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浅谈药理学教学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
樊一桥 《药学教育》2002,18(1):45-45,44
药理学是药学类各专业重要的专业基础课,知识点密集,覆盖范围广,涉及到生理、生化、病理、微生物、免疫及临床医学等课程,为临床合理用药以及寻找新药提供了理论指导.  相似文献   

药理学实验具有实践性和应用性强的特点,是药理学教学的重要组成部分。文章简述了药理学实验课的改革实践,从基础设施、教学内容的改革和学生素质的培养,到实验课评价标准的改革,为做好药理学实验课教学奠定了基础。  相似文献   

深化药理实验教学改革提高药理学教学质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
药理学是研究药物与机体间相互作用的规律及其原理的一门学科,是医学、药学等各类专业学生的重要课程。药理学研究方法是实验性的,药理学实验是药理学教学不可分割的一部分,是提高学生动手能力、培养学生观察分析和解决问题能力的重要环节,是提高药理学教学质量不可忽视的一部分。加强药理实验教学有助于学生理解药理学的理论知识.因此深化药理实验教学改革是摆在药理学教师面前的紧要问题。  相似文献   

药理学双语教学刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 大力推行药理学的双语教学,努力提高学生的专业英语水平.方法 加强大学生专业课前英语听说能力的训练;对课程内容选择性地进行双语教学,基本知识点用中文讲解,同时教给专业名词的英语单词;还可利用考试、PBL教学、课外英语阅读等环节进一步提高学生的专业英语水平.结果 这些方式不影响学生对药理学知识的理解,同时提供良好的引导和辅导,让学生自发或被迫地受到专业英语的听、说、读、写训练.结论 当前药理学的双语教学还面临诸多困难,药理教学工作者应当避免双语教学的一些误区,在保证课程教学质量的前提下,大力推广药理学的双语教学,采用合理、恰当的教学方式,实现对学生药理学专业英语的训练和提高.  相似文献   

李玲 《药学教育》2007,23(6):29-31
药理学是医学院校的主干课程之一,药理学知识为临床及民众安全有效地用药提供可靠的理论依据。在药理学教学实践中应针对不同专业、不同层次学生进行因材施教,在面向全体学生进行教学的同时,教师应重视学生的个别差异,要尽可能做到集体教学和个别教学的有机结合。因材施教可促进教学相长。  相似文献   

俞观文 《上海医药》2002,23(11):483-484
2000年2月16日,国务院办公厅国办[2000]16号文转发了国务院体改办、国家计委、国家经贸委等八个部、委、办、局《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》,城镇职工基本医疗保险制度、城镇卫生体制、药品生产流通体制三项改革正式实施。这是对原有医药卫生体制一次力度很大的改革。改革的目标是:建立适应社会主义市场经济要求的城镇医药卫生体制,促进卫生机构和医药行业健康发展,让群众享有价格合理、质量优良的医疗服务,提高人民的健康水平。“三项改革”从《指导意见》发布算起,已实施两年多了,医药行业感受最深、对药品生产企业影响最大的…  相似文献   



The Delhi State Drug Policy was adopted in 1994 following which the first Essential Medicines List (EML) was developed in 1996. The Delhi State Essential Medicines Formulary was brought out in 1997. A need was felt to revise the formulary to match with the EML as the EML is renewed every 2 years.

Materials and Methods:

A survey was undertaken to elicit the opinions of the doctors practicing in the state on the usefulness of the formulary before revising and printing the updated version. The survey covered dispensaries, 10–20 bedded hospitals, 100-bedded hospitals and two tertiary care hospitals. Discussions were focused on questionnaires on attitudes toward adopting Essential Medicines Formulary using a 10-point scale.


Of the 200 doctors approached, only 90 doctors completed the questionnaire. Sixty-nine respondents (76.6%) had received the copy of the formulary. Most practitioners welcomed the formulary and were satisfied with the coverage and selection of the medicines. Most respondents (76.9%) agreed that a well-developed formulary would improve the quality of the public health care system, although they had reservations about the authority, relevance and effect on professional autonomy.


About 74% of the respondents used the formulary in clinical practice as a source of medicine information, which makes its regular revision necessary.  相似文献   

Medical students are usually drawn from the best of students, but it is not unusual to see these brilliant students fail their exams or even dismissed from medical school because of poor academic performance. Information overload has been recognized as one of the major contributing factors to this problem. The situation is expected to get worse, with the ever-present technology-induced exponential growth in information. In discussing this issue, the authors echo the concerns of several experts regarding the content overload of medical school curricula, particularly in pharmacology. It is the increasing awareness of this problem that led the Association of American Medical Colleges and the General Medical Council of Britain to promote the concept of a core curriculum for each of the principal disciplines in medicine. Several medical schools have adopted the concept and also the problem-based learning approach, which focuses on ameliorating the complex problems associated with information growth in medical education. Based on the authors' experience as medical students, medical practitioners, and pharmacology teachers, they discuss the factors that contribute to information overload, from psychological and nonpsychological perspectives. Issues such as the design and structure of the curriculum, the quality of training and effectiveness of the teachers (clinically qualified vs. nonclinically qualified teachers), and the psychological preparedness of the students are discussed. The authors make suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

In the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University, the traditional discipline-based boundaries dividing the teaching and learning of basic medical sciences, such as physiology and pharmacology, do not exist. For more than 3 decades, student-centered, self-directed problem-based learning (PBL) has been the main form of instruction for students learning pharmacology within the medical curriculum and the pharmacological issues are always embedded within a health-care problem, with consideration of many other relevant non-pharmacological issues. In PBL, pedagogic emphasis is placed on the process of learning via constructive inquiry rather than cumulative acquisition of factual knowledge. For the science students, typically in the Biology/Pharmacology cooperative courses, both student-centered learning and teacher-centered teaching approaches are being used. In this case, the PBL approach is adopted to complement the conventional lectures at the course level. For medical students, PBL continues to be the major form of instruction in a small-group tutorial setting at the curricular level. The PBL curriculum is integrated across organ systems (cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, neural, etc) and across the life cycle, spanning population- and behavior-related perspectives, rather than being recreated from discrete disciplinary areas (such as physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, and community medicine). Those students who lack a pharmacology background or wish to enhance their pharmacological knowledge can take a block elective or horizontal elective in pharmacology. Unlike science students, medical students need to sort out pharmacological principles from the overload of information, to integrate them into the clinically relevant situations, and to ultimately apply them to the management of patients' illness. This is most effectively achieved in a student-centered environment conducive to life-long learning.  相似文献   

为了解中国与美国药理学学科发展的概况,该文研究了2014年中国作者与美国作者发表的药理学国际论文情况,并对其特点进行了比较分析,以指引我国药理学未来发展的方向。该研究在2013版期刊引证报告自然科学版药理学期刊中检索2014年中国学者与美国学者发文情况。结果表明,2014年中国作者共参与发表文献5 506篇,其中中国作者为第一/通讯作者的文献5 173篇;而美国作者参与发表文献量远高于中国作者,共发表11 256篇,其中美国作者为第一/通讯作者的文献9 470篇。从发文期刊上看,美国科研人员发文期刊影响因子更高,文章被引用次数也更多。从发文数量上看,植物药研究在我国药理学研究领域中占有重要地位,而美国药理学家则更注重应用性研究,神经药理为其重点关注的领域。中国作者发文涉及的机构大都为大学和高校,而在美国,除大学和高校外,企业也更多地参与到药理学研究中。结果提示,中国药理学研究虽然取得了长足的进步,但与发达国家相比仍有差距。中国药理学研究需立足自身特点,突出特色,加强创新,重视应用型研究。  相似文献   

临床药理学是临床医学与药学专业教学、科研与临床实践不可忽视的一门学科。对临床药理学课程进行改革,可以培养学生自主学习的能力,提高教学质量。本文根据临床药理学教学中存在的一些问题,并结合传统教学方法的优势,主要从改革教学模式、提高教师教学业务水平、革新教材内容等方面进行探索与实践。经过改革探索与实践,使学生真正的学有所用,可以对新药的有效性和安全性作出科学评价,指导临床合理用药。  相似文献   

Objective:To describe public opinion towards supervised injecting centres (SICs) and the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) before and after the opening of the MSIC.Methods:In 2000 and 2002, telephone interviews were conducted with 515 and 540 residents and 209 and 207 businesses in Kings Cross, Australia, 7 months before and 17 months after the MSIC opened in Kings Cross. Information was obtained on respondents’ characteristics, knowledge of the MSIC, and agreement with SICs. Differences in public opinion before and after the MSIC opened were assessed using the chi-square statistical test.Results:Two-thirds of the businesses and half the residents knew the correct location of the Sydney MSIC in 2002. The level of support for establishment of a MSIC in Kings Cross (68–78%, p < 0.001) and other areas of high-drug use (71–80%, p = 0.003) increased significantly among residents between 2000 and 2002. Both groups were more likely to disagree than agree that SICs would encourage illicit drug injection.Conclusion:Public opinion towards SICs and the establishment of the MSIC generally was supportive in the short-term. Assessing whether this level of support is sustained over time will involve further research that demonstrates the benefits and effectiveness of such facilities.  相似文献   

药理学理论与实验课双语教学的体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药理学双语与药理学实验双语教学都是学生喜欢的教学形式。前者涉及的词汇量大,难以掌握:后者是和实物结合在一起的,学生乐于并容易接受。无论是那种教学形式,若学好了,可以很明显提高学生的英语水平并能扩大知识面。  相似文献   

目的探讨PBL教学法在药理学不同章节、基础不同的学生中的应用价值及其对知识掌握牢固程度的影响。方法采用对比实验研究,分析PBL教学法和传统教学法对不同教学内容、不同类型知识的适应性,学生的学科基础对两种教学方法教学效果的影响,以及两种教学方法对学生掌握知识牢固程度的影响。结果不同的教学内容两种教学方法的教学效果是不同的,学生所掌握的学科基础对教学方法有不同的适应性,不同教学方法对学生掌握知识的牢固程度也有影响。结论在药理学教学中,应从教学内容、知识类型、学生所掌握的基础等实际情况出发,选择适宜的教学方法。  相似文献   

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