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Dr. Doslak M. J. Doslak Pei-Chen Hsu 《Medical & biological engineering & computing》1984,22(6):552-557
A model of the spatial distribution of ERG potentials was used to determine whether blood in the vitreous could sufficiently
attenuate potentials initiated in the retina. This topic is of importance to clinicans in helping to determine the functional
status of the retina prior to a possible vitrectomy. The results of the model demonstrated that vitreous haemorrhage could
not significantly reduce the ERG. Nor could the vitreous blood account for a reduced ratio of b to a waves when ERG frequencies
were considered. A reduced or altered ERG Would be due to another cause(s) and might preclude vitrectomy if the function of
the retina were impaired. 相似文献
The electrical conductivity in biological tissue is often dependent on the direction of the fibres. In the paper the influence
of this anisotropic nature on the electrical potential and magnetic field generated by a current dipole is studied analytically.
Three different methods are discussed. The volume conductor is described by piecewise homogeneous compartments and the interfaces
between compartments are either parallel or perpendicular to one of the principal axes. To illustrate the methods, the influence
of the anisotropic nature is computed for a two-layered medium. It turns out that the influence on both the potential and
the magnetic field cannot be ignored. However, for some commonly used models of the head and torso, a certain component of
the magnetic field is not influenced by the anisotropy. 相似文献
G. Pfurtscheller R. Waibel S. Schuy 《Medical & biological engineering & computing》1976,14(2):199-204
An experimental set-up and a method of analysis are described which permit the performance of e.e.g. analysis under contingent negative variation (c.n.v.) conditions with repeated stimulation. Investigations of six subjects showed a significant reduction in the average power in the alpha band immediately after the imperative stimulus, which lasted only about 1 second. In the interstimulus interval during the c.n.v. a less marked power reduction could be observed. Since the reduction of the average power in the alpha band was approximately the same for both hemispheres and since it was also dependent on the modality of the stimulus, an interrelation-ship is assumed between the directed attention and the reduction observed. This appears to allow the possibility of objectively analysing cortical functions by means of an analysis of scalp recordings under c.n.v. conditions. 相似文献
有锥度角的主动脉弓血液脉动流数值分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
目的 探求在正常生理脉动流条件下主动脉弓内血液流动速度和压力脉动分布,为动脉粥样硬化的成因和排除方法的研究提供理论依据。方法 运用计算流体力学方法和血流动力学的基本原理,对具有锥度角的主动脉弓内血液脉动流动进行数值模拟和可视化分析。结果 计算获得了具有锥度角的主动脉弓内血液流动在心动周期不同时刻的压力分布、速度分布、流线分布。结论 主脉弓内的血液脉动流流态表现复杂的原因是多方面的,而其中最为重要的原因就是主动脉弓的锥度角和曲率。 相似文献
Visual processing is one of the important aspects of research into an intelligent robot and upper extremity prostheses. The study has shown the relationship between the recognition of shape and the electromyogram generated in the human on the surface of the extensor carpi radialis muscle. To observe the corresponding electric signals, the subject was placed inside a shielded room with Ag?AgCl electrodes located at two points on his skin. The two electrodes were spaced 50 mm apart, but variation of the separation in the range 5–10 mm had no effect on the e.m.g. Three spectral peaks (100, 160 and 250 Hz) for the response are obtained for each shape. The frequencies corresponding with the peak values in the spectra are the same, and are independent of the shapes. Shape recognition can therefore be quantified as an e.m.g. spectral variation. 相似文献
J. S. Petrofsky 《Medical & biological engineering & computing》1980,18(5):585-590
An electronic e.m.g. analyser is described which can continuously analyse the r.m.s. amplitude and the frequency components
of the e.m.g. over the frequency range of 35 to 350 Hz. The analyser uses 10 active bandpass filters to measure some of the
frquency components of the e.m.g. The amplitude of the frequency components of the e.m.g. are then processed by an analogue
computer to calculate their median frequency. An r.m.s. converter is used to calculate the r.m.s. amplitude of the e.m.g.
The degree of fatigue induced in the muscle is then quantified from the downward shift of the centre frequency of the e.m.g.
Four subjects were asked to exert brief contractions at tensions up to 100% of their maximum strength and fatiguing isometric
contraction at tensions of 25, 40 and 70% of their maximum strength to test the operation of the analyser. As a basis for
comparison, the e.m.g. recorded during these contractions was also processed through Fourier analysis on a digital computer.
The results of these experiments shows a striking similarity of the results between the two techniques. 相似文献
The human body with the heart as an active electrical source has been modelled by three sets of harmonic polyphase generator voltages or spinning vectors; each set being confined to one of the three standard planes, i.e. the frontal plane, the horizontal plane and the sagittal plane. The equivalent circuit for one of the standard planes, the frontal plane, has been developed and analysed. The identical method of approach for the analysis of e.c.g. voltages in the two other planes has been pointed out and a typical multidimensional case analysis of this model is given. This model has been shown to satisfy a general version of the Burger law and also a general version of the Goldberger augmented lead voltages. The modified Wilson central terminal (w.c.t.) has also been found not to be at the electrical zero of the system. it has further been observed, and confirmed by experiment, that the vector sum of harmonic currents towards the modified w.c.t. is zero, irrespective of the different values of externally connected resistors and without assuming the modified w.c.t. at the electrical zero of the system, i.e. Kirchhoff’s harmonic-current law is satisfied at the modified w.c.t. For equal values of external resistors, the vector sum of the phase voltages and augmented lead voltages also become zero. The model has further been used to study the effect of a number of standard leads placed in the frontal plane while recording the e.c.g., on the maximisation of: (a) the e.c.g. voltages between the standard leads placed over the human body; (b) the e.g.c. voltage between the modified w.c.t. and a reference point on the body; (c) the ratio of the e.c.g. Goldberger voltage to the corresponding phase voltage; and (d) the values of the e.c.g. phase voltages. The effects of the number of electrodes placed in the horizontal and sagittal planes on the respective groups of e.c.g. voltages are discussed. By controlling the number of electrodes in any one of the three standard planes, when the e.c.g. voltages are maximised, it has been shown that the signal-to-noise ratio for those e.c.g. voltages will be increased. 相似文献
A new algorithm for QRS delineation has been developed. Based on the envelope of the e.c.g. signal a delineation function
is defined, which yields a single positive pulse for each complex. From this function the onset and end of the QRS or, alternatively,
a fiducial point is determined. To remove low-frequency component such as S-T abnormalities without distortion of the QRS
complex, a filter with time-varying characteristics is used. The accuracy of the method has been evaluated in a test set of
different QRS complexes obtained from coronary care patients. For QRS onset, the standard deviation of the difference between
automated and manual determination was 7 ms in normal beats and 14 ms in ectopic beats. With simulated noise added to each
waveform an average dispersion of 7 ms was observed in the recognition of the QRS onset at a signal-to-noise ratio of 15 dB.
The corresponding dispersion in the location of a fiducial point was 2 ms. Using simulated e.c.g. data, the stability of the
method is demonstrated for transitions between different waveform morphologies.
Presented in part at ‘Computers in cardiology’, Florence, 23rd–25th September 1981 相似文献
Many studies related to human sensation have been made from the viewpoints of engineering, medical science and psychology.
The problem of the quantification of sensation is of great importance and cannot be ignored, although only a few papers on
this subject have appeared. This paper discusses the relationship between the recognition of shapes and the electromyogram
(e.m.g.) generated in the human on the surface of the muscle involved. To observe the e.m.g., the subject was placed inside
a shielded room with Ag−AgCl electrodes located at two points on the skin. The two electrodes were spaced 50 mm apart, but
variations of the separation in the range 5–7 mm had no effects on the e.m.g. Three spectral peaks (100, 160, 250 Hz) for
the response were obtained for each shape (sphere, tetrahedron, cube). The frequencies corresponding with the peak spectral
values in the response are the same, and are independent of the forms. Shapes can therefore be characterised by the spectral
forms of the forms. 相似文献
Dynamical models can offer insights into important aspects ofpatterns that recur throughout the biological world, such asglobal symmetries, mirror images, and pattern reversals, etc.Building on phenomenological rules of pattern formation (e.g.E. M. Nelsen and J. Frankel, 1986, Dev. Biol. 114, 53), theauthor developed a mathematical model of a morphogenetic field,expressed as a vector field, which contains the informationto specify a pattern. The dynamics of the field arises fromthe minimization of a nonlinear energy density functional, aquartic polynomial of the field together with field gradienteffects. This model was successfully applied in detail to surfacepatterns observed in right-handed Tetrahymena, where reproducibleregions of left- and right-handed domains appear during regulation.Counterpart experiments on left-handed patterned cells suggestan intrinsic asymmetry between right- and left-handed patterningin this biological system, causing left-handed cells to followdifferent regulation pathways from the right-handed cells. Weshow that the energy minimization approach can account for thisglobally different behaviour in a version of the model withsmall local asymmetry. 相似文献
P. Zipp 《Medical & biological engineering & computing》1978,16(5):537-541
The effect of the electrode configuration (unipolar against bipolar), the electrode separation, the electrode position and the electrode contact area on the bandwidth of the power density spectrum of the surface e.m.g. has been studied. The dependence of the half-power point bandwidthB on the interelectrode distanced can be described by the regression function BHz=810/dmm+58. The unipolar electrode configuration yields an e.m.g. signal with the smallest bandwidth. Neither a variation of the electrode position nor a variation of the electrode contact area has a significant effect on the bandwidth of the e.m.g. 相似文献
María-Luisa Martínez-Frías Miguel Urioste Eva Bermejo Elvira Rodríguez-Pinilla Valentín Flix Luis Paisn Salvador Martínez Javier Egüs Francisco Gmez Paulino Aparicio Fermín Cucaln Antonio Arroyo Christian Meipp Socorro Vzquez Jos Ignacio Rodríguez Alejandro Rosa Jos García Nicols Jimnez Carmen Moro 《American journal of medical genetics. Part A》1995,56(4):382-388
Lubinsky [Am J Med Genet 3: 23–28, 1987] has suggested that the properties of the midline involve early determinative informational processes and are related to the midline's position and definition of the body's plane of symmetry. Opitz [Am J Med Genet 21: 175-176, 1985, BD: OAS XXIX(1): 3–37 1993] has pointed out that the laterality sequences represent a midline developmental field complex. Thus, bilateral left-sidedness (with asplenia) and bilateral right-sidedness (with polysplenia) have been considered laterality sequences or syndromes if cause is known. Using the malformed infants registered by the Spanish Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECEMC), we performed a clinical/epidemiological analysis of the relationship between midline defects and alteration of normal body asymmetry and symmetry. The results support the assumption that both conditions could be consequence of disturbances in the midline primary developmental field. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
A linear mathematical model of the electromyogram (e.m.g.) has been developed for the biceps muscle. The number of motor units (and therefore muscle fibres) contributing to the resultant e.m.g. at any stage of movement has been found from the force analysis of elbow flexion. The depths of various motor units and the phase difference between the recruitment of any two motor units have been formulated using a spiral spread of recruitment sequence. The attenuation of individual motor-unit action potentials due to varying depths has been taken into consideration, and due regard has been taken of the length-tension diagram of a muscle while performing the force analysis. Attention has been focused on the flexion of the elbow joint, in which a method of finding the individual contribution of the biceps and brachialis muscles has been developed and applied. The results predicted by the model have been verified by experiments. The model can also be extended to the e.m.g. of other fast skeletal muscles. The conditions and limitations for such generalisations have been stated and discussed. 相似文献
Algorithms for moving average, recursive and “Fourier transform” low-pass linear digital filters are described, with reference being made to the methods of design. The characteristics, including frequency, phase and impulse responses, of four specific filters are discussed in detail. In addition, some of the practical problems of programming these filters are considered. Factors such as execution times are evaluated in concluding which designs are most appropriate for filtering electrocardiograms. 相似文献
M. Palkovits Éva Mezey J. Hámori J. Szentágothai 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1977,28(1-2):189-209
Summary The tissue volume, cell number, cell density, as well as the numbers and densities of various kinds of synaptic terminals were determined in the cerebellar nuclei of adult cats by means of stereological procedures both on the light and electron microscopic levels. The total number of the cerebellar nuclear cells was found to be 4.6×104. On the basis of karyometric studies the medial and interpositus nuclei appear to contain two, the lateral nucleus probably three different neuron populations. The over-all numerical ratio between Purkinje and nuclear cells is 26:1.On the basis of simplified cytological and size criteria five different types of synaptic terminals were distinguished and counted separately. The total number of synaptic boutons was found to be 9.2×108, 62% of which (5.7×108) belong to Purkinje axons. The average number of synaptic boutons per nuclear cell is 2×104 with systematic differences in the several nuclei (medial = 27500; interpositus = 18000; lateral = 13900). The number of boutons of Purkinje cell origin is 11600 per nuclear cell, on the average.The average number of synaptic boutons per Purkinje axon is 474, which are distributed in a space of about 13.5×106 m3. In view of the density of the nuclear cells and the metric parameters of their dendrites, the number of nuclear cells with which synapses might be established is 35. This is a direct measure for the divergence; i.e. one Purkinje axon may reach potentially 35 nuclear cells. The number on any nuclear cell of boutons that originate from the same Purkinje axon would be mathematically 13.5 as an average, but may vary excessively between 1 and around 50 boutons. From these data the probable convergence of Purkinje axons upon nuclear cells can be deduced as being numerically somewhere around 860, however, this apparently excessive value is mitigated by the Golgi observation that a single Purkinje axon may contribute to the same nuclear cell as many as 50 somatic synapses. The dendritic synapses — forming the vast majority of all contacts — are probably more evenly distributed among the great majority of the converging Purkinje axons but with correspondingly fewer individual contacts. 相似文献
Improvement of the detectability of simulated pathological tremour e.m.g.s by means of demodulation and spectral analysis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In e.m.g.s recorded from patients with pathological tremours, the tremour cannot often be recognised by visual inspection.
Demodulation of tremour e.m.g.s improves the detectability of the tremour, but the signal-to-noise ratio remains poor. In
this study, demodulated artificially generated tremour e.m.g.s and e.m.g.s from a patient with a pathological tremour were
subjected to digital spectral analysis. Power spectra, phase and coherence functions of the modulating and demodulated signals
were calculated. The result is that the detectability is improved from a modulation depth of 60% in modulated noise to 2–4%
after demodulation and spectral analysis. The results suggest a useful application of the demodulator and analysing software
to tremour e.m.g.s in clinical practice. 相似文献