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We studied smoking status in relation to parental attendance at an asthma education program for child patients of a health maintenance organization. Nonattendance rates were 24%, 42%, and 78% in nonsmoking, one-smoker, and two-or-more-smoker families, respectively, and 33% overall. Only the number of smokers (odds ratio [OR] = 3.1; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.8, 5.3) and perceived adverse impact of asthma on the family (OR = 0.4; 95% CI = 0.2, 0.9) were retained in a multivariate model that correctly classified 73% of families; demographic characteristics, frequency of asthma symptoms, and health care use were rejected. There was a tendency for smoking parents to deny that their child had asthma (17% among families with two or more smokers; 9% among nonsmoking families). Asthma education programs may fail to involve parents who smoke.  相似文献   

弱视儿童家长健康教育需求调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨对弱视患儿家长实施健康教育的意义。方法以弱视健康知识为内容,采用问卷形式对246例弱视患儿的家长进行调查。结果86.17%弱视患儿的家长不知道散瞳注意事项,有61.48%患儿家长对弱视疾病相关知识缺乏了解,41.06%的患儿家长不了解怎样正确配合和引导弱视患儿的康复治疗。82.81%弱视患儿的家长希望得到相关知识的健康教育。结论对弱视患儿的家长实施健康教育是弱视患儿坚持治疗的重要保障。  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the acceptability and potential efficacy of an online healthy lifestyles program for parents of overweight, or at risk of overweight, preschool‐aged children. Methods: A pilot trial was conducted within a regional area of New South Wales, Australia. Two cohorts totalling 47 dyads were recruited. Primary outcomes were parental self‐reported perceived knowledge and parental proxy‐reported behaviour of their child. Data analysis was completed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (v 16). Results: At follow up (10 weeks) parents reported high acceptability of the program. Changes in the hypothesised direction were reported for all parental perceived knowledge and parental and child behavioural outcomes. Conclusion: This is the first study to describe the acceptability and potential efficacy of an online healthy lifestyles program for parents of preschool children. The Time2bHealthy Program offers a viable option for parental involvement in obesity prevention programs targeting young children. Given the online nature of the program it has the capacity to be utilised within metropolitan, regional and rural areas of Australia.  相似文献   

A parent-child autotutorial dietary education program for 4- to 10-year-old, hypercholesterolemic children and their families was developed and pilot tested. The 10-lesson program, designed for weekly use at home, uses a "talking-book" approach (audiotapes with accompanying picture booklet) for the child. Parents are provided with information on ways to make recommended dietary changes, along with hands-on activities to do with the children. To help match the instructional approach to the wide developmental range within the children's age span, materials are divided into three program levels that use different story characters and concept presentations. During program development, evaluation by two children (and their parents) for each of the program levels guided the design and refinement of the lessons. A pilot test among 22 hypercholesterolemic children (whose treatment was limited to diet modification) revealed that children within the 4- to 10-year age range liked the "talking-book" approach and identified positively with the story characters. Parents indicated that their materials were clear and helpful. Between the baseline and 3-month follow-up visits, the children exhibited a significant increase in knowledge of heart healthy foods, a decrease in total fat consumption that approached significance, and a significant decrease in plasma low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol values.  相似文献   

【目的】 在学龄前儿童、家长及幼儿园教师中开展以预防儿童伤害为主题的健康教育,针对发现的危险因素进行干预,提高伤害对象的认知行为,降低儿童伤害的发生。 【方法】 以学龄前儿童为干预对象,监测意外伤害,对干预前后的学龄前儿童伤害的发生率进行比较,并对干预效果进行评价。干预方法包括对幼儿老师设计安全课程,对幼儿进行健康教育;召开家长会,对家长进行健康教育等。 【结果】 干预后意外伤害的发生率较干预前降低。对家长进行健康教育后,家长对家庭中危险因素认知有所提高,改变不利因素的家庭儿童意外伤害发生率低于未改变的家庭,结果具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。 【结论】 健康教育对降低学龄前儿童意外伤害有效。  相似文献   

“My mother was an alcoholic. She abused me from the time 1 was 4-years-old, and my problems showed up in nursery school. I wanted to make the babies cry for some unknown reason. I would go into the infant room and pull the babies' hair. I didn't know why I wanted to hear them cry. I remember my mother used to pull my hair when she'd get drunk. She'd yank it for no reason. Now that I'm grown, I know I was angry with her for doing that to me. It was the only way I knew how to cry out for help. I was trying to show in an outside way the pain I was having on the inside. But nobody listened. I can still see the preschool teacher right in my face, nose-to-nose, and all the little kids surrounding her, and she was yelling at me. I was getting real upset because I had to go to the bathroom but the teacher wouldn't let me. She spanked me with a paddle as hard as she could, and the whole time I was using the bathroom while she was doing that. I'll never forget that as long as I live. And I'll never forget that preschool. I still remember the nightmares I had about that awful place!”  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Asthma diminishes the health-related quality of life for many school-aged children. This study sought to explore the effect of a School-Based Asthma Education Program (SBAEP) on quality of life. METHODS: Children with asthma who attended grades 1-5 at two selected schools were requested to participate in this pilot study. Participants at one school were provided with a SBAEP, those at another school (control group) were provided with written educational material about asthma. The children completed the Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) before and one month after the educational interventions. RESULTS: There were clinically important improvements in the SBAEP group in quality of life, specifically in the symptom subdomain. CONCLUSIONS: The "Air Force" SBAEP appears to result in a favourable trend in quality of life for children. A larger scale trial is required following revisions to the program.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a parent education program on the nutrition-related behavior of Head Start parents and the dietary intake of their preschool children. Six New York City and five Maryland Head Start centers were assigned to either the treatment (nutrition education) or control group. Treatment group mothers received 13 weekly nutrition newsletters and were encouraged to attend four nutrition workshops addressing child nutrition, meal planning, food preparation, and food shopping. A total of 89 mothers in the treatment group and 82 mothers in the control group completed pre- and post-program interviews examining their children's food consumption and their nutrition-related behaviors. One to two months after the nutrition education program, Maryland treatment group parents reported that their children were consuming a significantly more diverse and high quality diet, and were consuming significantly more servings of selected nutritious foods than were children in the control group. There were no significant differences in the food consumption of New York treatment and control group children following the program. Treatment group parents from both Maryland and New York reported making more positive changes in their meal planning, food shopping, food preparation, and cooking practices than did their control group counterparts. Findings indicate that nutrition education programs can have a positive effect on Head Start parents' nutrition-related behaviors and can lead to improvements in the diets of children who have been eating fewer than the recommended number of servings of nutritious foods.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿过敏性紫癜患儿家长对健康教育的需求。方法以问卷方式对66例过敏性紫癜患儿家长就住院不同阶段健康教育需求进行调查。结果患儿家长对疾病|治疗日常生活护理复发的预防及复诊等了解需求强烈,健康教育方式倾向于与护理人员一对一交谈发放科普手册、宣传栏和墙报。结论应该对患儿家长实施针对性的健康教育,了解疾病及相关知识,掌握家庭护理知识,以早日康复,提高生命质量。  相似文献   

An educational program for children with asthma designed to reduce emergency room (ER) use enrolled all eligible children (n = 253 primarily low-income Black) within a health maintenance organization (HMO) who had used the hospital or ER for asthma during the pre-enrollment period and randomized them into two groups. Twenty-four of the experimental group patients had 55 ER visits and 18 of the control patients had 39 ER visits during the first 12 months post-intervention. This program did not achieve its goal.  相似文献   

A smoking questionnaire that was designed to assess children's views about the identity, availability, and use of tobacco products, as well as their intentions to use such products in the future, was given to 150 four-year-old preschool children, 99 of whom had been taught the Preschool Health Education (PHEP) curriculum. Results indicated that significantly fewer of the children who received the PHEP curriculum intended to smoke in the future. Most of the children who intended to smoke were influenced by adult models.  相似文献   

目的 了解深圳市光明区学龄前儿童家长健康素养的状况及其影响因素,为开展针对性的健康教育提供依据.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,对深圳市光明区13家幼儿园4 299名学龄前儿童家长进行健康素养现况调查.结果 被调查的4 299名学龄前儿童家长中,按评判标准有1133名具备健康素养,占26.4%;其中健康知识和理念、健...  相似文献   

重庆市学龄前儿童口腔健康教育调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解重庆市学龄前儿童对口腔健康知识的知晓情况。方法 于 2 0 0 1年 9~ 10月对重庆市主城区 6所小学 484名学前班儿童进行了共 8学时、为期 2个月的儿童口腔健康教育课程 ,并对授课前后口腔健康知识进行问卷调查。结果 儿童对口腔健康知识回答平均正确率由授课前的 61 92 %增加到授课后的 90 19% ,授课前后比较有显著性差异 (P <0 0 0 5)。结论 采取对儿童进行口腔健康教育和宣传牙病预防知识 ,把预防牙病从医院延伸到课堂 ,对培养儿童良好的口腔卫生习惯 ,树立牙病预防的正确观念 ,提高儿童口腔健康水平具有重要意义  相似文献   

Several preliminary decisions must be made before a local program of health education for children is developed: who will be responsible for the program, what teaching materials will be needed, what themes are most appropriate for children, and what method teaching should be used? Answers to such questions depend greatly on the local context, but they can serve as a point of departure for a working group at a seminar attended by teachers and health agents planning a health education program for school-age children. The program should be based on the experience of individuals who know the community well, such as health agents, community authorities, teachers, parents, and the children themselves. The teaching method chosen can be oriented toward action or toward the community, or it could be the child-for-child approach in which children serve as health and development agents, integrating health education into the overall education process and including action to improve health and diffusion of health messages to the family and community. The different approaches can be combined, depending on the theme, the age, and the educational level of the children. The program content and teaching materials depend on the local context, the age of the children, the time available, and the resources of the teachers. Before selecting themes for study, the planning group should make a list of health priorities, study related actions already undertaken that may involve children, decide on themes and on the knowledge and skills to be acquired, and verify that the themes chosen are appropriate and relevant. To select the specific content of each chosen subject, the group should clearly define the subject, decide what the children should know about it, select activities appropriate to the age and level of the children and the size and local context of the project, and explain the project to all who will participate. Evaluation should be continuous, beginning at the outset. The working group should attempt to evaluate participation in decision making and local support when the decision is made to begin the project. The criteria on which local needs are evaluated and the degree of knowledge of these needs should be evaluated, as should the availability of teachers, supervisors, external aid, time, and money. The coherence of the plan of action and objectives and the preparation of teaching materials and of participating schools also require evaluation.  相似文献   

[目的]分析干预前后城市流动儿童家长免疫规划相关知识、态度和行为的变化,为探索有效的基层免疫规划健康教育模式提供依据。[方法]选取2个外来人口较为集中的社区,抽取暂住期在6个月以上的0~4周岁流动儿童家长234人,开展干预前调查,并在实施多形式干预后进行效果评价。[结果]健康教育干预前后,流动儿童家长免疫规划知识知晓率从43.47%提高到86.17%(χ2=1 028.87,P<0.01),具有免疫规划积极态度的比例从46.26%提高到85.15%(χ2=314.10,P<0.01),具有免疫规划积极行为的比例从42.95%提高到92.95%(χ2=268.61,P<0.01)。[结论]流动儿童家长的免疫规划知识知晓率、具有积极态度和行为的比例均偏低,健康教育干预可以显著提高流动儿童家长免疫规划的知信行,提高流动儿童免疫规划接种率。  相似文献   

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