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随着无线传感器网络技术的出现,低负荷医学监测技术发生了革命性的变化.文章运用无线传感器网络技术设计了心电和脉搏波无线传感器组成整个监测系统,同步测量头部颞浅动脉脉搏波信号和体表心电信号,以及计算脉搏波传导时间.此心电和脉搏波无线传感器的体积小,且采用纽扣电池供电,彼此之间的时间同步精度小于l ms.计算出的脉搏波传导时间随缓慢深呼吸而相应变化.提示由具有体积小、功耗低和时间同步精度岛等特点的心电和脉搏波无线传感器组成的监测系统能够在作业条件下连续低负荷监测脉搏波传导时间.  相似文献   

Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitoring is a crucial part of monitoring at-risk pregnancies and labor. Its aim is to detect any abnormalities that might indicate acute fetal distress and a need for rapid treatment to avoid death or serious sequelae, including cerebral handicap. The use of fetal biophysical profiles in high-risk pregnancies (gravidic hypertension, in utero infection, etc.) helps to distinguish healthy fetuses from those with chronic conditions. Fetal biophysical profile scores have been developed that integrate five biophysical parameters, one of which is derived from the FHR. The major parameters detected are the rate of fetal movements, fetal tone, fetal breathing movement and amniotic fluid volume. All of those parameters except FHR are obtained by prolonged echographic observation and cannot be used routinely. We developed in this study a new multigate multitransducer pulsed Doppler system for survey of fetal behavior. Fast Fourier transform and autocorrelation function have been used for processing and analyzing ultrasonic Doppler signals generated by fetal movements. Several parameters are analyzed in each of the 12 x 5 = 60 Doppler gates: amplitude of signals reflected by moving fetal structures, velocity, direction and amplitude of displacement of fetal structure (heart, chest, limbs). From these parameters it is possible to calculate FHR and characterize fetal activity. Preliminary in vivo results obtained in 15 pregnant women (30 to 36 wk) are very encouraging but they have yet to be confirmed in future studies. These results also demonstrate the advantages of transducers designed for improved fetal movement detection. The algorithms needs to be precise enough to allow the Actifetus system to function in real time. We now have at our disposal some algorithms that succeed in quantifying FHR and fetal movements with a signal from a given sensor at a given depth. This study confirms the feasibility of monitoring fetal movements by the Actifetus system and demonstrates the importance of the characterization of fetal rhythms (and fetal behavior). The Actifetus system will serve as a new mean for studying fetal response to environment and detecting anomalies related to fetal suffering.  相似文献   

基于Linux和通用分组无线业务的心电无线监护设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
①介绍了一种具有实时检测和报警功能的无线心电监护系统。系统采用32位单片机S3C2410X微控制器为核心,采用SIM100E为通用分组无线业务模块,基于Linux进行软件设计。整个程序可分为3大部分:采集显示、心电分析和自动报警。着重介绍了Linux操作系统下心电检测分析和自动报警程序的设计。②整个心电监护系统的硬件设计可分为5个部分:心电采集模块、存储模块、通讯模块、人机接口模块和电源模块。③实验结果表明系统能够实现对患者心电信号的实时监测,并能够检测心动过速、心动过缓、心律不齐、停搏和漏搏等5种心律失常,当出现这些心律失常时,能够通过通用分组无线业务以手机短信形式发送报警。  相似文献   

Flexible, lightweight sensors with a wide strain-sensing range are showing increasing significance in structural health monitoring compared with conventional hard sensors, which typically have a small strain range, are heavyweight, and have a large volume. In this work, salt particle precipitation and mechanical coating methods are used to fabricate porous graphene nanoplatelet (GNP)/polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) flexible sensors for tension monitoring in structural health applications. The signal transformation through the Back Propagation (BP) algorithm is integrated to provide monitoring data that are comparable with other sensors. The results reveal that the flexible sensors with a low content of GNPs (0.1–0.25 wt%) possess better flexibility, allowing tensile strains over 200% to be measured. In addition, due to the enhanced deformation capacity of the pore structures, they can achieve high sensitivity (1–1000) under 65% strain, and a fast response time (70 ms) under 10% strain at 60 mm min−1. They also show high performance in the fatigue test (20 000 cycles) under 5% strain, and can effectively respond to bending and torsion. In addition, the sensors show an obvious response to temperature. Overall, the prepared flexible composite sensors in this work have the advantages of a wide strain-sensing range, a full-coverage conductive network, and being lightweight, and show potential for structural health monitoring in the near future.

A high-performance porous flexible composite film sensor for tension monitoring. The sensor can monitor the strain of the whole field and then use contour maps to locate damage.  相似文献   

研制了一种基于压电传感器以AT89S52单片机和个人计算机为核心构成的家用脉搏信号实时监测系统。选用了基于聚偏氟乙烯压电薄膜的集成化脉搏传感器,把待检测对象的脉搏跳动转变成可处理的电信号,经过三运放高共模抑制比放大电路将传感器的微弱信号放大。放大后的信号经ADC0809芯片模数转换后变成数字信号,然后由单片机通过译码电路就可以从数码管直接读出被测对象的脉搏数。同时通过AT89S52的串行通信接口,采用RS-232-C接口标准实现与个人计算机的串行通信,把脉搏信号送入计算机显示记录存储和处理。AT89S52单片机构成的控制电路在软件的作用下控制脉搏信号采集、放大和与计算机的通信。当单片机系统不与计算机相连时它就是一个改进型便携式电子脉搏计,可随身携带并实时显示脉搏数。  相似文献   

The development of wearable devices has shown tremendous dynamism, which places greater demands on the accuracy and consistency of sensors. This work reports a flexible sensing system for human health monitoring of parameters such as human pulse waveform, blood pressure and heart rate. The signal acquisition part is a vertically structured piezoresistive micro-pressure flexible sensor. To ensure accuracy, the sensors are filled with melamine sponge covered by graphene nanoconductive materials as the conductive layer, and ecoflex material acts as the flexible substrate. The flexible sensors fabricated under the 3D printing mold-assisted method exhibited high accuracy, good repeatability and remarkable response to micro-pressure. However, when used for human pulse signal measurement, the sensors are affected by unavoidable interference. In order to collect human health data accurately, signal acquisition and processing systems were constructed. The system allows for the accurate acquisition of human pulse signals, accompanied by the function of non-invasive, real-time and continuous detection of human blood pressure heart rate parameters. By comparing with an Omron blood pressure monitor, the blood pressure heart rate index error of the flexible sensing system does not exceed 3%.

We fabricated a flexible sensing system, including the preparation of sensors and construction of the signal processing computing platform, which enabled human health monitoring by collecting pulse signals.  相似文献   

目的采用目前最先进的射频识别(RFID)技术,实现体温动态监测,并实时监测患者当前的活动区域。方法90名危重患者实行随身佩戴内置温度感应器的标签,实现患者体温数值的动态采集,采用同期自身对照方法将通过RFID标签监测得到的体温精确度与腋温测量值相比较,并调查两种测温方法模拟每日所需护理耗时。结果不同时间测得体温值,传感器组分别为15min(36.58±0.92)℃,30min(36.69±0.97)℃,60min(37.08±0.85)℃,90min(37.34±1.03)℃,120min(37.45±1.03)oC,150min(36.88±0.97)℃,与水银体温计组相似15min(36.53±0.94)℃,30min(36.75±0.89)oC,60min(37.04±0.92)℃,90min(37.39±0.99)oC,120min(37.41±0.99)℃,150min(36.85±0.89)℃,两组比较差异均无统计学意义(t分别为0.34,-0.86,0.76,-0.54,0.35,0.63;P均〉0.05);每日所需护理时间,传感器组(23.78±5.57)min,水银体温计组(201.25±16.37)min,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=-9.75,P〈0.01)。结论采用RFID技术体温动态监测系统,可将实时监测的数据显示在生命体征动态监测系统的监测界面,同时实时向医院信息系统传输体温信息,护士无需在影响患者休息的情况下就可以立即监测到患者当前体温情况,大大减少了护理人员工作量,并能使医生、护士及与患者相关科室之间实现患者信息资源共享。  相似文献   

Gasoline–ethanol (gasohol) fuel blends have gained considerable attention in the petroleum and energy sectors as relatively cheaper and greener high-octane alternative fuels with gasoline-comparable efficiency in modern transportation vehicles. However, due to different combustion rates the relative concentration of ethanol in gasohol fuel blends may vary over time. Furthermore, there is a need to monitor ethanol concentration in fuel blends for quality control applications. This article reports a miniaturized electronic sensor based on an interdigital capacitor (IDC) as the transducer and a dual-imprinted titania–polyaniline composite film as the receptor. The device has an active surface area of 0.9 cm2 and is easy to fabricate. The receptor material is synthesized by imprinting ethanol in both titania sol (EITS, the matrix) and polyaniline nanoparticles (EIPani, the filler), and subsequently mixing them to obtain a dual-imprinted EITS–EIPani composite. The structural and morphological characteristics of the receptor layers are determined with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy (AFM), respectively. The IDC devices are fabricated with pristine EITS and dual-imprinted EITS–EIPani composite to test their metrological sensor characteristics in standard ethanol solutions and real-time gasohol fuel blends. The instant shift in capacitance is measured upon exposure to different concentrations of ethanol. These devices show excellent sensitivity and selectivity patterns and demonstrate reliable sensor response toward ethanol in different gasohol fuel blends with 1–10 vol% ethanol. The results of this study reveal that these miniaturized ethanol sensors are potentially useful for rapid analysis of ethanol in gasohol and may be optimized for onboard fuel quality control applications.

A schematic representation of the developed setup for ethanol sensing measurements in gasohol blends.  相似文献   

无线网络数字化氧气流量计费系统的研制与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨无线网络数字化氧气流量计费系统的研制及在临床中的应用.方法 根据医嘱将需要吸氧的患者220例随机分为观察组108例和对照组112例,观察组用无线网络数字化氧气流量计费系统,对照组用传统的浮标式氧气流量计.观察比较2组因吸氧收费问题产生的护患纠纷发生率、护士累计观察患者吸氧时间的平均耗时、每桶氧气收回的平均费用.结果 因吸氧收费问题产生的护患纠纷发生率,观察组为0.93%,对照组为75.89%;护士累计观察吸氧时间的平均耗时,观察组为2.03 min,对照组为12.54 min;每桶氧气收回的平均费用,观察组为42.68元,对照组为28.23元,差异显著.结论 无线网络数字化氧气流量计费系统的应用能减少护患纠纷的发生,提高患者满意度,缩短护士累计观察吸氧的时间,提高工作效率,明确氧气收费的合理方法,挽回经济损失.
Objective To investigate the development of the digital wireless network billing system of oxygen flow in clinical application. Methods By random 220 cases of patients who need to absorb oxygen were divided into the observation group(108 cases)and the control group(112 cases), the observation group used the digital wireless network billing system of oxygen flow, and the control group adopted the traditional buoy type oxygen gauge instrument. The following items were compared between the two groups: dispute rates between nurses and patients for different amount of absorbed oxygen, the average time cost for nurses in measuring the duration of oxygen absorbing, total income per barrel for recycling oxygen. Results For the dispute rates between nurses and patients for different amount of absorbed oxygen were 0.93% in the observation group, and 75.89% in the control group. The average time cost for nurses in measuring the duration of oxygen absorbing was 2.03 minutes for the observation group, and 12.54 minutes for the control group; total income per barrel for recycling oxygen was 42.68 yuan per barrel of the observation group, and 28.23 yuan in the control group. The statistical analysis between the two groups was supported by 95% confidential level. Conclusions Using the digital wireless network billing system of oxygen flow in clinical can reduce the dispute rates between the nurses and patients, improve patients' satisfaction degree, reduce the total time cost for nurses in measuring the duration of oxygen absorbing, raise efficiency, build a clear scientific charge system of oxygen flow, and restore economic loss.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent technological advances in integrated circuits, wireless communications, and physiological sensing allow miniature, lightweight, ultra-low power, intelligent monitoring devices. A number of these devices can be integrated into a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), a new enabling technology for health monitoring. METHODS: Using off-the-shelf wireless sensors we designed a prototype WBAN which features a standard ZigBee compliant radio and a common set of physiological, kinetic, and environmental sensors. RESULTS: We introduce a multi-tier telemedicine system and describe how we optimized our prototype WBAN implementation for computer-assisted physical rehabilitation applications and ambulatory monitoring. The system performs real-time analysis of sensors' data, provides guidance and feedback to the user, and can generate warnings based on the user's state, level of activity, and environmental conditions. In addition, all recorded information can be transferred to medical servers via the Internet and seamlessly integrated into the user's electronic medical record and research databases. CONCLUSION: WBANs promise inexpensive, unobtrusive, and unsupervised ambulatory monitoring during normal daily activities for prolonged periods of time. To make this technology ubiquitous and affordable, a number of challenging issues should be resolved, such as system design, configuration and customization, seamless integration, standardization, further utilization of common off-the-shelf components, security and privacy, and social issues.  相似文献   

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