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Sperm protamine deficiency has been associated with human male infertility. However, the aetiology of deregulated protamine expression remains elusive. The objective of this study was to evaluate the underlying aetiology of protamine deficiency in male infertility patients with deregulated protamine expression. Protamine-1 (P1) and protamine-2 (P2) protein concentrations were compared against P1 and P2 mRNA levels in the sperm of 166 male infertility patients and 27 men of known fertility. Protamine protein concentrations were quantified by nuclear protein extraction, gel electrophoresis and densitometry analysis. Semi-quantitative real-time RT-PCR was used to quantify P1 and P2 mRNA levels. P1 mRNA concentrations were significantly increased in patients underexpressing P1 protein versus those with normal and increased P1 levels. In patients with an abnormally low ratio of P1 to P2 (P1/P2 <0.8), there was a significant increase in P1 mRNA retention. Patients underexpressing P2 also had significantly increased mean P2 mRNA levels, although the majority of these P2-deficient patients showed an increased frequency of significantly reduced P2 mRNA levels. This is the first study to concomitantly evaluate P1 and P2 protein and mRNA levels in mature human sperm. Abnormally elevated protamine mRNA retention appears to be associated with aberrant protamine expression in infertile human males. These data suggest that defects in protamine translation regulation may contribute to protamine deficiency in infertile males.  相似文献   

Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a cytokine, which is associated with reproductive processes such as embryo development and implantation. The objectives of this study were to detect the presence of LIF receptor (LIFR) and glycoprotein 130 (gp 130) in the human Fallopian tube, endometrium and preimplantation embryo and to study the effect of mifepristone on the expression of LIFR and gp130 in the Fallopian tube. Twenty-two healthy fertile women received a single dose of 200 mg mifepristone or placebo immediately after ovulation (LH + 2). Biopsies were obtained from the Fallopian tubes during laparoscopic sterilization once between days LH + 4 and LH + 6 and from endometrium once between days LH + 6 and LH + 8. Preimplantation embryos were received from couples undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the presence of LIFR and gp130 in the Fallopian tube, endometrium and preimplantation embryo. Real-time PCR was used to study LIFR and gp130 expression in the Fallopian tube and endometrium. LIFR and gp130 were localized in the Fallopian tube, preimplantation embryo and endometrium. LIFR was more abundant in the Fallopian tube than in the endometrium. In the blastocyst, the staining of gp130 was mainly localized in the inner cell mass, whereas LIFR was expressed in all cells. The presence of LIFR and gp130 in the Fallopian tube and preimplantation embryo indicates a role for LIF in communication between the embryo and the Fallopian tube. Mifepristone did not affect the expression of LIFR and gp130 in the Fallopian tube, nor in the endometrium suggesting that progesterone might not be directly involved in the regulation of LIFR or gp130.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The plasminogen activator (PA) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) systems are implicated in the establishment of endometriosis. The mechanisms by which these systems are involved in the pathogenesis of this disease are not well defined and controversial results have been published. The aim of this study was to analyse mRNA and protein levels of several components of the PA and MMP systems in endometriotic tissue and endometrium from women with and without endometriosis. METHODS and RESULTS: Real-time quantitative RT-PCR assays were developed to quantify mRNA levels of these components in 57 women with endometriosis and 32 controls. Endometrium of women with endometriosis showed higher mRNA and antigenic levels of urokinase type-PA (uPA) and MMP-3 than endometrium from controls. In these patients, ovarian endometriotic tissue had higher mRNA and antigenic levels of PA inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) and MMP inhibitor type 1 (TIMP-1) than endometrium. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in mRNA and protein levels of uPA and MMP-3 observed in endometrium of women with endometriosis may facilitate the attachment of endometrial tissue to the peritoneum and ovarian surface, as well as the invasion of the extracellular matrix. This process would lead to the formation of early endometriotic lesions. Once the ovarian endometriotic cyst is developed, PAI-1 and TIMP-1 would increase which could explain the frequent clinical finding of an endometrioma without invasion of the adjacent ovarian tissue.  相似文献   

Relaxin (RLX) is a pregnancy-associated polypeptide hormone. In non-pregnant women, the peak of circulating relaxin coincides with the window of endometrial receptivity and both in vivo and in vitro experiments showed that it plays a role in the decidualization process. Recently, two receptors, LGR7 and LGR8, have been identified as high affinity receptors for relaxin. Here we describe LGR7 mRNA and protein expression in human endometrium using semi-quantitative and quantitative fluorescent PCR (Q-PCR) and immunohistochemical analyses. Three different experimental designs were used. First, endometrial biopsies from five different phases of the menstrual cycle were analysed. Secondly, we assessed the early luteal phase in more detail. Finally we analysed the expression at LH+2 (2 days after the natural LH surge, pre-receptive endometrium) versus LH+7 (receptive endometrium) within the same menstrual cycle from the same patient to avoid inter-cycle or inter-person variations in gene expression. Our results indicate that there is no consistent regulation of LGR7 mRNA expression, neither during the menstrual cycle nor during the early-mid-luteal phase. In general, we observed a large degree of variation in LGR7 mRNA expression levels between patients. LGR7 immunoreactive protein was identified in all stages of the menstrual cycle. LGR7 protein was localized in both the epithelial and the stromal compartments, except for the mid-luteal phase when the expression was restricted to the endometrial epithelium. We conclude that no consistent regulation of LGR7 mRNA expression can be detected in human endometrium during the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To evaluate the safety of sperm washing and assisted reproduction technique (ART) outcome offered to serodiscordant couples with a human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1)-positive male. METHODS: Sperm washing was performed and checked by RT-PCR on each semen sample before its fresh usage. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IFV/ICSI was offered according to fertility profile of each couple. Non-infected women underwent HIV testing 2 weeks before each procedure and for up to 6 months after. RESULTS: Seven hundred and forty-one couples entered the study of a possible 2011 serodiscordant couples counselled over 4 years. Superovulation and IUI were performed in 581 couples, where the pregnancy rate per cycle and pregnancy rate per couple were 19 and 78%, respectively, with multiple pregnancy rate being 4%. One hundred and sixty couples were treated by IVF/ICSI, where pregnancy rate per cycle and per couple were 22 and 41%, respectively, with multiple pregnancy rate being 10%. All female partners were still HIV-1 negative at follow-up. CONCLUSION: Sperm washing within a programme of reproductive counselling was proved to be safe in this large series of serodiscordant couples. The overall pregnancy rate (70.3%), independent of the procedure used (IUI or IVF/ICSI), justifies the effort of the medical team in setting up and implementing dedicated centres and of the individual patient in seeking a safe pregnancy.  相似文献   

DNA breakage detection-fluorescence in situ hybridization (DBD-FISH) is a procedure to detect and quantify DNA breaks in situ, on a cell-by-cell basis. A comparison between sperm nuclei versus peripheral blood leukocytes using this method demonstrated that the nucleoids from mature human sperm are 12.7 times more sensitive to alkaline denaturation than those from human peripheral blood leukocytes. To investigate the origin of this alkali sensitivity, different approaches were employed. First, free 3'-OH ends of background DNA breaks were labelled by Klenow polymerase, or by DNA polymerase I following the in situ nick translation assay. Second, the presence of abasic sites, the other recognized DNA lesions that lends to constitutive alkali sensitivity, and DNA breaks with blocked 3' ends, were determined by in situ exonuclease III digestion prior to the polymerase labelling. The results demonstrated that the sperm nucleoid contains approximately 2.5-fold higher density of background DNA breaks with 3'-OH ends, and also approximately 2.8-fold higher density of basal abasic sites and DNA breaks with blocked 3' termini, than leukocytes. These differences only partially explain the significant alkali sensitivity of sperm DNA. However, in situ digestion with mung bean nuclease before DNA break labelling showed that sperm DNA is 9-fold more enriched in segments of ssDNA than DNA from leukocytes. The high frequency of partially denatured regions may result from a greater torsional stress of DNA loops in sperm chromatin due to its higher degree of compaction. Moreover, these short unpaired ssDNA stretches should be included in the category of alkali-labile sites detected by all techniques that measure DNA breaks through an alkaline unwinding step. These results provide new insights into the nature of DNA packaging in sperm nuclei.  相似文献   

Successful outcome of human parturition is dependent upon extensive remodelling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the cervix, uterus and fetal membranes, a process that involves adhesion molecules and is also common in tumour invasion and metastasis. To elucidate the role of integrins in human parturition, this study characterizes the expression of the tumour-associated alpha(v)beta(6) integrin in human placenta and extraplacental membranes. Immunohistochemical analysis of the placenta and fetal membranes from normal vaginal deliveries (NVD) (n = 10) exhibited strong intensity of staining for alpha(v)beta(6) integrin (3 = dark brown) in the epithelial layer of the amnion. Weak immunohistochemical staining of alpha(v)beta(6) integrin (1 = pale brown) was detected in the chorion and at the decidual edge. These results were consistent with the immunodetection of alpha(v)beta(6) integrin by western blot analysis that showed 4-fold enhanced expression in the amnion compared to chorion of both NVD and term elective caesarean section (CS) deliveries. Even though there was no difference in the extent of immunohistochemical staining of alpha(v)beta(6) integrin between the amnion of NVD and CS groups, significantly higher intensity of staining was observed in the NVD amniotic epithelium compared to that of CS (n = 10) (chi(2) = 10.25, P = 0.0059). Western blot analysis of the fetal membranes showed no differences in the expression of alpha(v)beta(6) integrin between the NVD and CS groups. Gelatin zymography demonstrated the presence of pro-matrix metalloprotein-9 (MMP-9) and pro-MMP-2 in the amnion and chorion of NVD, whereas in CS only the presence of pro-MMP-2 was observed. These results suggest that in term pregnancy, human fetal membranes express alpha(v)beta(6) integrin and that the expression is significantly higher in amnion compared to chorion. The fact that enhanced expression of alpha(v)beta(6) integrin in fetal membranes correlates with the expression of pro-MMP-9 in NVD is consistent with the invasive role of the integrin in cancer and suggests that the molecule may have a proteolytic role in the initiation and progression of labour.  相似文献   

The freezing of ovarian tissue and the growth of immature oocytes from primordial follicles is an interesting concept in ovarian tissue transplantation and in-vitro fertilization. In this study, the morphology and distribution of primordial follicles were studied in ovarian tissue from 24 women before and after cryopreservation. Cryopreservation did not significantly change either the morphology or number per unit volume of morphologically normal follicles in frozen ovarian tissue. Primordial follicles were predominant, accounting for 78.6% and 82.6% of total follicles in fresh and frozen ovarian tissues respectively. The distribution of follicles was extremely uneven in ovarian tissue. A large variation in follicle numbers was observed in ovarian tissue samples from patient to patient, and even in the same patient, indicating that the number of follicles counted in one sample of ovarian tissue may not represent the number of follicles in other tissue samples. Ovarian tissue could be frozen in the form of strips instead of fragments for fast processing and better viability of ovarian tissue in cryopreservation. The number of follicles in ovarian tissue declined with the increasing age of the patients. An immunohistochemical study showed that immunoreactivity for the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor was detected in primordial follicles of adult ovarian tissue. EGF receptor staining was most intense in the oocytes of primordial follicles. Weak staining for EGF receptor was observed in some surrounding pregranulosa cells. Immunohistochemical staining for EGF receptor was also present in the stromal cells of ovarian tissue, but to a much lesser degree. There was no significant difference in the immunohistochemical staining for EGF receptor in ovarian tissue before and after cryopreservation.  相似文献   

Cells from the inner and outer granulosa cell layers of the ovarian follicles differ in function, probably because of their different origins from the surface epithelium and from the rete. This suggestion has not so far been thoroughly investigated in the human ovary. We examined fetal ovaries from the early, middle and late gestational periods, ovaries from fertile women, and preovulatory follicular cells obtained from patients under in vitro fertilization therapy (IVF). Indirect immunohistology and immunocytology were used to detect the presence of cytokeratin (CK)-positive epithelial cells. In fetal ovaries from the early gestational period, prominent rete tubules (sometimes with oocytes) appeared to be fused with the sex cords and primordial follicles. Both showed CK-positively, detected with the pan-CK antibody Lu-5. Cytokeratin 19 was clearly expressed in the fusion area. In the fetal and adult ovaries, CK-positive follicular or granulosa cells were noted in the primordial and primary follicles as well as the preovulatory follicles. Cytokeratin was not detected in the granulosa cells of growing follicles, CK-positive and -negative luteal cells were identified in the developing corpus luteum. We conclude for the human ovary: (1) the heterogeneous morphology of granulosa cells may be explained by their twofold origin from the surface epithelium and the rete, (2) the rete tubules appear to be involved in folliculogenesis, (3) the transient absence of CK expression in growing follicles compared to resting and mature follicles or to the developing corpus luteum indicates a particular role of CK-positive cells at the periovulatory period. Accepted: 20 September 1999  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry of oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression of the whole uterine muscular wall and the endometrium was performed in order to obtain morphological and functional insights into the regulation of cyclic uterine peristalsis, which is confined to the endometrium and the subendometrial myometrium and serves functions such as rapid and sustained sperm transport. The study revealed that the subendometrial myometrium or stratum subvasculare with a predominantly circular arrangement of muscular fibres exhibits a cyclic pattern of ER and PR expression that parallels that of the endometrium, whereas the outer portion of the uterine wall composed of the stratum vasculare and supravasculare, which represents the bulk of the uterine musculature, does not exhibit a cyclic pattern of ER and PR expression. According to ontogenetic and phylogenetic data from the literature, the outer myometrium is of non-paramesonephric origin with functions confined to parturition, while the inner myometrial layer together with the glandular epithelium and the stroma of the endometrium is of paramesonephric origin with various functions during the cycle in addition to those during pregnancy and parturition. The inner quarter of the stratum vasculare adjacent to the stratum subvasculare constitutes a transitional zone in that the cyclicity of receptor staining becomes, in radial direction, gradually less expressed. Morphologically this zone corresponds to the inner part of the stratum vasculare where its muscular fibres blend with those of the stratum subvasculare.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible contribution of estrogen to pregnancy-associated modulation of nitric oxide production in the human myometrium during pregnancy. Both endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and inducible NOS (iNOS) proteins were clearly expressed in the non-pregnant myometrium and were elevated in the first trimester of pregnancy. Oral contraceptive pills augmented eNOS, but not iNOS, protein expression in the non-pregnant human myometrium. In cultured human myometrial cells, estrogen receptor (ER)alpha and ERbeta expression was extremely low. Therefore, we used either ERalpha or ERbeta expression vector to investigate the effect of 17beta-estradiol treatment on eNOS promoter activity using eNOS promoter/luciferase vector in cultured human myometrial cells. 17beta-estradiol treatment significantly augmented eNOS promoter activity in cells co-transfected with either ERalpha or ERbeta, and this augmentation was dose-dependently suppressed by ICI 182780, an estrogen antagonist. These data suggest the possibility that both ERalpha and ERbeta are involved in the estrogen-associated regulation of eNOS gene expression in the human myometrium.  相似文献   

Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule-1 (CEACAM1) is usually expressed at the luminal surface of different epithelia and is up-regulated in endothelial cells during angiogenesis. Here, we demonstrate evidence of morphogenetic effects of CEACAM1 in spermatogenesis. CEACAM1 is detectable in normal testicular tissue and seminal fluid. It is present in the adluminal part of Sertoli cells extending only as far as the tight junctions between them. CEACAM1 immunostaining is significantly increased and extends to the basal part of Sertoli cells in the presence of carcinoma in situ. Also, in vitro-induced spermatogenetic disturbance leads to an enhanced CEACAM1 expression in Sertoli cells after 3 days of culture. Remarkably, seminiferous tubules containing exclusively Sertoli cells do not exhibit any CEACAM1 expression. CEACAM1 staining was absent in vascular endothelial cells of normal testicular tissue, but present in small blood vessels of seminomas. These data suggest that CEACAM1 expression in Sertoli cells depends on the presence of germ cells and plays a role in adhesive interactions between Sertoli and differentiating germ cells. Its up-regulation in Sertoli cells accompanying spermatogenic damage may contribute to reconstruction and maintenance of the tubular structure of seminiferous tubules. Additionally, CEACAM1 is apparently involved in the angiogenesis of germ cell tumours.  相似文献   

Tumour necrosis factor-alpha-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is a member of the tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) family of cytokines which is known to induce apoptosis upon binding to its death domain-containing receptors, DR4/TRAIL-R1 and DR5/TRAIL-R2. Two additional TRAIL receptors, DcR1/TRAIL-R3 and DcR2/TRAIL-R4, lack functional death domains and act as decoy receptors for TRAIL. In this study, the presence of TRAIL and its receptors was investigated by immunohistochemistry in adult human testes. In addition, TRAIL and its receptors were studied in terms of protein and mRNA using western blot analysis and RT-PCR respectively. TRAIL and its receptors were immunodetected according to the different testicular cell types: TRAIL, DR5/TRAIL-R2 and DcR2/TRAIL-R4 were localized in Leydig cells, DR4/TRAIL-R1 was seen in peritubular and Sertoli cells whereas ligand and all receptors were detected in germ cells. Proteins and mRNA corresponding to TRAIL and its receptors were also identified in adult human testes. In conclusion, TRAIL and its receptors DR4/TRAIL-R1, DR5/TRAIL-R2, DcR1/TRAIL-R3 and DcR2/TRAIL-R4 are expressed in the human testis, and are predominantly localized in different germ cell types.  相似文献   

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