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Comorbidity patterns in adolescents and young adults with suicide attempts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of comorbidity as a risk for suicide attempts is investigated in a random sample of 3021 young adults aged 14–24 years. The M-CIDI, a fully standardized and modified version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, was used for the assessment of various DSM-IV lifetime and 12-month diagnoses as well as suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. Of all suicide attempters, 91% had at least one mental disorder, 79% were comorbid or multimorbid respectively and 45% had four or more diagnoses (only 5% in the total sample reached such high levels of comorbidity). Suicide attempters with more than three diagnoses were 18 times more likely (OR = 18.4) to attempt suicide than subjects with no diagnosis. Regarding specific diagnoses, multivariate comorbidity analyses indicated the highest risk for suicide attempt in those suffering from anxiety disorder (OR = 4.3), particularly posttraumatic stress disorder followed by substance disorder (OR = 2.2) and depressive disorder (OR = 2.1). Comorbidity, especially when anxiety disorders are involved, increases the risk for suicide attempts considerably more than any other individual DSM-IV diagnoses. Received: 17 July 1997 / Accepted: 15 December 1997  相似文献   

目的 了解儿童期虐待对于成年后自杀可能性的影响.方法 分层随机抽取≥18岁的天津市区居民564例,使用儿童期虐待问卷(CTQ-SF)、自制自杀态度量表作为工具进行调查.结果 男性被调查者儿童期躯体虐待评分高于女性(P<0.01),女性被调查者儿童期情感忽视评分高于男性(P<0.05).男性有自杀意念人数显著低于女性(P<0.05).相关分析显示儿童期躯体虐待、情感虐待、性虐待及情感忽视与被调查者的自杀意念呈负相关(P<0.01);儿童期躯体虐待、情感虐待及性虐待与被调查者自杀未遂呈负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01);而儿童期躯体虐待、情感虐待、性虐待及情感忽视与被调查者的自杀接受程度呈正相关(P<0.05,P<0.01).回归分析显示情感虐待、性虐待和情感忽视为被调查者自杀意念的独立影响因素(P<0.05).结论 成年人的自杀意念、自杀未遂及自杀接受态度与其儿童期虐待有关.  相似文献   

This study explores the accuracy of prevalence estimations for suicide attempts. Data came from the Early Developmental Stages of Psychopathology (EDSP) Study, a prospective community study (mean follow-up period was 42 months) of 3,021 respondents aged 14 to 24 years at the outset of the study. Suicide attempters are at least 1.6 times more likely to drop out than subjects with no suicide attempts and suicidal ideas. A total of 8% of all suicide attempters answered in the negative the depression-related gate questions of all surveys. One-third of all baseline suicide attempters did not report their suicide attempt again at the four years later assessment. In particular, 80% of all nonreporters were female, and almost 60% were aged 14-17 at baseline.  相似文献   

Suicidal behavior is a relatively common and serious problem in those with alcohol and drug problems. We compared demographic and clinical characteristics of 123 alcohol rehabilitation patients with and without a history of suicide attempts, using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime version. Younger age was significantly related to suicide attempts, as were drug disorders, panic attacks, antisocial symptoms, and alcohol-related problems such as violence, withdrawal symptoms, and personal or occupational loss. Untreated suicide attempts were characterized by less serious suicidal intent and medical threat to life. However, alcohol- or drug-abusing individuals who have not sought treatment for suicidal behavior but who continue to drink or use drugs may be at special risk for completed suicide.  相似文献   

PurposeTo examine whether self-reported exposure to bullying during childhood is associated with suicide attempts over the life course, and if so, what mechanisms could account for this relationship.Subjects and methodsA random probability sample comprising 7461 respondents was interviewed for the 2007 survey of psychiatric morbidity of adults in Great Britain. Survey respondents were asked about suicidal attempts and whether they were bullied in childhood.ResultsRecall of being bullied in childhood decreased with age from 25% of 16–24-year-olds to 4% among those 75 or over with few differences in the proportions between men and women. Bullying co-occurred with several victimisation experiences including sexual abuse and severe beatings and with running away from home. Even after controlling for lifetime factors known to increase the risk of suicidal behaviour, adults who reported bullying in childhood were still more than twice as likely as other adults to attempt suicide later in life.DiscussionBeing the victim of bullying involves the experience of suffering a defeat and humiliation that in turn could lead to entrapment, hopelessness, depression and suicidal behaviour.ConclusionsBullying is already known to be associated with substantial distress and other negative consequences and this further evidence of a strong correlation with the risk of suicide in later life should increase further the motivation of society, services and citizens to act decisively to reduce bullying in childhood.  相似文献   

To determine the prevalence of migraine and the risks for psychiatric disorders and suicide attempts associated with it, we studied a random sample of 1,007 young adults from a large Health Maintenance Organization in the Detroit, MI area. The lifetime prevalence of migraine was 7% in males and 16.3% in females. The rate of migraine was higher in persons with lower education and was equal in whites and blacks. Persons with migraine were at increased risk for affective and anxiety disorders, nicotine dependence, and alcohol or illicit drug abuse or dependence. There was a consistent trend toward higher psychiatric comorbidity in migraine with aura than in migraine without aura. Coexisting anxiety, which generally preceded migraine, was associated with a marked increase in the odds of major depression. Persons with migraine had higher rates of suicide attempts than persons without migraine. The odds ratio for suicide attempts, adjusted for coexisting major depression and other psychiatric and substance use disorders, in migraine with aura was 3.0 (95% confidence interval, 1.4-6.6). The coexistence of migraine with major depression, anxiety disorders, and suicide attempts has important clinical and research implications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine associations of age, gender, and psychosocial factors during adolescence with risk of suicide attempt between ages 19 and 23 years. METHOD: Initial assessments were conducted with 1,709 adolescents (aged 14-18) in western Oregon between 1987 and 1989. One year later, 1,507 participants returned for a second assessment. A subset of participants (n = 941; 57.2% women) had a third diagnostic assessment after turning 24 (between 1993 and 1999). Information on suicidal behavior, psychosocial risk factors, and lifetime DSM-III-R psychiatric diagnosis was collected at each assessment. RESULTS: The suicide attempt hazard rate for female adolescents was significantly higher than for male adolescents (Wilcoxon chi 2(1)[n = 941] = 12.69, p < .001). By age 19, the attempt hazard rate for female adolescents dropped to a level comparable with that of male adolescents. Disappearance of the gender difference for suicide attempts by young adulthood was not paralleled by a decrease in the gender difference for major depression. Adolescent suicidal behavior predicted suicide attempt during young adulthood for female, but not male, participants. Adolescent psychosocial risk factors for suicide attempt during young adulthood were identified separately for girls and boys. CONCLUSIONS: Unlike depression, the elevated incidence rate of suicide attempts by adolescent girls is not maintained into young adulthood. Screening and prevention implications are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To extend the knowledge on long-term effects of childhood abuse in psychiatric patients to a large sample, the authors explored childhood sexual and physical abuse in adult inpatients over 1,040 consecutive admissions. METHOD: The 947 patients were admitted to a tertiary-care military medical center. Each patient was interviewed, and abuse history, DSM-III-R diagnosis, and other characteristics were recorded. RESULTS: The prevalence of reported childhood abuse was 18% overall: 9% for sexual abuse (with or without physical abuse), 10% for physical abuse (with or without sexual abuse), and 3% for combined abuse. More female than male patients reported abuse. Alcohol use disorders were more common in victims of physical or combined abuse than in sexually abused or nonabused patients. Axis II diagnoses, particularly borderline personality disorder, were more frequent in abuse victims than in nonabused patients. Histories of drug and alcohol abuse were more common in patients reporting physical or combined abuse than in nonabused patients. Suicidality was also more frequent in abused than nonabused inpatients and was noted in 79% of the patients with histories of combined abuse. Combined abuse in women and physical abuse in men were associated with a family history of psychiatric illness, most commonly alcoholism in male relatives. CONCLUSIONS: These findings emphasize the need for greater attention to family dynamics, aggressive diagnosis and treatment of alcoholism within the family, and, especially, determination of patients' abuse histories, even if repeated questioning is necessary.  相似文献   

Suicidal ideation and attempts are a major public health problem. Research has identified many risk factors for suicidality; however, most fail to identify which suicide ideators are at greatest risk of progressing to a suicide attempt. Thus, the present study identified predictors of future suicide attempts in a sample of psychiatric patients reporting suicidal ideation. The sample comprised 49 individuals who met full DSM-IV criteria for major depressive disorder and/or dysthymic disorder and reported suicidal ideation at baseline. Participants were followed for 10 years. Demographic, psychological, personality, and psychosocial risk factors were assessed using validated questionnaires and structured interviews. Phi coefficients and point-biserial correlations were used to identify prospective predictors of attempts, and logistic regressions were used to identify which variables predicted future attempts over and above past suicide attempts. Six significant predictors of future suicide attempts were identified - cluster A personality disorder, cluster B personality disorder, lifetime substance abuse, baseline anxiety disorder, poor maternal relationship, and poor social adjustment. Finally, exploratory logistic regressions were used to examine the unique contribution of each significant predictor controlling for the others. Comorbid cluster B personality disorder emerged as the only robust, unique predictor of future suicide attempts among depressed suicide ideators. Future research should continue to identify variables that predict transition from suicidal thoughts to suicide attempts, as such work will enhance clinical assessment of suicide risk as well as theoretical models of suicide.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate risk and protective factors for medically serious suicide attempts among young Australian adults. METHOD: The study used a case-control design. A clinical sample of 18-24 year olds was recruited via the emergency department of a large public hospital following a suicide attempt (n=95) and was compared to a sample of 18-24 year olds who participated in a population-based survey (n=380). RESULTS: Risk factors for medically serious suicide attempts included early school leaving, parental divorce (males only), distress due to problems with parents (females only), distress due to problems with friends, distress due to the break-up of a romantic relationship, tobacco use, high alcohol use, current depressive symptomatology and a previous diagnosis of depression. Protective factors included social connectedness, problem-solving confidence and locus of control. There was a trend for social connectedness to be more protective among those with high rather than low levels of depressive symptomatology, and among smokers rather than non-smokers. CONCLUSIONS: Results are discussed in terms of designing evidence-based suicide prevention activities for young adults.  相似文献   

Childhood physical abuse (CPA) has numerous short and long-term negative effects. One of the most serious consequences of CPA is an increased risk for suicide attempts. Clarifying the mechanisms by which CPA increases risk for suicidal behavior may enhance preventive interventions. One potential mechanism is a tendency toward aggression. In a sample of 266 criminal offenders, ages 18-62, we examined the relationships among CPA, lifetime aggression, and suicide attempts and tested lifetime history of aggression as a mediator of the relationship between CPA and suicide attempts. Results indicated that CPA and aggression were associated with suicide attempts. Consistent with our hypothesis, lifetime aggression mediated the CPA and suicide attempts relationship. Findings suggest that aggression may be an important mediator of the relationship between CPA and suicide attempts among criminal offenders, and are consistent with the possibility that treating aggression may reduce risk for suicide attempts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Authors examined the relationship between childhood sexual abuse histories and suicidal ideation and behavior among depressed women age 50 years and older. METHODS: After admission to a psychiatric unit, participants were administered the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R and measures of suicidal ideation and behavior. RESULTS: Women who reported abuse histories were more likely to report suicidal ideation at the time of hospitalization and a history of multiple suicide attempts. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary findings underscore the need for more study of how childhood abuse amplifies risk for suicidal ideation and behavior among women across the life course.  相似文献   

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