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Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthésie - We studied the effects of the prophylactic administration of histamine1 and histamine2 receptor blockers on haemodynamic...  相似文献   

Oxygen-derived free radicals produced during reperfusion may be responsible for the disturbed pathology which follows prolonged ischaemia. Measurement of hepatic chemiluminescence (low level light emission resulting from the energy released during chemical reactions of free radicals) allowed determination of whether allopurinol could prevent formation of oxygen-derived free radicals during reperfusion of the ischaemic liver. While control animals demonstrated a burst of light emission shortly after reperfusion, the rats pretreated with allupurinol showed no evidence of chemiluminescence during either ischaemia or reperfusion. It is concluded that allopurinol may modify reperfusion-induced free radical formation and possibly ameliorate the organ damage which can follow ischaemia.  相似文献   

The pulse oximeter was evaluated for use in neonates in the delivery room. One hundred neonates, delivered vaginally or by Caesarean section with general or epidural anaesthesia, were studied. After delivery, pulse oximetry probes were placed simultaneously on the ulnar side of the right hand and on the right Achilles tendon to determine whether there was a difference in arterial oxygenation (SpO2). Measurements of SpO2 were taken at 1, 5, 10 min, and 24 hr after delivery. At one and five minutes, SpO2 recorded from the right hand was higher than that recorded from the lower extremities (71.9% +/- 6.5% vs 63.4% +/- 4.3% and 83.3% +/- 4.2% vs 76% +/- 4.1%, mean +/- SD, respectively). At ten minutes these differences diminished, and had almost completely disappeared after 24 hr. These results can be explained by the presence of R-L shunting at the ductus arteriosus level, producing reduced SaO2 in the lower extremities. Oxygen saturation did not differ between neonates delivered vaginally or by Caesarean section, regardless of the presence or type of anaesthesia. We concluded that neonates remain relatively desaturated in the immediate postpartum period and that the SpO2 obtained from the right hand is a better index of neonatal oxygenation than that obtained from the heel.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of midazolam and a mixture of morphine-perphenazine premedication to produce sedation and their effects on preoperative oxygen saturation (SaO2) were examined. Eighty-five patients whose SaO2 measured with a pulse oximeter was greater than 90% and who were not receiving narcotic sedatives or oxygen were randomized to three groups. Each patient had his SaO2 recorded before premedication with placebo (saline), midazolam 0.08 mg.kg-1 or morphine 0.15 mg.kg-1 with perphenazine 2.5-5.0 mg im. From 30-90 min later, prior to anaesthesia SaO2 was repeated, and a sedation score was obtained by a blinded observer using a seven point scale. Median sedation scores were greater for midazolam (4) than for morphine-perphenazine (2) and placebo (1) (P less than 0.0001). As well, there was a decrease in the SaO2 in the morphine-perphenazine group (1.7 +/- 2.7%, P less than 0.001) but not in the midazolam and placebo groups (0.1 +/- 2.3%, -0.8 +/- 2.1%). In conclusion midazolam produced greater sedation than morphine-perphenazine and placebo without effect on SaO2 whereas morphine-perphenazine showed a decrease in SaO2 preoperatively.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that histamine H2 receptor blockade adversely affects neuromuscular function was tested, in vivo, in rats anaesthetised with urethane during mechanical pulmonary ventilation. Succinylcholine was administered as a bolus and constant-rate infusion to maintain 49.2% (+/- 1.5 SEM) twitch suppression in 19 rats. Cimetidine iv, 3.2, 7.5, 10, 17.8, 23.7, 31.6, or 56.2 mg.kg-1 was then administered in groups of two to three rats. Cimetidine produced an immediate potentiation of twitch suppression followed by a transient reversal and then a continued potentiation. Peak potentiation occurred within 19.0 (+/- 2.7) sec and was maintained in 11 rats at steady-state. Reversal was evident 4.1 (+/- 0.4) min after cimetidine administration. There was a good relationship between peak potentiation and serum cimetidine concentration with 50% potentiation occurring at 46.5 (+/- 4.6) micrograms.ml-1. Potentiation at steady-state was not correlated to serum cimetidine concentration but there was a weak relationship between reversal and serum cimetidine concentration. These results support reports from patients of an interaction between cimetidine and succinylcholine.  相似文献   

Rectal methohexitone has been used to induce anaesthesia in paediatric patients for a number of years. This study was conducted in order to confirm the safety of this method of induction for uncomplicated routine paediatric patients. Children between the ages of six months and six years were considered candidates for induction with methohexitone (10%, 25-30 mg.kg-1). Patients were monitored with a continuous oxygen saturation recording. Forty-nine patients participated in this study and anaesthesia was induced successfully in 44. The mean age of the patients was 2.7 +/- 1.6 yr. The mean weight was 13.8 +/- 4.3 kg and the mean dose of methohexitone for successful induction was 27.0 +/- 3.0 mg.kg-1. Continuous oximeter recordings were available in 31 of the 42 patients who allowed oximeter placement prior to administration of methohexitone. No major desaturation events were noted in any patient. Two brief episodes of desaturation occurred. One with a nadir of 90% which lasted for 45 sec and another with a nadir of 86% which lasted for 26 sec. Both children had their heads flexed over their parents' shoulders at the time of the event resulting in partial airway obstruction. Both of these episodes were the result of upper airway obstruction which was clinically diagnosed by the anesthetist and readily corrected by repositioning the head. This study confirms the efficacy and safety of rectal methohexitone for induction of general anaesthesia in children. Mechanical obstruction of the airway following induction seems to be the most likely cause for oxygen desaturation. Monitoring of pulse oximetry does not appear necessary provided the child is carefully observed for adequacy of air exchange.  相似文献   

The reliability of various methods for detecting oesophageal intubation was assessed by means of a single blind study in rats. Both oesophagus and trachea were simultaneously intubated. The presence or absence of various clinical signs was noted during tracheal or oesophageal ventilation and arterial blood gases and end-tidal CO2 were measured. Oesophageal ventilation for one minute was associated with significant decreases (P less than 0.001) in pH, PaO2 and SaO2 and a significant (P less than 0.001) increase in PaCO2. Although mean PaO2 decreased by 70 per cent and mean SaO2 decreased by 31 per cent, 43 percent of rats failed to demonstrate a decrease in SaO2 below 85 per cent. Oxygen saturation was the least reliable method for detecting oesophageal intubation (sensitivity = 0.5, specificity = 0.9, positive predictive value (PPV) = 0.8). Chest movement was the most reliable clinical sign for detecting oesophageal intubation (sensitivity = 0.9, specificity = 1.0, PPV = 1.0). Oesophageal rattle was the second most reliable clinical sign (PPV = 0.9). Moisture condensation in the tracheal tube (PPV = 1.0) and abdominal distension (PPV = 0.9) were judged to be the least reliable because each had a high false negative rate of 0.3. The most reliable method for the early detection of oesophageal intubation in rats was end-tidal, CO2 (sensitivity 1.0, specificity = 1.0, PPV = 1.0). In addition, end-tidal CO2 when used in conjunction with the four clinical signs improved the reliability of these signs.  相似文献   

The cerebral pressure-flow relationship for halothane and isoflurance was studied at end-tidal concentrations which resulted in similar baseline mean arterial pressure (MAP). Two groups of New Zealand white rabbits (n = 8; each group) were studied with five regional blood flow determinations in each animal. Blood flow was determined by injecting radioactive microspheres during the following conditions: injection 1: after stable 2.05 per cent end-tidal isoflurane (1.0 MAC) Group I; or after stable 0.74 +/- 0.04 per cent end-tidal halothane (0.53 MAC) Group H. Injections 2-5: after MAP was increased 20, 40, 60, and 80 per cent respectively above baseline MAP by phenylephrine infusion. Baseline MAP was the same for both groups (64.3 +/- 3.1 vs 67.2 +/- 2.0 mmHg; mean +/- SEM; Group I and H respectively). Baseline total CBF (tCBF; 0.68 +/- 0.03 vs 0.86 +/- 0.05) and hemispheric CBF (hCBF; 0.64 +/- 0.03 vs 0.96 +/- 0.06) were significantly greater in Group H; no significant difference between groups was seen for baseline posterior fossa CBF (pCBF; 0.79 +/- 0.06 vs 0.75 +/- 0.04). For each experiment a pressure-flow curve was generated by curvilinear regression analysis. Significantly greater phenylephrine concentrations were required for injections 2-5 in Group H. Mean slopes and intercepts were derived for each group. Within each group comparison of the pressure-flow curves for hCBF vs MAP and pCBF vs MAP showed autoregulation was less impaired in posterior fossa structures (cerebellum and brain stem) for both anaesthetic agents (P less than or equal to 0.05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate hepatic blood flow during halothane (HAL) or isoflurane (ISO) anaesthesia with the noninvasive indocyanine green (ICG) clearance test. Twenty-four ASA status I adult patients, scheduled for elective surgery without liver disease, were allocated into four groups. Before surgery, ICG clearance was measured twice in patients before and after 1, 2 MAC HAL-N2O, 1 and 2 MAC ISO-N2O anaesthesia by ICG clearance meter (Sumitomo Electron-ics™, Japan). This method eliminates the blood sampling and delay of the conventional ICG test. The ICG clearance is displayed in two indices: K (ICG disappearance rate) and R15 (ICG retention rate 15 min after 0.5 mg · kg−1 ICG injection). Indirect blood pressure and heart rate were measured simultaneously. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) decreased by 27, 22 and 29% with 2 MAC HAL-N2O, and with 1 and 2 MAC ISO-N2O groups, respectively (P < 0.05). The ICG clearance was less (P < 0.05) in the 2 MAC HAL-N2O group (K, 0.087 min−1) than with either awake (K, 0.131 min−1) or other groups (K, 0.114 and 0.144 min−1, in the 1 MAC HAL and ISO-N2O groups, respectively) in spite of a similar degree of the depletion of MAP in 2 MAC ISO-N2O group (K, 0.124 min−1). We conclude that isoflurane has a more favourable effect on liver circulation than does halothane. Ce travail vise à évaluer le débit sanguin hépatique pendant l’anesthésie à l’halothane (HAL) ou à l’isoflurane (ISO) par l’épreuve de clairance non invasif du vert d’indocyanine (ICG). Vingt-quatre adultes ASA I exempts de toute affection hépatique, programmés pour une chirurgie non urgente sont répartis en quatre groupes. Avant l’intervention, la clairance de l’ICG est mesurée à deux reprises avant et après une anesthésie HAL-N2O MAC 1 et 2, et ISO-N2O MAC 1 et 2, avec un appareil de mesure d’ICG (Sumitomo Electronics™, Japon). Cette méthode élimine l’échantillonnage sanguin et le délai propre à l’épreuve d’ICG conventionnelle. La clairance de l’ICG est affichée sous deux index: K (la vitesse de disparition de l’ICG) et R15 (le taux de rétention de l’ICG 15 min après l’injection de 0,5 mg · kg−1 d’ICG). La pression artérielle indirecte et la fréquence cardiaque sont mesurées simultanément. La pression artérielle moyenne (PAM) diminue de 27, 22 et 29% respectivement dans le groupe HAL-N2O MAC 2, et dans les groupes ISO-N2O MAC 1 et 2 (P < 0,05). La clairance de l’ICG est moins élevée (P < 0,05) dans le groupe HAL-N2O MAC 2 (K, 0,087 min−1) que soit dans les groupes éveillés (K, 0,131 min−1) ou les autres groupes (K, 0,114 et 0,144 min−1, respectivement, dans les groupes HAL-N2O MAC 1 et ISO-N2O) malgré un niveau de diminution de la PAM identique dans le groupe ISO-N2O MAC 2 (K, 0,124 min−1). Nous concluons que l’isoflurane a un effet plus favorable sur la circulation hépatique que l’halothane.  相似文献   

Cerebral blood flow (CBF) was measured by 133Xe clearance to determine whether there were any residual effects of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) on the CBF response to changes in arterial PCO2 or blood pressure in the early (3-8 hr) post-CPB period. During CPB, the nine patients studied were managed according to alpha-stat, temperature uncorrected, pH management. The mean +/- SD increase in CBF resulting from an increase in PaCO2 (1.35 +/- 0.5 ml.100 g-1.min-1.mmHg-1 PaCO2) was within the normal range, indicating appropriate CBF response to a change in PaCO2. There were no significant differences in CBF, being 25.7 ml.100 g-1.min-1 at a mean arterial blood pressure of 70 mmHg and 26.5 ml.100 g-1.min-1 at 110 mmHg, demonstrating intact cerebral autoregulation over this pressure range. We conclude that cerebral autoregulation and CO2 responsiveness are preserved in the immediate postoperative period after CPB using alpha-stat pH management.  相似文献   

Arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) was measured to determine oxygen desaturation during peripheral venous cannulation prior to induction of anaesthesia in 40 consecutive patients in each of the three age groups; Group I: 1–4 mo, Group II: 4–12 mo, Group III: 12–24 mo. Following premedication with oral trimeprazine tartarate 3 mg · kg− 1, one to two hours before operation, baseline SpO2 was noted with child breathing room air. Continuous monitoring during peripheral venous cannulation was done and maximum decrease and duration of SpO2 < 90% was noted. Decreases in mean SpO2, 3.2 ± 1.4 in Group I, 2.6 ± 2.0 in Group II and 1.7 ± 1.9 in Group III, were observed (P < 0.001). Desaturation ≥ 4% was noted in 17 patients in Group I, ten patients in Group II and six patients in Group III. Two children, one each in Groups I and II, experienced SpO2 < 90% for 30 sec and 80 sec respectively. We conclude that clinically undiagnosed desaturation occurs during peripheral venous cannulation in healthy children. The authors suggest that continuous monitoring of SpO2 using pulse oximetry should be performed routinely during peripheral venous cannulation. Pour évaluer la désaturation en oxygène, la saturation artérielle (SpO2) est mesurée avant l’induction de l’anesthésie chez 40 patients consécutifs représentant un des trois groupes d’ages suivant; groupe I: 1–4 mois, groupe II: 4–12 mois, groupe III: 12–24 mois. Après une prémédication au tartrate de triméprazine oral 3 mg · kg− 1 administrée une à deux heures avant l’intervention, on établit une ligne de base pendant que l’enfant respire de l’air. Un monitorage continu est installé avant la canulation d’une veine périphérique; on note la plus grande diminution de la SpO2 et la durée de la SpO2 < 90%. On observe des baisses de la SpO2 moyenne de 3,2 ± 1,4 pour le groupe I; de 2,6 ± 2,0 pour le groupe II et de 1,7 ± 1,9 pour le groupe III (P < 0.001). Une désaturation ≥ 4% est notée chez 17 patients dans le groupe I, dix patients dans le groupe II et chez siz patients dans le groupe III. Deux enfants, un du groupe I et l’autre du groupe II ont présenté une SpO2 < 90% pour 30 secondes et 80 secondes respectivement. Nous concluons que des désaturations non décelables cliniquement surviennent prendant la canulation veineuse chez des enfants bien portants et suggérons un monitorage systématique continu de la SpO2, par oxymétrie puisée pendant la canulation d’une veine périphérique chez l’enfant.  相似文献   

Several indices have been introduced as convenient alternatives to calculation of the physiological shunt fraction (Qs/QT) for the assessment of pulmonary gas exchange. These include: the arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio (a/APO2), the arterial oxygen tension-inspired oxygen concentration ratio (PaO2/FIO2), the respiratory index (RI), [A-a)DO2/PaO2) and the alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference [A-a)Do2). These indices are in use clinically despite the fact that they may not accurately predict gas exchange in situations where FIO2, Qs/QT or arterial-venous oxygen content is changing. The clinical stability of each of these indices, relative to the behaviour of the physiological shunt, was therefore investigated prospectively in ten mechanically ventilated postoperative adults as FIO2 was varied from 0.30 to 1.00. None of the indices studied reliably reflected the behaviour of the physiological shunt. As FIO2 was increased incrementally from 0.30 to 1.00, 42 to 55 per cent of the measured changes in these indices were opposite in direction to the corresponding changes in the physiological shunt. The maximum magnitudes of the opposite changes were substantial; 24 and 22 per cent for the a/APO2 and PaO2/FIO2 ratio respectively, 67 per cent for the RI and 101 per cent for the (A-a)DO2. We conclude that the use of any of these indices for clinical assessment of a patient's gas exchange defect when FIO2 is varying can be substantially misleading.  相似文献   

Doppler ultrasound has recently been used to assess changes in blood velocity in the uterine and umbilical arteries. Alterations in the ratio of systolic to diastolic velocity (S/D ratio) are believed to reflect changes in placental vascular resistance. We have used this technique to assess potential beneficial or detrimental effects of epidural anaesthesia on blood flow to the placenta. Continuous wave Doppler ultrasound was used to measure the S/D ratio in the uterine and umbilical arteries of 12 patients undergoing epidural anaesthesia prior to elective caesarean section. Anaesthesia was achieved using lidocaine and epinephrine. The S/D ratio in both the uterine and umbilical arteries remained unaltered either by the fluid preload or by the epidural anaesthesia. It is concluded that epidural anaesthesia using this technique has neither a beneficial nor detrimental effect on uterine or umbilical blood velocity in the uncomplicated pregnancy.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the clinical efficacy of a new oral ranitidine liquid preparation in reducing gastric acidity and volume, to determine the degree of absorption of the drug, and to determine the duration of drug effect. Eighty preoperative children between the ages of one and six years were enrolled in each of three centres. Each subject was allocated to one of the following groups: Group A - apple juice, 5 ml.kg-1 plus placebo liquid; Group B - apple juice, 5 ml.kg-1 plus ranitidine hydrochloride 2 mg.kg-1; Group C - water, 5 ml and placebo liquid; or Group D - water, 5 ml and ranitidine liquid 2 mg.kg-1. All study agents were administered at least two hours before surgery along with a dye marker, sulfobromophthalein 1 ml (50 mg.ml-1). Following induction of anaesthesia, gastric fluid was aspirated, and analyzed for pH, volume, and sulfobromophthalein content (as an index of the ingested fluids). A serum sample was also drawn and analyzed for ranitidine content by high performance liquid chromatography. Groups B and D had fewer subjects with pH below 2.5 and gastric volume > 0.4 ml.kg-1. The duration of reduced volume and acidity was shown to be greatest from two to four hours after drug administration. Thirty-three percent of subjects receiving oral ranitidine, 2 mg.kg-1 hydrochloride as a single dose demonstrated no measurable effect on gastric pH and volume; 28 of those subjects had adequate ranitidine serum levels.  相似文献   

In vitro studies suggest that the preservatives methylparaben and propylparaben included in some multidose vials of succinylcholine are the cerebral vasodilators responsible for the increases in intracranial pressure (ICP) documented after succinylcholine administration. To test this hypothesis, we measured cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) with inhaled 133Xenon and transcranial Doppler respectively in healthy humans before and after the intravenous administration of methylparaben and propylparaben. We found no change in either CBF or CBFV after the paraben injections and therefore conclude that it is unlikely that the rise in ICP seen with succinylcholine is caused by cerebral arterial vasodilatation from the preservatives methylparaben and propylparaben.  相似文献   

Using an isolated lung the effects of halothane on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) were studied in the presence of cyclooxygenase blockade. The pulmonary vasculature can be divided into arterial, middle and venous segment resistances. Analysis of the vascular pressure-flow relationship further separates resistance into a flow dependent resistance (1/slope) and a zero-flow pressure intercept (PCRIT). We ventilated six lobes with control (35 per cent O2) and hypoxic (three per cent O2) gas mixtures with the addition of either 0, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 per cent halothane. We found that after addition of indomethacin (5 mg.kg-1), ventilation with three per cent O2 increased total resistance by 87 per cent over baseline with the increase primarily in the middle vascular segment. During normoxic ventilation PCRIT was 7.9 cm H2O and this increased significantly with hypoxia to 11.5 cm H2O). Only 2.0 per cent halothane blocked the increases in middle segment resistance and in PCRIT. We conclude that following cyclooxygenase blockade, halothane inhibits HPV by acting on middle segment vessels.  相似文献   

The effects of enflurane and isoflurane of 0.75 and 1.5 MAC on capillary blood flow were studied by the microsphere (9 ± 1 μm in diameter) method in two groups of seven dogs. Simultaneously, changes in the arteriolo-venular shunt were studied by collection of venous blood at a rate of 4.8 ml · min?1 for two minutes. Enflurane anaesthesia at 0.75 MAC decreased capillary blood flow in the thyroid glands (35% of control), left and right ventricular wall (59% and 50%), adrenal gland (59%), liver (63%), spleen (56%), pancreas (35%), omentum (20%), and small intestine (60%) and at 1.5 MAC it decreased further in the thyroid glands (15%), left and right ventricular wall (31% and 32%), adrenal gland (42%), liver (47%), spleen (31%), pancreas (23%), omentum (20%), stomach (45%), and small intestine (54%). No marked changes were noted in the brain, kidney, large intestine or skeletal muscle. The arteriolo-venular shunt was decreased in the kidney from an initial rate of 12.1 to 3.8% at 0.75 MAC and to 2.5% at 1.5 MAC enflurane. In contrast, during isoflurane anaesthesia, capillary blood flow remained unchanged, except for a decrease to the thyroid glands (43%) and right ventricular wall (74%) during 1.5 MAC anaesthesia. However, the arteriolo-venular shunt was increased in the brain from 12.0 to 29.7% and 33.0% during 0.75 and 1.5 MAC isoflurane anaesthesia, respectively. It also increased from 25.0 to 41.0% and 46.3% in the skeletal muscle, and from 8.9 to 19.9% and 17.4% in the whole systemic circulation. These data indicate that capillary blood flow is better preserved during isoflurane than during enflurane anaesthesia, but is associated with increased arteriolo-venular shunting.  相似文献   



To investigate changes of cerebral arteriovenous oxygen content difference (AVDO2) induced by surgical incision and to determine carbon dioxide (CO2) reactivity of the cerebral circulation during sevoflurane and isoflurane anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Atropine-induced heart rate (HR) changes were studied in 19 patients (ASA physical status I) during anaesthesia maintained predominantly with propofol-N2O or thiopentone-enflurane-N2O. Ten patients (Group A) received midazolam (0.07 mg · kg?1), fentanyl (1 μg · kg?1), propofol (2 mg · kg?1) and succinylcholine (1 mg · kg?1). Following tracheal intubation, anaesthesia was maintained with propofol (6 mg · kg?1 · hr?1), N2O (67 per cent) and O2 (33 per cent). In nine patients (Group B) thiopentone (4 mg · kg?1) was substituted for propofol and anaesthesia maintained with N2O (67 per cent) O2 (33 per cent), and enflurane (0.5 per cent inspired concentration). The study was non-randomised because Group B patients were only included if HR before administration of atropine < 90 beats · min?1. IPPV was performed in all patients using a Manley ventilator (minute vol. 85 ml · kg?1; tidal vol. 7 ml · kg?1). Ten minutes after tracheal intubation, incremental doses of atropine (equivalent cumulative doses: 1.8, 3.6, 7.2, 14.4, 28.8 μg · kg?1) were administered at two-minute intervals and HR responses calculated during the last 45 sec of each intervening period. No differences were observed between the groups following 1.8 and 3.6 μg · kg?1 atropine, but propofol-N2O anaesthesia was associated with reduced responses (P < 0.01) following 7.2, 14.4 and 28.8 μg · kg?1 atropine. These results suggest that there is a predominance of parasympathetic influences during propofol-N2O anaesthesia compared with thiopentone-enflurane-N2O anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Children undergoing major craniofacial surgery (MCFS) often require transfusion in excess of one blood volume. Therefore they were the subject of a retrospective review which looked at the longitudinal trend of plasma potassium concentration [K+] during surgery. Ten of eleven children had a statistically significant increase in plasma potassium concentration during their intraoperative course and in five the potassium concentration exceeded 5.5 mmol · L?1. This was in contrast to the stable intraoperative plasma [K+] observed in a control group which did not receive blood transfusion. All MCFS children received a blood transfusion with red blood cell concentrates (RBCconc). The age of the units of RBCconc which had been transfused was 16.1 ± 8.4 days. The amount of extracellular potassium in 28 units of RBCconc was determined in order to estimate the amount of free potassium (Kdose) which the MCFS group received. The plasma [K+] in units of RBCconc < 1 week of age was < 20 mmol · L?1, whereas in units aged > 2 weeks it was > 40 mmol · L?1. The estimated Kdose was 0.2–1.6 mmol · kg?1. We concluded that the amount of extracellular potassium in units of RBCconc was clinically important and may give rise to hyperkalaemia during massive blood transfusion.  相似文献   

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