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Most medical curricula rely on human bodies for teaching macroscopic anatomy. Over the past 20 years, plastination has become an important means of preservation of organs, for well dissected specimens or for body slices. Here, several critical points regarding body donation with legal and ethical considerations for long-term preservation, the use of cadavers in teaching and the preparation of plastinates as an additional teaching tool will be discussed. Silicone S10 is the gold standard in the preparation of plastinates. An important point to respect is the preparation of specimens, since only very well dissected body parts or excellent tissue sections should be plastinated to show the extraordinary aspects of the human anatomy. The preparation of thin and transparent sections and preservation with P40 polyester provides an additional technique to prepare resistant body slices. A selection of samples prepared by S10 and P40 are shown and compared. In addition, Prussian or Berlin blue staining of brain slices is shown to discriminate better between gray and white matter and demonstrate neuroanatomical structures. These plastinates have been used for many years in teaching first-and second-year medical students and have not lost their appeal. Students and staff appreciate the use of such plastinates. One of the advantages is that their use is not restricted to the dissection hall; slices and body parts can be used in any lecture room or in small group teaching. Therefore, ethical and legal questions need to be addressed regarding their specific use. Plastinates do not replace the traditional dissection courses, since students learn best the anatomical features of a given region by hands-on dissection and by exploratory anatomy. Furthermore, plastinates are more rigid and do not allow demonstration of hidden structures; they also become more cumbersome for endoscopy or are too rigid for demonstrating mechanical features of joints. However, although not a replacement for traditional dissections, plastination provides an additional tool for long-term preservation and for teaching human anatomy.  相似文献   

Anatomical science has used the bodies of the executed for dissection over many centuries. As anatomy has developed into a vehicle of not only scientific but also moral and ethical education, it is important to consider the source of human bodies for dissection and the manner of their acquisition. From the thirteenth to the early seventeenth century, the bodies of the executed were the only legal source of bodies for dissection. Starting in the late seventeenth century, the bodies of unclaimed persons were also made legally available. With the developing movement to abolish the death penalty in many countries around the world and with the renunciation of the use of the bodies of the executed by the British legal system in the nineteenth century, two different practices have developed in that there are Anatomy Departments who use the bodies of the executed for dissection or research and those who do not. The history of the use of bodies of the executed in German Anatomy Departments during the National Socialist regime is an example for the insidious slide from an ethical use of human bodies in dissection to an unethical one. There are cases of contemporary use of unclaimed or donated bodies of the executed, but they are rarely well documented. The intention of this review is to initiate an ethical discourse about the use of the bodies of the executed in contemporary anatomy.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years the development of plastination has opened up new vistas for gross anatomy. In particular, it has led to a major expansion in the range of human anatomic specimens available for teaching and its potential value in research is increasingly being appreciated. More recently, it has burst into the public arena through what has become known as 'Anatomy Art,' as depicted in the von Hagens exhibition, K?rperwelten (Bodyworlds). In this exhibition, the lifeless cadavers of the dissecting room have been transformed into standing, sitting, and jumping lifelike plastinated 'models' that demonstrate spinal cords, tumorous lungs, cirrhotic livers, joint prostheses, and sagittally sectioned whole bodies. Not surprisingly, the exhibition has raised considerable ethical debate about treating human cadavers in this way, an issue of particular relevance to anatomists. This article is an attempt to further this debate by considering the nature of plastinated human specimens, and the context within which they should be examined. The only rationale for displaying (plastinated) human material in the public domain is an educational one, with a basis in a museum ethos. The boundaries of this educational rationale are discussed, as are the opportunities and challenges presented by plastination to the anatomical community.  相似文献   

Over the last four millennia, the discipline of anatomy and its relationships with medicine and society have evolved dramatically. Human dissection, the perennial tool for anatomical discovery and education, has both guided this evolution and matured alongside it. Soon after the first cadaveric dissections recorded in ancient Greece, China, India, and Persia, clear endorsements of its practice fell largely silent in the anatomical record for 1,500 years before reappearing in Europe at the dawn of the Renaissance. Between the 13th and 18th centuries CE, the performance of anatomical dissection became a popular form of education and public entertainment, and the demand for human cadavers steadily increased among European anatomical schools while supply remained limited by legal statute. This gave rise to an informal group of amateur and professional body snatchers called the Resurrectionists and, later, inspired the Anatomy Act of 1832 CE. In the 20th and 21st centuries CE, voluntary body bequeathal programs have enabled the practice of human dissection to continue in academic centers as a cornerstone of anatomical education, now with a newfound focus on the development of affective skills. This article provides an abridged account of anatomy's development, highlighting key moments in its growth, the valuable contributions of many different societies to the discipline, and the important roles of several luminary anatomists of antiquity. Within the broader context of this history, it offers an overview of anatomical dissection's evocative past, spanning from its inception to its present-day practice.  相似文献   

The history of anatomy in Nazi Germany highlights the consequences to humanity when the destructive potentials immanent to all science and medicine are enabled by an anti-democratic, totalitarian regime. Anatomy presents an example of ethical transgressions by scientists and health care professionals that were amplified in the criminal political climate of the Nazi regime. This can happen anywhere, as science is never apolitical. This article gives a short account of anatomy in Nazi Germany, which is followed by an outline of the tangible and intangible legacies from this history, to then discuss implications for anatomy education today. While Jewish and politically dissident anatomists were forced out of their positions and country by the Nazi regime, the majority of the remaining anatomists joined the Nazi party and used bodies of Nazi victims for education and research. Some anatomists even performed deadly human experiments. Patterns and legacies that emerge from this history can be traced into the present and concern research ethics in general and anatomical body procurement specifically. They shed light on current practices and controversies in the anatomical sciences, including anthropology. It will be argued here that the history of anatomy in Nazi Germany can inform current anatomy education in a concept of anatomy as the first “clinical discipline.” By integrating insights from the history of anatomy into the learning process, anatomy education can model an approach to medicine that includes a full appreciation of the shared humanity of medical practitioners and patients.  相似文献   

We present a case of vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation in an adult, the rupture of which caused a fatal hemorrhage. Macroscopic examination, together with plastination of specimen with S10, and microscopic examination showed connection of the aneurysm with the right thalamoperforating artery and, bilaterally, with the posterior choroidal and mesencephalic arteries. Histology also showed thinning of the aneurysmal wall, due to marked reduction of the muscular media at the point of rupture, and its connection with an arteriovenous malformation of the left thalamus. A review of the anatomy of the Galenic system shows that the medullary veins curve at an acute angle to form the paired internal cerebral veins, with a sudden change in flow and that, from late fetal life, the vein of Galen curves around the splenium to enter the straight sinus at an angle opposing its flow. Based on anatomical study and a review of the literature, we suggest that aneurysmatic dilatation of the vein of Galen may result from a combination of pathological and predisposing anatomical factors. The anatomical characteristics of the origin of the internal cerebral veins and of the entry of the vein of Galen into the straight sinus make particularly susceptible to the hemodynamic effects of arteriovenous shunts the vein of Galen itself, which is situated in the cisterna ambiens, an anatomical space that does not impede its enlargement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was (a) to examine the anatomy of the sural nerve (SN) in a sample of 30 patients and (b) to analyze the incidence of different origins of the SN, and the distance of the SN from planned arthroscopic portals. An ultrasound (USG) examination of the SN was performed bilaterally on thirty healthy patients with no history of surgery or trauma of the lower limb. The SNs were classified into six main types of pattern, with an additional category for new and unclassified types. Each of Types 1 and 3 had two subdivisions. The distances from the superior border of the calcaneal tuberosity to the three simulated arthroscopy portal sites (Z1, Z1.5, Z2) to the SN were measured. A total of 30 patients (n = 60 limbs) with an average age of 27 ± 7.5 years were examined and the SN was visualized in all cases. The most common origin was Type 3A, accounting for 30% of limbs. Type 2 was the second most common seen in 18.3%. The distances of the SN from arthroscopic portal placement sites above the lateral malleolus were 2.07 ± 0.39 cm at the Z1 portal, 2.15 ± 0.38 cm at Z1.5, and 2.28 ± 0.33 cm at Z2. The variability in the anatomy of the SN warrants the use of USG to locate it accurately, thus preventing iatrogenic injury when portals are placed for arthroscopy, improving proper administration of anesthesia, and helping to localize the nerve for graft harvesting. Clin. Anat. 31:450–455, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the impact of gross anatomy laboratory (GA) on first year medical students’ (M1) interest in a surgical career. Secondary objectives included identifying other influences in M1s’ career decision making. This prospective study included surveys before and after GA. All M1s enrolled in GA were invited to participate. Sixty students completed both the pre‐ and post‐test surveys. A 5‐point Likert‐type scale surveyed participants’ interests, specific personality traits, experience during the course of GA, and likelihood of pursuing a surgical career. Statistical analysis included Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and (Polychotomous) Ordinal Logistic Regression Model. Students’ desire to work with their hands increased (50 vs. 33.3%) and enjoyment working with instruments and tools similarly increased (50 vs. 41.7%). Likelihood of pursuing a surgical career after gross anatomy increased in 31.7% of students, decreased in 16.7%, and was unchanged in 51.7%. Over 75% of students with a prior interest in surgery and 21% of those who previously felt neutral agreed that they were likely to pursue a career in surgery at the conclusion of the laboratory. Students with a surgeon family member were 0.1976 times as likely to exhibit a positive change in interest (P values 0.024). Gross anatomy may influence up to a third of the class to consider a surgical career, especially those with a prior interest in surgery and those previously feeling ambivalent. Students with a surgeon family member became less likely to enter a surgical career after gross anatomy. Clin. Anat. 29:691–695, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Core Surgical Trainees (CST) in the London (UK) Postgraduate School of Surgery receive clinical anatomy teaching in their first year of training, and, in their second year, give 30 sessions of anatomy teaching to medical and other students. This study set out to investigate the role of demonstrators from the perspective of the trainees. A focus group was convened to ascertain trainees' perspectives on demonstrating anatomy and to identify problems and improvement strategies to optimize their ability to enhance students' learning. A questionnaire was formulated and all second‐year CST (n = 186—from two cohorts) in the London Postgraduate School of Surgery were invited. A total of 109 out of 186 trainees completed the questionnaire. A high percentage (98%) of trainees that completed the questionnaire responded that demonstrating was an invaluable part of their training. Sixty‐two per cent responded that anatomy teaching they received in their first year of core surgical training helped them in their teaching role and 80% responded that it helped them prepare for surgical training. The study also revealed the need for improved communication between trainees and the London Postgraduate School of Surgery/Medical Schools/National Health Service Trusts to address issues such as trainees' perceived difficulty in fulfilling their teaching session requirement. The stakeholders have acknowledged and addressed the outcomes to improve the experience for both surgical trainees and students. The results indicate that anatomy demonstrating delivers important benefits to early surgical trainees, in addition to those received by the students that they teach. Clin. Anat. 31:409–416, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

踝关节的横及冠状断层影像解剖学   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:为踝关节病变的影像学诊断提供解剖学基础。方法:①观测15例干性胫、腓及距骨的关节面。②成年男尸右足标本7例,先依骨性标志画线,新鲜2例画线后,各行轴位CT、MRI扫描及冠状位MRI扫描后冻硬,再切制横断层4例,冠状断层3例。结果:①距骨上关节面前、后宽为30.2、23.5mm;距骨内、外踝关节面矢状径与垂直径分别为30.8、14.9mm与27.5、23.7mm;外踝关节面前缘至距骨颈后缘间距为9.3mm。胫骨内踝与腓骨外踝关节面矢状径与垂直径分别为21.8、14.7mm和16.9、21.6mm。②观察了每一断层内关节及周围结构的形态、毗邻及其在连续断层的变化规律,并匹配相应CT及MRI。距骨滑车上关节面前宽32.9mm,距骨上、胫骨下关节面软骨厚1.7mm与1.8mm,胫距关节、内踝处及腓距关节腔径值分别为2.4、2.8、1.4mm,骨间韧带长1.8mm。结论:踝关节的断层解剖,为影像学诊断及关节镜技术等提供了解剖学依据。  相似文献   

喉部动脉影像解剖学的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究喉部动脉的影像解剖学为临床提供解剖学依据和资料。方法取36例喉部结构完整的尸体标本,8例尸体标本做动脉铸型,12例尸体标本用MR扫描仪进行水平面和矢状面的扫描,8例尸体标本进行1mm/片冰冻磨铣,8例尸体标本进行大体及显微解剖,并对5种不同的形态学研究方法关于喉部动脉的观测结果进行统计学分析和定性、定量研究。结果左、右甲状腺上动脉的长度分别为(42.30±0.20)mm和(40.50±0.20)mm,起点处的管径分别为(1.80±0.30)mm和(1.65±0.30)mm;左、右甲状腺下动脉的长度分别为(23.60±0.27)mm和(22.40±0.24)mm,起始点的管径为分别为(1.40±0.25)mm和(1.35±0.30)mm。喉上动脉起点处的管径(1.50±0.20)mm,入喉处管径为(1.32±0.15)mm,长度为(18.60±2.45)mm;其入喉处在甲状软骨的前下方,距甲状软骨上角尖的距离,左侧为(6.80~25.50)mm,平均(14.60±2.45)mm;右侧为(7.60~28.60)mm,平均(15.58±2.58)mm,两侧差异有统计学意义(<0.05)。喉下动脉起点处的管径(1.70±0.30)mm,长度为(15.50±1.80)mm。结论喉部动脉的影像解剖学研究,为耳鼻喉头颈科特别是喉部病变的临床诊断和治疗提供更为科学和全面的影像解剖学依据及血供形态学资料。  相似文献   

目的 :对展神经、面神经、前庭蜗神经进行塑化切片与MRI对照研究 ,获得正常影像和断层解剖资料。方法 :采用生物塑化技术制作脑神经横断位 8例、矢状位和冠状位各 1例薄层切片 ,同时采用FLASH -3D序列完成头颅标本及 3 0例正常人脑干MR扫描 ,以MPR技术完整显示展神经、面神经、前庭蜗神经脑池段全程。结果 :塑化薄片断层、标本和活体MR扫描 ,脑神经行程、解剖形态均有良好的对应关系 ,Dorello管和展神经海绵窦段在塑化切片上显示良好 ,MRI仅能部分显示。结论 :生物塑化薄层切片能够对脑神经及相关结构进行准确显示 ,是脑神经影像学研究的重要对比方法  相似文献   

The traditional gross anatomy laboratory experience, with modifications in evaluations that we outline later, meets the criteria of contextual-learning theory, expands the repertoire of core objectives we identify for our students, and may increase the likelihood of cognitive permanence of anatomical data. Our subjects included approximately 54 first-year medical students from each of three sequential class years (1996, 1997, 1998). As an alternative to more typical written and practical exams, examinations in a major portion of our gross anatomy program consist of two approximately 30 minute oral expositions by each student to his or her peers and a faculty member. Students demonstrate specific detail on cadaver, x-ray, cross sections, or a model. Clinical applications, spatial relationships, nomenclature, and functions are strongly emphasized. The results of this teaching approach to the utilization of anatomical knowledge in clinical situations requires further assessment; however, new attributes have been afforded our students with implementation of the present program: First, students learn anatomical detail equally well as the students of the more traditional system (based on board exam results). Second, students who completed the program indicate that this approach provides a useful simulation of what is expected later in their training. Third, students gradually gain confidence in verbal presentation, they demonstrate cognitive synthesis of separate conceptual issues, they retain information, and they are quite visibly more enthusiastic about anatomy and its importance in medicine. Our program demonstrates that the learning of applicable human anatomy is facilitated in a contextual-learning environment. Moreover, by learning anatomy in this way, other equally beneficial attributes are afforded the medical student, including, but not limited to, increases in communication skills, confidence in verbal presentation, synthesis of anatomical concepts, appreciation of the clinical importance of anatomy, and the general development of professionalism. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:研究数字化虚拟解剖系统有效地解决解剖学教学中面临的标本奇缺、标本破坏、教学环境限制等众多问题。方法:基于中国数字化人体数据集(CVH),联合山东数字人科技股份有限公司,通过数据分割、计算机三维重建、模型平滑贴图和软件系统构建开发,构建了中国首套基于真实人体数据的虚拟解剖系统。结果:该虚拟解剖系统包括断层解剖、系统解剖和局部解剖模块,提出了新的解剖学教学模式和教学理念,使医学生和低年资医生能随时随地进行系统解剖学、局部解剖学、断层解剖学甚至神经解剖学等多项课程的学习以及临床手术培训。结论:该软件系统操作环境舒适,无福尔马林等有害物质的吸入,能充分保障解剖学教学质量,提高学员学习效率,增强学习兴趣,提高学员三维空间想象能力,能带来新的一轮解剖学教学革命。  相似文献   

Anatomical practice has arguably one of the most ethically challenging histories in the medical sciences. Among the oldest scientific disciplines in medicine, dissection of the human body for scientific purposes occurred as early as the third century Before the Common Era. Throughout the history of anatomical practice, human dissection has occurred in ways that cross the line from progressing medical science to violating the sanctity of the human body. The dissection of the human body creates ethical dilemmas which stem from the need for anatomical science to gain medical knowledge in juxtaposition with prevailing religious and moral views surrounding anatomy as a threat to the sanctity of the human body. This article examines the unethical history of human dissection throughout the ages and explores the rationale behind the unethical practices. In addition, this article explores imperative modern day ethical standards in anatomy including, the ethical handling of human bodies, respecting human life, and ensuring informed consent for dissection of bodies that are donated. Finally, this article explores the question of which ethical prism we should use when dealing with anatomy collections or works of the past. Learning both the history of unethical practices in anatomy and the rationale behind them is imperative so that the discipline can prepare for an ethical, diverse, and inclusive future. This article provides a foundation for understanding the evolution of ethics in anatomical practice and is a valuable resource for students and anatomists alike.  相似文献   

To compare key thoracic anatomical surface landmarks between healthy and patient adult populations using Computed Tomography (CT). Sixteen slice CT images of 250 age and gender matched healthy individuals and 99 patients with lung parenchymal disease were analyzed to determine the relationship of 17 thoracic structures and their vertebral levels using a 32‐bit Radiant DICOM viewer. The structures studied were: aortic hiatus, azygos vein, brachiocephalic artery, gastroesophageal junction (GEJ), left and right common carotid arteries, left and right subclavian arteries, pulmonary trunk bifurcation, superior vena cava junction with the right atrium, carina, cardiac apex, manubriosternal junction, xiphisternal joint, inferior vena cava (IVC) crossing the diaphragm, aortic arch and junction of brachiocephalic veins. The surface anatomy of all structures varied among individuals with no significant effect of age. Binary logistic regression analysis showed a significant association between individual health status and vertebral level for brachiocephalic artery (P = 0.049), GEJ (P = 0.020), right common carotid (P = 0.009) and subclavian arteries (P = 0.009), pulmonary trunk bifurcation (P = 0.049), carina (P = 0.004), and IVC crossing the diaphragm (P = 0.025). These observations differ from those reported in a healthy white Caucasian population and from the vertebral levels of the IVC, esophagus, and aorta crossing the diaphragm in an Iranian population. The differences observed in this study provide insight into the effect of lung pathology on specific thoracic structures and their vertebral levels. Further studies are needed to determine whether these are general changes or pathology‐specific. Clin. Anat. 30:227–236, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 观测家猪房室交点区解剖学特征,为比较解剖学积累资料.方法 采用30例长白猪心脏在新鲜状态下测量房室交点区相关数据,建立几何模型处理数据.10%甲醛固定48 h后,用过氯乙烯—丙酮填充剂灌注左、右冠状动脉及其分支,心大静脉及其属支.解剖并观测房室交点区结构.结果 左、右后房室沟和后室间沟呈“Y”型相交.后房间沟呈弧...  相似文献   

层次解剖学是姜同喻先生创立的,其理念是遵循人体结构相互配套的原则进行解剖、制作标本并绘制相应的图谱,因而不同于为显示而孤立地暴露结构的解剖方法。姜先生要求学生在解剖过程中对结构的测量,进而探索其关联性及其与临床的关系,引导学生进行创新性学习。他传承中医学术体系,提出的自身比例的定位和模拟动态变化方法,在现代影像解剖的研究中得到广泛的应用。他提倡的解剖技能训练与当前在解剖中进行临床技能训练是不谋而合的。  相似文献   

There are various modifications of the transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap and deep inferior epigastric perforator flap to reduce the morbidity of the donor site or to augment the vascularity of the flap. For microanastomosis of multiple pedicles, multiple recipient vessels or an intervening vein graft should be provided. In addition, alternative perforator‐based flaps used in breast reconstruction have small caliber pedicles. Therefore, small recipient vessels such as internal thoracic artery perforators are more suitable for appropriate microanastomosis. Therefore, it is important to acquaint the distribution and anatomical characteristics of internal thoracic artery perforators. We researched the perforators running in the intercostal spaces under the pectoralis major muscle to provide an overview of the anatomical distribution and characteristics of the perforators in patients who underwent immediate subpectoral implant‐based breast reconstructions. In our study, the major perforators (diameter > 1.5 mm) were easily found 2–7 cm medially between the third and fourth intercostal space and were sparse in the lateral area from the midline of the breast (usually 8–9 cm lateral to the midsternal line) and above the third rib. In each side of the breast, the average number of perforators greater than 1.5 mm was 1.6, and the average number of perforators between 1 mm and 1.5 mm in diameter was 3.2. Our results provide information about perforators in the anterior chest wall related to the breast area. Clin. Anat. 32:471–475, 2019. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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