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1. Acupoints Main acupoints: ①Yanglingquan (GB 34); ②Tiaokou (ST 38) through Chengshan (BL 57); ③Contralateral MS 6, the middle two-fifths sectionof MS 7, or MS 9 of scalp acupuncture.  相似文献   

Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movement. Combining disease and syndrome differentiation, and integrating TCM and Western medical diagnosis, this technique is used to treat different diseases mainly with acupuncture,combining some movement in needling. These movements not only boost therapeutic effects of acupuncture, but also add new contents to traditional acupuncture.  相似文献   

Scalp Acupuncture and Daoyin Technique, which are summarized by Dr. KONG in the light of his long-term acupuncture practice, has been considered as one of the clinical diagnostic and treatment programs in Chinese medicine by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this paper, the characteristics and clinical application of Scalp Acupuncture and Daoyin Technique are presented as follows.  相似文献   

目的:观察丁氏(扌衮)法为主的推拿手法治疗急性腰扭伤的临床疗效。方法:将243例急性腰扭伤患者随机分为2组,治疗组131例,采用丁氏(扌衮)法进行推拿治疗;对照组112例,采用针刺后溪穴结合常规推拿手法治疗。结果:治疗组治愈98例,好转33例,无效0例;对照组治愈80例,好转29例,无效3例,两组有效率无统计学差异。结论:以丁氏(扌衮)法为主的推拿手法对急性腰扭伤疗效显著,且操作方便。  相似文献   

Mang needle (elongated needle, 芒针) is evolved from the long needle, one kind of nine needles in the ancient times, and is primarily characterized by its long needle-body and its arrival at the deep tissues of the body. However, because of the particularity of the physiology and anatomy of some diseases, direct deep puncturing can't reach the due tissues, thus the treatment results are affected. Based upon the deep puncturing of Mang needle and the physiology and anatomy of the human body, professor YANG Zhao-gang, a well-known acupuncturist, has made many improvements and innovations, in his long-term clinical practice, in the manipulations and indications of Mang needle, consequently to establish a series of unique puncturing techniques of Mang needle, which work excellently on some difficult and complicated diseases. This Mang needle therapy is introduced as follows.  相似文献   

Taichong(LR 3), the source(Yuan) acupoint of the Liver Meridian, locates at the depression before the combining region of the first and second metatarsal bones on the dorsum of the foot. And it is at the lateral border of the tendon of extensor pollicis longus, where dorsal venous fete of foot, dorsal artery of the first metatarsal bone, and dorsal nerve of metatarsal bones, coming from deep peroneal nerve, and there is the medial plantar nerve, a branch of the tibial nerve, in the deep layer. The author has treated various disorders with Taichong (LR 3), and 4 cases report were as follows.  相似文献   

In order to observe the therapeutic effect of Eight Battle Points for simple obesity.MethodsIn the treatment of 98 cases of the patients with obesity by the oblique puncture of long needles into Eight Battle Points,the body weight,body weight index (BWI),waist circumference,buttock circumference and fat distribution rate of the patients were measured and assessed respectively before and after the treatments.And the changes of complications of obesity were observed before and after the treatments.ResultsThere were significant differences (P<0.05) in various indexes of obesity before and after acupuncture treatment.ConclusionAcupuncture by puncturing Shenque(CV 8) plus Eight Battle Points is positive in the treatment of obesity and has a better therapeutic effect for complications of obesity.  相似文献   

针刺运动疗法临床应用举隅125105国防科工委兴城疗养院田有粮110032国防科工委东北办事处门诊部张伟针刺运动疗法即指在针刺的同时配合运动患部以增强疗效的一种治疗方法。多年来,笔者动用此法治疗疼痛性疾病收效迅速且持久,现举例如下:1.落枕:谢××,...  相似文献   

气管切开术是比较常见挽救患者生命的手段,但并非绝对安全,他可以出现各个阶段的并发症。从本文中的病例临床结果可见,气管切开术手术中、术后及晚期并发症并非少见,严重的患者可因其并发症而丧失生命,气管切开术虽能挽救患者生命,但操作不慎即可导致严重后果。故应早期诊断其病变的性质、程度以及有效治疗,在施行气管切开术时均应做好各种不同段并发症的预防,并及时正确处理,是预防气管切开术并发症的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的:对应用理筋手法与中药内服外敷联合对患有急性踝关节扭伤的患者进行治疗的临床效果进行研究分析。方法:抽取60例来我院就诊的患有急性踝关节扭伤的临床确诊患者病例,将其分为两组,平均每组30例。对照组患者在常规治疗基础上进行中药内服外敷治疗;观察组患者在对照组基础上配合理筋手法治疗。结果:观察组患者的临床治疗效果明显优于对照组。结论:应用理筋手法与中药内服外敷联合对患有急性踝关节扭伤的患者进行治疗的临床效果非常明显。  相似文献   

目的观察以魏氏手法+特色中药外洗和主动功能锻炼+扶他林软膏两种治疗手段治疗陈旧性踝关节扭伤,对比其疗效。方法采用随机对照的研究方法,将78例陈旧性踝关节扭伤患者按数字随机法分为治疗组和对照组,其中治疗组39例,应用魏氏手法+特色中药外洗治疗,疗程6周。对照组39例,应用主动功能锻炼+扶他林软膏治疗,疗程6周。应用踝—后足评分(AOFAS评分)及分级疗效评定进行组间及治疗前后观察指标比较和疗效评价。结果两组治疗6周及半年后较治疗前AOFAS都有显著改善,治疗半年后治疗组AOFAS评分优于对照组。治疗组临床疗效优于对照组。结论两组治疗方法均能改善陈旧性踝关节扭伤患者的AOFAS评分,且治疗组较对照组具有较好的远期治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的:对比浮线推拿疗法对网球肘的治疗效果。方法:将60例患者随机分为两组,浮线治疗组32例,推拿组28例,浮线治疗组选取阳性反应点周围进行埋线操作,推拿组用滚法、揉法、点按法等常规手法在曲池穴周围进行治疗,治疗20天统计疗效。结果:浮线治疗组32例病人首次用浮线治疗后,全部病人疼痛立即减轻或消失。推拿组28例病人首次治疗后,10例疼痛略有减轻,其余患者1次治疗后效果不明显。浮线治疗组32例全部治愈,推拿组为12例。结论:浮线对网球肘的首次镇痛效应和治愈率均显著高于推拿,值得在临床中推广。  相似文献   

王延臣  姬长锁 《中医药学刊》2007,25(12):2651-2652
目的:对比浮线推拿疗法对网球肘的治疗效果。方法:将60例患者随机分为两组,浮线治疗组32例,推拿组28例,浮线治疗组选取阳性反应点周围进行埋线操作,推拿组用滚法、揉法、点按法等常规手法在曲池穴周围进行治疗,治疗20天统计疗效。结果:浮线治疗组32例病人首次用浮线治疗后,全部病人疼痛立即减轻或消失。推拿组28例病人首次治疗后,10例疼痛略有减轻,其余患者1次治疗后效果不明显。浮线治疗纽32例全部治愈,推拿组为12例。结论:浮线对网球肘的首次镇痛效应和治愈率均显著高于推拿,值得在临床中推广。  相似文献   

目的:比较梅花针叩刺腕部三阴经联合康复训练与单纯康复训练治疗中风后腕关节拘挛的临床疗效。方法:将72例中风后腕关节拘挛患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组36例。对照组采用单纯康复训练,每周5次,3周为一疗程,共治疗3个疗程;观察组在对照组治疗基础上采用梅花针叩刺腕部三阴经,叩刺部位为手三阴经的腕部循行部位,范围在腕横纹上3寸至腕横纹下1寸,每周3次,3周为一疗程,共治疗3个疗程。观察两组患者治疗前后腕关节主动背伸活动度(AROM)、上肢运动功能Fugl-Meyer评分(FMA)和日常生活活动能力Barthel指数(BI)评分变化。结果:治疗后两组AROM、FMA评分和BI评分均优于治疗前(P<0.05),且观察组3项指标的改善程度均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:梅花针叩刺腕部三阴经联合康复训练较单纯康复训练治疗中风后腕关节拘挛疗效更显著。  相似文献   

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