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Source Generators of Mismatch Negativity to Multiple Deviant Stimulus Types   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of the present study was to investigate auditory stimulus feature processing and how neural generators might differ among the mismatch negativity (MMN) responses to intensity, frequency, and duration deviant stimuli. Data collected from 72 electrodes in twelve adult female subjects were analyzed. For each subject, peak amplitude and latency values at Fz were compared among responses to the three deviant stimulus types presented in individual conditions with a probability of 0.10 and 0.30, and in the multiple deviant condition in which all three deviant types were presented (design based on Deacon et al. 1998). Further, equivalent current dipoles (ECD) for each deviant type, in each condition, and for each subject were calculated in three areas: right hemisphere, left hemisphere, and frontal. Peak amplitude and latency measured at Fz were consistent with previous findings by Deacon et al. (1998) and suggested parallel processing, perhaps by separate neural generators. However, ECD locations were not significantly different among the responses to the different deviant types. Further, the ECD magnitudes did not consistently reflect the differences in amplitude observed at the scalp among responses to the deviant types and conditions. The latter finding may indicate that the procedures were not sensitive enough to identify true differences among the generators. Alternatively, it was suggested that searching for separate neural generators at the cortical level may be too restrictive because the process may begin in subcortical areas, as indicated in animal models.  相似文献   

The human brain can automatically quantify objects and events. The mismatch negativity (MMN) of the event-related potential (ERP) was recently found to reflect one such ability in the auditory modality. The present study aimed to further validate the finding. ERPs were recorded in adult humans who passively listened to a series of 300-ms sequences of tones. The sequences occurred at 300-ms silent intervals. They comprised a total of six tones that each was either 440 or 660 Hz in frequency. MMN was found for a rare 4:2 ratio interspersed with a frequent 3:3 ratio between the tones of the different frequencies in a sequence, suggesting the ability of the human brain to preattentively discriminate numbers of sounds of specific frequencies at least at a 3:2 ratio.  相似文献   

Qin P  Di H  Yan X  Yu S  Yu D  Laureys S  Weng X 《Neuroscience letters》2008,448(1):24-28
Previous studies implicated potential value of mismatch negativity (MMN) in predicting recovery of consciousness in patients with disorders of consciousness (DOC). We have adopted a novel MMN evoked by subject's own name (SON), a self-referential stimulus thought to be powerful in evoking residual brain activity, and examined the correlation between the MMN and recovery of consciousness in patients with chronic (>1 month) DOC. Twelve patients and 12 age-matched healthy controls were investigated. The patients were diagnosed as coma (n=4), vegetative state (VS, n=6), and minimally conscious state (MCS, n=2), mainly based on the JFK Coma Recovery Scale-Revised. The SON-evoked MMN (SON-MMN) was present in seven patients. Critically, the presence of SON-MMN was significantly correlated with recovery of consciousness. While four of the five patients (three VS and two coma) showing SON-MMN changed to MCS 3 months later, the rest of the patients (three VS and two coma) without SON-MMN failed to show any clinical improvement. Our study thus illustrates that the subject's own name is effective in evoking MMN in patients with DOC, and that SON-MMN has potential prognostic values in predicting recovery of consciousness.  相似文献   

Attention has been shown to modulate the amplitude of the mismatch negativity (MMN) elicited by a small deviation in auditory stimuli in adults. The present study examined the effects of attention and deviant size on MMN amplitude in children. Children and adults were presented with sequences of tones containing standards (1000 Hz) and three deviants varying in degree of deviance from the standard (1050, 1200, and 1500 Hz). Tones were presented in three conditions: (1) while participants ignored them; (2) while participants listened to them and responded to all three deviants; and (3) while participants again ignored them. We found that the MMNs elicited by the hard deviant (1050 Hz) were larger when the children were actively discriminating the stimuli than when they were ignoring them. However, the MMNs elicited by the easy and medium deviants (1500 and 1200 Hz, respectively) in the children and by all three deviants in the adults were not affected by attention.  相似文献   

Temporal auditory processing deficits are thought to play an important role in some pathologies of speech understanding difficulties. The purposes of the present study were to determine whether short silent gaps within a pure tone can be used to elicit mismatch negativity (MMN) as an objective measure of temporal resolution, and to investigate the relation between MMN and performance on a behavioral gap-detection task. The stimuli used for both tasks were 1-kHz sinusoids presented in a low-pass masking noise. Behavioral gap-detection thresholds were determined using an adaptive three-alternative forced-choice procedure. To elicit MMN, a series of deviant stimuli with varying gap durations was generated and presented in an oddball paradigm among standard stimuli without a gap. Only the gaps larger than the mean behavioral gap-detection threshold evoked a clear MMN. There was no clear relation between psychoacoustic and MMN thresholds.  相似文献   

A significant issue in the use of the mismatch negativity evoked potential (MMN) concerns its low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). One can improve the noise level by increasing the number of samples included in the averaged response. However, improvement achieved in this way assumes that the signal, the MMN, remains stable for extended test times, an assumption which has not been tested. If the MMN is not stable, or exhibits habituation over the test session, then SNR would be adversely affected. MMN response magnitude was measured in 5-min intervals over the course of a test session in response to various speech syllable contrasts. Significant long-term habituation of MMN was observed for all three subject populations tested: young adults, school-age children, and guinea pigs. The time course of the habituation and the stimulus conditions under which it occurs have important implications for research and clinical applications of the MMN. Recording procedures that minimize habituation effects may be used to advantage to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the MMN.  相似文献   

How do event related potentials (ERPs) reflecting auditory processing develop across adolescence? Such development was described for five ERP components in four groups of 11 healthy participants with mean ages of 10, 14, 17, and 21 years. Data from 19 sites during diffuse (passive) and focused (discrimination) attention in a three-tone oddball were analyzed to see how ERP loci varied with age for tone type attention condition, and for four types of difference waves reflecting nontarget and target comparison. Age interacted with site for most components. P1 loci sensitive to rare tones moved postoriorly and N1 loci lost their right bias in early puberty. The P2 loci did not move anterior to Council adulthood N2 amplitude, sensative to attention condition, developed a frontal focus by 17 years. Right biased P3 loci moved lo the midline with focused attention similarly in all age groups. Difference waves developed in three stages; In 10-years-old participants early deflection (<150 ms) were diffusely distributed; in mid adolescent participants, the main frontal negative component (150-300 ms) became well formed and lost an earlier right bias: and for participants 17 years old and older, the late positive complex developed a right bias in target-derived waves. Latency decreases for early frontal components were marked in participants 10–14 years old and for later posterior components m participants 14–17 years old. Major developments appeared at the onset of adolescence in early stimulus selection processes and during adolescence in the in the differential use of this information (N2- and P3-like latencies).  相似文献   

Mismatch negativity (MMN) is an event-related potential (ERP) component elicited by any discernible change in a repetitive sound even in the absence of attention. Previous studies have established that MMN is generated by change detection in a process comparing the deviant sensory input with the neural memory trace encoding the physical features of the repetitive sound. In the present study, we recorded MMNs to tonal frequency changes directly from the human temporal cortex of patients with electrodes implanted in the brain for diagnosis and therapy. The intracranially recorded MMN was found to be attention independent and modality specific. It was confined to a rather small area in temporal cortex, which was different from the structures where attention-dependent N2 and P3 responses to the frequency change could be recorded.  相似文献   

目的了解老年抑郁症患者非匹配负波(MMN)Pz脑区的特点。方法应用Nicolet Bravo脑诱发电位仪,对38例老年抑郁症患者、34例抑郁症对照组和39名健康成人进行了MMNPz脑区检测。结果与健康对照组相比,老年抑郁症组、抑郁症对照组患者MMN潜伏期延迟(t=7.169,P0.01),同时波幅降低(t=6.891,P0.01)。结论 MMN新技术适于精神科临床应用。  相似文献   

Behavioral estimates of time discrimination threshold on animals might be contaminated by the conditioning procedure used and by attentional effects. To avoid such side effects, we measured time discrimination by recording the rat electroencephalographic response to small temporal variations. Freely moving rats were presented with repetitive sounds, some of them being occasionally shorter than the standard, to produce a Mismatch Negativity (MMN) which is known to primarily involve preattentive processes. The smallest difference eliciting a MMN located the discrimination threshold between 16% and 33% of the standard, without attentional confound. Being observed in several species, MMN can be used to decipher both the phylogenetic and ontogenetic evolution of time discrimination, without attentional confound.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigated the relationship between detecting violations of structural regularities of tone sequences and detecting deviations from temporal regularities or repetitive spectral auditory stimulus features. Twelve subjects were presented with randomized sequences of two tones (differing both in frequency and intensity) delivered alternately to the left and right ears at a constant stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). In separate blocks, occasional deviant stimuli broke one, two, or three of the following regularities: spatial alternation, the constancy of SOA, or the dominant frequency-intensity conjunctions. Unlike the mismatch negativity (MMN) elicited by alternation-plus-SOA deviants, the MMN elicited by alternation-plus-conjunction deviants was approximately equal to the sum of the two corresponding single-deviant MMNs. These results suggest that the preattentive change-detection system processes infrequent violations of the structural regularities of sound sequences together with changes in temporal regularities, but separately from changes in repetitive spectral sound features. The MMN elicited by the triple-deviant stimuli corroborated these conclusions.  相似文献   

The detection of an irregular, potentially relevant change (deviance) in the regular, unattended acoustic environment is ensured by the automatic deviance detection mechanism. It underlies the formation of a regularity representation and a comparison of an incoming sound with this representation. A mismatch outcome of this comparison evokes the mismatch negativity (MMN) of the event-related potential. For unattended pure tones the automatic deviance detection mechanism operates most efficiently for initial sound parts, which is why these are suggested to contribute more to sound representation than later parts. A transient that physically segments the sound can overcome this temporal constraint in sound representation. Whether the resulting individual (initial and terminal) sound segments or the joined two-segments give rise to the regularity representation is addressed here. We took advantage that the MMN attenuation to the second of two successive deviances (deviance-repetition effect) is more pronounced when the deviances belong to the same unit of representation. We measured MMN for two deviances (frequency modulations) within segmented sounds that either occurred within the initial or the terminal segment, or that were split across both segments. Unexpectedly, we did not obtain a deviance-repetition effect. Instead, we obtained a temporal distance effect: With increasing temporal distance from deviance-onset relative to segment-onset the MMN amplitude decreased. Furthermore, this effect did not depend on whether the deviance occurred in the initial or in the terminal segment. Thus, (for the current approach) we suggest that the regularity representation is based on the individual rather than joined segments.  相似文献   

The mismatch negativity (MMN) is an event-related brain potential elicited by infrequent, physically deviant sounds in a sequence of repetitive auditory stimuli. Two dichotic listening experiments that were designed to optimize the selective focusing of attention provided a strong test of Näätänen's proposal that the MMN is unaffected by attention and reflects the operation of a strongly automatic mismatch detection system. In Experiment 1, tones were presented at intervals of 120-320 ms, and the deviant tones (intensity decrements) in both the attended and unattended ears elicited negative waves consistent in waveshape, latency, and distribution with previously described MMNs. In contrast to previous reports, however, the MMN elicited by the unattended-channel deviant was markedly reduced (peak amplitude of less than 1 μV) relative to the corresponding negative wave elicited by the attended-channel deviants (3–4 μV), as well as relative to previously reported MMNs (3–6 μV) elicited by comparable deviations in stimulus intensity. In Experiment 2, which employed interstimulus intervals of 65–205 ms, the unattended-channel MMN elicited by the deviant fainter tones was barely discernible, whereas the corresponding attended-channel negativity was again about 3-4 μV.
These findings call into question the assertion that the auditory mismatch detection process and the associated MMN wave are wholly independent of attentional influence. Rather, these data provide evidence that the processing of stimuli in unattended channels can be attenuated or gated at an early sensory level under conditions of highly focused auditory selective attention.  相似文献   

According to several studies auditory discrimination as measured by mismatch negativity (MMN) is compromised in participants with reading disorder. However, studies on duration discrimination have produced conflicting findings [Baldeweg, T., Richardson, A., Watkins, S., Foale, C., & Gruzelier, J., 1999. Impaired auditory frequency discrimination in dyslexia detected with mismatch evoked potentials. Annals of Neurology, 4, 1-9; Corbera, S., Escera, C., & Artigas, J., 2006. Impaired duration mismatch negativity in developmental dyslexia. Neuroreport, 17, 1051-1055]. Auditory sensitivity has not been as actively investigated among children with attention deficit, although attention problems often co-occur with dyslexia. The present study is a reanalysis of MMN data gathered from control children and children with reading disorder (RD) and/or attention deficit (AD). In our previous analysis [Huttunen, T., Halonen, A., Kaartinen, J. & Lyytinen, H., 2007. Does mismatch negativity show differences in reading disabled children as compared to normal children and children with attention deficit? Developmental Neuropsychology, 31, 453-470.], the only significant difference between the groups was in the lateralization of the MMNs in the RD and the control group: the MMNs of the RD group were more pronounced over the left hemisphere, while those of the control group appeared larger over the right hemisphere. A reanalysis was conducted to study whether the group definition criteria and/or overlap of the attention and reading deficits in the AD group might have affected the results. For this purpose participants were divided to four groups: control children, children with RD, children with AD, and children with both RD and AD. MMN was elicited by duration deviations in a continuous sound. Significant differences were observed in the MMN peaks between the control group and all clinical groups: the MMNs were diminished in the right hemisphere in the RD group, in all frontal and central channels in the RD+AD group, and the MMN peaks appeared earlier in frontal channels in the AD group.  相似文献   

The current review constitutes the first comprehensive look at the possibility that the mismatch negativity (MMN, the deflection of the auditory ERP/ERF elicited by stimulus change) might be generated by so-called fresh-afferent neuronal activity. This possibility has been repeatedly ruled out for the past 30 years, with the prevailing theoretical accounts relying on a memory-based explanation instead. We propose that the MMN is, in essence, a latency- and amplitude-modulated expression of the auditory N1 response, generated by fresh-afferent activity of cortical neurons that are under nonuniform levels of adaptation.  相似文献   

Ha KS  Youn T  Kong SW  Park HJ  Ha TH  Kim MS  Kwon JS 《Brain topography》2003,15(4):233-238
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the difference between anatomical locations of mismatch negativity (MMN) generators using a realistic head model and the Talairach coordinate system. This was performed by dipole source analysis by using a high density 128 channel electroencephalography (EEG) acquisition system and the subjects' individual 3D magnetic resonance images (MRI) for the realistic head model, in 24 healthy subjects. For dipole source localization, both the Talairach coordinate system and the individual MRI realistic head models were used and location results were compared. The MMN generators were clearly localized in the superior temporal gyri, especially in Heschl's gyrus, according to each individual's structural MRI. Only 37.5% of subjects showed the same anatomical locations of the MMN generator in both hemispheres in the realistic head model and in Talairach coordinate system, but fifteen subjects (62.5%) didn't. This result indicates that individually registered functional locations are desirable for the precise localization of activated areas in functional imaging studies and that a brain coordinate system is needed which adequately accounts for ethnic differences.  相似文献   

We examined the attentional sensitivity of the frequency-change mismatch negativity (MMN). Subjects listened to a binaural mixture of a narrative and a series of tone bursts that included 1200-Hz standards and two deviants (1000 and 1400 Hz). In the attend-tones condition, subjects responded to one deviant and ignored the narrative. In the attend-words condition, subjects responded to target words in the narrative and ignored the tones. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded for the tones, and differences waves (deviant ERPs minus standard ERPs) were computed. Two negative peaks in the difference waves, DNI (100–180 ms) and DN2 (200–300 ms), overlapped the known scalp distribution and latency of the MMN. Mean DN1 and DN2 amplitudes were greater in the attend-tones condition than in the attend-words condition. These data suggest that the frequency-change MMN is modulated by nonspatial shifts of auditory attention.  相似文献   

Repetitive patterning facilitates inferences about likely properties of sound to follow. Mismatch negativity (MMN) occurs when sound fails to match an inference. Smaller MMN in schizophrenia indexes deficient gain control (difference in utilizing a limited dynamic range). Although it is clear that this group has a lower limit to MMN size, this study addressed whether smaller MMN indicates impaired perceptual inference. MMN was elicited to four deviants in two sequences: one in which occurrence was random and one in which it was paired. Despite smaller MMN, persons with schizophrenia are equally able to reduce MMN size evoked by a deviant when its occurrence is cued. Results also expose alterations in the evoked response to repeated sounds that appear to be exacerbations of age‐related amplitude decline. Since these anomalies impact the computed MMN, they highlight the need to identify all contributions to limits in gain control in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Magnetic responses to frequent and infrequent auditory stimuli, all presented in the same stimulus block in randomized order, were recorded. The standard stimuli, comprising 90% of all the stimuli, were 100-ms, 1000 Hz, 90dB sinusoidal tone bursts. There were three deviant tones, each presented at a probability of 3.3%, which differed from the standard tone on one dimension only: frequency deviant (1500 Hz), intensity deviant (67dB SPL), or duration deviant (50 ms). All mismatch fields, i.e., responses elicited by different deviants, as well as N100m to the standards and deviants, could be explained by neural activity in the supratemporal auditory cortex. The source of N100m to standards and deviants was significantly posterior to the sources for the three different mismatch fields. The mean locations of the equivalent dipoles for the different mismatch fields did not differ significantly from each other, but some differences were found for individual subjects.  相似文献   

Gerald  Novak  Walter  Ritter  Herbert G.  Vaughan  Jr. 《Psychophysiology》1992,29(4):398-411
Event-related potentials were recorded in two auditory tasks involving the discrimination of pitch or duration of binaurally presented tones. Frequently-presented nontarget tones, when compared to the same tones in a simple reaction time task, elicited two negative peaks, NA1 and NA2, followed by a positive peak, nontarget positivity. Infrequently-presented target tones, when compared to the nontargets, elicited mismatch negativity (MMN), followed by N2 and P3b. The peak latencies of NA1 and NA2 did not differ between the pitch and duration tasks, but the duration of NA1 and the peak latencies of mismatch negativity, N2, and P3b, as well as reaction time, increased in parallel for the duration task. It is proposed that the NA1-nontarget positivity sequence reflects the initiation, maintenance, and termination of an attention-modulated process, which is required for the performance of an auditory discrimination task, and that the MMN-N2-P3b sequence reflects a process elicited by infrequently-presented targets, which is the main determinant of reaction time under these testing conditions.  相似文献   

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