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目的 分析京津地区兽用X射线装置放射防护现状和存在的问题,为改进放射防护管理水平提供依据。方法 参考AQ/T 4270—2015《用人单位职业病危害现状评价技术导则》等标准要求,对京津地区16家宠物医院的兽用X射线装置工作场所进行现状评价,综合分析工作场所对放射工作人员和公众的健康影响。结果 人员管理方面,职业卫生管理岗位设置、人员培训、个人防护用品、职业性外照射个人监测、职业病危害告知以及职业健康监护的符合率分别为100%、81.3%、100%、75%、37.5%和25%。工作场所管理方面,大部分场所布局和分区合理,场所防护和应急实施配置齐全;部分场所存在辐射警告标志不规范,未设置职业病危害告知公告栏,未进行放射防护检测等问题。文件管理方面,所有机构均存在制度文件不完善的情况。结论 16家机构的兽用X射线装置工作场所基本符合放射防护要求,但也存在人员和工作场所放射防护管理不到位,制度文件不够完善等问题。机构需加强放射防护知识学习,主管部门需加强监管,制定相对应的放射防护标准,加大培训力度,提高工作人员业务水平。  相似文献   

These is little known about occupational health and safety concerns or programs in workplaces in the inner city. This work was part of a needs assessment for development of occupational health and safety programs for workplaces in the inner city. Its key objective was to identify inner-city worker concerns regarding specific hazards. The work involved two phases. The first sampled workers in an inner-city hospital and church, and the second involved both paid and volunteer workers in inner-city community outreach programs. The key concerns raised by inner-city workers were infectious disease and personal safety and violence. Occupational health and safety programs need to address infectious disease and personal safety issues in this environment. Further research is needed regarding workplace health and safety in inner-city workplaces, both regarding hazards particular to the inner city and occupational health programs for the workers, both paid and volunteer, who work there. Drs. Holness and Sinclair, Ms. Gadeski, and Mr. Mastandrea are with the Metropolitan United Church.  相似文献   

目的了解上海市闵行区各类企业工作场所职业危害现状,健全区内企业档案,为各级政府和卫生部门制定职业卫生服务政策提供科学依据。方法对闵行区具有职业危害因素1 127家企业开展调查,使用Excel录入并整理数据库,采用SPSS 17.0统计软件进行统计分析。结果 1 127家企业中小型企业920家,中型企业182家,大型企业25家。企业中有职业危害因素的作业场所每家平均(2.64±3.35)个。工作场所主要职业危害因素分别为粉尘、苯系物(苯、甲苯、二甲苯等)、氨气氨水、铜锡铅镍锌汞等。职业病危害因素点数(指存在或产生职业危害因素作业场所或工作地点存在的职业病危害因素点数的总量)每家平均为(6.80±15.24)个,最小0个,最大227个。上岗前、在岗期间和离岗时职业健康检查率分别为87.03%、100.00%和86.94%。结论闵行区企业存在的职业危害因素主要以粉尘为主,应继续加强监测和监督,规范开展工作环境职业卫生管理和劳动者健康监护。  相似文献   

Many workers in Asia are in the informal economy. They often work in substandard conditions, exposed to hazards in the workplace. Learning from the recent successes of participatory training programmes to improve safety and health in Asia, the ILO has strengthened its partnership efforts with local people to improve safety and health of informal economy workplaces. The target groups were: (1) home workplaces in Cambodia and Thailand, (2) salt fields and fishing villages in Cambodia where many young workers are working, and (3) small construction sites in Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, Thailand and Vietnam. The walk-through survey results showed that the workers and owners in the target informal economy workplaces had the strong will to improve safety and health at their own initiatives and needed practical support. In the participatory, action-oriented training workshops carried out, the participated workers and owners were able to identify their priority safety and health actions. Commonly identified were clear and safe transport ways, safer handling of hazardous substances, basic welfare needs such as drinking water and sanitary toilets, and work posture. The follow-up visits confirmed that many of the proposed actions were actually taken by using low-cost available materials. These positive changes were possible by applying the participatory training tools such as illustrated checklists and extensive use of photographs showing local good examples and placing emphasis on facilitator roles of trainers. In conclusion, the target informal economy workplaces in Asia made positive changes in safety and health through the participatory, action-oriented training focusing on local initiative and low-cost improvement measures. Local network support mechanisms to share lessons from good practices played essential roles in encouraging the voluntary implementation of practical improvement actions. It is important to increase our joint efforts to reach more informal economy workplaces in industrially developing countries and provide practical support measures focusing on local self-help initiatives.  相似文献   

Hotel housekeepers are exposed to a plethora of disproportionately high work-induced hazards that can lead to adverse health consequences. Latina hotel housekeepers are rendered particularly vulnerable to elevated occupational hazards and resultant health strains due to their socioeconomic status, immigration status, language barriers, and lack of access to healthcare services. The findings from the 27 interviews with Latina hotel housekeepers indicated that the interviewees were exposed to physical, chemical, and social hazards in the workplace and suffered musculoskeletal injuries. In terms of psychological wellness, the time pressure of cleaning rooms quickly and work-related stress stemming from workplace mistreatment emerged as major work-related stressors. Recommendations are made for the introduction of multilevel interventions designed to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses and to promote healthier workplaces.  相似文献   

目的通过对某新型蒸压粉煤灰砖厂项目产生的职业病危害因素进行检测和对工作场所中职业病危害作业进行分级,了解其用于职业病危害控制效果评价的可行性。方法采用职业卫生现场调查、检测检验法、定量分级法和职业健康检查法相结合的方法进行评价。结果生产过程中工人接触的主要职业病危害因素为粉尘和噪声,搅拌机、轮碾机等工作场所中粉尘作业分级结果为Ⅰ级,制砖机工作场所中粉尘作业分级结果为Ⅱ级,球磨机、轮碾机、制砖机等工作场所中噪声作业分级均为Ⅰ级。结论现场检测法和工作场所职业病危害作业分级相结合,能够更科学地对建设项目的职业病危害控制效果做出综合评价,为企业职业卫生日常管理工作提供依据。  相似文献   

目的通过对某压电晶体厂工作场所有毒作业分级,为企业提出科学的管理依据。方法对工作场所进行职业病危害因素识别,确定有毒作业岗位,采用《工作场所职业病危害作业分级第2部分:化学物》(GBZ/T 229.2-2010)标准进行化学毒物危害作业分级。结果预烧作业铅烟CTWA为0.172 mg/m3,超限4.73倍;混料、研磨、过筛、冲压作业铅尘CTWA为0.102~3.240 mg/m3,超限1.04~63.80倍;刮胶作业苯、甲苯、二甲苯和预烧作业一氧化碳的CSTEL和CTWA均在职业接触限值以下。有毒作业分级:预烧、混料、过筛、研磨作业为Ⅲ级(57.1%),冲压作业为Ⅱ级(14.3%),刮胶、烧成隧道窑作业为0级(28.6%)。根据分级情况向企业提出了相应的整改措施。结论工作场所危害作业分级结果显示,该厂压电晶体生产场所职业病危害较严重,应及时整改。  相似文献   

荣欣  魏年芬 《职业与健康》2009,25(17):1809-1810
目的了解昆明铁路局职业卫生现状,为制定切实可行的防治对策提供科学依据。方法对全局职业卫生概况、作业场所职业危害因素种类、监测结果、职业性健康监护及职业病情况进行调查和资料分析。结果全局职业危害作业点监测合格率为88.63%;接触职业危害因素职工职业健康监护受检率为97.61%;检出与职业有关联的异常结果(包括职业禁忌证)23人,各种职业病病人41人,2006年至今未有新诊断的职业病病人,也未发生急性职业中毒事件。结论昆明铁路局作业场所职业岗危害进行综合治理成效显著,应加强新技术、新工艺职业病危害因素监测和健康监护工作,切实保障劳动者的身体健康。  相似文献   

张瑞玲 《职业与健康》2009,25(18):1925-1926
目的 了解平顶山煤业集团七星公司作业场所职业病危害因素的浓度(强度)及工人职业病危害因素的接触水平,为用人单位职业卫生的日常管理提供依据。方法依据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》的有关规定,对该集团公司作业场所的职业病危害因素进行检测。结果作业场所空气中煤尘短时间接触浓度检测合格率为69.2%;时间加权平均浓度检测合格率为66.7%;噪声强度检测合格率为70.0%。结论该煤矿煤尘和噪声检测合格率均偏低,职业病危害的控制与预防应以粉尘、噪声为主。  相似文献   

目的了解小型石材加工厂职业卫生情况和职业病危害因素种类及其浓度(或强度)。方法通过职业卫生现场调查,了解小型石材加工厂职业卫生现状;采用现场检测方法,测定工作场所空气中粉尘浓度和噪声强度。结果此次调查的石材加工厂均为私营企业,作业人员2~15人;职业卫生管理不规范,无职业健康体检,无定期检测,个人防护用品配备不全。经实验室分析,本次调查的石材加工厂的游离二氧化硅含量为11.86%~33.84%,矽尘浓度1.1~95.7 mg/m^3,噪声强度86.8~99.0 dB(A)。结论小型石材加工厂职业卫生管理水平较低,工作场所的矽尘浓度和噪声强度超标严重,矽尘和噪声为小型石材加工厂职业病危害关键控制点。  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) WorkLife Initiative (WLI) [http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/worklife] seeks to promote workplace programs, policies, and practices that result in healthier, more productive employees through a focus simultaneously on disease prevention, health promotion, and accommodations to age, family, and life stage. The Initiative incorporates the Institute's foundational commitment to workplaces free of recognized hazards into broader consideration of the factors that affect worker health and wellbeing. Workplace hazards, such as physical demands, chemical exposures, and work organization, often interact with non-work factors such as family demands and health behaviors to increase health and safety risks. New workplace interventions being tested by the first three NIOSH WLI Centers of WorkLife Excellence are exploring innovative models for employee health programs to reduce the human, social, and economic costs of compromised health and quality of life. Many parties in industry, labor, and government share the goals of improving employee health while controlling health care costs. NIOSH convened a workshop in 2008 with representatives of the three Centers of Excellence to develop a comprehensive, long-range strategy for advancing the WorkLife Initiative. The recommendations below fall into three areas: practice, research, and policy. Responding to these recommendations would permit the WorkLife Center system to establish a new infrastructure for workplace prevention programs by compiling and disseminating the innovative practices being developed and tested at the Centers, and elsewhere. The WLI would also extend the customary scope of NIOSH by engaging with multiple NIH Institutes that are already generating research-to-practice programs involving the working-age population, in areas such as chronic disease prevention and management. Research to Practice (r2p) is a concept focused on the translation of research findings, technologies, and information into evidence-based prevention practices and products that are adopted in the workplace or other "real-world" settings. NIOSH's goal is to overcome the translational issues that now prevent state-of-the-art occupational health, health promotion, and chronic disease research findings from benefiting working age populations immediately, regardless of workplace size, work sector, or region of the country.  相似文献   

We constructed a simple, flexible procedure that facilitates the pre-assessment of feasibility of workplace health promotion (WHP) programmes. It evaluates cancer hazards, workers' need for hazard reduction, acceptability of WHP, and social context. It was tested and applied in 16 workplace communities and among 1085 employees in industry, construction, transport, services, teaching and municipal works in Costa Rica, Finland, Germany, Spain and Sweden. Social context is inseparable from WHP. It covers workers' organizations and representatives, management, safety committees, occupational health services, health and safety enforcement agencies, general health services, non-government organizations, insurance systems, academic and other institutions, regulatory stipulations pertaining WHP, and material resources. Priorities, risk definitions, attitudes, hazard profiles, motivations and assessment methods were highly contextual. Management preferred passive interventions, helping cover expert costs, participating in planning and granting time. Trade unions, workers' representatives, safety committees and occupational health services appeared to be important operational partners. Occupational health services may however be loaded with curative and screening functions or be non-existent. We advocate participatory, multifaceted WHP based on the needs and empowerment of the workers themselves, integrating occupational and lifestyle hazards. Workforce in irregular and shift work, in agriculture, in small enterprises, in the informal sector, and immigrant, seasonal and temporary workers represent groups in need of particular strategies such as community health promotion. In a more general framework, social context itself may become a target for intervention.  相似文献   

目的 了解煤矸石电厂各工作岗位噪声危害程度,为噪声防治与管理提供依据。方法 采用职业卫生现场检测与调查的方法,对某煤矸石电厂各岗位工作人员接触噪声危害程度、个体防护情况及职业健康管理情况进行分析与评价。结果 该煤矸石电厂工作场所噪声强度在51.6 dB(A)-101.1 dB(A)之间,噪声强度超过85dB(A)的工作场所,主要分布于燃料输送系统、锅炉系统和汽机系统。作业人员接触噪声LEX,8h在59.7dB(A)-90.6 dB(A)之间,锅炉及汽机系统保洁员、输煤皮带巡检工等长时间处于高噪声场所的作业人员LEX,8h超标严重,超标率分别达到100%、80.0%和33.3%,且其职业健康管理与个体防护,也不能满足职业卫生法规、标准要求。结论 该煤矸石电厂高噪声工作场所主要分布于燃料输送系统、锅炉系统和汽机系统。锅炉及汽机系统保洁员、输煤皮带巡检工等长时间处于高噪声场所的临时雇佣人员,受噪声危害最为严重,职业卫生管理工作疏漏较为严重,发生职业病的风险较高,应作为该电厂职业病防治工作的重点。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to improve an occupational health program by means of systematic workplace investigations. The 8-month study was done at three building sites of one construction firm. The method for workplace investigations was a simple job hazard analysis of chemical hazards, physical hazards, physical work load, mental stress, and risk of injury, each factor being rated on a three-point scale. Information was gathered by observations, interviews, and a worker questionnaire. Occupational health and safety personnel and worker representatives dealt with problems cooperatively. Together they assessed occupational loads and hazards, whereafter the occupational health and safety personnel devised an occupational health care program and proposed preventive measures. The workplace investigation method proved to function well. It improved the occupational health care program, produced an overall analysis of occupational hazards, and dramatically increased the number and quality of proposed preventive measures. The new method was evaluated to be clearly superior to previous practices and was implemented at moderate cost. The study showed that attention to issues of environmental and occupational health can effectively prevent health impairment even in difficult setting such as construction work. More research is needed for effective utilization of information accumulated by systematic workplace investigations.  相似文献   

This paper explores workers' experiences and understandings of occupational health hazards in the electronics industries of northern Thailand. Women form the bulk of the lower-level workforce as operators responsible for assembling the parts that make up microchip components. Drawing data from 16 months of research in workers' dormitories, formal and informal interviews and questionnaire surveys, in this paper I explore how gender relations are central to the organization and experience of work in these industries. I identify "work process" health hazards resulting from the physical working environment, and "workplace" health hazards relating to the organizational and social pressures of the working environment. Musculoskeletal pain, eye strain, chemical exposure, stress, improper use of safety equipment and accidents all impact upon women workers' health. Additionally, risk behaviors such as amphetamine and alcohol use, and unprotected sex, are associated with the social context of factory work.  相似文献   

目的分析江苏省如东县各企业工作场所职业病危害因素现状,旨在进一步改善作业场所环境,减少职业病危害。方法根据国家标准、规范,采集车间空气中化学有害因素、物理因素,进行检测、平价。结果 2011年对如东县75家企业作业场所进行了职业病危害因素的检测、评价,采集化学有害因素、物理因素共1 622件样品,其中超标样品155件,样品超标率9.56%。结论如东县部分企业工作场所中职业病危害因素检测结果超标,应继续加强职业病防治工作,政府部门、各相关机构、用人单位应高度重视职业卫生工作,劳动者应提高职业病防治意识,预防、控制职业病的发生。  相似文献   

刘川  朱锡生 《职业与健康》2012,28(15):1801-1805
目的通过对某可发性聚苯乙烯(EPS)生产企业的职业病危害控制效果评价,了解其职业病危害现况,以提出合理的职业病防治措施。方法采用现场职业卫生学调查、检测检验、职业健康检查等方法进行评价。结果该EPS生产企业的选址与总体布局、生产设备布局、职业病防护设施、个人使用的防护用品、职业卫生管理、卫生辅助设置等符合《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》等法律法规规定;该EPS生产企业在生产过程中可能会产生粉尘、毒物、噪声、工频电场等职业病危害因素,其中生产性粉尘、噪声、工频电场作业场所相关职业病危害因素符合国家卫生标准,戊烷有部分作业场所不符合国家卫生标准。结论该EPS生产企业的职业病危害控制措施可行、有效,但部分场所仍需采取有效的防护措施。  相似文献   

攀枝花市职业病危害防治现状调查及管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解攀枝花市职业病危害状况,为制定职业病防治策略提供科学依据。方法采取查阅资料、关键人物访谈和现场调查的方式,调查工业企业的基本情况、职业卫生管理、作业场所职业病危害因素、从业人员职业健康监护情况和职业卫生管理服务机构的职业卫生管理服务能力。结果全市共有职业病危害企业627户,接触职业病危害因素作业人员71147人,其中农民工28529人;接触职业病危害因素的农民工占农民工总数的91.53%,高于在岗职工的50.98%(P〈0.01)。接触的职业病危害因素包括粉尘(45.26%)、物理因素(36.82%)、化学毒物(15.62%)、放射性物质(2.24%)、生物因素(0.06%)等62种;全市累计职业病患者2414例;全市有4家职业卫生技术服务机构。结论攀枝花市职业病防制工作应大力加强。  相似文献   

Healthy workplaces help to prevent occupational disease and injury as well as promoting positive healthy lifestyle behaviours. The concept of creating healthy workplaces through workplace health promotion has been identified as a legitimate area of activity for public health policy in Northern Ireland, supporting as it does, the settings approach as a means of improving the health and well-being of the population at large. Benefits accrue to businesses, organizations and individuals from the enhancement of positive healthy lifestyle messages in addition to reinforcing the principles of good occupational health practices. Developing a framework for the creation of healthy workplaces is part of a joint initiative between the Northern Ireland Health Promotion and Health and Safety Agencies. Commitment to delivering the concept is required from all the key players who include: employers, employees, trade union groups and health and safety professionals. A healthy workplace model needs to be created which is flexible and adaptable to suit all types of business and in particular the needs of small businesses which predominate in Northern Ireland. The principles underpinning the Business Excellence Model may be a useful vehicle for delivering workplace health promotion onto an organization's agenda.  相似文献   

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