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The 15-minute visit does not allow the physician sufficient time to provide the variety of services expected of primary care. A teamlet (little team) model of care is proposed to extend the 15-minute physician visit. The teamlet consists of 1 clinician and 2 health coaches. A clinical encounter includes 4 parts: a previsit by the coach, a visit by the clinician together with the coach, a postvisit by the coach, and between-visit care by the coach. Medical assistants or other practice personnel would require retraining to assume the health coach role. Some organizations have instituted aspects of the teamlet model. Primary care practices interested in trying out the teamlet concept need to train 2 health coaches for each full-time equivalent clinician to ensure smooth patient flow.  相似文献   

The best care     

Patient-focused primary care: a model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Teaching sexual history taking to health care professionals in primary care   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVES: Although it is accepted that history taking is central to correct diagnosis, little work has been undertaken on the development of sexual history taking, particularly in a primary care context where sexual health may not occur to the patient. Embarrassment is recognized as one major problem. This paper reports on a series of teaching interventions designed to help primary health care professionals (doctors and nurses) to identify and deal effectively with sexual health issues in the consultation. METHODS: 141 participants took part in nine different courses, with 114 returning evaluations. All courses involved tutorial teaching on clinical and ethicolegal issues and role play with trained professional role-players; some involved video-based dramatizations to particularize principles in context. During role play sessions, which were followed by detailed, contextualized feedback, clinical issues, attitudinal issues (e.g. articulating a sense of personal embarrassment, and the risk of stereotyping), and ethicolegal issues were all discussed, as were examples of words and phrases which participants were invited to try out. OUTCOMES: The overall quality of the courses was rated by participants, on average, at 89.95 (maximum 100), and the relevance of the topic at 91.40. Free text comments centred on the power of the training as a consciousness raiser, on the need to alter communication strategies, the need to change existing clinical practice and the value of role play as a methodology. Interactive courses on sexual health are highly acceptable to participants.  相似文献   

The community-oriented primary care (COPC) model strives to efficiently distribute, organize, and systematize existing health care resources. In addition to promoting healthy lifestyles within the community, the COPC model enables the health care team and the community to cooperate in identifying and prioritizing health issues. Together they develop and implement prevention and treatment plans for those priority areas. With COPC, the health services assume responsibility for the health of a defined population. The health services not only treat diseases but also develop programs for health promotion, protection, and maintenance. Taking this approach, COPC integrates individual and family clinical care with public health, reflecting the spirit of the International Conference on Primary Health Care held in Alma-Ata in 1978. COPC is a systematic process, with flexible principles and methodologies that can be modified to meet the specific challenges of any health care team and community. An analysis of various countries' experiences with COPC shows that applying the model appropriately can improve the general health status of the community and its members.  相似文献   

Community-oriented primary care (COPC), a 50-year-old widely applied innovative approach to primary care development, seems to be the same combination of public health and general practice perspectives currently sought in the formation of primary care trusts in Britain's NHS. The article reviews the experience of implementing COPC methods, the outcomes, and the applicability to and implications for primary care policy, taking the current British reforms as an example. The COPC model has been developed mainly in underserved populations to integrate public health objectives and primary care through interdisciplinary approaches, with active involvement of the target population. COPC methods are time consuming, can create problems with professional boundaries, and are vulnerable to socioeconomic changes. They can also deliver complex packages of care for target populations, particularly in poor areas underserved by traditional medical services. British primary care reforms may be seen as an unplanned, uncontrolled, nationwide experiment in applying COPC methods. They differ from COPC as applied elsewhere because change has been introduced from above rather than below, into a well-developed primary care system rather than underserved communities. International experience suggests the need for attention to factors promoting and impeding success and to reliable outcome measures. If this experiment succeeds, COPC methodology may facilitate similar changes in other health care systems.  相似文献   

Presents an evaluation of a TQM initiative which was designed to help the general level of awareness and knowledge within general practices and to encourage the implementation of TQM in primary care. The purposes of the initiative were to assess the effectiveness of the TQM approach used, not only in terms of tangible results but also in terms of cost effectiveness suitability and workability; and to check the transferability of the model used and its replicability with similar levels of benefits in other general practices on a nationwide basis.  相似文献   

We examined recent special health initiatives to control HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, and make four policy recommendations for improving the sustainability of such initiatives. First, international cooperation on health should be seen as an issue of global public goods that concerns both poor and rich countries. Second, national health and other sector budgets should be tapped to ensure that global health concerns are fully and reliably funded; industrialized countries should lead the way. Third, a global research council should be established to foster more efficient health-related knowledge management. Fourth, managers for specific disease issues should be appointed, to facilitate policy partnerships. Policy changes in these areas have already begun and can provide a basis for further reform.  相似文献   

Comprehensive primary care describes the long-term relationship between patient and provider in which medical services, support for self-care, and care coordination are the foundation. Research has associated comprehensive primary care with better system quality, equity, and efficiency. A performance measurement method is needed to enable teams delivering such care to optimize their performance and to evaluate the benefits over time. This article describes “The Starfield Model”—an approach to measuring quality, capacity, and total cost of care at this scope of service—and the results achieved by a small family health team in implementing this model. This experience suggests that real benefits arise from meaningful feedback to providers. The model has the potential to work in any payment system of primary care, thereby providing insight into all types of comprehensive primary care practices.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We aimed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of taking routine family histories and subsequent counselling. METHODS: The study was set in primary care in the UK. The subjects were patients between the ages of 20 and 34 years registered at one general practice. Patients were invited by letter to attend a clinic in their GP surgery, run by a GP and health visitor. A family history was constructed and counselling undertaken for any identified problems. A telephone survey of a sample of nonattenders was also performed. The outcome measures were attendance rate, patient views, patient anxiety as measured by the short form of the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and referrals to secondary care. RESULTS: In total, 16.1% patients attended the clinic; 40.3 % had a family history of at least one disease with a possible genetic component. Anxiety levels fell immediately after the consultation and rose to pre-clinic levels at 12 weeks. The clinic generated three referrals to secondary care and a further seven patients who were counselled by the investigators following advice from a consultant geneticist. CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to take detailed family histories and provide genetic counselling advice in primary care with minimal training of clinical primary care staff. The service is acceptable to patients, does not induce anxiety and has little effect on numbers of patients referred.  相似文献   

The leading causes of death in the United States are predominantly attributable to modifiable behaviors. Patients with behavioral risk factors for premature death and disability, including dietary practices; sexual practices; level of physical activity; motor vehi cle use patterns; and tobacco, alcohol, and illicit sub stance use, are seen far more consistently by primary care providers than by mental health specialists. Yet models of behavior modification are reported, debated, and revised almost exclusively in the psychology literature. While the Stages of Change Model, or Transtheo retical Model, has won application in a broadening array of clinical settings, its application in the primary care setting is apparently quite limited despite evidence of its utility [Prochaska J, Velicer W. Am J Health Promot 1997;12:38-48]. The lack of a rigorous behavioral model developed for application in the primary care setting is an impediment to the accomplishment of public health goals specified in the Healthy People objectives and in the reports of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. The Pressure System Model reported here synthesizes elements of established behavior modification theories for specific application under the constraints of the primary care setting. Use of the model in both clinical and research settings, with outcome evaluation, is encouraged as part of an effort to advance public health.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Since 2000, Israel has had a national program for ongoing monitoring of the quality of the primary care services provided by the country's four competing non-profit health plans. Previous research has demonstrated that quality of care has improved substantially since the program's inception and that the program enjoys wide support among health plan managers. However, prior to this study there were anecdotal and journalistic reports of opposition to the program among primary care physicians engaged in direct service delivery; these raised serious questions about the extent of support among physicians nationally. Goals To assess how Israeli primary care physicians experience and rate health plan efforts to track and improve the quality of care. METHOD: The study population consisted of primary care physicians employed by the health plans who have responsibility for the quality of care of a panel of adult patients. The study team randomly sampled 250 primary-care physicians from each of the four health plans. Of the 1,000 physicians sampled, 884 met the study criteria. Every physician could choose whether to participate in the survey by mail, e-mail, or telephone. The anonymous questionnaire was completed by 605 physicians - 69% of those eligible. The data were weighted to reflect differences in sampling and response rates across health plans. Main findings The vast majority of respondents (87%) felt that the monitoring of quality was important and two-thirds (66%) felt that the feedback and subsequent remedial interventions improved medical care to a great extent. Almost three-quarters (71%) supported continuation of the program in an unqualified manner. The physicians with the most positive attitudes to the program were over age 44, independent contract physicians, and either board-certified in internal medicine or without any board-certification (i.e., residents or general practitioners). At the same time, support for the program was widespread even among physicians who are young, board-certified in family medicine, and salaried. Many physicians also reported that various problems had emerged to a great or very great extent: a heavier workload (65%), over-competitiveness (60%), excessive managerial pressure (48%), and distraction from other clinical issues (35%). In addition, there was some criticism of the quality of the measures themselves. Respondents also identified approaches to addressing these problems. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide perspective on the anecdotal reports of physician opposition to the monitoring program; they may well accurately reflect the views of the small number of physicians directly involved, but they do not reflect the views of primary care physicians as a whole, who are generally quite supportive of the program. At the same time, the study confirms the existence of several perceived problems. Some of these problems, such as excess managerial pressure, can probably best be addressed by the health plans themselves; while others, such as the need to refine the quality indicators, are probably best addressed at the national level. Cooperation between primary care physicians and health plan managers, which has been an essential component of the program's success thus far, can also play an important role in addressing the problems identified.  相似文献   

Cocksedge S  May C 《Medical education》2005,39(10):999-1005
BACKGROUND: As well as hearing a story at the start of an interaction, listening in medicine involves picking up and checking out patients' cues. Despite this, cues are frequently missed or ignored by doctors. AIM: To explore the perceptions of general practitioners (GPs) about initiating listening and choosing not to listen during interactions. STUDY DESIGN: Qualitative study constant comparison. Methods General practitioners with over 5 years' experience in practice in a semi-rural area of England took part in a single, semistructured, audiotaped interview which was piloted initially. Interviews were transcribed and analysed according to the precepts of constant comparison. RESULTS: In total, 23 of 24 eligible doctors participated. The data emphasise the importance of spotting cues during interactions. Factors influencing judgements on whether or not to attend to cues included pressure of work, the doctor's mood or feelings about the patient, and the context of the interaction. Methods of limiting, blocking or resisting listening included reassuring, changing the subject, interrupting, being directive or making a plan, reducing sympathy and using body language. A tramline metaphor of choice in listening emerged (the listening loop: a definite period of listening by the GP within the interaction, generally separate to hearing the patient's initial story). CONCLUSION: The listening loop offers a simple model of listening that emphasises choice and judgement in response to patients' cues within interactions. Emphasising this choice highlights both picking up cues and pragmatic limits and resistance to attending to them, with implications for teaching.  相似文献   

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