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Huntington disease (HD) is caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat within exon 1 of the HTT gene. Although the variation in age at onset (AO) is partly explained by the length of the expanded repeat blocks, the unexplained variation in AO is highly heritable, emphasizing the role of modifier genes on disease expression. Since down-regulation of type 1 cannabinoid (CB1) receptors is a key pathogenic event in HD, it has been suggested that activation of these receptors in patients may attenuate disease progression. In order to evaluate whether variations in the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1) gene encoding the CB1 receptor protein have modifying effects on the AO of HD, we performed an association study between CNR1 polymorphisms and AO in HD patients. A (AAT)n repeat and a total of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the CNR1 gene were selected for genotyping in a cohort of 473 German HD patients recruited in the Huntington Center NRW in Bochum. The AO was significantly associated with the longest alleles (≥17 AAT) of the (AAT)n repeat polymorphism downstream of the CNR1 gene (p = 0.007) as well as with one SNP in the 3′UTR of CNR1 (rs4707436, p = 0.05). Interestingly, the allelic variation of rs4707436 affects different microRNA (miRNA) binding sites which could alter gene regulation and consequently influence protein expression. These findings support the idea that CNR1 variation may have modifying effects on the AO in HD.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old boy with a terminal deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4 is described. The patient has a mild clinical phenotype that is incompatible with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome. Careful neurological examination including CT scan did not show any signs of Huntington disease. The chromosomal breakpoint was analyzed by means of polymorphic DNA probes localized close to the tentative Huntington (HD) locus. The breakage has occurred between D4S43 and D4S90 loci and thus deletes part of the chromosomal candidate regions for the HD locus. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Age of onset (AO) of Huntington disease (HD) is known to be correlated with the length of an expanded CAG repeat in the HD gene. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype, in turn, is known to influence AO in Alzheimer disease, rendering the APOE gene a likely candidate to affect AO in other neurological diseases too. We therefore determined APOE genotype and normal CAG repeat length in the HD gene for 138 HD patients who were previously analysed with respect to CAG repeat length. Genotyping for APOE was performed blind to clinical information. In addition to highlighting the effect of the normal repeat length upon AO in maternally inherited HD and in male patients, we show that the APOE epsilon2epsilon3 genotype is associated with significantly earlier AO in males than in females. Such a sex difference in AO was not apparent for any of the other APOE genotypes. Our findings suggest that subtle differences in the course of the neurodegeneration in HD may allow interacting genes to exert gender specific effects upon AO.  相似文献   

Age of onset in siblings of persons with juvenile Huntinqton disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The age of onset distribution of Huntington disease (HD) has been defined for siblings of patients who exhibit the disease before age 20. The mean age of onset for the siblings of juvenile onset cases is 26.8 years, which is significantly less than the mean age of onset (39.8) observed in siblings of non-juvenile cases. We have shown that the curve for age of onset in the general affected population is significantly different from that of the juvenile sibships. Furthermore, the significant regression equation suggests that the 'expected age of onset' of a sibling can be predicted from a knowledge of the age of onset of the juvenile proband. This information can be used to predict a range of age of onset for those sibs of juvenile patients who are likely to be asymptomatic heterozygotes with DNA polymorphism studies.  相似文献   

The apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε4 allele is a risk factor in Alzheimer disease (AD), but not in vascular dementia (VaD). We have investigated whether the ε4 allele is more common in twin pairs concordant for AD, compared with those discordant for AD, and whether the ε4 allele is more common in AD twins than in VaD twins. In addition, we have investigated the relationship of the ε4 allele and the age at onset in AD and VaD. APOE genotype was analysed in 29 senile demented twin pairs. The ε4 allele was associated with AD and not with VaD. However, there was no difference in the frequency of the APOE ε4 allele in concordant (33.3%) and discordant (31.3%) AD dizygotic twin pairs. Age at onset in AD was significantly lower in ε4 homozygotes than in individuals with one or no copies of ε4 (62.4 vs. 73.5, p < 0.01). In concordant AD twin pairs, the ε4 allele frequency was somewhat higher in the twins with earlier onset (41.7% vs. 25%), but the difference was not statistically significant. In the VaD group the age at onset was not significantly different between individuals with or without ε4 in their genotypes.  相似文献   

Rates of genetic testing in Huntington disease (HD) are lower than was predicted before direct DNA testing became available. Clinicians often do not have in-depth conversations with people at risk who chose not to test. We queried 733 research subjects who chose not to learn their HD gene status when enrolling in the Prospective Huntington At-Risk Observational Study, carried out between 1999 and 2008. Lack of an effective cure or treatment (66% of subjects) and inability to undo knowledge (66%) were the major reasons cited for choosing not to undergo HD DNA testing. Most subjects were not concerned about the length or burden of the testing process (61% and 59%, respectively). Subjects were optimistic that a treatment to improve symptoms or postpone onset would be developed within the next 10 years (56% and 53%, respectively), but they had less certainty about the prospects to prevent HD onset (36%). This is the first large, systematic study of why people at risk for HD choose not to undergo genetic testing. Attitudes about how people at risk for HD approach this life-altering choice should be reassessed as new treatments develop, and as clinical trials now require genetic testing at entry.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD), an autosomal dominant disorder involving HTT, is characterized by chorea, psychiatric illness and cognitive decline. Diagnosis and age of onset depend on the degree of expansion of the trinucleotide CAG repeat within the gene. The prevalence of HD is known for Europeans but has not been studied in the Israeli population. Between 2006 and 2011 we diagnosed in our adult genetics clinic ten HD probands, nine of whom were Caucasus Jews (CJ) (Azerbaijani), and one Ashkenazi Jewish. We performed haplotype analysis to look for evidence of a founder mutation, and found that of the nine CJ, eight shared the same haplotype that was compatible with the A1 haplogroup. We calculated the coalescence age of the mutation to be between 80 and 150 years. Ninety percent of our HD patients are CJ, as are 27% of the HD patients in Israel, although the CJ comprise only 1.4% of the Israeli population. Our findings suggest a higher prevalence of HD among CJ compared to the general Israeli population and are consistent with a recent founder mutation. We recommend a higher degree of suspicion for HD in CJ with subtle clinical findings.  相似文献   

为了解早发型与晚发型情感性精神障碍之间父母育龄及胎次效应有否差异,用Haldame和Smith方法进行了比较研究,结果表明,晚发型无父母育龄及胎次效应,早发型父母育龄及胎次效应。这种效应为父母年龄越大、胎次越高,易患情感性精神障碍。提示早发型与晚发型情感精神障碍之间具有遗传异质性。  相似文献   

The aggregation of patients with Huntington's disease (HD) around Lake Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela, is widely recognized, but the epidemiology of HD in the whole country is relatively unstudied. We have examined 279 individuals from 60 unrelated affected families residing in various areas of Venezuela for the presence of CAG repeats and other features associated with HD. The number of expanded repeats in 139 carriers varied from 35 to 112. Based on our examination of 71 symptomatic individuals, we developed a log-transformed regression equation, y = −0.0238x + 2.6616, to enable the prediction of age of onset in asymptomatic carriers. Intragenic haplotypes were constructed with two VNTRs (variable number of tandem repeats) and two SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in the promoter region as well as CCG repeat and Δ2642 polymorphisms to assess kinship between families. In 43 of 45 tested families, the haplotype on the mutated chromosome was 1;G;C;7;(A). The other haplotypes observed, 1;G;C;7;(B) and 4;G;C;7;(A), were of Peruvian and French origins, respectively. The geographic source of the first affected ancestor was assessed in 54 families from 15 different states. Residents of the states of Miranda, Lara and Táchira, excluding those of Zulia, had a mutated allele prevalence five- to ninefold higher than that of other areas. A low (approx. 1/200,000) prevalence, a wide-spread distribution with aggregation in some states and a likely remote European Caucasoid origin are defining epidemiologic features of HD in Venezuela. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

A large number of studies has investigated the hypothesis that DRD4 48 bp variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphism is involved in the etiology of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. However, the results are inconsistent likely due to genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity. Age at onset (AAO) is considered an important alternate phenotype for genetic investigations of psychiatric disorders. In the present study, the DRD4 VNTR 7 repeat allele (7R) was examined in 477 patients with major psychoses. Age at onset was defined as the age of first psychotic episode for schizophrenia and the age at appearance of first clinically recognized symptoms for the bipolar sample. Our results showed an interaction between sex and DRD4 genotypes among schizophrenia patients (n=203, β=.213, p=.017). On comparing AAO between carriers and non-carriers of the 7R, we observed that females with 7R present had later onset (p=.021). The effect was not observed for males. In the sample with bipolar disorder, we observed significant association between DRD4 7R-genotype and AAO (n=274, β=-.148, p=.012). No interaction was observed between sex and genotypic groups of the bipolar sample. The 7R was associated with early onset of the bipolar illness (p=.028). In summary, our results suggest that the 7R is associated with AAO in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. The effect was observed across both sexes in bipolar disorder, but specifically in females for schizophrenia.  相似文献   

We present a patient affected by Dravet syndrome. Thorough analysis of genes that might be involved in the pathogenesis of such phenotype with both conventional and next generation sequencing resulted negative, therefore she was investigated by a-GCH that showed the presence of an unbalanced translocation resulting in a der(4)t(4;8)(p16.3,p23.3). This was an unconventional translocation, different from the recurrent translocation affiliated with WHS and did not involve LETM1.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease, with a clinical manifestation both systemic and in joints. It has been suggested that age at disease onset and/or patients' age have influence on disease activity and clinical outcome. The reasons for the different course of RA in older people are not known; however, the activation status of peripheral blood lymphocytes could be responsible. Our aim was to relate expression of activation markers in peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells of RA patients with patients' age and/or onset age and disease activity measured by DAS28. Seventy RA patients were included into the immunological study. Two separation criteria were performed: based on age of RA onset and on the biological age of patients. We examined different activation markers, CD69, CD25, CD95 and human leucocyte antigen D-related (HLA-DR), on the CD4(+) T cell surface. Division of RA patients in 10-year intervals at 40, 50 and 60 years revealed that RA patients with later disease onset were characterized by higher DAS28. This phenomenon was not limited to the division at 60 years of age but, surprisingly, the major differences were found for the 40-year onset division. Analysis of all four components of DAS28 revealed that disease activity in older disease onset was dependent on all components. Older-onset RA patients had a higher percentage of CD4(+) CD25(+) and CD4(+) CD95(+) T cells. Summarizing the major differences in DAS28 and activation status of CD4(+) T cells observed for onset of disease at 40 years seems to be the most informative about the immunological status of RA patients.  相似文献   

Willoh R, Zühlke C, Gerdes B, Wiese S, Thies U. PCR analysis of a three-allelic PvuII—RFLP at D4S127 closely linked to the Huntington disease locus.
Clin Genet 1993: 43: 321–323. © Munksgaard, 1993
The polymorphic probe BJ56PS18 defined the genetic locus D4S127 closely linked to the Huntington disease (HD) gene. BJ56PS18 detects a three-allelic polymorphism after PvuII digestion in Southern blots. For rapid genotyping in HD-families, two different PCR conditions were established.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is a late onset ultimately fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by a cytosine–adenine–guanine ( CAG) triplet repeat expansion in the Huntingtin gene which was discovered in 1993. The PHAROS study is a unique observational study of 1001 individuals at risk for HD who had not been previously tested for HD and who had no plans to do so. In this cohort, 104 (10%) individuals changed their minds and chose to be tested during the course of the study but outside of the study protocol. Baseline behavioral scores, especially apathy, were more strongly associated with later genetic testing than motor and chorea scores, particularly among subjects with expanded CAG repeat length. In the CAG expanded group, those choosing to be tested were older and had more chorea and higher scores on the behavioral section of the unified Huntington's disease rating scale at baseline than those not choosing to be tested. Following genetic testing, 56% of subjects with CAG < 37 had less depression when compared to prior to testing, but depression generally stayed the same or increased for 64% of subjects in the expanded group. This finding suggests that approaches to testing must continue to be cautious, with appropriate medical, psychological and social support.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that the variable age at onset of Parkinson disease (PD) is likely influenced by genes. The apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is associated with onset of Alzheimer disease, and possibly other neurodegenerative disorders. APOE has been investigated in relation to onset of PD, but results have been inconsistent. The aim of the present study was to determine if APOE genotypes are associated with onset age of PD, using a patient population large enough to assure sufficient power. We studied 521 unrelated Caucasian patients with idiopathic PD from movement disorder clinics in Oregon and Washington. Genotyping and statistical analyses were carried out using standard methods. Age at onset of PD was significantly earlier in patients with the ε3ε4/ε4ε4 genotype than in patients with the ε3ε3 genotype (56.1 ± 10.9 vs. 59.6 ± 11.0, P = 0.003). The significantly earlier onset of PD was not influenced by the possible effects of recruitment site, family history and gender. The effect of the ε2ε3 genotype on onset of PD differed between the two recruitment sites. There was a trend for earlier onset of PD in ε2ε3 patients than in ε3ε3 patients only in the Oregon sample. In conclusion, APOE is associated with age at onset of PD. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated a three-generation family with an autosomal dominant low-mid frequency hearing loss. Audiograms show consistently a hearing threshold of 50+/-20 db hearing loss (HL) between 250 Hz and 1-2 kHz. Normal hearing level was reached between 3 and 6 kHz in all examined children. Adult patients show an additional hearing impairment (HI) in the mid and higher frequencies that seems to differ from presbyacusis. The HI is always bilateral and symmetrical. Genes causing non-syndromic autosomal-dominant deafness with HI in the low and mid frequencies were previously mapped to chromosome 4p16.3 (DFNA6, DFNA14) and chromosome 5q31 (DFNA1). After exclusion of linkage to DFNA1 on chromosome 5, we mapped the candidate gene region to the DFNA14 and DFNA6 loci, between the genetic markers D4S432 and D4S431, located on chromosome 4. This is a further family in which evident linkage of low-mid frequency HI to the candidate region on chromosome 4p16.3 has been found.  相似文献   



Although evidence suggests that there are neurobiological differences between unipolar depression in younger versus older adults, conflicting evidence exists about whether these manifest as clinically identifiable differences.


We conducted a systematic review of aetiological, phenomenological and outcome studies to examine the evidence for a distinction between early onset (EOD) and late onset (LOD) depression. A literature search was completed using the computer databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, PSYCHINFO and PUBMED for papers published between January 1982 and December 2012 which compared groups with EOD and LOD. Studies were included if they were of older people and compared symptoms, aetiological factors or outcomes. We conducted a quality assessment of included articles.


We identified 23 articles which met entry criteria. The only clinical feature which was different between the groups was a higher frequency of a family history of mood disorders in EOD.


The number of studies identified was low and their quality was generally poor.


Although neurobiological studies have reported differences between EOD and LOD, generally these do not appear to translate into identifiable distinguishing clinical features.  相似文献   

Twin studies of dementia have typically used relatively simple 2 × 2 contingency tables with one threshold to estimate the relative importance of genetic variance for liability to disease. These designs are inadequate for addressing issues of age at onset, censoring of data, and distinguishing shared environmental effects from age effects. Meyer and Breitner [ 1998 : Am J Med Genet 81:92–97] applied a multiple‐threshold model to the NAS‐NRC Twin Panel (average age of onset, 63.5 years) and report that additive genetic effects and shared environmental effects account for 37% and 35% of the variation, respectively, in age of onset for Alzheimer disease. We apply a modified version of their model to the Study of Dementia in Swedish Twins (average age of onset, 75 years) and find that genetic effects account for 57%–78% of the variance, whereas shared environmental effects are of no importance. Heritability is lower when thresholds are freely estimated rather than fixed to the population prevalences. We interpret the findings to suggest that models with free thresholds confound influences on longevity with influences for the disease. Multiple‐threshold models, however, do not confound age effects with shared environmental influences. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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