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Background It appears that contacts with furred animals early in life and already during gestation contribute to the immunological development in humans, but the mechanisms and relevant exposures are not clear. Objective To investigate whether exposure to animals during pregnancy and the first year of life is associated with early immune development, determined as stimulated cytokine responses of children at birth and at age 1 year. Methods Cord blood (n=228) and peripheral venous blood (n=200) samples 1 year after birth were collected and stimulated with Gram‐positive superantigen Staphylococcal enterotoxin B, Gram‐negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the combination of mitogenic phorbol 12‐myristate 13‐acetate and calcium ionophore ionomycin (P/I) for 24 and 48 h. TNF‐α, IFN‐γ, IL‐5, IL‐8 and IL‐10 responses were measured by ELISA. For each cytokine, the time‐point with the highest response was chosen for further analyses. Animal contacts were surveyed by self‐administered questionnaires. Results Dog ownership was associated with decreased TNF‐α‐producing capacity at birth (P/I: median 841 vs. 881 pg/106 WBC, P=0.05) and 1 year after birth (P/I: 1290 vs. 1530, P=0.01; LPS: 425 vs. 508, P=0.02). Associations remained significant after adjustment for potential confounders. Cat ownership was not associated with cytokine production. Conclusion Having a dog in the household in infancy and already during pregnancy may be associated with reduced innate immune responses in early childhood. The observed attenuation of cytokine production may help in preventing exaggerated immune responses against harmless antigens later in life. Thus, intensive exposure to dogs in early life may be beneficial during normal immune maturation. Cite this as: M. H. J. Lappalainen, K. Huttunen, M. Roponen, S. Remes, M.‐R. Hirvonen and J. Pekkanen, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2010 (40) 1498–1506.  相似文献   

Interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) production is impaired in cord blood monocytes. However, the mechanism underlying this developmental attenuation remains unclear. Here, we analyzed the extent of variability within the Toll‐like receptor (TLR)/NLRP3 inflammasome pathways in human neonates. We show that immature low CD14 expressing/CD16pos monocytes predominate before 33 weeks of gestation, and that these cells lack production of the pro‐IL‐1β precursor protein upon LPS stimulation. In contrast, high levels of pro‐IL‐1β are produced within high CD14 expressing monocytes, although these cells are unable to secrete mature IL‐1β. The lack of secreted IL‐1β in these monocytes parallels a reduction of NLRP3 induction following TLR stimulation resulting in a lack of caspase‐1 activity before 29 weeks of gestation, whereas expression of the apoptosis‐associated speck‐like protein containing a CARD and function of the P2×7 receptor are preserved. Our analyses also reveal a strong inhibitory effect of placental infection on LPS/ATP‐induced caspase‐1 activity in cord blood monocytes. Lastly, secretion of IL‐1β in preterm neonates is restored to adult levels during the neonatal period, indicating rapid maturation of these responses after birth. Collectively, our data highlight important developmental mechanisms regulating IL‐1β responses early in gestation, in part due to a downregulation of TLR‐mediated NLRP3 expression. Such mechanisms may serve to limit potentially damaging inflammatory responses in a developing fetus.  相似文献   

Oestrogens play an important role in the development and progression of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) through oestrogen receptor (ER)‐α and ‐β, which may exert different or even opposing actions in PTC. The roles of ERβ in ERα‐negative PTC are still not clear. This study investigated the expression dynamics of ERβ1 (wild‐type ERβ) and its clinical significance in female ERα‐negative PTC patients. ERβ1 expression was detected in thyroid tissues of 136 female patients diagnosed with PTC. The relationships between ERβ1 expression and clinicopathological/biological factors were also analysed in female ERα‐negative PTC patients. The total score for ERβ1 was significantly lower in female ERα‐negative PTC patients with LNM or ETE when compared to those without LNM or ETE (Z = ?2.923, = 0.003 and Z = ?3.441, = 0.001). Accordingly, the total score for ERβ1 was significantly higher in ERα‐negative PTC patients expressing E‐cadherin compared to patients negative for E‐cadherin expression (Z = ?2.636, = 0.008). The total score was lower in ERα‐negative PTC patients positive for VEGF expression compared to those negative for VEGF expression (Z = ?1.914, = 0.056). This preliminary study indicates that reduced expression of ERβ1 in female ERα‐negative PTC patients is associated with greater progression of the disease. This may provide insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of ERβ1 and could help design targeted approaches for treating or even preventing this disease.  相似文献   

We reported recently that treatment of diabetic apolipoprotein E‐deficient mice with the Toll‐like receptor 4 (TLR4) antagonist Rs‐LPS, a lipopolysaccharide isolated from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, inhibited atherosclerosis. Since it is known that Rs‐LPS antagonizes TLR4 by targeting TLR4 co‐receptor MD‐2, this finding indicates that MD‐2 is a potential target for the treatment of atherosclerosis. In this study, we determined if MD‐2 is involved in the gene expression regulated by signalling pathways independent of TLR4. Given that interferon‐γ (IFNγ) and hyperglycaemia play key roles in atherosclerosis, we determined if MD‐2 is involved in IFN‐γ and high‐glucose‐regulated gene expression in mononuclear cells. Results showed that IFN‐γ and high glucose synergistically stimulated matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP‐1), a proteinase essential for vascular tissue remodelling and atherosclerosis, in U937 mononuclear cells, but Rs‐LPS inhibited the MMP‐1 stimulation. To provide more evidence for a role of MD‐2 in IFN‐γ‐stimulated MMP‐1, studies using antibodies and small interfering RNA demonstrated that MD‐2 blockade or knockdown attenuated the effect of IFN‐γ on MMP‐1. Furthermore, studies using PCR arrays showed that MD‐2 blockade had a similar effect as IFN‐γ receptor blockade on the inhibition of IFN‐γ‐stimulated pro‐inflammatory molecules. Although these findings indicate the involvement of MD‐2 in IFN‐γ signalling, we also observed that MD‐2 was up‐regulated by IFN‐γ and high glucose. We found that MD‐2 up‐regulation by IFN‐γ played an essential role in the synergistic effect of IFN‐γ and LPS on MMP‐1 expression. Taken together, these findings indicate that MD‐2 is involved in IFN‐γ signalling and IFN‐γ‐augmented MMP‐1 up‐regulation by LPS.  相似文献   

Significant morbidity and mortality can be attributed to inflammatory diseases; therefore, a greater understanding of the mechanisms involved in the progression of inflammation is crucial. Here, we demonstrate that p21(WAF1/CIP1), an established suppressor of cell cycle progression, is a inhibitor of IL‐1β synthesis in macrophages. Mice deficient in p21 (p21?/?) display increased susceptibility to endotoxic shock, which is associated with increased serum levels of IL‐1β. Administration of IL‐1 receptor antagonist reduces LPS‐induced lethality in p21?/? mice. Analysis of isolated macrophages, which are one of the central producers of IL‐1β, reveals that deficiency for p21 led to more IL‐1β mRNA and pro‐protein synthesis following TLR ligation. The increase in IL‐1β pro‐protein is associated with elevated secretion of active IL‐1β by p21?/? macrophages. siRNA‐mediated knockdown of p21 in human macrophages results in increased IL‐1β secretion as well. A peptide mapping strategy shows that the cyclin‐dependent‐kinase (CDK)‐binding domain of p21 is sufficient to reduce the secretion of IL‐1β by p21?/? macrophages. These data suggest a novel role for p21 and specifically for the CDK‐binding domain of p21(WAF1/CIP1) in inhibiting inflammation.  相似文献   

In chorioamnionitis (CAM), a major cause of preterm birth (PTB), maternal–fetal inflammation of the decidua and amniochorion cause the release of cytokines that elicit cervical ripening, fetal membrane rupture and myometrial activation. We posit that this inflammatory milieu triggers PTB by inhibiting progesterone receptor (PR) expression and increasing decidual prostaglandin (PG) production. Immunohistochemical staining of decidua detected significantly lower PR levels in decidual cells (DCs) from CAM‐complicated PTB. Incubation of DCs with IL‐1β decreased PR expression and significantly increased PGE2 and PGF production and COX‐2 expression. The addition of PGF to DC cultures also suppressed PR expression. However, the COX inhibitor, indomethacin, did not reverse IL‐1β suppression of PR expression in DC cultures. Although IL‐1β treatment activated the NF‐K B, ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK signalling cascades in DCs, inhibition of ERK1/2 MAPK signalling alone was sufficient to completely reverse the suppression of PR levels by IL‐1β. These findings suggest that CAM‐associated PTB is induced at least in part by IL‐1β‐mediated functional progesterone withdrawal. Copyright © 2015 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Neutrophils are essential players in acute inflammatory responses. Upon stimulation, neutrophils activate NADPH oxidase, generating an array of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Interleukin‐1 beta (IL‐1β) is a major proinflammatory cytokine synthesized as a precursor that has to be proteolytically processed to become biologically active. The role of ROS in IL‐1β processing is still controversial and has not been previously studied in neutrophils. We report here that IL‐1β processing in human neutrophils is dependent on caspase‐1 and on the serine proteases elastase and/or proteinase 3. NADPH oxidase deficient neutrophils activated caspase‐1 and did not exhibit differences in NALP3 expression, indicating that ROS are neither required for inflammasome activation nor for its priming, as has been reported for macrophages. Strikingly, ROS exerted opposite effects on the processing and secretion of IL‐1β; whereas ROS negatively controlled caspase‐1 activity, as reported in mononuclear phagocytes, ROS were found to be necessary for the exportation of mature IL‐1β out of the cell, a role never previously described. The complex ROS‐mediated regulation of neutrophil IL‐1β secretion might constitute a physiological mechanism to control IL‐1β‐dependent inflammatory processes where neutrophils play a crucial role.  相似文献   

High mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1) was previously considered a strict nuclear protein, but lately data are accumulating on its extranuclear functions. In addition to its potent proinflammatory capacities, HMGB1 has a prominent role in a number of processes of specific interest for the placenta. Our overall aim was to investigate the expression of HMGB1 in human term placenta and elucidate a potential difference in HMGB1 expression comparing vaginal deliveries with elective Caesarean sections. In addition, placentas from normal pregnancies were compared with placentas from pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia. Twenty-five placentas, 12 from normal term pregnancies and 13 from pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia were analysed with immunohistochemistry for HMGB1 and its putative receptors; receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE), Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4. We present the novel finding that in addition to a strong nuclear HMGB1 expression in almost all cells in investigated placentas, an individual variation of cytoplasmic HMGB1 expression was detected in the syncytiotrophoblast covering the peripheral chorionic villi, by cells in the decidua and in amnion. Production of HMGB1 was confirmed by in situ hybridization. Although labour can be described as a controlled inflammatory-like process no differences in HMGB1 expression could be observed comparing active labour and elective Caesarean sections. However, a tendency towards a higher expression of cytoplasmic HMGB1 in the decidua from women with pre-eclampsia was demonstrated. The abundant expression of the receptors RAGE, TLR2 and TLR4 implicates a local capability to respond to HMGB1, although the precise role in the placenta remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

To evaluate the immunotoxicity of trichloroethylene (TCE), we conducted a cross‐sectional molecular epidemiology study in China of workers exposed to TCE. We measured serum levels of IL‐6, IL‐10, and TNF‐α, which play a critical role in regulating various components of the immune system, in 71 exposed workers and 78 unexposed control workers. Repeated personal exposure measurements were taken in workers before blood collection using 3 M organic vapor monitoring badges. Compared to unexposed workers, the serum concentration of IL‐10 in workers exposed to TCE was decreased by 70% (P = 0.001) after adjusting for potential confounders. Further, the magnitude of decline in IL‐10 was >60% and statistically significant in workers exposed to <12 ppm as well as in workers with exposures ≥ 12 ppm of TCE, compared to unexposed workers. No significant differences in levels of IL‐6 or TNF‐α were observed among workers exposed to TCE compared to unexposed controls. Given that IL‐10 plays an important role in immunologic processes, including mediating the Th1/Th2 balance, our findings provide additional evidence that TCE is immunotoxic in humans. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 54:450–454, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The P2×7 receptor (P2×7r) is expressed in innate immune cells (e.g. monocyte/macrophages), playing a key role in IL‐1β release. Since innate immune activation and IL‐1β release seem to be implicated in Behçet's disease (BD), a systemic immune‐inflammatory disorder of unknown origin, we hypothesized that P2×7r is involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Monocytes were isolated from 18 BD patients and 17 healthy matched controls. In BD monocytes, an increased P2×7r expression and Ca2+ permeability induced by the selective P2×7r agonist 2′‐3′‐O‐(4‐benzoylbenzoyl)ATP (BzATP) was observed. Moreover, IL‐1β release from LPS‐primed monocytes stimulated with BzATP was markedly higher in BD patients than in controls. TNF‐α‐incubated monocytes from healthy subjects almost reproduced the findings observed in BD patients, as demonstrated by the increase in P2×7r expression and BzATP‐induced Ca2+ intake. Our results provide evidence that in BD monocytes both the expression and function of the P2×7r are increased compared with healthy controls, as the possible result, at least in part, of a positive modulating effect of TNF‐α on the receptor. These data indicate P2×7r as a new potential therapeutic target for the control of BD, further supporting the rationale for the use of anti‐TNF‐α drugs in the treatment of the disease.  相似文献   

Apocrine carcinoma of the breast, which frequently expresses oestrogen receptor‐β (ER‐β) in the absence of ER‐α and only infrequently is treated endocrinologically, gives an opportunity to investigate the clinicopathological role of ER‐β in breast cancer independent of ER‐α expression or tamoxifen treatment. Several isotypes of ER‐β, ER‐β1–5 etc., have been identified thus far; however, the clinicopathological importance of each ER‐β isotype in breast cancer is still uncertain. Here we aimed to clarify the clinicopathological importance of ER‐β1 and ER‐βcx (ER‐β2) in apocrine carcinomas, immunohistochemically examining expressions of ER‐β1 and ER‐βcx in 47 apocrine carcinomas. Positivity for ER‐β1 and ER‐βcx was observed in 41 (87%) and 18 (38%) of 47 cases, respectively. ER‐β1 positivity was related to smaller tumor size (P=0.0359), lower histological grade (P=0.0322), and higher disease‐free survival (P<0.0001), whereas ER‐βcx status was related to none of these parameters. ER‐β1 positivity was also associated with favorable clinical outcome in 24 so‐called triple‐negative (ER‐α‐negative/PR‐negative/HER2‐negative) apocrine carcinomas. ER‐β1 itself, independent of ER‐α expression and tamoxifen treatment, seems to have a tumor‐suppressive effect, at least in apocrine carcinomas. Further study of ER‐β1 is desired to optimize breast cancer treatment.  相似文献   

Inflammasomes are multi‐protein platforms that drive the activation of caspase‐1 leading to the processing and secretion of biologically active IL‐1β and IL‐18. Different inflammasomes including NOD‐like receptor (NLR) family pyrin domain‐containing 3 (NLRP3), NLR caspase‐recruitment domain‐containing 4 (NLRC4) and absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) are activated and assembled in response to distinct microbial or endogenous stimuli. However, the mechanisms by which upstream stimuli trigger inflammasome activation remain poorly understood. Double‐stranded RNA‐activated protein kinase (PKR), a protein kinase activated by viral infection, has been recently shown to be required for the activation of the inflammasomes. Using macrophages from two different mouse strains deficient in PKR, we found that PKR is important for the induction of the inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). However, PKR was dispensable for caspase‐1 activation, processing of pro‐IL‐1β/IL‐18 and secretion of IL‐1β induced by stimuli that trigger the activation of NLRP3, NLRC4 and AIM2. These results indicate that PKR is not required for inflammasome activation in macrophages.  相似文献   

Upon antigen/allergen recognition, epidermal Langerhans’ cells (LC) are mobilized and migrate to the local lymph node where they play a major role in initiating or regulating immune responses. It had been proposed that all chemical allergens induce LC migration via common cytokine signals delivered by TNF‐α and IL‐1β. Here the dependence of LC migration on TNF‐α following treatment of mice with various chemical allergens has been investigated. It was found that under standard conditions the allergens oxazolone, paraphenylene diamine, and trimellitic anhydride, in addition to the skin irritant sodium lauryl sulfate, were unable to trigger LC mobilization in the absence of TNF‐α signalling. In contrast, two members of the dinitrohalobenezene family (2,4‐dinitrochlorobenzene [DNCB] and 2,4‐dinitrofluorobenzene [DNFB]) promoted LC migration independently of TNF‐R2 (the sole TNF‐α receptor expressed by LC) and TNF‐α although the presence of IL‐1β was still required. However, increasing doses of oxazolone overcame the requirement of TNF‐α for LC mobilization, whereas lower doses of DNCB were still able to induce LC migration in a TNF‐α‐independent manner. These novel findings demonstrate unexpected heterogeneity among chemical allergens and furthermore that LC can be induced to migrate from the epidermis via different mechanisms that are either dependent or independent of TNF‐α. Although the exact mechanisms with regard to the signals that activate LC have yet to be elucidated, these differences may translate into functional speciation that will likely impact on the extent and quality of allergic sensitization.  相似文献   

Cancer stem cells/cancer‐initiating cells (CICs) and their microenvironmental niche play a vital role in malignant tumour recurrence and metastasis. Cancer‐associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are major components of the niche of breast cancer‐initiating cells (BCICs), and their interactions may profoundly affect breast cancer progression. Autophagy has been considered to be a critical process for CIC maintenance, but whether it is involved in the cross‐talk between CAFs and CICs to affect tumourigenesis and pathological significance has not been determined. In this study, we found that the presence of CAFs containing high levels of microtubule‐associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3II), a marker of autophagosomes, was associated with more aggressive luminal human breast cancer. CAFs in human luminal breast cancer tissues with high autophagy activity enriched BCICs with increased tumourigenicity. Mechanistically, autophagic CAFs released high‐mobility group box 1 (HMGB1), which activated its receptor, Toll‐like receptor (TLR) 4, expressed by luminal breast cancer cells, to enhance their stemness and tumourigenicity. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry of 180 luminal breast cancers revealed that high LC3II/TLR4 levels predicted an increased relapse rate and a poorer prognosis. Our findings demonstrate that autophagic CAFs play a critical role in promoting the progression of luminal breast cancer through an HMGB1–TLR4 axis, and that both autophagy in CAFs and TLR4 on breast cancer cells constitute potential therapeutic targets. Copyright © 2017 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of IL‐1β‐511 (rs16944), TLR4‐896 (rs4986790) and TNF‐α‐308 (rs1800629) polymorphisms in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) among an endogamous Northern Indian population. Four hundred fourteen participants (204 T2DM patients and 210 nondiabetic controls) were genotyped for IL‐1β‐511, TLR4‐896 and TNF‐α‐308 loci. The C allele of IL‐1β‐511 was shown to increase T2DM susceptibility by 75% (OR: 1.75 [CI 1.32–2.33]). Having two parents affected by T2DM increased susceptibility by 5.7 times (OR: 5.693 [CI 1.431–22.648]). In this study, we have demonstrated a conclusive association with IL‐1β‐511 locus and IL‐1β‐511‐TLR4‐896 diplotype (CC‐AA) and T2DM, which warrants further comprehensive analyses in larger cohorts.  相似文献   

Background Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways that is mediated by Th2 responses. Poly‐γ‐glutamic acid (γ‐PGA) is an extracellular polymeric compound that is synthesized by Bacillus cells. Previously, we found that γ‐PGA promoted Th1 cell development in a manner dependent on antigen‐presenting cells, but inhibited Th2 cell development. Objective To investigate the effect of γ‐PGA on dendritic cells (DCs), and its potential for treating Th2‐mediated allergic asthma. Methods Wild‐type, Toll‐like receptor (TLR)‐2 deficient, and TLR‐4‐defective mice were used. DCs derived from the bone marrow and extracted from the lung were stimulated with γ‐PGA and assayed for the expression of signalling molecules, costimulatory molecules, and cytokines. Mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin (OVA) to induce asthma. They were repeatedly injected intranasally with γ‐PGA before and during the challenge period, and inflammation and structural remodelling of the airways were examined. Results γ‐PGA selectively signalled conventional DCs to activate NF‐κB and mitogen‐activated protein kinase, leading to the up‐regulation of CD86, CD40, and IL‐12, but not IL‐10 and IL‐6. These effects of γ‐PGA were dependent on TLR‐4 and independent of TLR‐2. Importantly, the intranasal administration of γ‐PGA to OVA‐sensitized/challenged mice reduced the airway hyperresponsiveness and allergic inflammation such as leucocyte influx, goblet cell hyperplasia, eosinophilia, and Th2 cytokine production. In addition to lowered IgE titres, the treatment of mice with γ‐PGA significantly reduced the multiplication and Th2 polarization of mediastinal lymph node T cells upon allergen‐specific restimulation. These anti‐asthmatic effects of γ‐PGA were also abolished in TLR‐4‐defective mice. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance Our data indicate that γ‐PGA activates DCs to favour Th1 cell induction through a TLR‐4‐dependent pathway and alleviates pathologic symptoms in a Th2‐biased asthmatic model. These findings highlight the potential of γ‐PGA for the treatment of asthma and other allergic disease in which Th2 polarization plays an important role. Cite this as: K. Lee, S.‐H. Kim, H. J. Yoon, D. J. Paik, J. M. Kim and J. Youn, Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 2011 (41) 1143–1156.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) 38‐kDa antigen is an immunogenic lipoprotein that induces strong T‐cell responses in experimental animals. However, there is limited information on the role of this antigen in human population. In this article, we present the dynamics of pro‐inflammatory (IFN‐γ and TNF‐α) and anti‐inflammatory cytokine (IL‐10) against the 38 kDa in cohorts of pulmonary TB (PTB) patients, household contacts (HHCs), and community controls (CCs) in a high endemic setting. Whole blood assay was used to determine the levels of cytokines in 149 patients, 149 HHCs, and 68 CCs at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. At baseline, the level of IFN‐γ was significantly (p < 0.0001) higher in CCs and HHCs than in untreated patients. CCs had significantly (p < 0.05) higher level of IFN‐γ than HHCs. There was no significant difference between treated and untreated patients, and there was no significant change in HHCs over 12 months. At baseline, the levels of IL‐10 and TNF‐α were significantly (p < 0.0001) higher in patients than in HHCs and CCs. No significant change was observed between treated patients and untreated patients and HHCs over time. The study shows that IFN‐γ against the 38 kDa discriminates clinical TB from infection and infection from exposure, suggesting its potential for immune protection and diagnosis.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis of the mouse submandibular gland (SMG) is dependent on cell‐cell conversations between and within epithelium and mesenchyme. Such conversations are typically mediated in other branching organs (lung, mammary glands, etc.) by hormones, growth factors, cytokines, and the like in such a way as to translate endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine signals into specific gene responses regulating cell division, apoptosis, and histodifferentiation. We report here the protein expression in embryonic SMGs of four signal transduction pathways: TGF‐α/EGF/EGF‐R; IGF‐II/IGF‐IR/IGF‐IIR; TGF‐βs and cognate receptors; TNF, IL‐6, and cognate receptors. Their in vivo spatiotemporal expression is correlated with specific stages of progressive SMG development and particular patterns of cell proliferation, apoptosis, and mucin expression. Functional necessity regarding several of these pathways was assessed in mice with relevant null mutations (TGF‐β2, TGF‐β3, EGF‐R). Among many observations, the following seem of particular importance: (1) TGF‐α and EGF‐R, but not EGF, are found in the Initial and Pseudoglandular Stages of SMG development; (2) ductal and presumptive acini lumena formation was associated with apoptosis and TNF/TNF‐R1 signalling; (3) TGF‐β2 and TGF‐β3 null mice have normal SMG phenotypes, suggesting the presence of other pathways of mitostasis; (4) EGF‐R null mice displayed an abnormal SMG phenotype consisting of decreased branching. These and other findings provide insight into the design of future functional studies. Anat Rec 256:252–268, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Serum Mac‐2‐binding protein glycosylation isomer (M2BPGi) level was found to be a useful prognostic marker for hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)‐positive chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients treated with nucleoside/nucleotide analogs (NUCs) therapy, and the aim of our study is to evaluate the clinical implementation of M2BPGi level in the prediction of antiviral responses to pegylated‐interferon‐α (PEG‐IFN‐α) treatment in HBeAg‐positive CHB patients. Ninety‐six CHB patients who received PEG‐IFN‐α treatment for at least 48 weeks were recruited. The serum M2BPGi, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), HBeAg, and HBV DNA levels at baseline, weeks 4, 12, and 24 after PEG‐IFN‐α treatment were determined and their associations with antiviral responses were evaluated and the virological response (VR) rate and serological response (SR) rate after 48 weeks of treatment were 65.6% and 35.4%, respectively. Baseline serum M2BPGi level was significantly different between VR and non‐VR (P = 0.002) or SR and non‐SR groups (P = 0.012). Multivariate analyses suggested that baseline serum M2BPGi level was independently associated with VR and SR of PEG‐IFN‐α treatment at week 48. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of baseline M2BPGi was 0.682 in predicting VR, which was superior to HBsAg (AUC = 0.566) or HBV DNA (AUC = 0.567). The AUC of baseline M2BPGi in predicting SR was 0.655, which was also higher than that of HBsAg (AUC = 0.548) or HBV DNA (AUC = 0.583). These results suggested that baseline serum M2BPGi level was a novel predictor of VR and SR for PEG‐IFN‐α treatment in HBeAg‐positive CHB patients.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) early secreted protein antigen 6 (ESAT‐6) and culture filtrate protein 10 (CFP‐10) are among candidate vaccines against tuberculosis (TB). Results of experimental animal models show that these antigens are associated with induction of strong T cell immunity [interferon (IFN)‐γ production], while others report that these proteins as virulent factors involved in pathogenicity of Mtb infection. However, the role of ESAT‐6/CFP‐10 during natural Mtb infections in humans has not been established. In this paper we present results of a longitudinal study from an Mtb‐infected human population from an endemic setting. Whole blood assay was used to determine levels of IFN‐γ, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)‐α and interleukin (IL)‐10 against rESAT‐6/CFP‐10 in TB patients, household contacts and community controls. The levels of IFN‐γ, TNF‐α and IL‐10 against rESAT‐6/CFP‐10 at baseline were significantly higher in patients and community controls than in household contacts. In patients, no significant difference was observed in the level of these cytokines before and after chemotherapy whereas, in contacts, the level of these cytokines increased significantly and progressively over time. The study shows that the levels of IFN‐γ, TNF‐α and IL‐10 against rESAT‐6/CFP‐10 are depressed during Mtb infection or exposure but are elevated during clinical TB. Our findings from a study of naturally infected human population suggest that IFN‐γ, TNF‐α and IL‐10 against rESAT‐6/CFP‐10 are markers for clinical TB but not for protective immunity.  相似文献   

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