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In June 2006, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released the final rule for the conditions of participation for organ procurement organizations in the United States. The new guidelines change the way OPOs are measured, shifting from a population-based set of performance measures to a system that is based on eligible donors and conversion rates. In addition to the change in measurement philosophy, CMS has included statements, regarding organizational structure, staffing, and research as standard measures for OPOs. The change from solely donation and transplantation measures is significant for the community, and will result in changes in the way OPOs structure their organizations and governing and clinical boards.  相似文献   

Placement of arterial catheters by organ procurement coordinators is becoming more common. Classroom and clinical training in this technique and provision of appropriate quality assurance and supportive policies/procedures by organ procurement programs will ensure the coordinators' success. This discussion reviews technical aspects of insertion of catheters into the radial, femoral, and axillary arteries, potential complications, and alternative noninvasive methods of measuring blood pressure.  相似文献   

The operative technique for multiple cadaveric organ procurement is described. Delineated in detail are the means by which the cardinal principle of in situ core-cooling of different organs is applied to obtain liver, kidneys, and a heart for transplantation.  相似文献   

Insertion of pulmonary artery catheters by organ procurement coordinators may be incorporated into donor management to optimize organ perfusion. As invasive procedures are added to coordinator roles, the organ procurement organization must include didactic instruction and supervised clinical experience as part of any training program. Policies and procedures guiding the use of the pulmonary artery catheter and the measurements obtained must be provided by the organization to guide practitioners. This article focuses on methods for insertion and basic troubleshooting of a pulmonary artery catheter.  相似文献   

Placement of central venous catheters by organ procurement coordinators to assist in obtaining blood samples or for measuring intravascular pressure is appropriate. Preparation for this role should include appropriate didactic instruction and supervised clinical experience. The organ procurement organization must ensure that such training occurs and must support a continuing quality assurance program for such providers. Policies and procedures must be provided to guide practitioners in site selection, timing of implementation, and titration of measurements obtained. Also, resources must be readily available to treat any complications. This discussion reviews methods for insertion of venous catheters placed in the femoral, internal jugular, or subclavian veins.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Most donors in Japan have been non-heart-beating donors (NHBD), so-called "marginal donors." In Western countries kidney transplants from NHBD have also been increasing. We analyzed 120 kidneys harvested from NHBD with regard to organ procurement, renal function, graft survival, and the donor factors that affected graft survival. METHODS: Donors were moved into the operating room after cardiac arrest. A double-balloon catheter was inserted into the abdominal aorta via laparotomy. In situ cooling by Euro-Collins solution was started at 500 mL/min. We did not performed cannulation into the femoral artery or vein prior to cardiac arrest. RESULTS: Warm ischemia time (WIT) was 18.6 minutes. Among 108 kidneys (90%) used for transplantation, 102 kidneys functioned. There were no cases of bilateral nonfunctioning kidneys. The delayed graft function (DGF) rate was 86%; however, the death-censored graft survival was 80.0% at 5 years and 62.9% at 10 years. Kidneys implanted after more than 24 hours of total ischemia time required a significantly longer period of hemodialysis. Donor risk factors that affected graft survival included WIT >/= 20 minutes, donor age >/= 50 years, and serum creatinine level at admission > 1.0 mg/dL. CONCLUSIONS: Organ procurement without cannulation prior to cardiac arrest entailed a long WIT and a high DGF rate. However, the graft survival was good. It has been necessary to use grafts from NHBD despite the inherent risk factors. It is important to reduce kidney damage both at the organ procurement and during the posttransplant management.  相似文献   

Multiple organ procurement techniques are increasingly popular in many transplant centers. This paper describes a technique for multiorgan unit(s) explantation in rats. The procedure involves in situ preliminary dissection, cold perfusion of the thoracic and abdominal organ units as separate procedures, explantation, and finally the ex situ isolation of various organ units as single and/or multiple organ combination units. The procedure is feasible, allows for flexibility in the separation of combination organ units, and is reproducible. The exercise is provided as a training and research tool for clinical and research transplant surgeons. The technique is also presented as an animal model for clinical organ sharing. © 1993 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   



Aboriginal people (AP) are a minority group in Taiwan. Little information on their perspectives on organ transplantation (OT) is available. Their rights for organ donation (OD) and as OT recipients (OTR) are constrained as a vulnerable population in society. This research sought to explore various Highland Aborigine Tribes beliefs systems and concepts related to OT.


We employed a qualitative design on a purposive sample including seven categories of Taiwanese AP. Data collected by face-to-face interviews were evaluated by content analysis.


Seventy-five informants (45 female and 30 males) of 18 to 82 years from seven tribes completed interviews: Bunun (n = 20), Shao (n = 18), Tsou (n = 15), Amis (n = 12), Truku (n = 4), Rukai (n = 3), and Puyuma (n = 3). Of there, 33% had no idea of OT. All informants reported lack of knowledge of OD, organ procurement, and OTR. Eighty percent (45-82 years) had no willingness for OD or OTR; others might consult family members and health professionals (HP) to learn about OT. Seven hindering factors were identified: (1) having no background of OT; (2) limited impressions obtained from television news reports; (3) negative concepts of donating one's organs to others; (4) OT concepts contrast with cultural meanings of death; (5) possibility of being stigmatized; (6) fear of being rejected by others; and (7) HP had never mentioned OT.


Taiwan APs' perspectives of OT concepts showed the majority to be unfamiliar with the concept and benefits of OT. Future research is necessary to explore the possible avenues to facilitate communications between HP and AP leaders, as well as elders in each AP category in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Wang SM  Ye CS 《中华外科杂志》2007,45(3):152-153
血管外科技术是普通外科技术的延续和发展,最重要的特点是操作要求极为精细、准确和无损伤。血管外科技术涉及血管的暴露、游离、阻断、切开、缝合及吻合或移植等一系列操作。近年来,以动脉造影、血管栓塞、球囊扩张和支架置放为主要内容的血管介入技术成为血管外科技术中最有活力和发展最快的部分。  相似文献   

A 42-month experience with 100 patients with fatal head injuries was analyzed to identify areas of organ procurement failure. Thirty-six patients were ineligible for organ donation. Reasons for exclusion included advanced age (7), sepsis (16), hepatitis (1), systemic illnesses (3), and HIV infection or risk (9). Resuscitation failure (17 patients) and late deaths from failed support (16 patients) left 31 potential donors. Of the 30 families asked to donate, 17 consented (56.7%). Annual consent rates were 25%, 71%, 75%, and 67%. Efforts to improve organ procurement should focus on resuscitation and physiologic support of potential donors. To assess the impact of HIV infection or risk on organ procurement, a 3-year experience of the regional transplantation center (RTP) was reviewed. Of 1,714 referrals to the RTP from 102 hospitals, 1,120 were from trauma centers. The incidence of rejection because of HIV risk or infection was significantly higher in the trauma center group than in the group from non-trauma centers, 17.2% versus 10.2% (p less than 0.004). A similar difference was noted between metropolitan and suburban hospitals (p less than 0.0001). Hepatitis risk was comparable, 3.9% vs. 3.2%. The risk of HIV infection is emerging as a factor limiting organ donation at urban trauma centers.  相似文献   

We report a case of a non-functioning cystic adrenal mass. It was detected on an abdominal ultrasound carried out for right flank pain in a 45-year-old lady. Biochemical parameters like 24-hour urinary free cortisol, catecholamines and serum potassium level were normal. Retroperitoneoscopic excision of the large cystic mass was done by using our cost-reductive technique as previously described. Histopathology turned out to be a pseudocyst with wall fibrosis and calcification.  相似文献   

Approximately 2% of deceased donor organ transplants result from donors with a past history of cancer. An analysis of Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network/United Network for Organ Sharing data on 39,455 deceased donors from 2000 to 2005 showed 1069 donors had a PHC, resulting in 2508 transplants, including 1236 kidneys, 891 livers, 199 hearts, 100 lungs, and 82 miscellaneous organs. The most common type of previous cancer in the donor was nonmelanoma skin cancer (n=776) followed by central nervous system malignancies (n=642) and carcinoma of the uterine cervix (n=336). One donor with a glioblastoma multiforme transmitted fatal tumors to three recipients. One donor with a history of melanoma 32 years earlier transmitted a fatal melanoma to a single recipient and, therefore, donors with a history of melanoma should not be used. Donors with a past history of cancer who have a nontraumatic cerebral hemorrhage cause concern because this hemorrhage may be the result of an unrecognized metastatic tumor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our aim was to use the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) database to determine the number of renal waitlist candidates who previously had been living donors. METHODS: All living renal donors in the OPTN database were cross-checked against the renal waitlist history files. Additionally, renal transplant programs were contacted that had listed candidates as qualified for four additional allocation points available to patients who previously had donated an organ. Confirmatory phone calls to transplant programs yielded additional cases previously unreported to the United Network for Organ Sharing. RESULTS: A total of 56 previous living donors were identified as having been subsequently listed for cadaveric kidney transplantation. Forty-three have received transplants; 36 currently have functioning grafts. One died after transplantation. Two candidates died while waiting. CONCLUSIONS: Living renal donation has long-term risks that may not be apparent in the short term. The numbers here reported underestimate the actual number of living donors with renal failure, because they include only patients listed for a kidney transplant. To determine risk factors for postdonation renal failure, long-term living-donor follow-up data are needed.  相似文献   

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) compatibility has no clinically significant impact in cadaveric liver transplantation. Less is known regarding living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT). Our prior analysis of the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) database suggested a higher graft failure rate in patients who underwent LDLT from donors with close HLA match. We further investigated the effect of HLA-A, -B, and -DR matching on 5-yr graft survival in adult LDLT by analyzing OPTN data regarding adult LDLT performed between 1998 and 2005. We evaluated associations between 5-yr graft survival and total, locus-specific, and haplotype match levels. Separate analyses were conducted for recipients with autoimmune (fulminant autoimmune hepatitis, cirrhosis secondary to autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, primary sclerosing cholangitis) or nonautoimmune liver disease. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate interactions and adjust for potential confounders. Among 631 patients with available donor/recipient HLA data, the degree of HLA match had no significant effect on 5-yr graft survival, even when analyzed separately in recipients with autoimmune vs. nonautoimmune liver disease. To be able to include all 1,838 adult LDLTs, we considered a first-degree related donor as substitute for a close HLA match. We found no difference in graft survival in related vs. unrelated pairs. In conclusion, our results show no detrimental impact of close HLA matching on graft survival in adult LDLT, including in recipients with underlying autoimmune liver disease.  相似文献   

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