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战创伤已成为现代社会一大公害,其死亡率已跃居疾病谱的第三位,创伤失血性休克(traumatic hemorrhagic shock,THS)为战创伤的重要并发症,占战创伤早期死亡的近50%[1].近年来,针对战创伤早期救治提出了许多新的治疗理念和措施,包括限制性(低亚)液体复苏(limited/hypotensive fluid resuscitation)、损伤控制复苏(damage control resuscitation,DCR)、早期血管活性药物应用等.  相似文献   

高原创伤失血性休克有效液体复苏量和限量的实验研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
创伤失血性休克是战 (创 )伤伤员早期死亡的主要原因之一 ,有报道 32 .6 %~ 5 9.5 %的伤员因失血休克死亡。抗休克的成功为其他治疗提供了必要前提 ,而快速输液、补充血容量是救治失血性休克的关键措施。有关平原战 (创 )伤休克的液体复苏及原则已有大量研究[1 - 3 ] ,但对高原创伤失血休克液体复苏量 ,以前研究很少。笔者在高原现场用新进高原大鼠研究了创伤失血性休克的有效液体复苏量和限量。一、材料与方法1.药品试剂及仪器设备 :乳酸林格液由本院所药剂科提供 ,心功能分析仪由上海第二军医大学研制 ,大鼠由本校动物中心提供。2 .方法 …  相似文献   

战、创伤救治始终是外科学的重点问题 ,其理论和方法伴随着医学发展而不断深入和更新。近年来 ,国际学术界在战、创伤休克复苏治疗方面提出了许多新的理论和方法 ,尤其是美国全面总结了 1991年海湾战争以来在一系列较大战争中的战伤救治经验 ,并正在进行与此相适应的装备改进。我军医疗系统在战、创伤救治领域拥有传统的优势。为了做好军事斗争准备 ,《解放军医学杂志》和全军普外专业委员会危重病学组共同发起 ,召开战、创伤休克复苏高层研讨会。会议内容 :①休克病理生理学的新进展 ;②新的失血性休克复苏理念 ;③美军新的复苏装备和方法 …  相似文献   

失血性休克是战创伤患者伤后早期的主要死亡原因,及早输注血浆可有效提高战创伤失血性休克患者的存活率.冻干血浆(FDP)与新鲜冰冻血浆(FFP)的成分基本相同,在战创伤失血性休克患者的救护中具有良好的临床效果,同时其在储存、运输等后勤保障中具备优势,无论是在战时或平时的创伤救治中都能够确保伤员得到及时有效的液体复苏,提升战...  相似文献   

高原战创伤休克的特点及液体复苏新概念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
无论是在战时还是平时休克的发生率和死亡率都很高,在高原低氧环境下机体发生战创伤休克与平原地区有很大差别,高原病理生理的改变与战创伤相互影响,一方面战创伤加重了业已存在的低氧血症,而另一方面低氧血症又降低了机体的应激能力和对战创伤的耐受性,使高原战创伤休克有许多不同于平原地区的特点[1、2]。随着休克病理生理和发病机制研究的不断深入,近年来对休克的救治出现了许多新方法,在高原战创伤休克的液体复苏方面也产生了一些新概念。1 高原战创伤休克的特点1.1 移居高原汉族人的战创伤休克发展快、程度重[1、2…  相似文献   

在院前急救中,治疗出血性休克(Hemorr hagicShock,HS)病人,抗休克输液与增加损伤血管的出血量的矛盾一直困扰着外科医师们。控制出血当然是急救的首要措施,结扎止血后,无论是动物实验—固定容积型和固定血压型—即控制出血性休克(Uncontrolled HS)的研究,还是临床应用,都已取得了丰硕成果。但随着对院前急救的重视,损伤血管的出血尚未能控制的时候,出血性休克的复苏—即非控制出血性休克(Controlled HS,UCHS)的复苏已成为创伤休克研究的新热点。  相似文献   

血管战创伤引起的大出血是战时导致死亡的主要因素。自近现代战争以来,血管战创伤救治技术得到巨大发展,尤其是腔内血管救治技术与理念出现后,以复苏性主动脉球囊阻断术为代表的救治技术和器具显著提高了血管战创伤救治的成功率。本文将深入探讨血管战创伤救治技术的前沿,围绕血管战创伤救治理念、腔内血管外科技术、血管战创伤救治装备与材料等方面的创新展开论述,并对信息时代下的血管战创伤救治技术发展进行总结与展望。  相似文献   

<正>创伤为现代社会一大公害,所致病死率已跃居疾病死亡谱第三位,仅次于肿瘤和心脑血管疾病。创伤失血、休克所致死亡占创伤早期死亡的30%~40%~([1])。针对创伤失血性休克早期救治,国际上近年来提出了许多新的理念和技术,包括高效出血控制、允许性低压复苏、延长黄金救治时间窗等~([2-3])。2007年中华医学会重症医学分会制定了《低血容量休克复苏指南》~([4])。到目前为止,我国还没有专门针对创伤失血性休克的早期救治规范。本规范专家  相似文献   

战时创伤性心跳骤停(TCA)的主要原因包括失血性休克和张力性气胸等,其战现场急救流程为在快速识别导致TCA原因的基础上,实施集束化急救措施,即快速纠正导致TCA的可逆性原因,进行高质量的心肺复苏.伤员恢复自主心跳后,后送至下一级救治机构继续复苏治疗,后送途中维持液体复苏的延续性.未来要针对TCA战现场早期识别、致伤机制...  相似文献   

创伤后大量或反复出血,导致组织灌注不足缺氧,容易引起休克,治疗措施包括早期液体复苏、输血、复苏后再评估。由于失血过程中,大量血小板、纤维蛋白原、凝血因子消耗较多,出现凝血功能障碍,使病情进一步加重。因此,对于重症创伤患者采取成分输血,以缓解并发症显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The aim was to give a systematic presentation of physiologic and pathologic calcifications and ossifications in the face and neck with a special emphasis on clinical relevance. In a sometimes subacute setting one should recognize specific calcifications which often lead to important diagnoses such as fungal sinusitis or sclerosing labyrinthitis. In a more chronic situation intraocular calcifications in small children are pathognomonic for retinoblastoma. Juxtatumoral sclerosis of the laryngeal cartilage in laryngopharyngeal carcinoma is usually caused by tumor infiltration of the cartilage resulting in a higher tumor stage and, this way, has a major impact on the therapeutical strategy. Calcified lymph nodes are mainly unspecific but can be the result of tuberculosis or metastases of thyroid cancer. Cross-sectional imaging methods, most of all computed tomography, are ideally suited to reveal head and neck calcifications and ossifications, especially those which are clinically relevant.  相似文献   

This article discusses the imaging manifestations of infectious and inflammatory conditions of the head and neck. Special attention is paid to the sites, routes of spread, and complications of neck infections. Because the clinical signs and symptoms and the complications of these conditions are often determined by the precise anatomic site involved, anatomic considerations are stressed. Familiarity with the fascial layers, spaces of the neck, and the contents of each space is helpful for this discussion. The fascial layers of the neck are important barriers to infection, and once infection is established, the fascial layers play a part in directing its spread.  相似文献   

目的:分离纯化幽门螺杆菌分泌和重组表达的细胞空泡毒素抗原( VacA)蛋白,并评价其致细胞空泡效应及致细胞凋亡效应。方法分别从幽门螺杆菌ATCC26695菌株培养上清和重组表达VacA蛋白的pQE30-VacA-E.coliM15基因工程菌中分离纯化VacA蛋白,经酸化后,以不同终浓度(5,10 ng/ml)分别与人胃腺癌AGS细胞共孵24 h,观察致空泡效应,并通过流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡。结果成功分离纯化出幽门螺杆菌分泌和重组表达的VacA蛋白;幽门螺杆菌分泌的VacA蛋白能显著引起AGS细胞的空泡样改变及凋亡(P<0.01),而重组表达的VacA蛋白致细胞空泡样改变及凋亡不显著( P>0.05)。结论幽门螺杆菌分泌的VacA蛋白有良好的空泡毒性及致凋亡效应,而重组表达的VacA蛋白无致空泡及凋亡效应,幽门螺杆菌分泌的VacA蛋白可用于VacA作用机制的研究。  相似文献   

化学武器公约( CWC)和生物武器公约( BWC)是为禁止生产、发展、储存和使用化学武器和生物武器而制定的国际公约。近年来,科学技术快速发展,知识交叉渗透,学科之间出现整合和融合,促进了科技进步和经济发展。其中化学和生物学融合在有力促进制药、健康卫生、绿色化学和环境保护等产业进步的同时,也对化学和生物武器公约的履约产生了重要的影响。该文综述了与化学武器和生物武器公约相关的化学和生物学融合进展,并分析其对公约履约的影响。  相似文献   

This study evaluated if the ventilatory response to exercise is impaired by the cramp position of rowing. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), maximal expiratory volume (VEmax), and maximal heart rate (HRmax) during rowing and running were compared in 55 males (age, mean +/- SD, 21 +/- 3 years; height 176 +/- 5 cm; body mass 72 +/- 6 kg) and 18 females (age 20 +/- 2 years; height 164 +/- 5 cm; body mass 61 +/- 4 kg). VEmax was larger during rowing than during running (males, 157 +/- 16 vs. 147 +/- 13 L min(-1); 114 +/- 9 vs. 105 +/- 11 L min(-1), P<0.01). Also VO2max was larger during rowing than during running (males, 4.5 +/- 0.5 vs. 4.3 +/- 0.4 L min(-1); females, 3.3 +/- 0.4 vs. 3.2 +/- 0.4 L min(-1), P<0.01). However, HRmax was lower during rowing than during running (males, 194 +/- 8 vs. 198 +/- 11 beats min(-1); females, 192 +/- 6 vs. 196 +/- 8 beats min(-1), P<0.05). VEmax was correlated to body mass and fat-free mass, as was VO2max. Thus, the oxygen pulse (VO2max/HRmax) was larger during rowing than during running, while the ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (VEmax/VO2max) was similar. We showed that bending the body during rowing does not seem to impair ventilation either in males or in females. The results indicate that VEmax and VO2max relate to body size and fat-free mass for both females and males. The findings indicate that the involvement of more muscles, the entrainment, and the body position during rowing facilitates ventilation and venous return and lowers maximal heart rate.  相似文献   

Thirty-six patients with calcification or ossification at or around the coracoclavicular and coracoacromial regions were analyzed with regard to type, location, and configuration of the deposits and related clinical history. Calcification or ossification in the coracoclavicular region resulted largely from trauma (36%) or renal failure (28%). Trauma patients may develop punctate calcification or ossification but do not develop the tumoral type of calcification. About 5% of the renal failure patients had coracoclavicular ligament calcifications, one-half of which were of the tumoral type. Renal failure patients may have punctate or tumoral calcifications but do not develop ossification.  相似文献   

在真核生物基因表达的转录后调节中,RNA结合蛋白( RBP)起着关键作用,很多RBP的异常与人类疾病的发生密切相关。自2000年的RNA免疫沉淀和芯片分析方法( RNA immunoprecipitation with differential display or microarray analysis , RIP-ChIP)出现以来,人们开始就RBP与RNA相互作用进行了系统而广泛的研究。经过改良和发展,基于体内实时紫外交联免疫沉淀法( ultraviolet crosslinking and immunoprecipitation , CLIP )、交联免疫沉淀cDNA文库高通量测序法( high-throughput sequencing of CLIP cDNA library , HITS-CLIP)、光催化核糖核苷增强交联和免疫沉淀法( photoactivatable-ribonucleoside-enhanced crosslinking and immunprecipitation , PAR-CLIP)以及提高个别核苷酸分辨率交联和免疫共沉淀法( individual nucleotide resolution CLIP , iCLIP)等RIP-ChIP衍生方法相继产生,使用这些方法,可以解析RBP的RNA识别特异性,而且通过与高通量测序技术结合,可以实现转录组尺度的RBP的靶序列的鉴定,分辨率也得到极大提高。该文就RNA与蛋白的相互作用的基本原理及其研究进展、相关技术存在的问题以及发展趋势进行简要综述。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo examine the longitudinal associations and differences between self-reported and device-assessed physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviour (SB), using a multifaceted statistical approach.DesignLongitudinal measurement burst.MethodsIn total, 52 university students (78% female) aged 18–38 years (mean = 21.94 ± 4.57 years) participated. The study consisted of three blocks of six days of measurement, during which participants wore an accelerometer on their wrist for the entire block, and self-reported their PA over the 6 days at the end of each block.ResultsMeaningful latent differences between methods were observed for moderate PA and SB across all three assessment periods, such that participants underreported the time spent in each activity. Bland–Altman plots revealed a positive mean difference for vigorous PA, with over-reporting increasing as mean levels increased. Negative mean differences were observed for all other intensities. Underreporting of moderate PA increased as the mean level increased, whereas for light PA and SB, underreporting decreased at high levels. Repeated measures correlations revealed a meaningful association for vigorous PA only, suggesting that as self-reported minutes increase so too do device-measured minutes.ConclusionsWe found evidence of cross-sectional and longitudinal differences and weak associations between self-reported and device-assessed PA and SB. Future work is needed to enhance the quality of self-reported methods to assess PA and SB (e.g., face and content validity), and consider improvements to the processing of device-based data.  相似文献   

Older prisoners are the fastest growing group of prisoners in many countries. The purpose of this study is to explore the phenomenon of detention of persons suffering from dementia. Medline searches were conducted for relevant articles, chapters and books published until August 2016. Search terms included dementia, elderly, prison and criminal. Publications found through this indexed search were reviewed for further relevant references. As results, there is a lack of data about elderly with dementia in prisons. Given the rise in the average age, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the number of older prisoners is growing. Moreover, some elderly are imprisoned with a concomitant cognitive impairment or psychiatric disorder while others will develop such diseases once incarcerated. At the present time, legal and social systems seem unprepared to handle the phenomenon of dementia in prison. As proposal, health assessments for older first time offenders should become a practice inside the correctional facilities and include an evaluation for specific health issues, such as psychiatric comorbidity and cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

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