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Few studies have investigated the long-term effects of atrazine (ATR) following in utero exposure. We evaluated the effects of gestational exposure of Sprague Dawley dams to ATR (0, 1, 5, 20, or 100 mg/kg-d) on the reproductive development of male offspring. We also quantified the distribution of ATR and its chlorinated metabolites in maternal, fetal, and neonatal fluid and tissue samples following gestational and/or lactational exposure. Dose-dependent levels of chlorotriazines, primarily diamino-s-chlorotriazine, were present in most samples analyzed, including fetal tissue. In utero exposure to 1-20 mg/kg-d ATR did not alter testosterone production, the timing of puberty, play behavior, or other androgen-dependent endpoints of male offspring. Significant maternal toxicity and postnatal mortality were observed at 100 mg/kg-d. We conclude that, although levels of chlorotriazines within the fetus were considerable, gestational exposures of 1-20 mg/kg-d do not lead to alterations in the measures of male development examined in this study.  相似文献   

This study investigates the in vivo dose response profiles of the target enzyme cholinesterase (ChE) and the detoxifying enzymes carboxylesterase (CaE) in the fetal and maternal compartments of pregnant rats dosed with chlorpyrifos [(O,O'-diethyl O-3,5,6-trichloro- 2-pyridyl) phosphorothionate], a commonly used organophosphorus insecticide. Pregnant rats were dosed daily (po) with chlorpyrifos in corn oil (0, 3, 5, 7, or 10 mg/kg) on gestational days (GD) 14-18. Animals were sacrificed 5 h after the last chlorpyrifos dose (time of maximum brain cholinesterase inhibition) for analysis of ChE and CaE activity in maternal blood, liver, brain, placenta, and fetal liver and brain. The in vitro sensitivity (i.e., IC50, 30 min, 26 degrees C) of CaE also was determined by assaying the activity remaining after incubation with a range of chlorpyrifos-oxon concentrations. In vivo exposure to 10 mg/kg chlorpyrifos from GD14-18 caused overt maternal toxicity, with dose-related decreases in ChE activity more notable in maternal brain than fetal brain. Dose-related effects were also seen with chlorpyrifos-induced inhibition of fetal liver ChE and maternal brain CaE activities. Gestational exposure caused no inhibition of placental ChE or CaE, fetal brain CaE, or maternal blood CaE. ChE activities in the maternal blood and liver, as well as fetal and maternal liver CaE, however, were maximally inhibited by even the lowest dosage of chlorpyrifos. The in vitro sensitivity profiles of CaE to chlorpyrifos-oxon inhibition were valuable in predicting and verifying the in vivo CaE response profiles. Both the in vivo and in vitro findings indicated that fetal liver CaE inhibition was an extremely sensitive indicator of fetal chlorpyrifos exposure.   相似文献   

Although animal models cannot exactly replicate human psychiatric disorders, they may be useful to investigate whether the behaviors associated with certain exposures in animals parallel those observed in people. According to the most current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, autism is diagnosed based on (1) persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction; and (2) the presence of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests and activities. To address whether developmental chlorpyrifos (CPF) exposure was associated with the development of autistic behaviors, a literature search was conducted to identify studies in rats and mice involving gestational or early postnatal exposure to CPF or CPF oxon (CPO, the active metabolite of CPF) and subsequent behavioral testing to assess behaviors related to autism. A total of 13 studies conducted in six different laboratories were identified. Analysis of these studies found that perinatal CPF exposure was generally associated with (1) no effect or increased social communications; (2) no effect or increased social encounters; (3) no effect, reduced stereotypies, or conflicting findings on stereotypic behaviors; and (4) no effect or increased preference for novelty and reduced anxiety in novel environments. These behavioral findings are generally inconsistent with the types of behaviors that would be expected in children with clinical autism. Based on the results of this analysis of rodent model studies involving CPF/CPO exposure, it cannot be concluded that gestational and/or perinatal CPF exposure is likely to be associated with the development of autism-like behaviors in humans.  相似文献   

Exposure to high levels of glucocorticoids in utero and during the postpartum period has a detrimental effect on brain development. We created an animal model of postpartum stress/depression based on administering high levels of corticosterone (CORT) to the dams during the postpartum period which caused behavioral changes and reduced hippocampal cell proliferation in the offspring. As the consequences of early exposure to glucocorticoids may depend on the dose and the developmental stage of the offspring, the present study was conducted to investigate the effects of low (10 mg/kg) or high levels of CORT (40 mg/kg) given to dams either during gestation, postpartum or across both gestation and postpartum on the outcome of the offspring. Male and female offspring were weighed throughout the experiment, tested in a series of behavioral tests (forced swim test, open field, elevated plus maze) and basal and restraint stress CORT levels were examined in adolescence or young adulthood. Results show that maternal CORT exposure, regardless of when administered, significantly attenuated body weight gain until adulthood in the offspring. Offspring exposed to low maternal CORT, but not high maternal CORT, during the postpartum had higher basal levels of CORT as young adults. Further, male and female offspring of dams exposed to high maternal CORT in utero showed more depressive-like behavior in the forced swim test, while males of dams exposed to high maternal CORT postpartum exhibited more anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus maze. Taken together, maternal glucocorticoid exposure have long lasting effects on male and female offspring's behavioral and neuroendocrine measures in adolescence and adulthood depending on the time of exposure to glucocorticoids. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled 'Anxiety and Depression'.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of data on neonatal systemic exposure using different dosing paradigms. Male CD (Sprague-Dawley derived) rats at postnatal day (PND) 5 were dosed with chlorpyrifos (CPF, 1 mg/kg) using different routes of exposure, vehicles, and single versus divided doses. Blood concentrations of CPF and its primary metabolite, trichloropyridinol, were measured at multiple times through 24 h. Groups included were single gavage bolus versus divided gavage doses in corn oil (one vs. three times in 24h), single gavage bolus versus divided gavage doses in rat milk, and sc administration in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). These data were compared with lactational exposure of PND 5 pups from dams exposed to CPF in the diet at 5 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks or published data from dams exposed to daily gavage with CPF at 5 mg/kg/day. Maternal blood CPF levels were an order of magnitude lower from dietary exposure than gavage (1.1 vs. 14.8 ng/g), and blood CPF levels in PND 5 pups that nursed dietary-exposed or gavage-exposed dams were below the limit of detection. Single gavage doses of 1 mg/kg CPF in corn oil vehicle in pups resulted in CPF blood levels of 49 ng/g and in milk vehicle about 9 ng/g. Divided doses led to lower peak CPF levels. A bolus dose of 1 mg/kg CPF in DMSO administered sc appeared to have substantially altered pharmacokinetics from orally administered CPF. To be meaningful for risk assessment, neonatal studies require attention to the exposure scenario, since route, vehicle, dose, and frequency of administration result in different systemic exposure to the test chemical and its metabolites.  相似文献   

The neurochemical effects in developing rats exposed during gestation to the anticholinesterase organophosphorus insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPS) were determined. Pregnant rats were dosed daily with CPS (0, 3, or 7 mg/kg) in corn oil from gestation days (GD) 6-20. Pups were euthanized on postnatal days (PND) 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 30 for the determination of brain cholinesterase (ChE) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activities, along with muscarinic receptor (mAChR) densities, the levels of the high-affinity choline uptake (HACU) system, and the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). ChE activities were inhibited about 15 and 30% on PND 1, in the low- and high-dosage groups, respectively, and were not different from control values by PND 6. mAChR densities on PND 1 were reduced in the high-dosage group by about 18, 21, and 17%, using 3H-N-methylscopolamine, 3H-quinuclidinyl benzilate, and 3H-4-DAMP, respectively, as ligands, and were not different from control levels by PND 6. ChAT activity was decreased by approximately 12% in the high-dosage group on PND 9, 12, and 30. HACU levels, using 3H-hemicholinium-3 as the ligand, were reduced by approximately 25% on PND 6 in the low- and high-dosage groups, and by approximately 14 and 21% on PND 12 and 30, only in the high-dosage group. Levels of the VAChT were reduced by a range of 13-31% on PND 3 through 30 in the high-dosage group, using 3H-AH5183 (vesamicol) as the ligand. These data suggest that gestational exposure to 7 mg/kg/day CPS results in long-term alterations of presynaptic cholinergic neurochemistry.  相似文献   

Gordon CJ  Padnos BK 《Toxicology》2002,177(2-3):215-226
Administration of the organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos (CHP) to the male rat at a dose of 25-80 mg/kg (p.o.) results in hypothermia followed by a delayed fever lasting for several days. These are high doses of CHP that cause marked cholinergic stimulation. It is important to understand if chronic exposure to CHP would evoke changes in thermoregulation that are comparable to the acute administration. Male rats of the Long-Evans strain were subjected to dietary treatment of 0, 1, or 5 mg/(kg day) CHP for 6 months. A limited amount of food was given per day to maintain body weight at 350 g. The constant body weight allowed for the regulation of a consistent dosage of CHP per kg body weight throughout the feeding period. Core temperature (T(a)) and motor activity (MA) were monitored by radio telemetric transmitters implanted in the abdominal cavity. After 5 months of treatment, T(c) and MA were monitored in undisturbed animals for 96 h. CHP at 5 mg/(kg day) led to a slight elevation in T(c) without affecting MA. The rats were then administered a challenge dose of CHP (30 mg/kg, p.o.) while T(c) and MA were monitored. Rats fed the 1 and 5 mg/kg CHP diets showed a significantly greater hypothermic response and reduction in MA following CHP challenge compared to controls. The restricted feeding schedule resulted in marked changes in the pattern of the circadian rhythm. Therefore, in another study, rats were treated ad libitum for 17 days with a CHP diet that resulted in a dosage of 7 mg CHP/(mg day). There was a significant increase in T(c) during the daytime but not during the night throughout most of the treatment period. Overall, chronic CHP was associated with a slight but significant elevation in T(c) and greater hypothermic response to a CHP challenge. This latter finding was unexpected and suggests that chronic exposure to CHP sensitizes the rat's thermoregulatory response to acute CHP exposure.  相似文献   

Ellison CA  Smith JN  Lein PJ  Olson JR 《Toxicology》2011,287(1-3):137-144
Chlorpyrifos (CPF) is a commonly used organophosphorus pesticide. Several pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies have been conducted in rats in which CPF was administered as a single bolus dose. However, there is limited data regarding the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics following daily exposure. Since occupational exposures often consist of repeated, daily exposures, there is a need to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of CPF under exposure conditions which more accurately reflect real world human exposures. In this study, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of CPF were assessed in male Long-Evans rats exposed daily to CPF (0, 3 or 10mg/kg/day, s.c. in peanut oil) over a 10 day study period. Throughout the study, multiple pharmacokinetic (urinary TCPy levels and tissue CPF and metabolite levels) and pharmacodynamic (blood and brain AChE activity) determinants were measured. Average blood AChE activity on day 10 was 54% and 33% of baseline among animals in the 3 and 10mg/kg/day CPF treatment groups, respectively, while average brain AChE activity was 67% and 28% of baseline. Comparable dose-response relationships between brain AChE inhibition and blood AChE inhibition, suggests that blood AChE activity is a valid biomarker of brain AChE activity. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic measures collected in this study were also used to optimize a rat physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) model for multiple s.c. exposures to CPF based on a previously published rat PBPK/PD model for CPF following a single bolus injection. This optimized model will be useful for determining pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic responses over a wide range of doses and durations of exposure, which will improve extrapolation of results between rats and humans.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the putative neuropathological effects in young chickens after administration of a single dose of 55 mg/kg bw chlorpyrifos. The gross lesions of the nervous system comprised of congestions in the brain. Microscopic examination of brain showed mild congestion of cerebral blood vessels and mild perivascular cuffing of lymphomononuclear cells in the cerebral cortex and necrosis of the neurons. The interesting findings were the presence of cytoplasmic vacuolations of cerebral neurons and swelling of the endothelial cell of the cerebral capillaries. Cerebellum showed congestion and hemorrhages in the granular layer and necrosis of Purkinje cell. Sciatic nerve exhibited mild edema, swelling and degeneration of axons, and swelling of Schwann cells. There was a significant inhibition of plasma cholinesterase enzyme activity in chickens administered with chlorpyrifos compared to chickens of control group. The study revealed that administration of chlorpyrifos produces neuropathological lesions in chickens shortly after exposure.  相似文献   

Appraisal of risks from nonoccupational exposure to chlorpyrifos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The toxicological database for chlorpyrifos indicates that humans are not more sensitive than laboratory animals to the toxic effects. Although an oral dose of 1 mg/kg-day resulted in measurable levels of chlorpyrifos in the blood, daily dosing at this level from 9 days to 2 years did not affect brain acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in laboratory animals. Developmental toxicity did not occur at doses below maternal toxicity. Most nonoccupational illnesses resulting from entry into areas treated with chlorpyrifos likely stem from odor, rather than the ability of the organophosphate to inhibit AChE. Based on biological monitoring studies, chronic aggregate nonoccupational exposures to chlorpyrifos ranged from 0.0002 mg/kg-day (adults) to 0.0005 mg/kg-day (infants and small children)-1 order of magnitude less than exposures estimated by standard procedures. Other biological monitoring data indicated that cumulative exposure to all organophosphate pesticides ranged from 0.0003 mg/kg-day (adults) to 0.003 mg/kg-day (children). Considering all these factors, the risks of aggregate, nonoccupational exposure to chlorpyrifos have been overstated by more than a 1000-fold.  相似文献   

At puberty, female rats exposed in utero to 2,3,7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exhibit a persistent thread of mesenchymal tissue surrounded by keratinized epithelium that partially occludes the vaginal opening. Our objective was to determine the earliest time during fetal development that morphological signs of this vaginal canal malformation could be detected and to obtain greater insight into mechanisms involved in this effect. Pregnant rats were administered a single dose of vehicle (control) or TCDD (1.0 microg/kg, po) on gestation day (GD) 15 and were sacrificed on GD 18, 19, 20, and 21 for histological evaluation of female. Gestational exposure to TCDD affected vaginal morphogenesis as early as GD 19, 4 days after exposure of pregnant dams. In exposed fetuses, the thickness of mesenchymal tissue between the caudal Mullerian ducts was increased, which resulted in a failure of the Mullerian ducts to fuse, a process normally completed prior to parturition. In addition, TCDD exposure appeared to inhibit the regression of Wolffian ducts. Thus, TCDD interferes with vaginal development by impairing regression of the Wolffian ducts, by increasing the size of interductal mesenchyme, and by preventing fusion of the Mullerian ducts. Taken together, these effects appear to cause the persistent vaginal thread defect observed in rats following in utero and lactational TCDD exposure.  相似文献   

This study aimed to model long-term subtoxic human exposure to an organophosphorus pesticide, chlorpyrifos, and to examine the influence of that exposure on the response to intermittent high-dose acute challenges. Adult Long-Evans male rats were maintained at 350 g body weight by limited access to a chlorpyrifos-containing diet to produce an intake of 0, 1, or 5 mg/kg/day chlorpyrifos. During the year-long exposure, half of the rats in each dose group received bi-monthly challenges (spikes) of chlorpyrifos, and the other half received vehicle. Rats were periodically tested using a neurological battery of evaluations and motor activity to evaluate the magnitude of the acute response (spike days) as well as recovery and ongoing chronic effects (non-spike days). Effects of the spikes differed as a function of dietary level for several endpoints (e.g., tremor, lacrimation), and in general, the high-dose feed groups showed greater effects of the spike doses. Animals receiving the spikes also showed some neurobehavioral differences among treatment groups (e.g., hypothermia, sensory and neuromotor differences) in the intervening months. During the eleventh month, rats were tested in a Morris water maze. There were some cognitive deficits observed, demonstrated by slightly longer latency during spatial training, and decreased preference for the correct quadrant on probe trials. A consistent finding in the water maze was one of altered swim patterning, or search strategy. The high-dose feed groups showed more tendency to swim in the outer annulus or to swim very close to the walls of the tank (thigmotaxic behavior). Overall, dietary exposure to chlorpyrifos produced long-lasting neurobehavioral changes and also altered the response to acute challenges.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the effects of chronic exposure to relatively low levels of anticholinesterase insecticides or how the effects of chronic exposure compare to those of higher, intermittent exposure. To that end, adult male rats were fed an anticholinesterase insecticide, chlorpyrifos (CPF), for 1 year at three levels of dietary exposure: 0, 1, or 5 mg/kg/day (0+oil, 1+oil, and 5+oil). In addition, half of each of these groups also received a bolus dosage of CPF in corn oil ("spiked" animals; 60 mg/kg initially and 45 mg/kg thereafter) every 2 months (0+CPF, 1+CPF, 5+CPF). Animals were analyzed after 6 or 12 months of dosing, and again 3 months after cessation of dosing (i.e., "recovery" animals-six experimental groups with n = 4-6/group/time point). Cholinesterase (ChE) activity was measured in retina, whole blood, plasma, red blood cells, diaphragm, and brain [pons, striatum, and the rest of the brain (referred to simply as "brain")]. Muscarinic receptor density was assessed in retina, pons, and brain, whereas dopamine transporter density and the levels of dopamine and its metabolites were assessed in striatum. Cholinesterase activity at 6 and 12 months was not different in any of the tissues, indicating that a steady state had been reached prior to 6 months. The 1+oil group animals showed ChE inhibition only in the blood, whereas the 5+oil group exhibited > or = 50% ChE inhibition in all tissues tested. One day after the bolus dose, all three groups (0+CPF, 1+CPF, 5+CPF) showed > or = 70% ChE inhibition in all tissues. Muscarinic receptor density decreased only in the brain of the 5+oil and 5+CPF groups, whereas dopamine transporter density increased only at 6 months in all three spiked groups. Striatal dopamine or dopamine metabolite levels did not change at any time. Three months after CPF dosing ended, all end points had returned to control levels. These data indicate that, although chronic feeding with or without intermittent spiked dosages with CPF produces substantial biochemical changes in a dose- and tissue-related manner, there are no persistent biochemical changes.  相似文献   

Concentrations of pyrene and total metabolites were determined for individual fetuses and selected maternal organs and tissues immediately and 6 h following a 95-min head-only exposure of pregnant Wistar rats, on gestation day 17, to five levels of pyrene over the range 200-800 mg m-3 as a microcondensation aerosol. The influence of uterine horn, side and position, on distribution to the fetus was assessed. The concentration of both pyrene and its metabolites increased more over the exposure range (eightfold) than did those in the fetus. Concentrations of pyrene or its metabolites in fetal tissues were not found to be related to its position on the uterine horn. There was an unexplained and significant (P less than 0.01) higher concentration of pyrene in fetuses on the right side relative to the left side of the uterine horn for the animals killed immediately following exposure. A comparison of the levels in maternal tissues measured immediately following the exposure and 6 h later showed that there was some redistribution of pyrene and its metabolites to the fat tissues, i.e. levels in the fat increased over the 6 h period following the exposure. Levels in the other tissues diminished during this period. In general, concentrations of pyrene and its metabolites were lowest in the fetal tissues relative to those in the sampled maternal organs and tissues.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Poisoning with organophosphate pesticides can cause sensory and motor neuropathy with permanent paralysis. Paralysis at the site of dermal exposure has not been reported. CASE REPORT: A 61-year-old carpenter sprayed a nest of termites with an insecticide containing chlorpyrifos without protective equipment and with direct contact of pesticide solution to hands, lower arms, feet, and lower legs, as well as inhalation of vapors from spraying. After 30 min he became ill with nausea, abdominal cramping, arm and leg weakness, bilateral shoulder pain, chest pain, and numbness in the left hand and arm. At a hospital, he was treated with atropine 1 mg IV and pralidoxime Cl 2 g IV There was 0/5 strength in the hands and wrists and 3/5 elsewhere, a left peritoneal palsy, and urinary retention. He was transferred to a tertiary care hospital where paralysis persisted. Electromyogram studies documented widespread peripheral neuropathy. With continued progression of neuropathy, pralidoxime was repeated on the third day. By day 12, motor strength improved except for the hands and left lower leg. Right interosseous muscle strength was 1/5 and left was 0/5. Right-hand grip was 2/5, and left-hand grip was 0/5. He was transferred to a rehabilitation center. He never regained use of his hands and was disabled from employment as a carpenter. There was a disturbed gait, with inability to clear his left foot with walking. Urinary retention persisted and required self-catherization. CONCLUSION: Dermal exposure of the hands and feet to chlorpyrifos was associated with atrophy and permanent paralysis of exposed areas. The importance of protective equipment is emphasized.  相似文献   

Although, or perhaps because, retinoids are among the earliest known behavioral teratogens, there is still little agreement about the behavioral effects of stage-specific exposure to these compounds. In these studies, pregnant albino rats were gavaged once daily with retinoic acid (RA) for 3 consecutive gestational days (GD), GD 8-10), GD 11-13, or GD 14-16. Dose levels were maximal levels compatible with survival (10, 2.5, or 12.5 mg/kg RA, over GD 8-10, 11-13, and 14-16, respectively). Two studies were conducted. The first assessed the effects of RA exposure on GD 8-10 or 14-16 on regional brain weight and on a large behavioral test battery. The second study assessed the effects of RA exposure on GD 11-13 or GD 14-16 on many of the same variables. Taken together with an earlier study of the behavioral effects of GD 11-13 RA exposure, these studies permit the following conclusions. 1) RA exposure at the above doses at any of the three exposure periods produced an apparent reduction in amphetamine-induced open field activity. 2) RA exposure on GD 14-16 but not earlier produced a robust, replicable rotarod deficit in exposed offspring. 3) RA exposure on GD 11-13, but not earlier or later, increased daytime activity in residential running wheels. 4) RA exposure on GD 11-13 or GD 14-16 but not GD 8-10 reduced weight of cerebellum. 5) No RA effect at any exposure period was seen on maze learning, activity in novel open fields, or on auditory startle.  相似文献   



This work exposed rats to low levels of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos and monitored for toxic effects, including weight gain.


Rats received either a subcutaneous injection of chlorpyrifos, 5 mg/kg/day, or an equal volume of vehicle daily for 4 months. Subjects were observed for 30 minutes after injection for signs of acute toxicity. Body weights were recorded at baseline, 2 months, 3 months, and 4 months. At the end of the experiment, the weights of hearts, medial lobe of the livers, peri-nephric fat pads, and gastrocnemius muscles were recorded. Effects of chlorpyrifos on adipocyte differentiation in culture were studied. Results were compared using RMANOVA.


No signs of acute cholinergic toxicity were observed after injections in any subject. Rats in the 5 mg/kg group were significantly heavier than those in the control group by 2 months (335.7 ± 16.7 g vs. 318.6 ± 15.8 g; p = 0.034). This difference increased at 3 months (350.1 ± 16.4 g vs. 322.3 ± 21.3 g p = 0.006) and 4 months (374.4 ± 22.2 g vs. 340.2 ± 25.2 g p = 0.006). At 4 months, the weights of the perinephric fat pads were significantly increased in the chlorpyrifos group relative to controls (2.867 + 0.516 vs. 1.130 + 0.171, p = 0.0039). The two groups showed no weight differences between hearts, livers, and gastrocnemius muscles. Chlorpyrifos did not affect adipocyte differentiation in tissue culture.


Chronic exposure to chlorpyrifos at 5 mg/kg/day caused an increase in rat body weight when compared to controls. This increase was in adipose tissue. Chlorpyrifos did not induce differentiation of adipocytes in culture.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies suggested a possible link between prenatal exposure to organophosphate insecticides (OP) and long-term mental delay and some behavioral troubles. Experimental studies in rats and mice have confirmed that a relatively short exposure to low doses of OP such as chlorpyrifos (CPF) during specific perinatal periods decreased anxiety-like behaviors. In the present study, we report that chronic perinatal exposure (GD15–PND14) to low doses of CPF leads to an increase (and not a decrease) in anxiety-like behaviors of female mouse offspring.Pregnant or lactating female mice were exposed to CPF (0.2; 1; or 5 mg/kg day) by oral treatment during 18 consecutive days. Following a recovery period of several weeks, the anxiety of adult female offspring was determined using neurobehavioral tests (elevated plus-maze and light/dark box tests).Our results showed that CPF-exposed female offspring were more anxious than controls. In addition, the magnitude of anxiety profile alterations depended on the level of exposure to CPF during gestation and lactation with a maximal effect observed at the 1 mg/kg day dose.Our results confirm that OP exposure during the perinatal period can induce long-term alterations in mouse anxiety-like behaviors and suggest that the routes of administration and the duration of OP exposure during brain development may be factors to consider when studying the development of anxiety.  相似文献   

Effects of gestational exposure to all-trans retinoic acid (RA) were assessed in the Long-Evans (hooded) and Sprague-Dawley (albino) rat strains. Two exposure periods were evaluated against vehicle controls. Both involved three consecutive daily per os doses of either 2.5 mg/kg RA on gestational days (GD) 11 through 13 or 10 mg/kg RA on GD 14 through 16. All assessments were conducted on at least one male and one female per litter. Substantial main effects of sex, strain and treatment were obtained, but with few significant interactions. Main effects of strain were found on surface righting, neonatal mortality, litter weight and postnatal day (PND) 35 regional brain weight. Among strain effects, the most interesting was the finding that weights of whole brain, frontal cortex, brainstem and cerebellar vermis were lower in hooded than in albino rats. These strain effects seldom interacted with treatment. Among the treatment effects was the finding that GD 11-13 but not GD 14-16 RA exposure impaired the righting reflex in both strains. Moreover, GD 11-13 exposure reduced weight of the cerebellar vermis more than did GD 14-16 RA exposure, while GD 14-16 RA exposure had greater impact on the weight of the cerebellar hemispheres than did GD 11-13 exposure. Covariate analysis suggested that these effects were independent of reductions in body weight. It is concluded that there are few strain or sex differences in the effects of gestational RA exposure, at least for the rat strains evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

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