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The pathway for chemoreceptor input to hypothalamic supraoptic nuclei has been examined in anaesthetised lactating and non-lactating rats.In lactating rats, the increase in intramammary pressure following bilateral carotid occlusion, which is probably mainly due to vasopressin, was abolished by lesions in the septum, but not by lesions in more caudal regions of the hypothalamus.In non-lactating rats, electrophysiological experiments demonstrated that the input from carotid body chemoreceptors to phasically-discharging supraoptic neurones is ipsilateral only. The effects of chemoreceptor stimulation on the neurones can be mimicked by electrical stimulation within the medial preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus in a region medial and rostral to the supraoptic nuclei. Lesions within this region abolish the chemoreceptor input to the supraoptic nuclei, but leave the baroreceptor input intact.It is proposed that chemoreceptor afferents to the supraoptic nuclei pass in the lateral hypothalamus to the region of the septum where they turn medially and descent throught the medial part of the rostral hypothalamus. The results are discussed in terms of the general role of the chemoreceptor reflex and, more specifically, with respect to the possible significance of vasopressin in the control of arterial blood pressure.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of 700 single neurons in the hypothalamus to electrical stimulation of the preoptic area, limbic structures, and midbrain were studied to determine the location of neurons with multiple inputs and to identify by antidromic activation the projection areas of those neurons.Converging excitatory inputs, observed in 134 responsive hypothalamic neurons, were principally derived from the preoptic, limbic, and midbrain areas. Inputs from separate nuclei of the amygdala were noted in the response of individual hypothalamic neurons. Two classes of short latency transsynaptic responses to amygdala stimulation were defined, indicating either separate pathways from the amygdala to the medial hypothalamus or two types of fibers conducting at different velocities. Stimulation of single or multiple sites in the preoptic and limbic areas, as well as in the arcuate nucleus and medial forebrain bundle produced inhibition of hypothalamic neuronal activity.Most antidromically identified medial hypothalamic neurons projected to the preoptic area, median eminence (tuberoinfundibular neurons), or midbrain. Evidence is presented for collateral projections of tuberoinfundibular neurons to the preoptic area and reticular formation. Medial hypothalamic neurons received inputs from the preoptic area, lateral septal nucleus, amygdala, ventral hippocampus (subiculum), and fornix. These findings illustrate a pattern of reciprocal connections between the medial hypothalamus and limbic and midbrain structures.It was concluded that the hypothalamus contains a type of neuron that is equipped to perform complex integrations and to coordinate directly the behavior of neurons in a diversity of anatomical regions.Abbreviations ABL basolateral nucleus of the amygdala - ACO cotical nucleus of the amygdala - AHA anterior area of the hypothalamus - ARH arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus - DMH dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus - FX fornix - HPC ventral hippocampus (subiculum) - LS lateral septal nucleus - ME median eminence - MH medial hypothalamus - MFB medial forebrain bundle - MP posterior mamillary nucleus - PH posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus - PMD dorsal premamillary nucleus - PMV ventral premamillary nucleus - POA preoptic area - PVG periventricular gray - PVH paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus - RF reticular formation of the mesencephalon - RT reticular nucleus of the thalamus - SUM supramamillary nucleus - VMH ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus Performed with financial support from the National Institutes of Health (Grants NS 09688 and RR 00165)  相似文献   

Retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to define the origin of afferents to the inferior olivary complex (IOC) in rats. Using both ventral and dorsal surgical approaches to the brainstem, HRP was injected into the IOC through a micropipette affixed to the tip of a 1-μl Hamilton syringe. After a 2-day postoperative survival, animals were sacrificed by transcardiac perfusion with a 1% paraformaldehyde-1.25% gluteraldehyde solution, and brains were processed according to the DeOlmos protocol (1977), using o-dianisidine as the chromogen. Labeled cells were found at many levels of the nervous system extending from lumbar spinal cord to cerebral cortex. This wide-ranging input from numerous regions clearly underscores the complexity of the IOC and its apparent involvement in several functions. Within the spinal cord, labeled neurons were identified from cervical to lumbar but not at sacral levels. These neurons were found contralaterally in the neck region of the dorsal horn and in the medial portions of the intermediate gray. In the caudal brainstem, reactive cells in the dorsal column nuclei, the spinal trigeminal nucleus, and the subnucleus y of the vestibular complex were observed primarily contralateral to the injection sites. Labeling within the gigantocellular, magnocellular, ventral, and lateral reticular nuclei and the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi was primarily ipsilateral. Reactive neurons in the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei were predominantly ipsilateral or contralateral to HRP injections into the caudal or rostral IOC, respectively. The dentate and interposed nuclei of the cerebellum contained small, lightly labeled neurons primarily contralateral to the injection site, while the fastigial nuclei contained a few relatively large, heavily labeled cells bilateral to caudal olivary injections. Ipsilaterally labeled mesencephalic regions included the periaqueductal gray, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, rostromedial red nucleus, ventral tegmental area, medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tract, nucleus of the optic tract, and the lateral deep mesencephalic nucleus. The caudal part of the pretectum and small cells of the stratum profundum of the superior colliculus were labeled predominantly contralateral to the injection. In the caudal diencephalon labeled neurons were most numerous within the nucleus of Darkschewitsch and the subparafascicular nucleus, primarily ipsilateral to olivary injections. Scattered reactive neurons were also found within the ipsilateral zone incerta. With the exception of the zona incerta, all labeled mesencephalic and diencephalic nuclei had some bilateral representation of labeled cells. No labeled neurons were identified within the basal ganglia, while numerous reactive cells were found bilaterally within layer V of the frontal and parietal cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Summary The high tonic discharge rates of globus pallidus neurons in awake monkeys suggest that these neurons may receive some potent excitatory input. Because most current electrophysiological evidence suggests that the major described pallidal afferent systems from the neostriatum are primarily inhibitory, we used retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to identify possible additional sources of pallidal afferent fibers. The appropriate location was determined before HRP injection by mapping the characteristic high frequency discharge of single pallidal units in awake animals. In animals with injections confined to the internal pallidal segment, retrograde label was seen in neurons of the pedunculopontine nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, substantia nigra, caudate, putamen, subthalamic nucleus, parafascicular nucleus, zona incerta, medial and lateral subthalamic tegmentum, parabrachial nuclei, and locus coeruleus. An injection involving the external pallidal segment and the putamen as well resulted in additional labeling of cells in centromedian nucleus, pulvinar, and the ventromedial thalamus.Abbreviations AC anterior commissure - CG central grey - CM centromedian nucleus - CN caudate nucleus - DM dorsomedial nucleus - DR dorsal raphe nucleus - DSCP decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle - GPe globus pallidus, external segment - GPi globus pallidus, internal segment - LC locus coeruleus - LL lateral lemniscus - MG medial geniculate nucleus - ML medial lemniscus - NVI abducens nucleus - OT optic tract - Pbl lateral parabrachial nucleus - Pbm medial parabrachial nucleus - Pf parafascicular nucleus - PPN pedunculopontine nucleus - PuO oral pulvinar nucleus - RN red nucleus - SCP superior cerebellar peduncle - SI substantia innominata - SNc substantia nigra, pars compacta - SNr substantia nigra, pars reticulata - STN subthalamic nucleus - TMT mamillothalamic tract - VA ventral anterior nucleus - VLc ventral lateral nucleus, pars caudalis - VLm ventral lateral nucleus, pars medialis - VLo ventral lateral nucleus, pars oralis - VPI ventral posterior inferior nucleus - VPM ventral posterior medial nucleus - VPLc ventral posterior lateral nucleus, pars caudalis - ZI zona incerta  相似文献   

The primary afferent projection of the greater petrosal nerve (GPN) to the solitary complex was studied following application of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to the GPN just distal to the geniculate ganglion. Labeled fibers were traced to the most rostral part of the solitary tract. Numerous collaterals entered the solitary complex from its dorsal and lateral aspects, and formed a dense plexus. They terminated in the dorsal half of the medial solitary nucleus at the level of the rostral half of the solitary complex, and in the ventrolateral and commissural nuclei at the level of the caudal half. The densest termination was observed in the medial solitary nucleus. Labeled terminals were found to contain round, clear synaptic vesicles and to make asymmetrical synaptic contacts with dendritic profiles.  相似文献   

Neurons of the rat amygdaloid body were labeled with horseradish peroxidase following its injection into contralateral nuclei of the amygdala. The results strongly suggest that there is a contralateral amygdaloid projection from the basal (dorsal and ventral) nuclei of amygdala; it terminates in the medial, central and lateral nucleus. True commissural connections were found only between posterior parts of the cortical nuclei of amygdala and between homonymous areas of the piriform cortex.  相似文献   

To detect the cell bodies of neurones which project to the area of the hypothalamic para-ventricular nucleus, 10–40 nl of a solution containing horseradish peroxidase and poly-l-ornithine were pressure-injected into one paraventricular nucleus of the rat. After 24 or 48 h, the enzyme remaining at the site of injection was detected by the diaminobenzidine procedure. Retrogradely transported horse-radish peroxidase was visualized by using o-dianisidine as the chromogen substrate.The extent and the intensity of labelling correlated with the apparent volume of the injection site. Labelled cell bodies were observed, ipsilateral to the injection, in the mediobasal hypothalamus, in the limbic system (lateral septum, posteromedial amygdala, ventral subiculum) and in several cell clusters in the brain stem (dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, parabrachial nucleus, nucleus of the solitary tract and lateral reticular nucleus). In some animals, light labelling in the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis and in the subfornical organ was observed. No labelled neurones could be detected in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Restricted microelectrophoretic injections either of free horseradish peroxidase or of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin were given to albino rats in order to study the afferent connections of structures of the subthalamic region. The results suggest that the zona incerta receives its main input from several territories of the cerebral cortex, the mesencephalic reticular formation, deep cerebellar nuclei, regions of the sensory trigeminal nuclear complex and the dorsal column nuclei. Substantial input to the zona incerta appears to come from the superior colliculus, the anterior pretectal nucleus and the periaqueductal gray substance, whereas many other structures, among which hypothalamic nuclei, the locus coeruleus, the raphe complex, the parabrachial area and medial districts of the pontomedullary reticular formation, seem to represent relatively modest but consistent additional input sources. The afferentation of neurons in Forel's fields H1 and H2 appears to conform to the general pattern outlined above. As pointed out in the Discussion, the present results provide hodological support for the classic concept according to which the zona incerta can be regarded as a rostral extent of the midbrain reticular core. Some of the possible physiological correlates of the fiber connections of the zona incerta in the context of the sleep-waking cycle, ingestive behaviors, somatic motor mechanisms, visual functions and nociceptive behavior are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

生后早期大鼠下丘脑核团发育的形态学变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解生后早期大鼠下丘脑核团发育情况 ,为相应行为变化提供解释证据。方法 采用 10、13、16d龄雄性大鼠各 10只 ,制作火棉胶连续切片 ,应用计算机分析系统对下丘脑核团进行观察结果。结果  13d龄组大鼠下丘脑核团各项体视学数据均大于 10d龄组 ,而与 16d龄组相比左别无显著性 ;13d龄组大鼠细胞密度高于 10d龄组 ,而 16d龄组比 13d龄组增高程度更为明显。结论 生后 13d左右的大鼠下丘脑显著发育阶段与大鼠行为改变有明显的变化  相似文献   

The afferent connections of the mesencephalic reticular formation were studied experimentally in the rat by the aid of the retrograde horseradish peroxidase tracer technique. The results suggest that the rostral portion of the mesencephalic reticular formation receives its main input from the cerebral cortex, the zona incerta and the fields of Forel, the central gray substance, the nuclei reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis, and the deep cerebellar nuclei. Substantial input to the same territory of the mesencephalic reticular formation appears to come from the superior colliculus, the substantia nigra, the parabrachial area, the spinal trigeminal nucleus, and the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis, whereas several other brain structures, among which the locus coeruleus and the raphe complex, seem to represent modest but consistent additional input sources. The afferentation of more caudal portions of the mesencephalic reticular formation appears to conform to the general pattern outlined above with only three exceptions: the cerebral cortex, the deep cerebellar nuclei and the spinal trigeminal nucleus seem to be relatively modest sources of projections to these levels.Considering that the mesencephalic reticular formation is a critical structure in the “ascending activating systems”, the present results, confirming and extending those of many other investigators, characterize a set of pathways that seem to be an important part of the anatomical substrate of the sleep-waking cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Direct neural connections from the medial preoptic area (MPOA) to the arcuate nucleus were studied on light and electron microscope level by a multistep experimental procedure. The hypothalamic deafferentation technique of Halász and Pupp (1965) was used in itself or was combined with electrolytic lesions. In order to eliminate all fibers of more rostral source traversing the medial preoptic area an extended rostral preoptic deafferentation was made, and a survival time of at least 3 weeks was chosen to allow for the complete disappearance of the degenerated fragments from the arcuate nucleus. In the main experimental group the medial preoptic area was destroyed by an electrolytic lesion 3 or more weeks following such rostral preoptic deafferentations. In these animals degenerated fibers and terminals certainly of preoptic origin were found distributed bilaterally, with a predominance on the side of the lesion. — These data suggest that axons originating from medial preoptic neurons terminate in the arcuate nucleus, thus constituting a preoptico-tuberal pathway.  相似文献   

The afferent connections of the parvocellular reticular formation were systematically investigated in the rat with the aid of retrograde and anterograde horseradish peroxidase tracer techniques. The results indicate that the parvocellular reticular formation receives its main input from several territories of the cerebral cortex (namely the first motor, primary somatosensory and granular insular areas), districts of the reticular formation (including its contralateral counterpart, the intermediate reticular nucleus, the nucleus of Probst's bundle, the dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus, the alpha part of the gigantocellular reticular nucleus, the dorsal and ventral reticular nuclei of the medulla, and the mesencephalic reticular formation), the supratrigeminal nucleus and the deep cerebellar nuclei. Moderate to substantial input to the parvocellular reticular formation appears to come from the central amygdaloid nucleus, the parvocellular division of the red nucleus, and the orofacial and gustatory sensory cell groups (comprising the mesencephalic, principal and spinal trigeminal nuclei, and the rostral part of the nucleus of the solitary tract), whereas many other structures, including the substantia innominata, the field H2 of Forel, hypothalamic nuclei, the superior colliculus, the substantia nigra pars reticulata, the retrorubral field and the parabrachial complex, seem to represent relatively modest additional input sources. Some of these projections appear to be topographically distributed within the parvocellular reticular formation. From the present results it appears that the parvocellular reticular formation receives afferents from a restricted group of sensory structures. This finding calls into question the traditional characterization of the parvocellular reticular formation as an intermediate link between the sensory nuclei of the cranial nerves and the medial magnocellular reticular districts, identified as the effector components of the reticular apparatus. Some of the possible physiological correlates of the fiber connections of the parvocellular reticular formation in the context of oral motor behaviors, autonomic regulations, respiratory phenomena and sleep-waking mechanisms are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Attempts were made to determine the afferent projections to the anterior hypothalamus including the preoptic area from the lower brain stem by means of the horseradish peroxidase method combined with monoamine oxidase staining to identify noradrenaline (NA) neurons. In addition to this technique, a histofluorescence analysis was performed. NA fibers in the medial part of the anterior hypothalamus were mainly supplied by A1 and A2 NA neuron groups, while the lateral part and periventricular zone received NA terminals from both pontine and medulla oblongata NA neuron groups. Furthermore, the present study indicated that there were direct projections to the anterior hypothalamus from non-noradrenergic neurons in the lower brain stem: nuclei raphe dorsalis, centralis superior, cells in the mesencephalic and pontine central gray matter, nuclei parabrachialis lateralis and medialis, cells around fasciculus longitudinalis medialis.Abbreviations CA Commissura anterior - CO Chiasma opticum - DP Decussatio pyramidum - DPCS Decussatio pedunculorum cerebellarium superiorum - F Columna fornicis - FLM Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - FMT Fasciculus mamillothalamicus - GCM Griseum centrale mesencephali - GCP Griseum centrale pontis - LL Lemniscus lateralis - LM Lemniscus medialis - PCM Pedunculus cerebellaris medius - PCS Pedunculus cerebellaris superior - TO Tractus opticus - TS Tractus solitarius - TVme Tractus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini - V Ventriculus tertius - VTS Tractus spinalis nervi trigemini - am nucleus ambiguus - B Barrington nucleus - com nucleus commissuralis - cp nucleus caudatus putamen - cs nucleus centralis superior - ct nucleus corporis trapezoidei - cu nucleus cuneatus - dX nucleus dorsalis nervi vagi - Gd nucleus tegmentalis dorsalis (von Gudden) - gr nucleus gracilis - Gv nucleus tegmentalis ventralis (von Gudden) - ha nucleus hypothalamicus anterior - hl nucleus hypothalamicus lateralis - hpe nucleus periventricularis (hypothalami) - hvm nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami - lc nucleus locus coeruleus - oi nucleus olivaris inferior - p nucleus pontis - pa nucleus paraventricularis - pbl nucleus parabrachialis lateralis - pbm nucleus parabrachialis medialis - ph nucleus praepositus hypoglossi - pol nucleus preopticus lateralis - pom nucleus preopticus medialis - pop nucleus preopticus periventricularis - rd nucleus raphe dorsalis - re nucleus reuniens - rl nucleus reticularis lateralis - rm nucleus raphe magnus - ro nucleus raphe obscrus - sc nucleus suprachiasmaticus - so nucleus supraopticus - st nucleus interstitialis striae terminalis - td nucleus tractus diagonalis (Broca) - ts nucleus tractus solitarii - Vme nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini - Vmo nucleus motorius nervi trigemini - Vts nucleus tractus spinalis nervi trigemini - XII nucleus nervi hypoglossi  相似文献   

The spinal nucleus of the accessory nerve (SNA) comprises the group of somata (perikarya) of motor neurons that supply the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles. There are many conflicting views regarding the longitudinal extent and topography of the SNA, even in the same species, and these disagreements prompted the present investigation. Thirty Sprague-Dawley rats (15 males, 15 females) were used. The SNA was localized by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. Longitudinally, the SNA was found to be located in the caudal part (caudal 0.9-1.2 mm) of the medulla oblongata, the whole lengths of cervical spinal cord segments C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and rostral fourth of C6. In the caudal part of the medulla oblongata, the SNA was represented by a group of perikarya of motor neurons lying immediately ventrolateral to the pyramidal fibres that were passing dorsolaterally after their decussation. In the spinal cord, the motor neuronal somata of the SNA were located in the dorsomedial and central columns at C1, in the dorsomedial, central and ventrolateral columns at C2 and in the ventrolateral column only at C3, C4, C5 and rostral quarter of C6. The perikarya of motor neurons supplying the sternocleidomastoid were located in the caudal part (caudal 0.9-1.2 mm) of the medulla oblongata ventrolateral to the pyramidal fibres that were passing dorsolaterally after their decussation. They were also located in the dorsomedial and central columns at C1, in the dorsomedial, central and ventrolateral columns at C2 and only in the ventrolateral column at the rostral three-quarters of C3. The perikarya of motor neurons supplying the trapezius muscle were located in the ventrolateral column only in the caudal three-quarters of C2, the whole lengths of C3, C4 and C5, and in the rostral quarter of C6.  相似文献   

The afferent connections of the nuclei reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis were studied experimentally in the rat by the aid of either free horseradish peroxidase or horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin used as retrograde tracers.

The results suggest that the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis receives its main input from the zona incerta and field H1, of Forel, the superior colliculus, the central gray substance, and the mesencephalic and magnocellular pontomedullary districts of the reticular formation. Many other structures seem to represent modest additional sources of projections to the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis; these structures include numerous cortical territories, the nucleus basalis, the central amygdaloid nucleus, hypothalamic districts, the anterior pretectal nucleus, the substantia nigra, the cuneiform, the accessory oculomotor and the deep cerebellar nuclei, trigeminal, parabrachial and vestibular sensory cell groups, the nuclei raphe dorsalis and magnus, the locus coeruleus, the dorsolateral tegmental nucleus, and the spinal cord. While the afferentation of the rostral portion of the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis appears to conform to the general pattern outlined above, some deviations from that pattern emerge when the innervation of the caudal district of the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis is considered; the most striking of these differences is the fact that both spinal and cerebellar inputs seem to distribute much more heavily to the referred caudal district than to the remaining magnocellular pontine reticular formation.

The present results may contribute to the elucidation of the anatomical substrate of the functionally demonstrated involvement of the nuclei reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis in several domains that include the regulation of the sleep-waking cycle and cortical arousal, somatic motor mechanisms and nociceptive behavior.  相似文献   

损毁弓状核对大鼠骨组织形态计量学的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的: 研究损毁下丘脑弓状核对大鼠骨组织形态计量学的影响。 方法: SD大鼠于出生后第1、3、5、7、9 d皮下注射10%谷氨酸单钠(MSG)(4 g/kg BW),对照组同法注射等体积生理盐水,并设MSG毒性对照组,于70 d龄同法注射MSG,各组大鼠皆存活至160 d。用3%戊巴比妥钠腹腔麻醉,用4%多聚甲醛经左心室行全身灌注,取脑作下丘脑弓状核冠状面切片,HE染色。取右侧胫骨常规脱钙,石蜡包埋,矢状面连续切片,胶原特殊染色,用于显示骨小梁结构。HE染色用于破骨细胞计数。图像分析仪对弓状核正中隆起切面和骨组织进行照片和计量。用放免法测血清中GH(生长素)、E2(雌二醇)和T(睾酮)含量。 结果: MSG大鼠弓状核神经细胞数量显著减少,GH和E2、T水平明显降低,骨量显著减少,发生骨质疏松,NS组和MSG毒性对照组弓状核、GH、E2、T和骨组织无明显改变。 结论: ①MSG大鼠骨组织的改变不是MSG对垂体和骨组织的毒性作用所致;②下丘脑弓状核参与骨代谢的调控;③通过GH和性激素作用是ARC参与骨代谢调控的重要途径。  相似文献   

The representation of facial muscle groups in the facial nucleus of rat was examined by retrograde transport of HRP. Motoneurons supplying muscle groups are arranged in longitudinal columns. Those supplying nasolabial muscles are located in the lateral and ventral intermediate segments, posterior auricular muscles in a medial column, platysma in an intermediate column; the lower lip and ocular muscles are in the ventral and dorsal segments respectively of the intermediate column. The posterior belly of the digastric muscle is supplied by motoneurons extending from the dorsal aspect of the facial nucleus to the caudal pole of the trigeminal motor nucleus.  相似文献   

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