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肝癌是临床常见的恶性肿瘤,以手术治疗(包括肝移植)效果最佳。由于肝癌在起病初期较隐匿,当临床诊断明确时,受肿瘤大小、部位及肝功能等因素的影响,仅20%~30%的患者尚有手术机会,而化疗对肝癌治疗效果甚微。近年来,介入治疗以其创伤小、效果佳在临床逐渐得到重视。介入治疗主要包括经皮穿刺肝癌热凝固疗法、冷冻疗法、乙醇注射及放射性粒子置入内照射术,经肝动脉介入的动脉栓塞、放射性微球内照射及栓塞化疗术等。这些姑息疗法,在改善患者生活质量及预后的同时,有的还为手术治疗创造了时机。  相似文献   

Combination of interventional therapies in hepatocellular carcinoma   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Many interventional techniques aimed at achieving nonsurgical ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma have been developed and clinically tested over the last decade. Percutaneous image-guided therapies such as ethanol injection and radiofrequency thermal ablation provide an effective means for treating hepatocellular carcinoma lesions smaller than 3 cm, but do not ensure successful ablation of larger tumors. In view of the limitations of available interventional therapies, there is currently a focus on a multimodality strategy for the treatment of large hepatocellular carcinomas. Combination of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization and ethanol injection overcomes the weakness of each of the two procedures, enhancing local therapeutic effect and long-term survival. More recently, a new technique for single-session ablation of large hepatocellular carcinoma lesions has been devised by combining transcatheter hepatic arterial balloon occlusion/embolization and radiofrequency treatment. This combined approach substantially increases the thermal necrosis volume that can be created with respect to the conventional radiofrequency technique, as a result of the reduction of heat loss caused by convection. In a pilot multicentric clinical trial performed in 62 patients, successful ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma lesions ranging 3.5-8.5 cm in diameter was achieved in 82% of cases in the absence of major complications. This new technique seems to have the potential to replace other interventional methods for the treatment of large hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Combined interventional therapies of hepatocellular carcinoma   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies in the world, responsible for an estimated one million deaths annually. It has a poor prognosis due to its rapid infiltrating growth and complicating liver cirrhosis. Surgical resection, liver transplantation and cryosurgery are considered the best curative options, achieving a high rate of complete response, especially in patients with small HCC and good residual liver function. In nonsurgery, regional interventional therapies have led to a major breakthrough in the management of unresectable HCC, which include transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI), radiofrequency ablation (RFA), microwave coagulation therapy (MCT), laser-induced thermotherapy (LITT), etc. As a result of the technical development of locoregional approaches for HCC during the recent decades, the range of combined interventional therapies has been continuously extended. Most combined multimodal interventional therapies reveal their enormous advantages as compared with any single therapeutic regimen alone, and play more important roles in treating unresectable HCC.  相似文献   

原发性肝细胞癌介入治疗的现状与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临床对原发性肝细胞癌(HCC)的治疗已取得了长足进步,其中以介入放射学为主的综合治疗在整个治疗中占据重要地位.HCC的介入治疗方法主要包括以肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)为代表的血管内介入治疗和以局部消融为主的非血管介入治疗,而介入结合靶向治疗更进一步丰富了HCC介入治疗的内涵.本文将分别从HCC介入治疗的不同方法、原理、...  相似文献   

原发性肝癌的治疗决策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
原发性肝癌的病因主要是乙肝病毒及丙肝病毒,绝大多数肝癌患者合并有肝硬化.治疗手段的选择取决于肿瘤位置,转移及肝脏储备功能等因素.在合适的患者中,原发性肝癌首选治疗为肝切除术或肝移植.对不可手术的肝癌,则可选择局部消融治疗或肝动脉栓塞化疗.更晚期的患者只能作对症治疗.治疗选择的标准需以临床实验研究为基础.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌的治疗方法一直是许多学者研究的重点,近年来尽管新兴治疗方法层出不穷,但由于病变多发生于进展期肝病或肝硬化的基础上,因此目前原发性肝癌仍然是一种难治性恶性肿瘤。在治疗方面,外科手术切除及肝移植虽是根治性治疗方法,但由于移植相关问题的复杂性及原发性肝癌本身的隐匿性,使得上述两种治疗方法并不能适用于大多数患者。近些年,随着设备和技术水平的提高,原发性肝癌的微创介入治疗得到了越来越多的重视,其中应用最为广泛的就是肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)和组织消融术(TA)。该文主要讨论上述两种介入疗法联合应用治疗原发性肝癌的有效性、可行性,以及近年来介入治疗在原发性肝癌治疗领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common malignancies, ranking the sixth in the world, with 55% of cases occurring in China. Usually, patients with HCC did not present until the late stage of the disease, thus limiting their therapeutic options. Although surgical resection is a potentially curative modality for HCC, most patients with intermediate-advanced HCC are not suitable candidates. The current therapeutic modalities for intermediate-advanced HCC include: (1) surgical procedures, such ...  相似文献   

Localized hepatocellular carcinoma: Therapeutic options   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is among the most common malignancies worldwide. Recent surveillance programs have allowed early detection and diagnosis, but overall survival of patients with HCC remains poor. This article provides a definition for localized HCC and summarizes the array of treatments that have emerged and the salient literature and findings for each. Among the treatments reviewed here are surgical resection, orthotopic liver transplantation, and local ablative therapies such as cryosurgery, percutaneous ethanol injection therapy, and transarterial chemoembolization.  相似文献   

In the treatment of early and intermediate hepatocellular carcinoma the range of indications for percutaneous ablation techniques is becoming wider than surgery or intra-arterial therapies. Indeed, whereas for some years only patients with up to three small tumors were treated, with the introduction of the single-session technique performed under general anesthesia, even patients with more advanced disease are now being treated. Although it is understood that partial resection assures the highest local control, the survival rates after surgery are roughly comparable with percutaneous ethanol injection. The explanation is due to a balance among advantages and disadvantages of the two therapies. Percutaneous ethanol injection survival curves are better than curves of resected patients who present adverse prognostic factors, and this means that surgery needs a better selection of the patients. Indications for both of these therapies are reported. An open question remains about the choice between percutaneous ethanol injection and other new ablation procedures. In our department we currently use radiofrequency ablation in the majority of patients but consider percutaneous ethanol injection and segmental transarterial chemoembolization complementary, and use them according to the features of the disease and the response. Evaluation of their therapeutic efficacy, techniques and results are reported.  相似文献   

<正>介入治疗作为治疗中晚期肝癌的主要手段[1],可分为经血管介入技术和非血管介入技术。1经血管介入技术1.1经肝动脉介入技术可分为选择性肝动脉灌注(TAI)、选择性肝动脉栓塞(TAE)、选择性肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)。目前,临床应用以TACE为主,在治疗不能手术切除和术后复发的肝癌患者中已被公认为首选疗法,其治疗原发性和转移性肝癌,尤其是局限性肝癌可获得较好的疗效[2]。传统观念认为,TACE可应用于外科手术前和术  相似文献   

提高肝癌介入治疗的疗效   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
由于我国是肝炎大国,肝癌发病率居高不下,每年约10万人死于肝癌,尽管作为肝癌首选治疗方法的手术切除,随着外科技术以及麻醉和护理手段的进步,肝癌的手术适应症不断放宽,手术范围几甚达到解剖学极限,但由于肝癌的特殊病理特点,患者早期常无症状,发现时多至中晚期,能手术切除者仅占10%~15%.而肝移植治疗地位虽已显现,但恐难成为主流.随着20世纪80年代影像医学的迅猛发展,为肝癌局部治疗打开了发展的空间.以血管介入治疗的经皮肝动脉栓塞化疗(transarterial chemoembolization,TACE),非血管介入的经皮无水乙醇注射治疗(percutaneous ethanol injection,PEI)为代表,射频冷冻、激光、微波、高频率聚焦超声等局部治疗方法,已成为多学科处理、多模式联合应用即综合治疗肝癌的重要环节.然而目前所倡导的综合治疗模式在临床实践中却常各自为政,缺乏系统化和规范化,各种治疗手段被盲目扩大化,甚至达到了滥用的程度,本文就提高肝癌介入治疗疗效作一述评.  相似文献   

目的探讨CT评价原发性肝癌TACE术后的临床应用价值。材料和方法回顾分析100例原发性肝癌TACE术后的临床与影像检查资料。结果100例中巨块型70例,肿块最大径8-15cm,结节型30例,肿块最大径3.3—7.0cm。经1次TACE治疗者48例,经2次TACE治疗者52例。观察期内所有病人均存活。30例结节型肝癌TACE术后CT表现为完全型28例,斑片型2例,70例巨块型肝癌TACE术后CT表现为完全型20例,斑片型40例,稀少型10例。30例结节型肝癌经1次TACE后完全缓解28例,部分缓解2例(经再次TACE后完全缓解),70例巨块型肝癌经1次TACE后20例完全缓解,部分缓解40例(其中22例经再次TACE后12例完全缓解),进展10例。结节型肝癌与巨块型肝癌TACE术后的CT表现及近期疗效有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。结论CT是评价原发性肝癌TACE疗效的有效方法。结节型肝癌TACE后CT表现以完全型为主,近期疗效好,巨块型肝癌TACE后可表现为完全型、斑片型及稀少型,斑片型、稀少型TACE近期疗效不如完全型,需再次TACE治疗或选择其他治疗方法。  相似文献   

In the past decade, a variety of interventional procedures have been employed for local control of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). These include transcather arterial chemoembolization (TACE) and several tumour ablation techniques, such as percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI),radio-frequency ablation (RFA), or percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy (PMC), laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy (LITT), etc. For a definite assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of interventional procedures,histological examination using percutaneous needle biopsy may be the most definite assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of interventional therapy, however, it is invasive and the specimen retrieved does not always represent the entire lesion owing to sampling errors. Therefore, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) play a crucial role in follow-up of HCC treated by interventional procedures, by which the local treatment efficacy, recurrent disease and some of therapy-induced complications are evaluated. Contrast enhanced axial imaging (CT or MR imaging) may be the most sensitive test for assessing the therapeutic efficacy. The goal of the review was to describe the value of CT and MRI in the evaluation of interventional treatments.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with extrahepatic spreading is not uncommon. In order to delineate the clinical and radiological pictures of HCC with intracranial metastasis, 33 documented cases were analysed. Eighteen had brain parenchymal metastasis without skull involvement; the other 15 cases disclosed skull metastasis with brain invasion. The underlying HCC are mainly of expanding (13/33, 39.4%) and multifocal (13/33, 39.4%) types. Eighteen cases (18/33, 54.5%) had mental changes not related to hypoglycaemia or hepatic encephalopathy. Eighteen cases (18/20, 90%) disclosed hyperdense mass lesions by non-contrast computed tomography (CT) scans and 17 cases showed homogeneous enhancement (17/22, 77.3%) by post-contrast CT images. In the non-skull involved group, five cases (5/12, 41.7%) disclosed ring-shape enhancement and 14 cases (14/16, 87.5%) had perifocal oedema, which were not seen in the skull involved group. Eight cases (8/33, 24.2%) presented as intracerebral haemorrhage. Twelve (12/33, 36.4%) died of brain herniation. Most (14/18, 77.8%) non-skull involved cases had simultaneous lung metastasis without bony metastasis, while the skull involved group often (10/15, 66.7%) disclosed extracranial bony metastasis without lung metastasis. The difference in extracranial metastasis was statistically significant (P<0.05). The multivariate survival analysis disclosed that lower lactate dehydrogenase level (≤316 U/L, P= 0.029) and treatments (surgery or radiation, P= 0.001) were positively associated with longer survival. In conclusion, HCC with intracranial metastasis is symptomatic and life-threatening. Half the cases may come from pulmonary metastasis and the other half may be from bony metastasis. Brain irradiation or surgery can prolong their survival.  相似文献   

原发性肝癌综合介入治疗现状与困惑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于起病隐匿,肝癌发现时仅有20%~30%的患者有机会接受外科切除或肝移植治疗。目前,介入治疗已成为中期和部分晚期肝癌的首选方案,并且越来越多的学者认识到肝癌综合介入治疗的重要性和必要性。以经肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)为主,联合多种方法(TACE联合局部治疗、TACE序贯手术治疗、TACE联合全身治疗)的综合介入治疗模式使得肝癌治疗手段更加丰富且疗效更佳。但联合治疗的适应证、时机选择以及治疗后复发、转移等问题仍需要未来进一步探索和研究。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate axillary artery access for the interventional treatment of carotid or splanchnic arteries that have angulated takeoff or complex anatomy when larger catheters (up to 9 F) are needed. TECHNIQUE: The axillary artery approach was used to treat the left internal carotid artery (ICA) in 3 patients (2 angulated takeoffs and 1 bovine arch) and a celiac axis aneurysm. An 8-F, 45-cm-long introducer sheath was inserted for the carotid procedures, whereas a 9-F, 90-cm sheath was chosen for the celiac aneurysm. Cerebral protection and stenting were successfully performed in all carotid patients; an 8x40-mm stent-graft was implanted to exclude the celiac artery aneurysm. An 8-F vascular closure device was used in the axillary arteries; hemostasis was immediate, and no hematoma or other complications were recorded in follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary experience revisits the axillary approach as an alternative access route for interventional procedures. In association with a vascular closure device, this approach should be considered as a useful and safe option for those interventional procedures in which larger sheaths or catheters are required to cope with difficult arterial anatomies.  相似文献   

肝细胞癌(HCC)是全球最难治疗的恶性肿瘤之一,全球每年约有65万患者死于HCC。虽然其治疗手段繁多,但疗效仍不令人满意。目前,以经导管肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)为代表的介入治疗已成为中晚期肝癌患者的主要治疗手段。介绍了经皮无水酒精注射、射频消融术、局部氩氦冷冻治疗、放射性粒子植入术等局部介入治疗的发展,以及与生物、基因治疗的联合应用,使综合介入治疗成为HCC最主要的非手术治疗模式。指出随着个体化、规范化的综合介入治疗手段的应用和推广,HCC的整体疗效将得到进一步提高。  相似文献   

Despite stringent selection criteria, hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation (LT) still occurs in up to 20% of cases, mostly within the first 2–3 years. No adjuvant treatments to prevent such an occurrence have been developed so far. However, a balanced use of immunosuppression with minimal dose of calcineurin inhibitors and possible addition of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors is strongly advisable. Moreover, several pre- and post-transplant predictors of recurrence have been identified and may help determine the frequency and duration of post-transplant follow-up. When recurrence occurs, the outcomes are poor with a median survival of 12 mo according to most retrospective studies. The factor that most impacts survival after recurrence is timing (within 1–2 years from LT according to different authors). Several therapeutic options may be chosen in case of recurrence, according to timing and disease presentation. Surgical treatment seems to provide a survival benefit, especially in case of late recurrence, while the benefit of locoregional treatments has been suggested only in small retrospective studies. When systemic treatment is indicated, sorafenib has been proved safe and effective, while only few data are available for lenvatinib and regorafenib in second line. The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors is controversial in this setting, given the safety warnings for the risk of acute rejection.  相似文献   

Sorafenib is an effective anti-angiogenic treatment forhepatocellular carcinoma(HCC). The assessment of tumor progression in patients treated with sorafenib is crucial to help identify potentially-resistant patients,avoiding unnecessary toxicities. Traditional methods to assess tumor progression are based on variations in tumor size and provide unreliable results in patients treated with sorafenib. New methods to assess tumor progression such as the modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors or European Association for the Study of Liver criteria are based on imaging to measure the vascularization and tumor volume(viable or necrotic). These however fail especially when the tumor response results in irregular development of necrotic tissue. Newer assessment techniques focus on the evaluation of tumor volume,density or perfusion. Perfusion computed tomography and Dynamic ContrastEnhanced-UltraS ound can measure the vascularization of HCC lesions and help predict tumor response to antiangiogenic therapies. Mean Transit Time is a possible predictive biomarker to measure tumor response. Volumetric techniques are reliable,reproducible and time-efficient and can help measure minimal changes in viable tumor or necrotic tissue,allowing the prompt identification of non-responders. Volume ratio may be a reproducible biomarker for tumor response. Larger trials are needed to confirm the use of these techniques in the prediction of response to sorafenib.  相似文献   

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