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Group A streptococcus (GAS) harbours several virulence factors, including M protein (coded by the emm gene) and superantigens (SAgs). SAgs are extracellular toxins that directly activate the immune system by cross-binding to the HLA class II molecule and T cell receptor (TCR), thereby causing activation of up to 30% of the T cells and subsequent massive secretion of cytokines. Forty-eight GAS strains isolated from patients at Norwegian hospitals between 1988 and 2004 were included in this study. Of these, 24 were invasive streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) or necrotizing fasciitis (NF) isolates and 24 were non-invasive pharyngitis isolates, matched for having the same T-type and year of isolation as the invasive isolates. The isolates were characterized by emm sequence typing, multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and SAg gene profiles. A correlation between T-type, emm type, sequence type and SAg gene profile was revealed. No difference between invasive and non-invasive isolates regarding serotype or genotype was demonstrated. Selected invasive and non-invasive isolates with identical SAg gene profiles were analysed for SAg activity in bacterial growth culture media with and without human cell culture media added. A human T cell proliferation assay was used as measurement for SAg activity and simultaneously we also measured the cytokine content in normal human peripheral blood leucocyte cell culture media. The results revealed that invasive and non-invasive isolates did not differ significantly in SAg activity as it is present in semipurified bacterial culture medium.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes isolates obtained in 1981 to 1997 from patients and healthy subjects were characterized by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns, biotyping, and the presence of spe genes encoding streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins. Changes in the profiles were shown in the serotype M1/T1 isolates from pharyngitis over this period, but not in serotype M3/T3 isolates. The characteristics of isolates from patients with toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS) were comparable to those of the other isolates, including those from healthy subjects. This finding suggests that further phenotypic and molecular characterization, such as investigating the genomic difference represented by the pathogenicity island, of isolates with apparently the same profiles would be necessary to determine the etiology of diseases caused by S. pyogenes, including TSLS.  相似文献   

We performed emm typing of M nontypeable invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) isolates collected in a prospective population-based study in Israel. One hundred twenty of 131 isolates (92%) had emm sequences compatible with GAS, consisting of 51 different emm types. Eleven isolates were found to be group G streptococcus. Of the 120 isolates, 55 (46%) belonged to 32 types for which there were no typing sera available in the Streptococcal Reference Laboratory in Israel. The other 65 (64%) isolates, consisting of 19 types, had sera available and therefore could have been serotyped. Forty-three isolates had T and emm types which were not correlated according to standard M-typing protocols and were therefore missed. The principal effect of emm typing was the addition of 32 types not previously identified in Israel and the discovery of new associations between emm and T types. emm typing did not significantly change the proportion of M types; the five most common types were 3, 28, 2, 62, and 41. Twenty different types comprised 80% of all isolates. No new emm sequences were discovered. emm typing emphasized the unusually low incidence of M1 strains causing severe disease in Israel. As serological typing of GAS becomes more problematic due to lack of sera and the appearance of new emm types, reference laboratories should replace M typing with emm sequence typing. Development of a GAS vaccine relies on the emm type distributions in different geographical locations. In our study, 7% of isolates (types 41 and 62) are not included in a 26-valent vaccine that is being studied.  相似文献   

Hasegawa T, Okamoto A, Kamimura T, Tatsuno I, Hashikawa S‐N, Yabutani M, Matsumoto M, Yamada K, Isaka M, Minami M, Ohta M. Detection of invasive protein profile of Streptococcus pyogenes M1 isolates from pharyngitis patients. APMIS 2010; 118: 167–78. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) is a re‐emerging infectious disease in Japan and many other developed countries. Epidemiological studies have revealed that the M1 serotype of Streptococcus pyogenes is the most dominant causative isolate of STSS. Recent characterization of M1 isolates revealed that the mutation of covS, one of the two‐component regulatory systems, plays an important role in STSS by altering protein expression. We analyzed the M1 S. pyogenes clinical isolates before or after 1990 in Japan, using two‐dimensional gel electrophoresis (2‐DE) and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE profiles were different between the isolates before and after 1990. Markedly different profiles among isolates after 1990 from STSS and pharyngitis patients were detected. Sequence analysis of two‐component regulatory systems showed that covS mutations were detected not only in STSS but also in three pharyngitis isolates, in which proteins from the culture supernatant displayed the invasive type. The mutated CovS detected in the pharyngitis isolates had impaired function on the production of streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B (SpeB) analyzed by 2‐DE. These results suggest that several covS mutations that lead to the malfunction of the CovS protein occurred even in pharyngeal infection.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (MAC) strains were recovered from 48.9% of residential soil samples (agricultural farms (n = 7), residential yards (n = 79), and planting pots (n = 49)) of 100 pulmonary MAC patients and 35 non-infected control patients. The frequency of MAC recovery did not differ among soil types or among patients regardless of the presence of pulmonary MAC disease, infecting MAC species or period of soil exposure. Variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTR) analysis for MAC clinical and soil isolates revealed 78 different patterns in 47 M. avium clinical isolates and 41 soil isolates, and 53 different patterns in 18 M. intracellulare clinical isolates and 37 soil isolates. Six clinical and corresponding soil isolate pairs with an identical VNTR genotype were from case patients with high soil exposure (≥2 h per week, 37.5% (6/16) with high exposure compared with 0.0% (0/19) with low or no exposure, p <0.01), suggesting that residential soils are a likely source of pulmonary MAC infection.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of group A streptococci (GAS) throughout much of the world has not been adequately explored. To assess genetic variation among GAS in western Nepal, 120 noninvasive GAS, collected from eight different villages, were genetically characterized using emm typing, sof sequencing, and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). A high level of genetic diversity was observed among these isolates, with 51 genotypes based upon 51 multilocus sequence types (STs), 45 emm sequence types, and 28 sof sequence types. On the basis of shared ST-emm and sof-emm associations, 40 of the 51 genotypes were identical or highly related to genotypes characterized from locations outside of Nepal, even though most of the emm sequence and clonal types are rare among GAS within the United States. When analyzing all known STs highly related to Nepal STs, only one example of similar STs shared between a sof PCR-positive strain and a sof PCR-negative strain was observed. Since previous data indicate free exchange of MLST loci between sof-positive and sof-negative strains, there is possibly selection against the expansion of subclones resulting from horizontal transfers of sof or emm genes between sof-positive and sof-negative strains. All 45 emm types encountered in Nepal have also been documented from other countries. These data, together with data encompassing the past decade of emm type surveillance, support the possibility that most existing GAS emm types have been discovered. Similarly, since most (40/51) strain types were highly related to strains found elsewhere, it is likely that a major fraction of the existing GAS clonal complexes have been discovered.  相似文献   

The streptococcal cysteine protease (SpeB) is one of the major virulence factors produced by group A streptococci (GAS). In this study we investigated if differences exist in SpeB production by clonally related M1T1 clinical isolates derived from patients with invasive infections. Twenty-nine of these isolates were from nonsevere cases and 48 were from severe cases, including streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) and necrotizing fasciitis (NF) cases. The expression and amount of the 28-kDa SpeB protein produced were determined by quantitative Western blotting, and protease activity was measured by a fluorescent enzymatic assay. A high degree of variation in SpeB expression was seen among the isolates, and this variation seemed to correlate with the severity and/or clinical manifestation of the invasive infection. The mean amount of 28-kDa SpeB protein and cysteine protease activity produced by isolates from nonsevere cases was significantly higher than that from STSS cases (P = 0.001). This difference was partly due to the fact that 41% of STSS isolates produced little or no SpeB compared to only 14% of isolates recovered in nonsevere cases. Moreover, the cysteine protease activity among those isolates that expressed SpeB was significantly lower for STSS isolates than for isolates from nonsevere cases (P = 0.001). Increased SpeB production was also inversely correlated with intact M protein expression, and inhibition of cysteine protease activity blocked the cleavage of the surface M protein. Together, the data support the existence of both an "on-off" and a posttranslational regulatory mechanism(s) controlling SpeB production, and they suggest that isolates with the speB gene in the "off" state are more likely to spare the surface M protein and to be isolated from cases of severe rather than nonsevere invasive infection. These findings may have important implications for the role of SpeB in host-pathogen interactions via regulation of the expression of GAS virulence genes and the severity of invasive disease.  相似文献   

Twenty isolates of group B streptococcus (GBS) were recovered from the milk of cows with bovine mastitis on three farms located in the south and south-east of Brazil between 1987 and 1988. These isolates were characterised by molecular methods and compared with a collection of 103 human GBS isolates from colonised and infected patients in the same region between 1980 and 2003. Some of the bovine isolates shared identical or similar pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns with a PFGE clone of human GBS type V. In addition, these bovine and human isolates also possessed the same ribotype. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of representative isolates confirmed the genetic relationship between the human and bovine GBS isolates with identical PFGE patterns, which clustered in the same ST-26 clonal complex. These data support the hypothesis that some bovine GBS strains are related closely to human isolates and may infect humans, or vice versa. Further comparative genomic analyses of GBS isolates from bovine and human origins are required to investigate this hypothesis further.  相似文献   

Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing of 60 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBLKp) isolates obtained in a neonatal intensive care unit during an outbreak indicated the dissemination of two major bacterial genotypes associated with colonization and invasive disease: one composed by aminoglycoside-resistant isolates and the other by aminoglycoside-susceptible isolates. A urease-negative phenotype was observed among aminoglycoside-resistant ESBLKp. Six pairs of isolates from gastrointestinal (GI) colonization and isolates from invasive disease that occurred 3-23 days later were shown to belong to the same genotype, reinforcing a direct association between colonization and subsequent disease. These data indicate that screening for ESBLKp GI colonization in an outbreak setting may be useful to detect neonates at a higher risk of invasive disease.  相似文献   

A total of 161 Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from patients with invasive infections or from asymptomatic carriers were examined for genes (prtF1, prtF2, and fba) coding for fibronectin-binding proteins to evaluate their involvement in the pathogenesis of different streptococcal manifestations. We found no significant differences in the presence of these three genes between the two groups. Overall, the prtF2 gene was present in similar percentages among strains from both sources (61% versus 63%). Strains carrying the gene fba were slightly more common among those isolated from asymptomatic carriers (72.6% versus 65%). Also, the prtF1 gene was present in a higher, but not significant, percentage among strains from throat swabs than among isolates from invasive infections (75% versus 64.9%). However, this more detailed characterization of the genes encoding fibronectin-binding proteins allowed us to identify a strong association of genes of the erm class, coding for macrolide resistance, with prtF1 and prtF2 rather than with prtF1 alone. Since macrolide resistance was significantly associated with throat swab isolates, it may be hypothesized that proteins coded by prtF1 and prtF2 genes may be synergic in providing support for cell invasion and/or colonizing or persistence efficiency.  相似文献   

Serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance (AR) among group B streptococci (GBS) affect GBS disease prevention strategies, but vary among patient groups. A multiplex PCR-based reverse line blot (mPCR/RLB) hybridisation assay was used to compare the distributions of GBS serotypes, serotype III subtypes and AR-associated genes among 666 invasive isolates from 663 patients, divided into five age groups: infants, early-onset (EO; 0-6 days) and late-onset (LO; 7-90 days); children (aged 3 months to 14 years); women of childbearing age (WCBA; aged 15-45 years); and other adults (males aged >15 years; females aged >45 years). Serotypes Ia and V and serosubtype III-1 accounted for 60% of infections. Serosubtype III-2, which corresponds to a virulent clone belonging to sequence type (ST)17, was relatively uncommon overall (7%), but was associated strongly with LO infant infections, in which it was significantly more common than in adult infections (25/104 (24%) vs. 9/392 (2%), p <0.0001) or in EO infections (25/104 (24%) vs. 14/155 (9%), p <0.005). Erythromycin resistance genes were found in 8% of all isolates (ermB 3%, ermA 2.5% and mefA/E 2%), in 11-15% of isolates of serotypes II and V and subtype III-1, but in none of the isolates of serosubtype III-2 (III-2, 0/49 vs. all others, 54/618 (9%), p <0.04). In summary, the virulent serosubtype III-2 was associated strongly with LO infant GBS infection, but was less likely than other serotypes or serosubtype III-1 to carry AR genes.  相似文献   

We compared Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 isolates causing disease among children in six geographic regions of the United States to determine genetic relatedness. Genomic fingerprints were determined by repetitive element polymorphism PCR (Rep-PCR). Multilocus sequence type characterization was performed on selected isolates. Four different genomic banding patterns were identified by Rep-PCR. One profile (clone 1) was predominant and matched sequence type 227.  相似文献   

Between 1999 and 2002, 496 invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) isolates from clinical microbiological departments in Denmark and subsequently 487 (98%) questionnaires from the clinicians treating the patients were received as part of a national surveillance. emm types and streptococcal superantigen (SAg) genes were determined. The incidence of invasive GAS infections was on average 2.3 per 100,000 per year. Bacteremia with no focal symptoms (27%) was together with erysipelas (20%) the most prevalent clinical diagnoses. Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome occurred in 10% of patients, of which 56% died. The overall case fatality rate within 30 days was 23%. In total, 47 different emm types were identified, of which emm1, emm3, emm4, emm12, emm28, and emm89 were identified in 72% of the 493 available isolates. During the 4-year period the presence of emm1 increased from 16% in 1999 to 40% in 2002. Concurrently, the presence of emm3 decreased from 23% in 1999 to 2% in 2002. The emm1 isolates predominantly carried speA, although the frequency decreased from 94% in 1999 to 71% in 2002, whereas the emm1-specific prevalence of speC increased from 25 to 53%. In a historical perspective, this could be interpreted as a reemergence of emm1 and could indicate a possible introduction of a new emm1 subclone. However, this reemergence did not result in any significant changes in the clinical manifestations during the study period. Our results show the complexity of invasive GAS infections, with time-dependent variations in the incidence and distribution of emm and SAg genes, which emphasizes the need for continuous epidemiological and molecular investigations.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from a tropical region and a subtropical region of Australia with high and low incidences of severe streptococcal diseases, respectively, were analyzed for speA, speB, and speC gene distributions and NAD-glycohydrolase expression. No direct correlation of these characteristics with a propensity to cause invasive diseases was observed.  相似文献   

Group A streptococcus (GAS) infection remains a major concern due to multiple diseases including pharyngitis, impetigo, acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD). It uses different adhesins and virulence factors like Cpa (collagen binding protein) and Scl (collagen-like protein) in its pathogenicity. Scl having similarities with human collagen may contribute to inducing autoimmunity in the host. Here we assessed gene expression, antibody titer of Cpa, Scl1 and Scl2 in both clinical GAS isolates (n = 45) and blood (n = 45) obtained from pharyngitis, ARF (acute rheumatic fever) and RHD respectively. Skin isolates (n = 30) were obtained from impetigo patients. The study revealed a total of 27 GAS emm types. Frequency of cpa, scl1, scl2 was high in ARF isolates. The antibody titer of these proteins was high in all isolates, and also in patients with pharyngitis and ARF. All isolates showed high binding affinity toward collagen I and IV, which further indicates a potential host pathogen interaction. Our study reflects a strong association of Cpa and Scls in early and post-GAS pathogenicity. However, the increased antibody titer of Scl1 and Scl2 during ARF may be attributed to a cogent immune response in the host.  相似文献   

Summary.  We analyzed 57 HIV-1 isolates from Cameroon and the Republic of Congo, with respect to the env C2V3 and/or the pol integrase regions. The results indicated that the topology of the pol tree correlated well with that of the env tree for four clusters of subtype D, F G and H, suggesting that these trees reflect the true evolution of the overall genome structures of these subtypes. However, of 22 Cameroonian isolates that were classified as subtype A based on env, 20 of them diverged in their pol sequence into two lineages that were completely different from the prototypical subtype A, tentatively designated as subtypes A1 and A2. The subtype A1 isolates (6 out of 22) were related in their env C2V3 regions with prototypical subtype A strain, but in their pol regions, they formed an independent cluster that diverged from known HIV-1 subtypes so far reported (except for subtypes I and J). The subtype A2 isolates (14 out of 22), which represent the major epidemic type of HIV-1 in Cameroon, clustered distinctly in both the env and pol trees with the recently described A/G mosaic strains from Nigeria and Djibouti. These two lineages were not spreading in the neighboring Republic of Congo. Received May 31, 1999/Accepted August 17, 1999  相似文献   

In Japan, more than 10% of streptococcal toxic shock-like syndrome (TSLS) cases have been caused by Streptococcus pyogenes M3/T3 isolates since the first reported TSLS case in 1992. Most M3/T3 isolates from TSLS or severe invasive infection cases during 1992 to 2001 and those from noninvasive cases during this period are indistinguishable in pulsed-field gel electropherograms. The longest fragments of these recent isolates were 300 kb in size, whereas those of isolates recovered during or before 1973 were 260 kb in size. These 260- and 300-kb fragments hybridized to each other, suggesting the acquisition of an about 40-kb fragment by the recent isolates. The whole part of the acquired fragment was cloned from the first Japanese TSLS isolate, NIH1, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The 41,796-bp fragment is temperate phage phiNIH1.1, containing a new superantigen gene speL near its right attachment site. The C-terminal part of the deduced amino acid sequence of speL has 48 and 46% similarity with well-characterized erythrogenic toxin SpeC and the most potent superantigen, SmeZ-2, respectively. None of 10 T3 isolates recovered during or before 1973 has speL, whereas all of 18 M3/T3 isolates recovered during or after 1992 and, surprisingly, Streptococcus equi subsp. equi ATCC 9527 do have this gene. Though plaques could not be obtained from phiNIH1.1, its DNA became detectable from the phage particle fraction upon mitomycin C induction, showing that this phage is not defective. A horizontal transfer of the phage carrying speL may explain the observed change in M3/T3 S. pyogenes isolates in Japan.  相似文献   

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