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舌下腺囊肿口外型27例诊断与治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨口外型舌下腺囊肿的临床特征、误诊原因及诊治要点。方法:对27例口外型舌下腺囊肿病例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:27例口外型舌下腺囊肿有5例误诊。所有病例均行手术摘除舌下腺而治愈。结论:下颌舌骨肌发育缺陷,舌下腺穿过该肌裂孔或间隙突入颌下区是该病的发生机制。口内完整摘除舌下腺是根治口外型舌下腺囊肿的最佳方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨颌下区口外型舌下腺囊肿的诊断及治疗,避免临床上误诊误治。方法:对1998.3.-2008.11.经治的颌下区口外型舌下腺囊肿30例进行总结分析。结果:30例经局部检查,穿刺检查及淀粉酶检查,辅助B超检查作出颌下区口外型舌下腺囊肿诊断,经口内进路手术摘除舌下腺及与腺体粘连的囊壁,术后病理检查证实临床诊断,观察1-3年未见复发。结论:颌下区局部触及柔软囊性肿物、穿刺抽出蛋清样粘稠丝状液体及淀粉酶检查阴性,是颌下区舌下腺囊肿的诊断依据,手术彻底摘除舌下腺及切除与腺体粘连的囊壁是治疗成功的关键。  相似文献   

舌下腺囊肿偶发生于颌下,临床中称之为口外型舌下腺囊肿。此病少见,易被误诊。我科近16年来误诊5例,分析如下:  相似文献   

陶肃雄  刘军林  靳艳 《口腔医学》2003,23(6):360-360
舌下腺囊肿常有舌下型、颌下型和哑铃型即舌下 -颌下型 3种 ,临床上常见的为舌下型 ,而颌下型因舌下区无明显病变可见 ,常易误诊和术后复发。本文就我科自 1991~ 2 0 0 2年收治的 16例舌下腺囊肿颌下型的诊断和治疗进行了分析和讨论。1 临床资料16例患者中 ,男 12例 ,女 4例 ,年龄 7~ 4 3岁 ,平均 2 5岁。均经临床诊断为舌下腺囊肿颌下型。其中 ,2例误诊为颌下腺囊肿 ,手术中发现囊肿同舌下腺相连而摘除舌下腺 ,余 14例均经口内摘除舌下腺 ,抽出囊液后无 1例复发。2 讨论舌下腺囊肿如口底无任何病变而只表现为颏下或颌下包块 ,易误诊为…  相似文献   

舌下腺囊肿456例临床病理分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
目的:对舌下腺囊肿临床病理资料进行回顾性研究,评价手术方式与疗效的关系,分析并发症的原因。方法:在全麻或局麻下经口内进路或颌下进路或口内联合颌下进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,部分患者行袋形缝合术;术后标本行组织病理观察。结果:312例舌下型舌下腺囊肿经口内行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,13例复发,复发率为4.17%;6例行袋形缝合术,5例复发,复发率为83.33%;108例口外型分别经口内、颌下进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,其复发率各为1.43%、56%;而经颌下联合口内进路治疗的病例无复发;40例混合型经口内施术,治愈率达100%。包括术后复发,共有57例发生术中术后并发症。病理切片镜下观,447例中257例(57.5%)囊肿有纤维囊壁,但只有5例有部分上皮衬里,190例(42.5%)无明显囊壁。结论:舌下腺囊肿的囊壁无上皮衬里,完整摘除舌下腺是治愈的关键。  相似文献   

口外型舌下腺囊肿36例手术治疗总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:回顾性分析口外型舌下腺囊肿临床资料,评价术前诊断、手术方式与疗效的关系.方法:术前行穿刺细胞学检查,在全麻或局麻下经口内进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,术后颌下加压包扎.结果:36例口外型舌下腺囊肿经口内切口行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,颌下加压包扎,术后无复发.结论:手术完整摘除舌下腺是治愈的关键.  相似文献   

舌下腺囊肿口外型易被误诊误治,应用B超结合穿刺检查对舌下腺囊肿口外型的诊断和鉴别诊断具有重要价值。舌下腺的完整摘除是其唯一的根治手段。本文回顾36例舌下腺囊肿口外型临床资料。  相似文献   

舌下腺囊肿145例临床病例分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:对舌下腺囊肿临床病理资料进行回顾性分析,评价手术方式与疗效的关系。方法:术前行穿刺、超声等检查,在全麻或局麻下经口内进路、颌下进路或口内联合颌下进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,术后标本进行组织病理观察。结果:87例穿刺液淀粉酶检查阳性76例,88例单纯型舌下腺囊肿经口内行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术均无复发;18例哑铃型舌下腺囊肿经口内或颌下联合口内进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,术后无复发;32例口外型舌下腺囊肿分别经口内、颌下进路及颌下联合口内进路行舌下腺及囊肿摘除术,其复发率分别为0、50%、0。病理切片镜下观察,143例中82例(57.3%)囊肿有纤维囊壁,但只有4例有部分上皮衬里。结论:舌下腺囊肿的囊壁无上皮衬里,完整摘除舌下腺是治愈的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨特殊类型的舌下腺囊肿的临床特点及治疗.方法回顾性分析1990~2000年诊治的20例特殊类型舌下腺囊肿的临床资料.结果 20例中颌颈型3例、哑铃型5例、颌下型12例,所有病例均行手术治愈.结论舌下腺过度发育并超越下颌舌骨肌及该肌的发育薄弱等因素均可诱发本病发生;舌下腺及其囊肿一并切除是最有效的治疗方法,可防止复发.  相似文献   

舌下腺囊肿依其部位不同 ,可分为口内型 ,口外型即颌下型及口内外型 ,前者与后者在临床上较容易诊断 ,对于颌下型则往往容易误诊、误治。现将我科接诊外院误诊误治的 2例颌下型舌下腺囊肿病例报告如下。病例介绍例 :女 ,14岁 ,学生 ,因右颌下区肿物术后复发 2 0天 ,收入院 ,其母代述 ,缘于 2个月前 ,因发现右颌下有一相当于小儿拳头样大小无痛性肿物 ,在当地医院就诊 ,医生从肿物中抽出约2 0ml鸡蛋清样内容物 ,诊断为“颌下腺囊肿” ,并住院手术治疗。出院后半月余患儿右颌下又出现肿胀 ,而且逐日缓慢增大 ,转来我科治疗。口腔专科检查见 …  相似文献   

This study assessed the clinical and histological features and therapeutic efficacy of 25 cases of sublingual gland tumours from 1998 to 2008. There were 17 female patients and 8 male, the ratio of females to males was 2.1:1. The mean age was 48.6 years. 4 cases were benign tumours (16%). 21 cases were malignant sublingual gland tumours (84%) and of these, 18 were adenoid cystic carcinoma (86%). Adenoid cystic carcinoma was mainly of the histological type, and the other histological classifications included mucoepidermoid carcinoma, pleomorphic adenoma, myoepithelioma, oncocytoma and polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma. Sublingual gland tumours are rare and most are malignant. For malignant sublingual gland tumours, early diagnosis and aggressive surgical treatment, especially for tumours with nerve involvement, is the key to improving prognosis. Free radial forearm flap or pectoralis major myocutaneous flap are appropriate methods for mouth floor reconstruction. For benign sublingual gland tumours, the resection of tumour and sublingual gland is the preferred treatment.  相似文献   

舌下腺囊肿是一种常见的唾液腺黏液囊肿,临床上分为单纯型、口外型和哑铃型。舌下腺囊肿的临床诊断主要根据其临床特征、影像学检查、囊肿内容物检查和组织学检查等。口外型舌下腺囊肿因其异常的发生部位而易被误诊,需同多种颈部肿物相鉴别。文章就舌下腺囊肿的诊断与鉴别诊断做一概述。  相似文献   

目的:分析颌面部神经鞘瘤误诊原因,进一步提高临床诊断治疗水平。方法:回顾26例颌面部神经鞘瘤误诊病例资料,总结分析误诊原因,以及治疗过程中存在和注意的问题。结果:26例误诊病例,术前诊断腮腺多形性腺瘤4例,腮腺恶性肿瘤3例,颧骨骨瘤1例,颈动脉体瘤4例,鳃裂囊肿1例,恶性肿瘤颈淋巴结转移3例.咽部恶性肿瘤2例,舌部纤维瘤4例,口底皮样囊肿2例,舌下腺恶性肿瘤2例。26例术后病理均证实为神经鞘瘤。结论:临床表现为局部肿块的颌面部神经鞘瘤,易与其他肿瘤混淆,应特别注意与类似病变鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

Plunging ranulas most commonly occupy the submandibular triangle and misdiagnosis inevitably leads to incorrect treatment. Three cases of plunging ranula are reported. The correct diagnosis resulted from the characteristic signs of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment consisted of the total removal of the sublingual gland and evacuation of cystic contents by the intraoral approach. The cyst gradually regressed and disappeared within two months after surgery as confirmed by ultrasonography. All three cases have not experienced recurrence in the follow‐up period. MRI is a valuable method to correctly diagnosis plunging ranula. Total removal of the sublingual gland is the most reliable method to treat plunging ranula.  相似文献   

Submandibular Gland Mucocele:The mucocele occuring in the submandibular region is rare, most cases originate in the sublingual gland. Here, we report a rare case of mucocele originating in the submandibular gland. In this report, we present such a case in a 7-year-old boy, who was treated by an extirpation of cyst with submandibular and sublingual gland  相似文献   

Because of its position, the sublingual gland is clinically important especially in the events of injuries and infections in the anterior part of the sublingual region. The morphology and relationships of this gland were studied by dissection methods applied on 80 fresh or formaldehyde fixed preparations of the mouth floor and of the tongue, which were partly (31 preparations) taken out together with the mandible. As for the shape of the gland, three main types were found: the cuneiform type which was the most frequent (71%), the pyramidal type which was less frequent (16%) and the fusiform type (13%) which comprised the case of a very elongated gland (up to 65 mm). The space in which the gland lied had four walls. Its internal wall consisted of the mylohyoid muscle and it comprised the hyoglossus muscle as well when the gland was very elongated. The inferior wall consisted of the mylohyoid muscle and sometimes it comprised also a narrow part of the superior surface of the geniohyoglossus muscle. An osseous depression on the internal side of the mandible represented the external wall of the sublingual gland space. The superior wall is clinically the most significant. It consists of the sublingual mucosa and a sublingual fold. This wall represents a main surgical access to the gland. In edentulous mandibles this mucous fold may be at the level of the upper mandibular border which may hinder the use of the lower dental prosthesis.  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性颌下腺导管扩张症的临床特点及治疗方法。方法 2008年1月—2018年3月共收治7例先天性颌下腺导管扩张患儿,平均年龄5月22天;临床上表现为单侧的口底膨隆肿胀。7例患儿均在全麻下行患侧舌下腺腺体切除、颌下腺扩张部分导管切除及导管改道术,术中可见颌下腺导管口狭窄,部分导管呈扩张状态。结果 7例患者术后口底创口均愈合良好,无肿胀及囊肿发生。结论 先天性颌下腺导管扩张症患儿的发生年龄小,早期诊断与治疗有助于防止导管扩张加重,避免腺体萎缩、喂养困难以及阻塞呼吸;舌下腺腺体的同期切除可以避免术后舌下腺囊肿的发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性颌下腺导管扩张症的临床特点及治疗方法。方法 2008年1月—2018年3月共收治7例先天性颌下腺导管扩张患儿,平均年龄5月22天;临床上表现为单侧的口底膨隆肿胀。7例患儿均在全麻下行患侧舌下腺腺体切除、颌下腺扩张部分导管切除及导管改道术,术中可见颌下腺导管口狭窄,部分导管呈扩张状态。结果 7例患者术后口底创口均愈合良好,无肿胀及囊肿发生。结论 先天性颌下腺导管扩张症患儿的发生年龄小,早期诊断与治疗有助于防止导管扩张加重,避免腺体萎缩、喂养困难以及阻塞呼吸;舌下腺腺体的同期切除可以避免术后舌下腺囊肿的发生。  相似文献   

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