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This study tested the hypothesis that arginine vasopressin (AVP) is involved in the regulation of basal ACTH secretion in the ovine fetus near term. In five fetuses challenged with AVP (1 microgram/ml, iv bolus) plasma ACTH concentrations increased to an 8-fold peak within 10 min of the preceding baseline (55 +/- 6 to 403 +/- 241 pg/ml). Cortisol in fetal circulation subsequently increased 2-fold (11 +/- 1 to 28 +/- 5 ng/ml) within 15 min of the AVP injection. The AVP-induced rise in plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations was blocked when the fetus was pretreated with the AVP V1 receptor antagonist d(Ch2)5Tyr(Me)AVP. In a total of seven studies, antagonist (10 micrograms/kg estimated BW, iv bolus) was administered to three fetuses, aged 137-147 days gestation, followed 40 min later by the exogenous AVP challenge, as described above. After AVP antagonist treatment, basal ACTH and cortisol concentrations were not significantly different from the preinjection baseline levels (P greater than 0.05, by analysis of variance). Moreover, plasma ACTH and cortisol remained unchanged after the AVP challenge. To further define the role of endogenous AVP in basal ACTH and cortisol secretion, the AVP antagonist was administered (five studies in two fetuses) at 30-min intervals for a total of three injections per fetus. This extended AVP antagonist regimen also failed to alter fetal circulating concentrations of ACTH or cortisol (P greater than 0.05). Cortisol in the maternal circulation was not affected by any of the fetal AVP or AVP antagonist treatments. Lambs were born at 146 +/- 2 days gestation (n = 5), within the range for the normal duration of pregnancy. These data do not support the hypotheses that AVP is involved in the regulation of basal ACTH secretion in the fetal sheep during the 10 days preceding parturition. Rather, the ability of AVP antagonist to block the AVP-induced rise in plasma ACTH and cortisol in the fetus suggests that basal and stimulated ACTH secretion are under separate regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the fetal sheep, plasma cortisol concentrations gradually increase in the last weeks of gestation and abruptly rise during the final 48-72 h preceding birth. To determine if these changes in mean circulating cortisol concentrations result from increased pulsatile secretion and are driven by changes in ACTH pulses, blood samples from five chronically catheterized fetuses were collected every 5 min for 2 h at 133 days gestation and every 4 days thereafter until delivery at 146 +/- 2 days. Volume was replaced after each blood sample and erythrocytes were returned every 20 min. Plasma cortisol and ACTH secretion were pulsatile in fetuses at all ages. Cortisol pulse frequency increased significantly with gestation from a mean of 2.2 pulses/2 h at 133 days to 4.8 pulses/2 h at 146 days. The interpulse interval (mean +/- SE) decreased between 133 and 146 days from 54 +/- 11 min to 23 +/- 3 min, respectively. Cortisol pulse amplitude increased significantly from 10 +/- 2 ng/ml at 133 days to 44 +/- 13 ng/ml at 146 days. In contrast to cortisol, ACTH pulse frequency (3 +/- 0.6 pulses/2 h) and amplitude (21 +/- 3 pg/ml) were similar at 133 days and 146 days. The coincidence of cortisol and ACTH pulses did not change between 133 and 146 days. Furthermore, the number of coincident pulses failed to exceed random associations (hypergeometric probability analysis) and could have occurred by chance alone (P values ranged from 0.11-0.63). A point by point comparison of cortisol and ACTH concentrations in fetal circulation indicate that only 36% of the variance in cortisol concentrations could be explained by variance in ACTH (cross-correlation analysis). These data suggest that fetal cortisol and ACTH secretion are pulsatile and that, as gestation advances, increases in constitutive cortisol pulse amplitude and frequency may not be predominantly driven by pulsatile changes in ACTH in the ovine fetal circulation near term.  相似文献   

We have determined metabolic parameters for androstenedione (A) in chronically catheterized late gestation (day 130) sheep fetuses. The MCR (MCRA) was 3210 +/- 229 (SEM, n = 12) ml/min, the fetal arterial whole blood concentration of A [A] was 65 +/- 5 pg/ml, and the blood production rate (PRA) was 204 +/- 20 ng/min. Pulsatile administration of ACTH in amounts that raised fetal arterial plasma cortisol concentrations by 5- to 7-fold increased [A] to 154 +/- 20 pg/ml and PRA to 471 +/- 31 ng/min with no change in MCRA. In the presence of metopirone to block fetal adrenal cortisol output, ACTH treatment still provoked elevations in [A] (to 198 +/- 23 pg/ml) and PRA (539 +/- 158 ng/min), without altering MCRA. The major radiolabeled product in blood of infused [3H]A was [3H]testosterone; smaller amounts of phenolic steroids were formed. Extensive metabolism of [3H]A occurred in whole blood in vitro. The major product was [3H]testosterone; the 17-oxidoreductase activity was associated with the red blood cells. Umbilical vein [A] was greater than umbilical artery [A]; ACTH treatment increased [A] in both vessels. Concomitant metopirone abolished the arteriovenous difference by eliminating the ACTH-induced increase in venous [A], although arterial [A] rose significantly. The venous [A] and the arteriovenous gradient were restored with exogenous glucocorticoid treatment to the fetus. Collagenase-dispersed fetal adrenal cells secreted A. Adrenal cells from fetuses pretreated with ACTH in vivo had higher basal and ACTH-induced output of A in vitro than cells from fetuses pretreated with saline in vivo. We conclude that the MCRA in fetal sheep is extremely high, in part due to conversion of A to testosterone in fetal blood. The elevated PRA after ACTH plus metopirone and the lack of an umbilical arteriovenous gradient of [A] in this, but not other groups of fetuses, suggests a source of A production independent of the cortisol-induced changes in the placenta. Direct evidence is provided for fetal adrenal secretion of A which is enhanced by ACTH pretreatment of the fetus in vivo and for the utilization of circulating A in the fetus as a precursor for estrogen in both fetal and maternal compartments.  相似文献   

During mammalian development there are periods when the fetal adrenal is either relatively refractory or increasingly sensitive to trophic stimulation. This pattern of regulation of adrenal growth and function ensures that the fetal lungs, liver, brain and kidney are exposed in a programmed temporal sequence to the genomic actions of circulating glucocorticoids. The factors which act to maintain periods of adrenal quiescence are not known. In the present study we have measured the level of messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of a putative inhibitor of adrenal steroidogenesis, transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFbeta1), and a key steroidogenic enzyme, cytochrome P450 17alpha hydroxylase (CYP17), during periods of adrenal quiescence and activation in the sheep fetus. We have also investigated the relative roles of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary axis and cortisol in the regulation of expression of adrenal TGFbeta1 and CYP17 mRNA during late gestation. Adrenal expression of TGFbeta1 was greatest at around 100 days gestation, at a time when the fetal sheep adrenal is relatively refractory to trophic stimulation and there was an inverse relationship between the expression of TGFbeta1 and CYP17 mRNA in the adrenal gland during the peripartum period. Whilst disconnection of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary disconnection (HPD) axis resulted in a decrease in adrenal CYP 17 mRNA expression, there was no effect of fetal HPD, with or without cortisol replacement, on adrenal TGFbeta1 mRNA expression in late gestation. Thus TGFbeta1 may play a role in inhibiting adrenal steroidogenesis and ensuring that the adrenal remains relatively refractory to trophic stimulation during mid gestation. The maintenance of low adrenal TGFbeta1 expression during late gestation is not dependent, however, on stimulation by the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary axis.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of endogenous arginine vasopressin (AVP) on ACTH secretion, normal subjects were given infusions of either hypertonic saline (HS) or isotonic saline (NS) combined with human corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) or placebo. Basal plasma AVP was 2.3 +/- 0.3 (+/- SE) pg/ml, did not change with NS treatment, and rose to 5.4 +/- 0.6 pg/ml during HS infusion (P less than 0.01). Both basal and CRH-stimulated plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations increased during HS infusion. Peak plasma ACTH and cortisol levels were 11.4 +/- 1.5 pg/ml and 8.6 +/- 0.8 micrograms/dl, respectively, during the HS (plus placebo) infusion. During the NS (plus placebo) infusion, plasma ACTH and cortisol gradually declined to 6.8 +/- 0.5 pg/ml and 2.6 +/- 0.4 micrograms/dl. The timing of the rise in ACTH during the HS infusion paralleled the rise in AVP. When an iv dose of 1 microgram/kg CRH was administered during the saline infusions, peak plasma ACTH and cortisol levels were 27.7 +/- 6.3 pg/ml and 17.5 +/- 1.0 micrograms/dl, respectively, during the HS infusion and 15.6 +/- 1.7 pg/ml and 13.4 +/- 1.2 micrograms/dl during the NS infusion. When the areas under the hormone response curves were compared, CRH stimulated ACTH and cortisol secretion to a greater extent than did HS (P less than 0.05). The hormonal stimulation due to combined CRH and hypertonic saline was greater than that attributable to either factor alone (P less than 0.025), but was not different than the sum of the effects of the individual factors. These results indicate that increases in endogenous AVP produced by HS are associated with increases in both basal and CRH-stimulated ACTH and cortisol release. The effect of HS appears to be additive to but not consistently synergistic with the effect of CRH.  相似文献   

C E Wood  A M Rudolph 《Endocrinology》1983,112(6):1930-1936
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that physiological increases in the fetal plasma cortisol concentration inhibit fetal ACTH responses to stress. Fetal sheep, between 121 and 131 days gestation, were infused with cortisol (4 micrograms/min) or vehicle for 5 h. One hour after the end of the cortisol or vehicle infusion, fetuses were infused with sodium nitroprusside (100 micrograms/min) to stimulate fetal ACTH and adrenal corticosteroid secretion. Cortisol, but not vehicle, elevated fetal plasma cortisol and suppressed the fetal ACTH and cortisol responses to nitroprusside. Cortisol and 11-deoxycortisol concentrations were significantly correlated in fetal plasma samples drawn during experiments in which cortisol was not infused; however, the cortisol to 11-deoxycortisol ratio was significantly increased during the infusion of nitroprusside. Fetal heart rate increased during vehicle infusion and decreased during cortisol infusion. Fetal blood pressure was not altered by either cortisol or vehicle infusion. Cortisol infusion increased fetal blood hemoglobin concentration, decreased maternal blood hemoglobin concentration, and produced metabolic acidosis in both mother and fetus. Vehicle infusion did not alter either fetal or maternal hemoglobin or pH. The data do not suggest an obvious mechanism for the cortisol-induced changes in fetal and maternal pH and hemoglobin or in fetal heart rate. However, some of the changes might be attributable to changes in fetal sympathetic outflow or to fluid shifts. We conclude that physiological increases in fetal plasma cortisol concentration: 1) inhibit subsequent ACTH responses to stress and 2) alter fetal cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

Maturation of the fetal hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis is critical for the timely somatic development of the fetus and readiness for birth. Recently, we proposed that prostaglandin generation within the fetal central nervous system is critical for the modulation of hypotension-induced fetal ACTH secretion. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that the preparturient increase in fetal ACTH secretion is dependent upon fetal central nervous system prostaglandin synthesis mediated by the activity of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (PGHS)-2 (cyclooxygenase-2) in the fetal brain. We performed two studies in chronically catheterized fetal sheep. In the first study, we infused nimesulide or vehicle intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v) into singleton fetal sheep and collected blood samples until spontaneous parturition. Nimesulide significantly delayed parturition, and inhibited fetal ACTH and proopiomelanocortin secretion but did not prevent the preparturient increase in fetal plasma cortisol concentration. In the second study, we used twin fetuses. One fetus received intracerebroventricular nimesulide and the other intracerebroventricular vehicle. Nimesulide reduced brain tissue concentrations of prostaglandin estradiol, while not affecting plasma prostaglandin E(2) concentrations, demonstrating an action restricted to the fetal brain. Nimesulide reduced PGHS-2 mRNA and increased PGHS-2 protein, while not altering PGHS-1 mRNA or protein in most brain regions, suggesting an effect of the inhibitor on PGHS-2 turnover and relative specificity for PGHS-2 in vivo. We conclude that the preparturient increase in fetal ACTH and proopiomelanocortin is dependent upon the activity of PGHS-2 in the fetal brain. However, we also conclude that the timing of parturition is not solely dependent upon ACTH in this species.  相似文献   

A 50-yr-old woman presented with a 7-yr history of Cushing's syndrome. She had high urinary free cortisol levels (711 micrograms/day) and a positive response to metyrapone and suppression with 8 mg dexamethasone, suggesting pituitary ACTH-dependent adrenocortical hyperfunction. Plasma cortisol and ACTH levels showed marked temporal variation. Samples obtained at 2-h intervals revealed that plasma ACTH and cortisol levels surged during periods lasting approximately 12 h and fell to levels below normal during the remainder of the 24-h cycle. When urinary free cortisol was measured in urines collected in 12-h aliquots, the corresponding surge in free cortisol excretion was also evident. These cycles were not affected by a 2.5-month course of cyproheptadine. Pituitary irradiation and mitotane therapy resulted in remission of Cushing's syndrome, with disappearance of the peaks of ACTH and cortisol secretion. This case represents an unusual example of the abnormal circadian rhythm of ACTH secretion on Cushing's disease.  相似文献   

The present study determined the pituitary-adrenal responses to acute hypoxemia after a period of reversible adverse intrauterine conditions produced by partial compression of the umbilical cord for 3 days in the sheep fetus during late gestation. At 118 +/- 2 days gestation (term is approximately 145 days), 12 sheep fetuses were instrumented under halothane anesthesia with an occluder cuff around the umbilical cord, amniotic and vascular catheters, and a transit-time flow probe around an umbilical artery. In 6 of the fetuses at 125 days, umbilical blood flow was reduced by about 30% from baseline for 3 days (UCC), after which the occluder was deflated. The remaining 6 fetuses acted as sham-operated controls in which the occluder was not inflated. All fetuses were then subsequently subjected to 2 periods of acute hypoxemia, elicited by reducing the maternal inspired fraction of oxygen (FiO(2)) at 2 +/- 1 and 5 +/- 2 days after the end of cord compression or sham compression. In addition, 4 fetuses from each group were subjected to an ACTH challenge 1-2 days after the final episode of acute hypoxemia. Maternal and fetal arterial blood samples were taken at appropriate intervals during cord compression, acute hypoxemia, and ACTH challenge for analyses of blood gases, pH, and plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations. Partial compression of the umbilical cord produced reversible mild fetal asphyxia, a transient increase in fetal plasma ACTH, and a progressive increase in fetal plasma cortisol. At 5 +/- 2 days after the end of compression, despite similar blood gas status between the groups, basal plasma cortisol, but not ACTH, concentrations were significantly greater in compressed fetuses relative to sham controls. However, this dissociation did not affect a similar increment in fetal plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations during acute hypoxemia or in the fetal plasma cortisol response to the ACTH challenge in either group. An increase in adrenocortical mass occurred in fetuses preexposed to partial compression of the umbilical cord relative to sham controls. The data suggest that fetal exposure to a reversible period of adverse intrauterine conditions produced by partial compression of the umbilical cord does not affect the magnitude of the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to subsequent acute hypoxemia, but it leads to resetting of basal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in the fetus. The mechanism for this resetting may include an increase in adrenocortical steroidogenic synthetic capacity, but it is not due to a change in adrenocortical sensitivity to ACTH. Inappropriate fetal glucocorticoid exposure after reversible periods of adverse intrauterine conditions has important implications for fetal and postnatal development.  相似文献   

We examined the cross-regulation of signaling between ACTH-and platelet-activating factor (PAF)-mediated steroidogenesis in the perfused guinea pig adrenal gland. Our method of in situ perfusion using an artificial medium can evaluate whether cortisol secretion in response to ACTH and PAF is interactive. Treating adrenal glands with 100 pg/ml ACTH diminished the subsequent cortisol response to 10 nM PAF. By contrast, PAF resulted in subsequent potentiation of ACTH-induced cortisol secretion. A mixture of 50 microM L-alpha-1-oleoyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycerol (OAG), an activator of protein kinase C (PKC), and 3.3 microM calcium ionophore (A23187), or 10 microM forskolin (FRK) diminished the cortisol response to PAF, whereas that to ACTH was unaffected. Each of PAF, ACTH, or FRK eliminated the cortisol response to OAG plus A23187, whereas that to FRK was unaffected. These data show that the protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent processes activated by ACTH or FRK can interfere with PAF-induced signal transduction at receptor and post-receptor levels. In contrast, PKC-dependent processes activated by PAF promoted ACTH-signaling at receptor and post-receptor level. Cross-regulation between processes activated by PAF receptor-PKC and by ACTH receptor-PKA might function in the multifactorial regulation of adrenocortical steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

R E Oakey 《Endocrinology》1975,97(4):1024-1029
The cortisol binding capacity of serum from 11 pregnant baboons (38 samples) and from 7 baboon fetuses delivered prematurely or at term was measured after removal of endogenous steroids. Values for maternal serum collected between 60 and 120 days after mating (59.0 +/- 6.4 mug/100 ml, mean +/- SD) were greater than those for serum collected at term (42.3 +/- 4.9 mug/100 ml). The cortisol-binding capacity of fetal serum collected between 100 and 132 days' gestation was similar to that of the corresponding maternal sample, but at term was only 50% of the maternal value. The rate of clearance of cortisol from both fetal and maternal serum may therefore increase progressively during the last trimester of pregnancy. This effect is likely to be more marked in the fetus. The cortisol binding capacity of 15 serum samples from 9 non-pregnant baboons was 33.4 +/- 5.5 mug/100 ml. Mestranol2 (administered 200 mug/day im for 15 days) significantly increased the serum cortisol binding capacity. The concentration of cortisol in maternal serum from 7 pregnant baboons (10 samples) was 44.0 +/- 8.4 mug/100 ml and was independent of the state of gestation. In fetal serum the cortisol concentration was 4 mug/100 ml before 168 days' gestation and reached 49 mug/100 ml after normal delivery at term. These findings suggest that the mechanisms for production of cortisol by the fetus mature as gestation progresses. The physiological significance of the marked difference between the cortisol concentration and the cortisol binding capacity of fetal serum awaits elucidation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The basal circulating levels of ACTH and cortisol, but not the ACTH/cortisol response to hCRH, are significantly reduced by free fatty acid (FFA) infusion. OBJECTIVE: To verify whether FFA infusion modifies the ACTH/cortisol response to physical exercise, a well-known activator of the HPA axis at suprapituitary level. DESIGN: Exercise tests on a bicycle ergometer during infusion of a lipid-heparin emulsion (LHE) (experimental test) or normal saline (NaCl 0.9%) (control test). SETTING: Department of Cardiology at the University-Hospital. SUBJECTS: Seven healthy male subjects aged 25-33 years. INTERVENTIONS: On two mornings, at weekly intervals, LHE or saline were infused for 60 min; infusion started 10 min before exercise test on a bicycle ergometer, which lasted about 15 min. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Circulating ACTH/cortisol levels and physiological variables during physical exercise. RESULTS: FFA levels (0.4 +/- 0.1 mEq/l) remained constant during control test, whereas they progressively rose (peak at 60 min, 2.7 +/- 1.0 mEq/l) during LHE infusion. Neither basal nor exercise-induced changes in physiological variables were modified by LHE infusion. Both ACTH and cortisol increased during exercise, with peak levels at 20 min and 30 min (control test: 103% and 42%, P < 0.001; experimental test: 28.5% and 18.6%, P < 0.05 higher than baseline, respectively). Both ACTH and cortisol responses were significantly lower in the experimental than in the control test (at 20 min P < 0.002 and at 30 min P < 0.05 for ACTH; at 20 min P < 0.05 and at 30 min, 40 min and 50 min P < 0.001 for cortisol). CONCLUSIONS: These data represent the first demonstration of an inhibitory action of increased circulating FFA levels on the HPA axis under stimulatory conditions (i.e. physical exercise, a challenge acting at suprapituitary level). In contrast, previous studies did not show FFA effects on the CRH-induced ACTH/cortisol response. Therefore, our data suggest negative effects of FFAs on the HPA axis at hypothalamic or higher centres in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The effects of the alpha-adrenergic agonist methoxamine on the human hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis was assessed by a placebo-controlled study in the morning and one in the evening. A 5-mg iv bolus dose of methoxamine in normal subjects caused a significant rise in plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations in the morning study. However, no significant change in plasma cortisol or ACTH concentrations was noted during the evening study. These studies suggest the existence of a diurnal variation in alpha 1-adrenergic regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether PRL, in addition to ACTH, stimulates adrenal secretion of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) in vivo at midgestation in the baboon fetus (Papio anubis). On day 100 of gestation (term = day 184), fetuses were exteriorized, and a constant infusion of saline (0.1 ml/min) was initiated via a fetal femoral vein. Forty minutes later, a bolus injection of 30 nmol ACTH/ml saline (n = 5), 40 nmol ovine PRL/ml saline (n = 4), or 1 ml saline (n = 5) was administered via the fetal femoral venous catheter. ACTH (0.15 nmol/min.0.1 ml saline), PRL (0.20 nmol/min.0.1 ml saline), or saline (0.1 ml/min) was then infused for an additional 25 min. Blood samples were obtained from the contralateral fetal femoral vein and the maternal saphenous vein immediately before and after peptide infusion and from the umbilical vein and artery at the end of the infusion. Fetal serum DHA concentrations (range, 9-11 micrograms/100 ml) were significantly increased (P less than 0.05) by PRL and ACTH, but not by saline. In contrast, fetal concentrations of cortisol (15-20 micrograms/100 ml) and DHA sulfate (DHAS; 13-18 micrograms/100 ml) were not altered by infusion of test substances into the fetus. The maternal concentrations of F (49-61 micrograms/100 ml) and DHAS (19-22 micrograms/100 ml) exceeded (P less than 0.05) respective values in the fetus, whereas DHA concentrations (2-3 micrograms/100 ml) in the mother were lower (P less than 0.05) than those in fetal serum. The serum concentrations of DHA, DHAS, and cortisol in the mother were not altered by PRL or ACTH. Regardless of the treatment, concentrations of DHA and DHAS in umbilical vein were lower (P less than 0.05) than those in the umbilical artery. These findings indicate that PRL as well as ACTH are effective in vivo in stimulating serum DHA concentrations in fetal baboons at midgestation. The greater concentration of DHA in umbilical artery vs. umbilical vein as well as the lack of response in maternal DHA concentrations indicate that the site of action of PRL and ACTH is the fetal adrenal. Therefore, we conclude that at midgestation, there is the potential for multifactorial regulation of baboon fetal adrenal androgen production and that PRL, in addition to ACTH, can function as a fetal adrenocorticotropic factor in vivo.  相似文献   

The existence of feedback inhibition of ACTH on its own secretion has been postulated. To investigate its existence in man, the effects of synthetic ACTH 1-24 on endogenous ACTH secretion were tested in 13 patients with Addison's disease. Plasma ACTH was measured using an immunoradiometric assay, specific for endogenous ACTH 1-39. Ten patients were given 50 micrograms ACTH 1-24 as a bolus iv dose followed by a 50-microgram infusion in 90 min. Blood samples for ACTH and cortisol assay were obtained at 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. As a control, a saline infusion was given 2 days earlier. Three other patients were given 100 micrograms ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone (oCRH) iv and ACTH 1-24 as described above. Blood samples for ACTH and cortisol assay were drawn every 15 min for 2 hours. A CRH test was performed during saline infusion as a control 2 days earlier. In all patients steroid replacement therapy was maintained during the studies. ACTH 1-24 caused a significant decrease (P less than 0.01) in endogenous plasma ACTH at 15 min compared to saline. oCHR administration markedly stimulated ACTH release in the three patients tested, and the ACTH response to oCRH was completely inhibited by the simultaneous administration of ACTH 1-24. These findings strongly support the presence of ACTH autoregulation in man. The complete inhibition of the ACTH response to oCRH by exogenous ACTH 1-24 provides evidence for ultra-short feed-back inhibition at the pituitary level.  相似文献   

J S Cowan  W J Windle 《Endocrinology》1978,103(4):1173-1182
Ten male mongrel dogs of 8.3-14.3 kg were bilaterally adrenalectomized and maintained on replacement steroids for 1 week. No exogenous steroids were detectable at the time of the experiment. Each dog, under light Nembutal anesthesia, received two stepwise primed constant infusions of cortisol (iv), each lasting 90 min (except in one dog with three infusions of 60 min). A recovery period of 80 min without cortisol infusion followed. Twenty-three venous blood samples were withdrawn for determination of plasma ACTH by adrenal cell suspension bioassay and 25 were withdrawn for plasma cortisol by fluorimetry at various times before, during, and after the cortisol infusions. ACTH secretion rates were calculated continuously from functions fitted to ACTH concentration and time data, using a validated single compartment approach with previously determined clearances and volumes. Initial high ACTH secretion rates of 1.0 +/- 0.2 mU/kg . min (range, 0.3-2.4) were reduced by 67.4 +/- 4.6% and 94.6 +/- 2.1% by the two cortisol infusions, which yielded cortisol plateau concentrations in plasma of 4.24 +/- 0.41 and 6.09 +/- 0.68 microgram/100 ml, respectively. This sensitive feedback response to low cortisol concentrations was delayed, with no effect for about 20 min and maximal effect reached within 1 h. There was no evidence of a fast rate-sensitive feedback. Some increases in ACTH secretion were seen during the recovery period (errors are +/- SEM).  相似文献   

Adrenal secretory rates of cortisol and corticosterone and arterial concentrations of ACTH and cortisol were measured in conscious trained dogs subjected to 10 ml/(kg . 3 min) or 20 ml/(kg . 3 min) hemorrhage. All four variables increased substantially after 20 ml/(kg . 3 min) hemorrhage. Secretion rates of cortisol and corticosterone increased significantly after 10 ml/(kg . 3 min) hemorrhage, without a change in ACTH. The responses of ACTH and the secretion rates of cortisol to 10 ml/(kg . 3 min) hemorrhage and iv infusion of ACTH were compared. Infusions of ACTH required to match the secretory response of cortisol after 10 ml/(kg . 3 min) hemorrhage resulted in concentrations of ACTH significantly higher than those observed after 10 ml/(kg . 3 min) hemorrhage. These results suggest that 10 ml/(kg . 3 min) hemorrhage induces an acute increase in adrenocortical sensitivity to ACTH.  相似文献   

The glucocorticoid-induced inhibition that occurs after discontinuation of treatment is the most frequent cause of adrenal insufficiency. There are yet some doubts about the best way of evaluating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in those patients. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of basal cortisol in diagnosing adrenal insufficiency. Thirty-five children with acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) receiving glucocorticoid therapy (median age of 6.9 years) were evaluated. A stimulus test with corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH-1 mcg/kg) was performed before the introduction of dexamethasone (6 mg/m2/day, for 28 days), in the 8th and the 28th days of glucocorticoid therapy, and 48 hours and one month after discontinuation of therapy. Suppression of the basal secretion as well as the maximum concentration of cortisol (post-CRH) occurred during glucocorticoid therapy, which persisted for 48 hours after the steroid was removed from treatment (p< 0.01 and p< 0.0001, respectively, for the three tests). One month after ceasing the administration of the glucocorticoid, the basal secretion, as well as the maximum concentration of cortisol, were similar to that before glucocorticoid therapy. There was a positive and statistically significant correlation between basal secretion and maximum concentration of cortisol in all tests. We observed 95% of specificity for the diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency when the inferior limit of basal cortisol was 8.5 mcg/dl. According to these results we concluded that basal secretion of cortisol is a good marker of supra-renal function in evaluating children after discontinuation of glucocorticoid therapy.  相似文献   

The present study examined the extent to which the late gestation rise in fetal plasma cortisol influenced adipose tIssue development in the fetus. The effect of cortisol on the abundance of adipose tIssue mitochondrial proteins on both the inner (i.e. uncoupling protein (UCP)1) and outer (i.e. voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC)) mitochondrial membrane, together with the long and short forms of the prolactin receptor (PRLR) protein and leptin mRNA was determined. Perirenal adipose tIssue was sampled from ovine fetuses to which (i) cortisol (2-3 mg/day for 5 days) or saline was infused up to 127-130 days of gestation, and (ii) adrenalectomised and intact controls at between 142 and 145 days of gestation (term=148 days). UCP1 protein abundance was significantly lower in adrenalectomised fetuses compared with age-matched controls, and UCP1 was increased by cortisol infusion and with gestational age. Adrenalectomy reduced the concentration of the long form of PRLR, although this effect was only significant for the highest molecular weight isoform. In contrast, neither the short form of PRLR, VDAC protein abundance or leptin mRNA expression was significantly affected by gestational age or cortisol status. Fetal plasma triiodothyronine concentrations were increased by cortisol and with gestational age, an affect abolished by adrenalectomy. When all treatment groups were combined, both plasma cortisol and triiodothyronine concentrations were positively correlated with UCP1 protein abundance. In conclusion, an intact adrenal is necessary for the late gestation rise in UCP1 protein abundance but cortisol does not appear to have a major stimulatory role in promoting leptin expression in fetal adipose tIssue. It remains to be established whether effects on UCP1 protein are directly regulated by cortisol alone or mediated by other anabolic fetal hormones such as triiodothyronine.  相似文献   

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