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Cleary M 《International journal of mental health nursing》2003,12(3):213-222
This ethnographic account of mental health nursing in a 22-bed acute inpatient facility in New South Wales, Australia, uncovered cultural meaning and cultural realities associated with the delivery of nursing care within the context of current challenges, demands, and influences brought about by service reforms. The findings demonstrate that mental health nurses have been responsive to changes brought about by the reforms. The ability of nurses to readily identify service gaps in their everyday practice provides them with the opportunity to develop strategies to respond to workplace challenges. As such, findings of the study contribute to current discussions concerning acute inpatient mental health nursing practice. 相似文献
Problem based learning (PBL) is well established within the field of health-care education for professionals worldwide, although little has been done to explore the experiences of students undertaking a PBL course in mental health nursing. Without firm evidence of the benefits of PBL, educationalists in mental health might be reluctant to view it as an option in curricula design. This U.K. study examined the experiences of pre-registration post-graduate mental health student nurses undertaking a 2-year educational course in which all teaching and assessment followed a PBL philosophy. Focus groups were used throughout the course to elicit in-depth qualitative data that was analysed by applying a constant comparative method. The analysis of the data uncovered the following broad themes: 'moves to autonomy, 'surviving the groups' and 'the impact of PBL'. The findings show that participants had mainly positive experiences and gained a range of study and interpersonal skills central to mental health nursing. Participants described initial anxieties resulting from engagement in PBL. However, they increasingly gained confidence in this approach, exercising increasing control over the PBL process. Despite this increased autonomy, participants continued to value the input of skilled facilitators. A recurring issue centred on the potential for interpersonal conflict within the student group and its impact on their learning. It is suggested that more research is needed examining the use of PBL in mental health nursing. 相似文献
Happell B 《International journal of mental health nursing》2008,17(5):326-332
Government inquiries and workforce data continue to draw attention to the current and impending crisis in mental health nursing. While undergraduate nursing education has been found at least partially responsible for the negative attitudes nursing students tend to hold towards mental health nursing, clinical experience has been identified as a potential strategy in enhancing more positive attitudes. However, research to date has not focused on the impact of clinical experience on specific factors such as attitudes to mental health nursing to people experiencing mental illness and perceived preparedness for the mental health field. This quasi-experimental study measured changes in students' attitudes to the three factors, including satisfaction with clinical experience following a placement in mental health nursing. A questionnaire was administered to undergraduate nursing students on the first and last day of a mental health clinical placement. This, the first of a two-part paper, compares student responses over the two-time periods and describes satisfaction with the clinical experience. The findings suggest that clinical experience in mental health nursing experience can positively influence attitudes, preparedness for practice, and the popularity of mental health nursing. Satisfaction with clinical experience was also high. 相似文献
Graeme Browne RN MHN PhD Andrew Cashin RN MHN NP PhD Iain Graham RN RMN PhD Warren Shaw RN MHN GC Bus. Admin 《International journal of nursing practice》2013,19(5):539-545
The population of mental health nurses is ageing and in the next few years we can expect many to retire. This paper makes an argument for the employment of undergraduate nursing students as Assistants in Nursing (AINs) in mental health settings as a strategy to encourage them to consider a career in mental health nursing. Skill mix in nursing has been debated since at least the 1980s. It appears that the use of AINs in general nursing is established and will continue. The research suggests that with the right skill mix, nursing outcomes and safety are not compromised. It seems inevitable that assistants in nursing will increasingly be part of the mental health nursing workforce; it is timely for mental health nurses to lead these changes so nursing care and the future mental health nursing workforce stay in control of nursing. 相似文献
The literature clearly demonstrates that mental health nursing tends to be viewed negatively by undergraduate nursing students. While positive clinical experiences have been found to encourage more favourable attitudes towards mental health nursing, suitable placements are becoming scarce. An evaluation of clinical placements at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (VIFMH) was undertaken to determine whether appropriate learning opportunities were offered, and identify the impact of the placement on students’ attitudes to mental health nursing. The results suggest that VIFMH provides valuable learning experiences to increase students’ understanding of mental health nursing and is effective in producing more positive attitudes towards this area of practice. 相似文献
Happell B 《International journal of mental health nursing》2008,17(5):333-340
Clinical experience is consistently emphasized in research findings as the primary influence in encouraging more positive attitudes to mental health nursing. The available research, however, presents two major limitations. First, it does not measure the specific factors that might contribute to a positive clinical experience. Second, it does not consider the relationship between clinical experience and attitudes towards people experiencing a mental illness or towards mental health nursing. This is the second of a two-part paper presenting findings from a statewide survey of undergraduate nursing students in Victoria. A pre-/post-test design was used to measure the impact of clinical experience on the following subscales: (i) attitudes towards people experiencing a mental illness; (ii) attitudes toward mental health nursing; and (iii) preparedness for mental health practice. Subscale (iv) satisfaction with clinical experience was also measured in the post-test phase. The findings demonstrated an improvement on all three subscales in the post-test phase and a high level of satisfaction with clinical experience. Furthermore, a relationship between all four subscales was evident. 相似文献
A role for mental health nursing in the physical health care of consumers with severe mental illness
Happell B Platania-Phung C Gray R Hardy S Lambert T McAllister M Davies C 《Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing》2011,18(8):706-711
There is extensive international evidence that people with severe mental illness have a lower standard of physical health than the general population. This leads to higher morbidity and mortality rates. Many of the causes for this poor physical health are modifiable. Yet the physical needs of this consumer group are neglected by healthcare systems in Australia, and elsewhere. While medical specialists are clearly integral to remedying this, nurses are well placed to play a key role in focused prevention and early intervention in the physical well-being of consumers with mental health problems. This paper outlines the specifics on how mental health nurses can be sensitized, prepared and empowered to help turn this serious health issue around. In particular, mental health nurses could be trained in and then utilize a new physical health check and response system in the UK (called the Health Improvement Profile) if adapted for use within Australia. This profile will be briefly introduced, and then its value to improving health care discussed. 相似文献
Stuhlmiller C 《International journal of mental health nursing》2005,14(3):156-160
Desperate times call for creative solutions. The mental health workforce shortage has created an opportunity to rethink current and future education and training needs in order to prepare competent and compassionate practitioners to meet the changing demands of consumers and their carers requiring mental heath treatment and support. This article urges consideration of an undergraduate direct entry mental health programme similar to that of midwifery or the nursing foundation/mental health branch programmes of the UK. 相似文献
This paper examines stances that are being adopted in relation to the current and future direction of mental health nursing practice. The argument is made that mental health nursing is being pushed into a direction that is essentially positivistic and narrow in its focus, stating that the current hegemony of thinking which dictates that our primary focus of concern should be with individuals suffering from severe or recurring mental illness, allied with the drive towards 'evidence based practice' is symptomatic of wider issues that should be of concern to all parties interested in the issue of mental health care. The authors examine the context and rationale for these developments from socio-political, philosophical and ethical viewpoints, highlighting that their logical outcome is the exclusion of individuals from the right to health care and question the motives underpinning what could be considered a fundamental shift in the provision of mental health services. The argument is then advanced that caution should be adopted by mental health nursing services before abandoning what Gournay (1994) described as 'redundant ideologies' and that a broader view of mental health nursing action should be accommodated. The validity of trying to account for mental nursing action in quantifiable and biomechanistic terms is questioned and an alternative paradigm of accounting for such action is suggested. 相似文献
T. JUGESSUR p hd llm cert ed rnt dipn rmn rgn & I. K. ILES ma me d pgdae diparpp graddippsychol rnld 《Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing》2009,16(2):187-195
The term 'advocacy' has taken on a meaning beyond its legal origins and is now of importance as a concept in health and social care. Within nursing, the role of advocate has been accepted as an important one, although there are arguments against nurses taking on such a role. The majority of papers on this topic relate to nursing generically rather than being specifically mental health oriented. Nurses need to be made aware of the legal framework within which they practice, in terms of duty of care within their role of nurse advocate, maintaining standards of advocacy acceptable to their professional body, accountability relating to action and omission of actions, guidance on guarding against stepping beyond the boundaries of their professional practice of advocacy, and to have adequate knowledge of the law. This paper offers a critique of nursing advocacy models, raising a number of mental health nursing issues and identifying some areas for further research. 相似文献
Cleary M 《International journal of mental health nursing》2003,12(2):139-147
This ethnographic investigation was concerned with the way mental health nurses' construct their practice in an acute inpatient psychiatric unit in light of the current challenges, demands and influences brought about by service reforms of the 1990s. The setting for this study was a 22-bed acute inpatient mental health facility. Over a 5-month period, data were collected through fieldwork observations, focused interviews and discussion groups. In this article, common cultural practices in relation to the imperatives of relationships, power, restrictions and safety are discussed. The findings demonstrate how the client stabilization role of the unit locates these imperatives as central to the delivery of nursing care. The discussion reveals nurses negotiating relationships that are contradictory and challenging in ordinary and everyday ways within the exigencies of daily practice. 相似文献
[目的]探讨实习护生元情绪和心理韧性的关系,为促进护生的心理健康提供科学依据。[方法]对225名实习护生运用元情绪量表和青少年心理韧性量表进行测试。[结果]护生元情绪评分为3.42分±0.53分,心理韧性评分为3.51分±0.56分;元情绪与心理韧性呈显著性正相关。[结论]实习护生元情绪处于中等水平,心理韧性处于中等偏上水平,元情绪各因素与心理韧性各因素之间均呈显著正相关,护理管理者或是教育者应对护生的元情绪采取针对性的措施。 相似文献
This article reflects on the findings of the recently published Scoping Study of the Australian Mental Health Nursing Workforce from the perspective of Foucault's work on 'governmentality'. First, the policy background to the scoping study is described. This is followed by a discussion of Foucauldian concepts and method that will be used to explore selected aspects of the scoping study. The related concepts of 'governmentality' and 'technologies of the self' are used to begin a theoretically grounded analysis of mental health nursing education and practice, with particular attention to discourses of 'change' and 'survival'. The examples chosen are used to support the argument that competing discourses order multiple 'readings' of Australian mental health nursing, including whether or not it is thriving or surviving. The article ends with comments on whether a Foucauldian analysis adds anything to what has been reported in the scoping study. 相似文献
Marie Crowe RPN MNur PhD 《Journal of advanced nursing》2006,53(1):125-131
This article explores some of the functions of psychiatric diagnosis and the implications this has for the mental health nursing care that service users receive. It proposes that because a psychiatric diagnosis often fails to describe the individual's experience of mental distress it can be regarded as a categorization process that, while not necessarily intentionally, serves to maintain oppressive power relations within society. It does this by establishing and maintaining the parameters of normality and abnormality in a manner that reflects particular gender, culture and class biases. The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders will be used to illustrate some of the inherent biases in the diagnostic process. Mental health nursing practice needs to demonstrate an awareness of the power relations inherent in any diagnostic process and make attempts to redress these at both the individual and sociopolitical levels. If mental health nursing practice is a patient-centred partnership, as many of our nursing standards suggest, then nursing's focus should be on the patient's experience rather than the psychiatric diagnosis with which the experience is attributed. Mental health nurses need to turn to service users to learn how best to help. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: Psychiatric care for people in Sweden with long-term mental health problems has shifted from institutional to community and home settings. AIM: The aim of this study was to explore and describe mental health nurses' experiences of how structural changes in mental health nursing influence interaction when providing home care to patients with long-term mental health problems. METHOD: We conducted interviews with 11 mental health nurses who provided home care to people with long-term mental health problems. The constant comparative method of grounded theory was used for data collection and analysis. FINDINGS: The process of attempting to reconstruct mental health nursing by entering into the everyday reality of people with long-term mental health problems was identified as the core category. Central to this process was a change in perspective from nurse-controlled to client-centred care. This led to changes in moral values, assessment of client needs, and ways of meeting clients and establishing relationships. However, attempts to reconstruct mental health nursing according to a client-centred perspective became problematic when clients were at risk of harming themselves. In these situations, respondents felt the need to make decisions for clients, and this was experienced as burdensome and lonely. CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that the process of reconstructing mental health nursing in line with a client-centred perspective is incomplete. Opportunities to interact with people with mental health problems in the home environment may lead to a broader perspective on the daily lives of these people, but also to a realization that home care cannot be modelled on institutional care. 相似文献