructs such as the Quality-Adjusted Life-Year (QALY) or Disability-Adjusted Life-Year (DALY) under CEA. The former enables direct comparison of the outcomes of health investments with the monetized outcomes of other investments, while the CEA approach facilitates direct comparisons with other health investments. Seven challenges in using CBA in developing countries arise, including ethical issues in outcome valuation, practical challenges in the acquisition of data, intrinsic bias in data on values, and some of the practical issues of implementation for either CBA or CEA.


We conclude with a list of nine issues that both CBA and CEA need to settle if they are to be useful in LMICs. For the immediate future we judge CBA to be the less practicable.  相似文献   

实施全民基本医疗保险参保计划是我国十四五期间的重要工作内容.为深入分析我国基本医疗保险的参保现状和存在问题,文章基于各省的常住人口、流动人口的增长速率,以及宏观基本医疗保险参保率、微观流动人口参保率等指标,测算得到全国各省基本医保的断保、漏保实际情况,并相应调整全国各省的实际参保率.测算结果显示,调整后全国总体的参保率水平为92.9%,低于宏观统计数据值,说明我国还存在相当一部分人群,未被纳入基本医疗保险保障范围,这部分人群主要包括流动人口、灵活就业人员等,因此基本医疗保险全民参保计划不仅要将官方统计的剩余漏保人群纳入,还要将未被统计到的漏保人群覆盖.  相似文献   

Increasing Health Insurance Coverage in the First Year of Life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objectives: To determine the proportion of infants who are uninsured and the sociodemographic characteristics of their mothers, including prenatal and post-partum insurance coverage, in order to identify strategies to increase infant health coverage. Methods: Data from the 2001 California Maternal and Infant Health Assessment (MIHA) were analyzed. MIHA is a cross-sectional survey of a statewide representative sample of 3,475 postpartum women. We calculated the proportion of uninsured infants overall and by several maternal characteristics. Adjusted and unadjusted odds ratios for infant uninsurance are reported. Results: In the overall study sample, 8.7% of infants were uninsured. Low-income infants were significantly more likely to be uninsured than infants in households with incomes above 200% of the federal poverty level (13.7% vs. 2.5%). The mother's prenatal and post-partum health coverage, her age, and family income were associated with an increased risk of infant uninsurance after adjustment for other maternal characteristics. A large majority of the uninsured infants (88.1%) were living in low-income families. The mothers of 60% of the uninsured infants were enrolled in Medicaid during the pregnancy. Conclusions: Approximately 14% of California's low-income infants were uninsured at the time of the survey despite being income-eligible for Medicaid. The proportion of uninsured infants could potentially be reduced by more than one-half through strategies to provide 12 month continuous enrollment of infants with federally mandated Medicaid eligibility for the first year of life.  相似文献   

我国从制度上实现了"全民医保"目标,将给公立医院带来机遇的同时也面临严峻的挑战,政治敏感性、法制意识增强,医疗市场竞争更加激烈,市场份额受到限制,服务管理难度加大。医院管理者应适时调整经营策略,加强关系营销,转变服务理念,注重服务创新,规范医疗和收费行为,使医院在激烈的医疗市场竞争中生存和发展。  相似文献   

Context: Past studies show that rural populations are less likely than urban populations to have health insurance coverage, which may severely limit their access to needed health services. Purpose: To examine rural-urban differences in various aspects of health insurance coverage among working-age adults in Kentucky. Methods: Data are from a household survey conducted in Kentucky in 2005. The respondents include 2,036 individuals ages 18-64. Bivariate analyses were used to compare the rural-urban differences in health insurance coverage by individual characteristics. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine the independent impact of rural-urban residence on the various aspects of health insurance coverage, while controlling for the individuals’ health status and sociodemographic characteristics. Findings: The overall rate of working-age adults with health insurance did not differ significantly between the rural and urban areas of Kentucky. However, there were significant rural-urban differences in insurance for specific types of health care and in patterns of insurance coverage. Rural adults were less likely than urban adults to have coverage for vision care, dental care, mental health care, and drug abuse treatment. Rural adults were also less likely to obtain insurance through employment, and their current insurance coverage was, on average, of shorter duration than that of urban adults. Conclusions: In Kentucky, the overall health insurance rate of working-age adults is influenced more by employment status and income than by whether these individuals reside in rural or urban areas. However, coverage for specific types of care, and coverage patterns, differ significantly by place of residence.  相似文献   

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