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Insomnia,also called hyposomnia,refers to thedisorder characterized by failure to obtain a normalsleep.For mild cases,the patients are slow to gointo sleep,or in an oneirism or with very short sleep.For severe cases,the patients can only have a sleepof 2 to 3 hours or even no sleep during the night,which inserts a serious impact on the normal life ofthe patients.Using Shenmen(HT 7)and Benshen(GB 13)as the main points,the author has treated28 cases of insomnia with quick and satisfactorytherapeutic effect.A report follows.  相似文献   

General DataTreatment group:29 randomly selected casesof primary Parkinson's disease were treated byacupuncture and given western drugs similar to thecontrols.Among them,15 cases were male and 14female,ranging in age from 43 to 81 years with anaverage of 62.8±5.6 years.The shortest duration ofdisease was 3 months and the longest 18 years,  相似文献   

Acupuncture Treatment of Jacksonian Epilepsy——A Report of 98 Cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ninety-eight cases of Jacksonian epilepsy have been treated mainly with point-through-point acupuncture and scalp needling from June 2000 to June 2004, and obtained a satisfactory result. A report is as follows. Clinical Data All the 98 cases of Jacksonia…  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of acupuncture for treatment of climacteric syndrome. Methods: The 65 cases in this series were randomly assigned to the acupuncture group (N=35) and the control group (N=30),with the former treated by acupuncture and the latter by medication respectively. The therapeutic effects were evaluated by means of the clinical outcome, improvement in the symptom scores and the regults of radioimmunoassays. Results: In the acupuncture group, 12 cases were cured, 16 cases markedly effective, and 6 cases improved, the total effective rate being as high as 97.14%. The decrease in the symptom scores, and especially the elevation of the decreased E2 level and the decrease of the increased FSH and LH levels,demonstrated that acupuncture therapy was superior to medication. Conclusion: Acupuncture for regulating the mental activities and reinforcing the kidney is an effective therapy for climacteric syndrome.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of acupuncture for obesity. Method: Points were selected according to the pattern identified, and punctured with the No.30 magnetic needles. Result: A total effective rate of 97% was achieved after 15 sessions were completed. Conclusion: The therapy can reduce the body weight by accelerating the peristalsis and inhibiting the hunger sensation.  相似文献   

Cerebrovascular dementia is a common diseasein the middle-aged and old people.Its incidencemakes up about 10-20% of all kinds of dementia.It ismainly caused by general degeneration of the brainfunction resulted from cerebral arteriosclerosis andcerebral infarction.The author has treated 32 cases ofcerebrovascular dementia with acupuncture in therecent years with satisfactory therapeutic results.Areport follows.  相似文献   

Dizziness and vertigo is a commonlyencountered disease in clinic. There has been thesaying from ancient times that“there would be nodizziness if without wind”,“there would be nodizziness if without phlegm”,“there would be no  相似文献   

Synovitis of the knee joint is a commonly encountered disease found in the middle-aged and old people. The disease is usually painful, particularly on motion, and is characterized by fluctuating swelling due to effusion within the synovial sacs in case there is trauma, inflammation or rheumatism.  相似文献   

To observe the effect of acupuncture in treating nocturnal enuresis in children Method: Shenmen (HT 7) and Weizhong (BL 40) are selected as the main points. Zhongji (CV 3) and Shenshu (BL 23) are added for warming and supplementing the lower origin, and Qihai (CV 6) and Taiyuan (LU 9) for supplementing the middle-jiao and reinforcing the qi, Taichong (LR 3) and Xingjian (LR 2) for clearing away the damp-heat. Results: 56 cases were treated with a total effective rate of 96%. Conclusion: Nocturnal enuresis is a condition due to imbalance between the Heart Channel and Bladder Channel. Shenmen (HT 7), a point pertaining to the Heart Channel of Hand-Shaoyin and Weizhong (BL 40), a point pertaining to the Bladder Channel of Foot-Taiyang are selected as the main points, with a good result.  相似文献   

Thirty-six cases of constipation due tospasmodic syndrome of the pelvic floor were treatedby electroacupuncture,with satisfactory therapeuticresults reported as follows.  相似文献   

The author has in recent years treated 83 casesof senile insomnia with scalp and body acupuncture.Meanwhile,35 cases in the control group weretreated with western and Chinese drugs.Thetherapeutic results in the treatment group were  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the therapeutic effects of acupuncture-moxibustion on multiple aortitis, 80 cases (with involvement of the main arteries in the head and arms) were randomly divided into a treatment group treated with acupuncture-moxibustion, and a control group treated with TCM and western drugs. The therapeutic effects were compared. The total effective rate was 95% in the treatment group (including 15% of the cure rate and 62.6% of the marked relief rate), and the total effective rate was 75% in the control group (including 12.5% of the marked relief rate). There was a significant difference in the therapeutic effects (P〈0.01) between the two groups. It can be concluded that acupuncture-moxibustion is obviously superior to the routine drug therapy for treatment of multiple aortitis.  相似文献   

With electro-acupuncture,red-hot needling and TDPirradiation,we have successfully treated 23 cases ofchronic pelvic inflammation.A report follows.Clinical DataThe 23 cases in this series,enrolled from 1999-2002,were all married females,aged 22-40 years (mean 32)with a disease history of 3 months to 9 years.Theirclinical manifestations included dragging anddistending sensation in the lower abdomen,pain in  相似文献   

Thromboangiitis Obliterans (TAO), a common peripheral vascular disease with a long illness course and grave sufferings, can cause acromelic gangrene, ulcer and even amputation at the late stage. We have for many years used TCM syndrome differentiation to diagnose and treat the disease with good therapeutic results. The treatment of 64 TAO cases from 2001 to 2002 is reported as follows.  相似文献   

In recent years,we have treated 40 cases ofParkinson's syndrome with the principles ofreinforcing and supplementing the liver- and kidney-yin,calming endogenous wind and removing theobstruction from the channels.The results weresatisfactory and reported as follows.  相似文献   

Tension headache is a most common type of headache, which falls into the category of Toutong (头痛 headache), or Toufeng (头风 head-wind) in TCM. It is characterized by bilateral mild to moderate non-pulsatile headache, without accompanying nausea, vomiting or photophobia, and is not aggravated by physical activities. Authors have in recent years treated 40 cases of this condition with Chai Hu Shu Gan San (柴胡疏肝散 Bupleurum Powder for Dredging the Liver) plus acupuncture, and obtained a satisfactory therapeutic effect. A report follows.  相似文献   

TCM Treatment of Male Immune Infertility——A Report of 100 Cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To observe the therapeutic effect of Yikang Tang (益抗汤 Yikang Decoction) for male immune infertility. Methods: 100 cases of male immune infertility in the treatment group were treated with Yikang Decoction, while 100 cases treated with prednisone as the controls. Physical exam, routine semen and prostate exams, and exams for presence of anti-sperm antibody (AsAb) and mycoplasma in the serum or seminal plasma were carded out. Results: 1) The serum and seminal plasma AsAb levels decreased significantly (P〈0.01) in both the groups after treatment, with a more remarkable effect in the treatment group. 2) The sperm density and percentage of motile spermatozoa increased significantly in the two groups, but more significantly in the treatment group after treatment. The pregnancy rate of their wives was higher in the treatment group than that in the control group (P〈0.01). 3) The sperm agglutination rate in the two groups decreased, but more significantly in the treatment group after treatment. 4) The improvement rate of the symptoms and the stability of the therapeutic effect were more dramatic in the treatment group than that in the control group (P〈0.01) after termination of drug administration. Conclusion: The Yikang Decoction has a more stable effect for male immune infertility than prednisone.  相似文献   

Endometriosis (EMT) is one of the difficult andcomplicated cases in gynecology,and its incidenceshows a tendency to go up year by year.It is mainlymanifested in clinic as dysmenorrhea,acyesis,irregular menstruation and pelvic lumps.Dysmenorrhea is the most characteristic symptom ofendometriosis and its relief has important significance inthe treatment of the disease.Certain hormonal drugs,such as danazol and gestrinone,exhibit convincingtherapeutic effects but with obvious adverse actions.Operative therapy has also some limitations.Since 1997,  相似文献   

Arteriosclerotic obliteration of the lower limbs is mostly seen in the senile male patients, which seriously affects the quality of their life. From 2002 to 2006, 98 cases of the disease were treated by the author using the warming acupuncture, with satisfactory therapeutic results reported in the following.  相似文献   

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