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The main aim of the study was to investigate the mechanisms of the stabilizing effect of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) on amorphous albendazole (ABZ). Solid dispersions of ABZ with PVP polymers and with a copolymer containing poly(vinylacetate) (PVP/VA) were prepared using the solvent casting method. The effects of PVP molecular weight, composition and content on the crystallization of ABZ from the amorphous state were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry. Stability of the amorphous drug with respect to isothermal crystallization was studied at different polymer concentrations and storage temperatures. Solid dispersions were found to be X-ray amorphous and exhibited a single glass transition temperature (Tg). Onset of crystallization and extent of inhibition increased with concentration and molecular weight of the homopolymer. In spite of its having a higher molecular weight, replacement of about 40% of vinylpyrrolidone monomers with vinylacetate groups (as in the copolymer) resulted in reduced inhibition of crystallization. ABZ crystallized from the amorphous state in the absence of polymer even when stored below the Tg. The solvent casting method greatly reduced the requirement for polymer to achieve X-ray amorphous solid dispersions. Such dispersions exhibited a significant increase in induction time and reduction in the rate of crystallization at polymer concentrations as low as 5% and at temperatures as high as 70 degrees C. Factors other than mobility, such as drug-polymer hydrogen bonding' were also found to be involved in crystallization inhibition.  相似文献   

Water vapor absorption isotherms were measured for three amorphous hydrophobic drug/poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) dispersions in the concentration range 10-90% w/w PVP. Experimental isotherms were compared to predicted isotherms calculated using each individual component isotherm multiplied by its weight fraction. Indomethacin (IMC)/PVP, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)/PVP and indapamide (IDP)/PVP amorphous dispersions all exhibited experimental isotherms reduced relative to predicted isotherms indicating that dispersion formation altered the water vapor absorption properties of the individual components. For all three drug/PVP systems, deviation from predicted water uptake was greatest close to the 1:1 drug:PVP monomer composition, indicating that intermolecular interaction in amorphous dispersions affects the water uptake properties of the individual components. Using dry glass transition temperature (T(g)) data, the extent of drug/PVP interaction was shown to be greatest in the IDP/PVP system, which could explain why the largest reduction in water vapor absorption was found in this system. The plasticizing effect of absorbed water varied according to dry dispersion PVP content in all systems and the resulting nonideal changes in free volume, calculated using the Vrentas model, were greatest close to the 1:1 drug:PVP monomer composition. A three-component Flory-Huggins model successfully predicted isotherms for IMC/PVP compositions from 60 to 90% w/w PVP and identified an IMC-PVP interaction parameter chi in the range 1.27-1.49, values that suggest poor homogeneity of mixing in the dry system. These data indicate that amorphous dispersion formation causes both chemical and physical changes in the individual amorphous components that can have a significant effect on their water vapor absorption properties.  相似文献   

The effects of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) molecular weight, composition, and content on the crystallization of a model drug, MK-0591 (Form I), were investigated. Solid dispersions of crystalline MK-0591 with PVP homopolymers of different molecular weights (2500-1 x 10(6) g/mol) and with a copolymer containing poly(vinyl acetate) (PVA), (PVP/VA, 60:40, 5.8 x 10(4) g/mol) were prepared by the solvent method. MK-0591 in the solid dispersions was found to be X-ray amorphous. One glass transition temperature (T(g)) was observed suggesting drug-polymer miscibility. The T(g) values were higher than predicted by the Gordon-Taylor equation, indicating drug-polymer interactions. The extent of crystallization inhibition increased with PVP molecular weight and, for a comparable PVP molecular weight, the homopolymer was more effective in the crystallization inhibition of the drug than the copolymer. The first onset temperature of crystallization (T(c)(obs)) increased with polymer content. The T(c)(obs) values (normalized to polymer content) were a function of the difference between the T(g) of the polymer and drug. For PVP K-90, K-30, and K-17 dispersions, the T(c)(obs) values increased proportionally to the T(g) of the dispersions. However, for PVP K-12 and PVP/VA, the increase in T(c)(obs) values corresponded to a small decrease in the T(g) values of the dispersions. This result suggests that additional factors other than the reduction in mobility affect the crystallization behavior of MK-0591 in the solid dispersions, such as specific interactions. By Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy, changes in the carbonyl-stretching band of PVP in the solid dispersions were observed. The existence of an ion-dipole interaction between COO(-)Na(+) of the drug and the cyclic amide group of PVP was postulated.  相似文献   

The feasibility of forming solid molecular dispersions of poorly water-soluble drugs in crosslinked poly(2-hydroethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) hydrogel has recently been reported by our group. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the extent of enhancement of kinetic solubility of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) of indomethacin (IND) in crosslinked PHEMA hydrogels as compared with those based on conventional water-soluble polymer carriers. Our results show that under non-sink conditions, the initial solubility enhancement is higher for ASDs based on polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose acetate succinate (HMPCAS), but the ability to maintain this solubility enhancement at longer times is better for ASDs based on PHEMA over a period of 24h with the extent of solubility enhancement of IND ASDs in PHEMA falling between those in PVP and HPMCAS at 10.0% IND loading after 6h and outperforming those in PVP and HPMCAS at 32.9% IND loading after 8h. The observed kinetic solubility profiles reflect the fact that the amorphous IND is released from PHEMA by a different mechanism than those from water-soluble polymer carriers. In this case, the dissolution of IND ASD from water-soluble PVP and HPMCAS is almost instantaneous, resulting in an initial surge of IND concentration followed by a sharp decline due to the nucleation and crystallization events triggered by the rapid build-up of drug supersaturation. On the other hand, the dissolution of IND ASD from insoluble crosslinked PHEMA hydrogel beads is less rapid as it is regulated by a feedback-controlled diffusion mechanism, thus avoiding a sudden surge of supersaturation in the dissolution medium. The absence of an apparent decline in drug concentration during dissolution from IND-PHEMA ASD further reflects the diminished nucleation and crystallization events during IND dissolution from hydrogel-based solid molecular dispersions. Based on the XRD analyses, a threshold IND loading level of about 34% in PHEMA has been identified, above which amorphous to crystalline transition tends to occur. Also, by selecting the appropriate particle sizes, immediate to controlled release of IND from IND-PHEMA ASD can be readily achieved as the release rate increases with decreasing PHEMA bead size. Furthermore, a robust physical stability has been demonstrated in IND-PHEMA ASD with no drug precipitation for up to 8 months at IND loadings below 16.7% under direct open cup exposure to accelerated stability conditions (40°C/75% RH).  相似文献   

To clarify the contribution of drug-polymer interaction to the physical stability of amorphous solid dispersions, we studied the crystallization rates of nitrendipine (NTR) enantiomers with identical physicochemical properties in the presence of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), hydroxypropylmethylcellulose phthalate (HPMCP) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). The overall crystallization rate at 60°C and the nucleation rate at 50-70°C of (+)-NTR were lower than those of (-)-NTR in the presence of 10-20% HPMC or HPMCP. In contrast, similar crystallization profiles were observed for the NTR enantiomers in solid dispersions containing PVP. The similar glass transition temperatures for solid dispersions of (-)-NTR and (+)-NTR suggested that the molecular mobility of the amorphous matrix did not differ between the enantiomers. These results indicate that the interaction between the NTR enantiomers and HPMC or HPMCP is stereoselective, and that differences in the stereoselective interaction create differences in physical stability between (-)-NTR and (+)-NTR at 50-70°C. However, no difference in physical stability between the enantiomers was obvious at 40°C. Loss of the difference in physical stability between the NTR enantiomers suggests that the stereoselective interaction between NTR and the polymers may not contribute significantly to the physical stabilization of amorphous NTR at 40°C.  相似文献   

Introduction: Amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) are one of the key formulation technologies that aid the development of poorly soluble candidates. However, their dynamic behaviors, including dissolution and crystallization processes, are still full of mystery. Further understanding of these processes should enhance their wider use.

Areas covered: The first part of this review describes the current understanding of the dissolution of ASDs, where phase separation behavior is frequently involved and attempts to develop appropriate dissolution tests to achieve an in vitroin vivo correlation are examined. The second part of this review discusses crystallization of the drug molecule with the eventual aim of establishing an accelerated testing protocol for predicting its physical stability.

Expert opinion: The phase separation behavior from the supersaturated state during the dissolution test must be understood, and its relevance to the oral absorption behavior needs to be clarified. Research efforts should focus on the differences between the phase behavior in in vitro and in vivo situations. Initiation time of the crystallization was shown to be predicted only from storage and glass transition temperatures. This finding should encourage the establishment of testing protocol of the physical stability of ASDs.  相似文献   

Isothermal crystallization of amorphous nifedipine, phenobarbital, and flopropione was studied at temperatures above and below their glass transition temperatures (T(g)). A sharp decrease in the crystallization rate with decreasing temperature was observed for phenobarbital and flopropione, such that no crystallization was observed at temperatures 20-30 degrees C lower than their T(g) within ordinary experimental time periods. In contrast, the crystallization rate of nifedipine decreased moderately with decreasing temperature, and considerable crystallization was observed at 40 degrees C below its T(g) within 4 months. The molecular mobility of these amorphous drugs was assessed by enthalpy relaxation and (1)H-NMR relaxation measurements. The enthalpy relaxation time of nifedipine was smaller than that of phenobarbital or flopropinone at the same T - T(g) values, suggesting higher molecular mobility of nifedipine. The spin-lattice relaxation time in the rotating frame (T(1rho)) decreased markedly at temperature above T(g). The slope of the Arrhenius type plot of the T(1rho) for nifedipine protons changed at about 10 degrees C below the T(g), whereas the slope for phenobarbital protons became discontinuous at about 10 degrees C above the T(g). Even at temperatures below its T(g), the spin-spin relaxation process of nifedipine could be described by the sum of its Gaussian relaxation, which is characteristic of solid protons, and its Lorentzian relaxation, which is characteristic of protons with higher mobility. In contrast, no Lorentzian relaxation was observed for phenobarbital or flopropione at temperatures below their T(g). These results also suggest that nifedipine has higher molecular mobility than phenobarbital and flopropione at temperatures below T(g). The faster crystallization of nifedipine than that of phenobarbital or flopropione observed at temperatures below its T(g) may be partly ascribed to its higher molecular mobility at these temperatures.  相似文献   

The characterization and performance of stable amorphous solid dispersion systems were evaluated in 40 research papers reporting active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) dissolution and bioavailability from various systems containing polymers. The results from these studies were broadly placed into three categories: amorphous dispersions that improved bioavailability (~82% of the cases), amorphous dispersions possessing lower bioavailability than the reference material (~8% of the cases), and amorphous dispersions demonstrating similar bioavailabilities as the reference material (~10% of the cases). A comparative analysis of these studies revealed several in vitro and in vivo variables that could have influenced the results. The in vitro factors compared primarily centered on dissolution testing and equipment, content and amount of dissolution media, sink or nonsink conditions, agitation rates, media pH, dissolution characteristics of the polymer, and dispersion particle size. The in vivo factors included reference materials used for bioavailability comparisons, animal species utilized, fasting versus fed conditions, and regional differences in gastrointestinal (GI) content and volume. On the basis of these considerations, a number of recommendations were made on issues ranging from the assessment of physical stability of API-polymer dispersions to in vivo GI physiological factors that require consideration in the performance evaluation of these systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) to inhibit the crystallisation of amorphous lactose during storage of the composites up to 6 months. Short-term stability was assessed by microcalorimetry over 10 days and long-term stability by storage in desiccators with different relative humidities for 3 and 6 months. The solid-state structure of the particles after storage was analysed by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found that the presence of PVP increased the critical relative humidity (RH) for crystallisation relative to the pure lactose and both the proportion and the molecular weight of the PVP affected the stabilisation of the amorphous phase. The difference in critical RH between the materials increased over time. The T(g) of the materials was generally reduced due to the absorption of water and it is suggested that the inhibiting effect therefore is related mainly to a specific interaction between lactose and PVP, rather than to a counteracting effect of the polymer on the moisture induced depression of T(g).  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the physical ageing of amorphous polymers commonly applied in the pharmaceutical technology. Powder samples of polyvinylpyrrolidone were stored under different storage conditions (relative humidity, temperature). Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) was applied for the analysis of the free volume changes of polymer samples as a function of the storage conditions. By the means of calculations on simplified model molecules it was determined that polymer chains and water molecules are able to form a hydrogen bound "network" under certain humidity conditions. Along with the ageing process the chemical changes of the examined polymers are interrelated in a dynamic and complex manner which can be tracked by the combination of SEM, ab initio calculations and positron lifetime measurements.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the properties of ritonavir and the influence of polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG) on ritonavir revealed that amorphous ritonavir dispersions in PEG would have an improved dissolution profile and could exhibit long-term stability. Ritonavir, a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitor, is highly lipophilic [distribution coefficient (log D)= 4.3, 25 degrees C, pH 6.8], poorly water soluble (400 microg/mL in 0.1 N HCl, 1 microg/mL at pH 6.8, 37 degrees C), and exhibits an exceedingly slow dissolution rate (0.03 mg/cm(2)-min in 0.1 N HCl at 37 degrees C). These properties indicated that a solid dispersion containing ritonavir might be useful for overcoming problems associated with slow dissolution. In addition, ritonavir is a good glass former [glass-transition temperature (T(g))/melting point (T(m)) > 0.7]. Amorphous ritonavir has an apparent solubility of 4 mg/mL in 0.1 N HCl at 37 degrees C and shows reasonable stability at 25 degrees C. Amorphous ritonavir, therefore, has properties desirable for preparing a solid dispersion containing this phase. Since PEG, a commonly used polymer, improved the aqueous solubility of crystalline ritonavir, it was expected to have a positive influence on the dissolution rate of ritonavir. Moreover, PEG was found to have negligible plasticizing effect on amorphous ritonavir, which was beneficial for the stability of the dispersion. Finally, solid dispersions of amorphous ritonavir in PEG were prepared, and these dispersions had improved in vitro dissolution rate and were physically stable for > 1.5 years at 25 degrees C when protected from moisture. The performance of this solid dispersion has been attributed to the physicochemical properties of amorphous ritonavir.  相似文献   

Amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) are widely utilized in the pharmaceutical industry for bioavailability enhancement of low solubility drugs. The important factors governing the dissolution behavior of these systems are still far from adequately understood. As a consequence, it is of interest to investigate the behavior of these systems during the dissolution process. The purpose of this research was twofold. First, the degree of supersaturation generated upon dissolution as a function of drug-polymer composition was investigated. Second, an investigation was conducted to correlate physical behavior upon dissolution with polymer loading. Felodipine and indomethacin were selected as model drugs and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were used to form the dispersions. Diffusion and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy experiments revealed that the extent of bulk supersaturation generated on dissolution of the ASD did not depend on the drug-polymer ratio. Interestingly, the maximum supersaturation generated was similar to the predicted amorphous solubility advantage. However, dynamic light scattering measurements revealed that particles on the submicron scale were generated during dissolution of the solid dispersions containing 90% polymer, whereas solid dispersions at a 50% polymer loading did not yield these nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were found to result in anomalous concentration measurements when using in situ ultraviolet spectroscopy. The supersaturation generated upon dissolution of the solid dispersions was maintained for biologically relevant timeframes for the HPMC dispersions, whereas PVP appeared to be a less effective crystallization inhibitor.  相似文献   

The reaction pathways available for chemical decomposition in amorphous solids are determined in part by the relative mobilities of the potential reactants. In this study, molecular dynamics simulations of amorphous glasses of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) containing small amounts of water, ammonia, and a small peptide, Phe-Asn-Gly, have been performed over periods of up to 100 ns to monitor the aging processes and associated structural and dynamic properties of the PVP segments and embedded solutes. Glass transition temperatures, Tg, were detected by changes in slopes of the volume-temperature profiles and the internal energy-temperature profiles for the inherent structures upon cooling at different rates. Analyses of the molecular trajectories below Tg reveal both temporal and spatial heterogeneity in polymer and solute mobility, with each molecule or part of a molecule displaying quite different relaxation behaviors for translational, rotational, and/or conformational motions. Rotations of individual polymer segments on the time scale up to 100 ns, though far from complete, are described by the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts stretched exponential function with relaxation times tau on the order of 10-2.8 x 10(4) micros at an averaged stretching parameter beta of 0.39. The rotation rates are, on the average, faster for the side chains and for segments near the ends of the chains than for the backbones and segments near the middle of the chains. In contrast to their behavior in water, solute diffusive motions in the glassy polymer exhibit non-Einsteinian behavior over the time scale of the simulations characterized by two types of motion: (1) entrapments within relatively fluid microdomains surrounded by a matrix of relatively immobile polymer chains; and (2) jumps between microdomains with greater probability of hopping back to the solute's previous location. The average jump length and frequency are highly dependent on solute size, being much smaller for the tripeptide, Phe-Asn-Gly, than for water and ammonia. The diffusivities of water and ammonia, solutes capable of forming hydrogen bonds with the lactam residues within the polymer segments, are significantly reduced by strong electrostatic interactions. The conformational preferences of Phe-Asn-Gly were compared in the amorphous polymer and water to detect differences in the degree to which the tripeptide may be predisposed toward deamidation of the asparagine side chain in these environments. Although only minor differences are evident in peptide conformation, the conformational dynamics for the peptide embedded in the glassy polymer are characterized by a higher energy barrier between conformational states and 2.5-44-fold larger relaxation times for the dihedral angles of interest than in water. However, in the context of peptide deamidation, these differences may be of secondary importance in comparison to the more than two to three orders of magnitude reduction in the diffusivities of water, ammonia, and the tripeptide in PVP.  相似文献   

We have investigated the dissolution mechanisms of spray-dried amorphous solid dispersions of the poorly water-soluble drug felodipine and the water-soluble polymer copovidone using a new combined spectrophotometric and magnetic resonance imaging technique and a mathematical modelling approach. Studies of the dissolution rates of both uncompacted and compacted solid dispersions revealed that compaction leads to a significant decrease in the rate and extent of dissolution and a strong dependence on drug loading, especially for the uncompacted samples. Low drug-loaded compacts [5% and 15% (w/w) felodipine] eroded with linear kinetics at identical rates, pointing to matrix control, whereas for compacts containing a higher proportion of felodipine (≥ 30%, w/w), dissolution performance was dominated by the drug. In these cases, felodipine concentrations were extremely low and the compact swelled rather than eroded. We have developed a mathematical population balance framework to model the processes of particle release, dissolution and crystal growth. This was found to accurately describe the bell-shaped dissolution profiles observed for the compacts containing a low felodipine loading.  相似文献   

The physical stability of amorphous molecular level solid dispersions will be influenced by the miscibility of the components. The goal of this work was to understand the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the miscibility of a model amorphous solid dispersion. Infrared spectroscopy was used to evaluate drug–polymer hydrogen bonding interactions in amorphous solid dispersions of felodipine and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP). Samples were analyzed under stressed conditions: high temperature and high relative humidity. The glass transition temperature (Tg) of select systems was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to further investigate moisture-induced changes in solid dispersions. Felodipine-PVP solid dispersions showed evidence of adhesive hydrogen bonding interactions at all compositions studied. The drug–polymer intermolecular interactions were weakened and/or less numerous on increasing the temperature, but persisted up to the melting temperature of the drug. Changes in the hydrogen bonding interactions were found to be reversible with changes in temperature. In contrast, the introduction of water into amorphous molecular level solid dispersions at room temperature irreversibly disrupted interactions between the drug and the polymer resulting in amorphous-amorphous phase separation followed by crystallization. DSC, AFM, and TEM results provided further evidence for the occurrence of moisture induced immiscibility. In conclusion, it appears that felodipine-PVP solid dispersions are susceptible to moisture-induced immiscibility when stored at a relative humidity ≥75%. In contrast, the solid dispersions remained miscible on heating. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99:169–185, 2010  相似文献   

The crystallization kinetics of various active pharmaceutical ingredient/polyethylene glycol (API/PEG) solid dispersions has been investigated using wide-angle X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. APIs with different physicochemical properties and crystallization tendency were employed to form solid dispersions with PEG. The crystallization rate of benzocaine (BZC) in BZC/PEG (20/80 wt %) solid dispersions was decreased substantially in comparison to that of the pure API, while the PEG matrix did not affect the crystallization behavior of haloperidol (HLP). The induction time for crystallization of ibuprofen (IBP) and fenofibrate (FNB) in a PEG matrix was decreased relative to the induction times for pure IBP and FNB. For the latter systems, it appears that crystalline PEG acted as a favorable heterogeneous nucleation site. The crystallization behavior of PEG in the API/PEG systems was also affected to different extents, depending on the API studied. These results suggest that PEG can delay, promote or have no influence on the crystallization kinetics of different APIs, and that any effects on crystallization behavior should be investigated in order to be able to produce a solid dispersion with consistent properties.  相似文献   

Ritonavir is a large, lipophilic molecule that is practically insoluble in aqueous media and exhibits an exceedingly slow intrinsic dissolution rate. Although it has favorable lipophilicity, in vitro permeability studies have shown that ritonavir is a substrate of P-glycoprotein. Thus, the oral absorption of ritonavir could be limited by both dissolution and permeability, thereby making it a Class IV compound in the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. Because formulations rarely exert direct influence on local intestinal permeability, the effect of enhanced dissolution rate on oral absorption was explored. More specifically, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-amorphous ritonavir solid dispersions were prepared with different drug loadings, and the in vitro and in vivo performances of the dispersions were evaluated. In vitro dissolution was conducted in 0.1N HCl with a USP Apparatus I. A crossover design was used to evaluate the oral bioavailability of amorphous dispersions relative to crystalline drug in beagle dogs. Intrinsic dissolution measurements of the two solid phases indicated a 10-fold improvement in intrinsic dissolution rate for amorphous ritonavir compared with the crystalline counterpart. In vitro dissolution of ritonavir depended on the solid phase as well as drug loading of the dispersion. In vivo study results indicate that amorphous solid dispersions containing 10-30% drug exhibited significant increases in area under the curve of concentration versus time (AUC) and maximum concentration (C(max)) over crystalline drug. For example, 10% amorphous dispersion exhibited increases of 22- and 13.7-fold in AUC and C(max), respectively. However, both in vitro dissolution and bioavailability decreased with increasing drug load, which led to the construction of a multiple Level C in vitro-in vivo relationship for this Class IV compound. The established relationship between in vitro dissolution and in vivo absorption can help guide formulation development.  相似文献   

The present study details the development of a small-scale spray-drying approach for the routine screening of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs). This strategy aims to overcome the limitations of standard screening methodologies like solvent casting and quench cooling to predict drug-polymer miscibility of spray-dried solid dispersions (SDSDs) and therefore to guarantee appropriate carrier and drug-loading (DL) selection. A DoE approach was conducted to optimize process conditions of ProCept 4M8-TriX spray-drying to maximize the yield from a 100?mg batch of Itraconazole/HPMCAS-LF and Itraconazole/Soluplus 40:60 (w/w). Optimized process parameters include: inlet temperature, pump speed, drying and atomizing airflows. Identified process conditions derived from the DoE analysis were further (i) tested with Itraconazole, Naproxen and seven polymers, (ii) adapted for small cyclone use, (iii) downscaled to 20?mg batch production. Drug-polymer miscibility was systematically characterized using modulated differential scanning calorimetry (mDSC). Spray-drying was identified as a well-suited screening approach: mean yield of 10.1 to 40.6% and 51.1 to 81.0% were obtained for 20 and 100?mg ASD productions, respectively. Additionally, this work demonstrates the interest to move beyond conventional screening approaches and integrate spray-drying during screening phases so that a greater prediction accuracy in terms of SDSDs miscibility and performance can be obtained.  相似文献   

The glass transition temperatures of citric temperatures of citric acid glass were determined by differential scanning calorimetry to be 10.2 and 13.5 degrees for in situ and bulk-prepared samples, respectively. Mechanical stress on citric acid glass induced foci for crystallization. Benzoic acid addition to citric acid glass decreased its glass transition temperature while phenobarbital addition increased its glass transition temperature, the latter forming a glass solution.  相似文献   

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