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学校体育教学中开展健康教育的意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
学校体育教学的指导思想是 :以体育的方法和手段 ,促进学生的身心一面发展和适应能力的提高 ,培养学生健康、愉快和有效地进行学习、工作及生活的能力 ,以及与不断变化的社会需要相适应的体育意识 ,为培养社会及其发展需要的人才服务。依据这一教育思想 ,在学校体育教学中开展健康教育具有重要的意义。应注重以下几方面的教育和培养。1 使学生掌握基本的生理卫生知识 包括人体生理特征 ,青春期生长发育规律 ,预防疾病的措施 ,一般性伤害事故的急救与护理、性知识教育等。2 使学生掌握基本的心理卫生知识 包括影响心理健康因素的分析 ,常…  相似文献   

如何在体育教学中渗透心理健康教育,要根据不同的对象不同的情况,有的放矢地来渗透心理健康教育,全面培养学生的心理素质,督促学生在增强体质的同时提高心理健康水平,从而得到真正的健康.  相似文献   

戴斌 《青春期健康》2023,(21):88-89
<正>如今,教育的目标已经不仅仅局限于知识的传授,而是要同时兼顾学生综合素质的发展。在小学阶段,学生正处于身心快速成长的关键时期,体育课程的设置不仅要注重体质的锻炼,还要关注心理健康的培养。体育课程作为小学教育的重要一环,具有得天独厚的优势,能够为学生提供一个身心并重的教育环境。在这样的背景下,在小学体育课程中有效渗透心理健康教育显得尤为重要。本文旨在通过深入研究和实践探索,为小学体育教学与心理健康教育有机融合提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

陈军 《中国校医》2004,18(2):118-118
体育作为增强人民体质,提高健康水平的教育学科责无旁贷地应将关注学生的心理健康放在重要位置上,这是学校所承担的任务,也是顺利完成体育教学的需要.本文结合我校2例在体育教学中产生心理障碍患者,针对体育教学中的心理障碍者如何矫正进行讨论,现报告如下.  相似文献   

体育教育是指以增强体质,发展体能,锻炼体魄为目标的教育。所以新体育课程改革最为注重的就是两个字“健康”。通过体育教学能够增强学生的体质,以达到“身体健康”,培养学生的道德、审美及克服困难的信心和勇气以达到“心理健康”。可学生的身体素质逐渐的下降,我想针对这一问题并结合自己的实践谈一谈新课改中教学的思考.  相似文献   

学校体育教育教学具有对学生身心素质培养的任务.学生的心理素质对其它各方面的素质发展既有促进,也具有制约的作用.本文对体育教学中学生在心理上存在的问题和有关心理素质教育的内容等作粗浅的探讨.  相似文献   

陈肖坩 《中国学校卫生》2023,(11):1766-1767
<正>课题背景心理健康教育是高校教育的重要组成部分,对学生成长具有重要价值。高校心理健康教育应该向学生传达有关心理健康的基本知识,提升学生情绪管理能力,让其更好地应对压力,科学处理人际关系。高校体育教学与心理健康教育有着紧密的关联,体育教学可以通过运动锻炼促进学生身体健康,提高身体素质。心理健康教育则主要关注高校学生的心理健康状况,帮助学生正确看待自己的负面情绪,使其具备较强的心理适应力。将两者融合,可以通过体育锻炼帮助学生释放压力,提升情绪状态,同时在体育教学中融入心理健康知识,使学生了解心理健康的重要性,掌握调节情绪的方法。  相似文献   

素质教育要求对学生们进行德、智、体、美、劳全面的教育和培养,体育作为其中的一个重要方面,深受重视,特别是随着新课程标准的提出,初中体育与健康教育的方式开始产生了新的变化,关注学生们身体素质的同时,也开始关注学生们的心理健康问题.本文首先分析了初中体育教学的现状,其次针对存在的问题提出来一些相应的解决策略,希望通过这些建议的提出,能够不断的加强初中体育教学中心理健康教育的渗透.  相似文献   

教育部等五部门印发了《关于全面加强和改进新时代学校卫生与健康教育工作的意见》,提出了要强化学生的心理健康教育,培养学生积极的心理品质,维护心理健康。针对促进学生心理健康的目标,本论文提出了三项策略,认为心理健康的促进应在心理之外下功夫,即体育、艺术和游戏活动。其一,学生热衷于参与社交体育活动,而社交体育能够有效提高学生的心理健康水平。其二,学校可通过开设绘画、雕刻、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、电影等艺术欣赏课程,提高学生的艺术修养从而促进其心理健康。其三,游戏活动是人类成长的乐园和阶梯,学校应该开展适合不同年龄段学生的游戏活动,让学生们自己去发现、感悟、体验和应对自己的内心深处的心理需求,学会处理人际关系、适应和融入社会生活,更好地提高学生的心理健康。为促进学生的心理健康的发展,建议学校应当开展社交体育、开设艺术欣赏课程和设计符合不同年龄段的参与式和体验式的游戏活动。  相似文献   

雎为民 《职业与健康》2004,20(12):138-139
体育教学是学校教育教学中的一个重要的组成部分,要进行体育教学就必不可少地让学生进行体育运动,培养学生养成经常参加体育锻炼的习惯.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid rise in the population of those aged 65 and older, public health programs that target this group merit special attention. State health agencies can play leading roles in providing and coordinating elder health programs by identifying needs and formulating guidelines in collaboration with federal, local, and private organizations. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health initiated the Elder Health Programs Unit in 1988, with a mission to assist elders in maintaining their highest level of functional status in community settings and to provide opportunities for older adults to take greater responsibility for their own health. The extent of involvement in elder health programming of other state health agencies outside of Massachusetts is not well documented. Through the distribution of a national survey, we set out to determine how many state health agencies offer elder health services.  相似文献   

Despite frequent pleas for mental health programs to devote more resources to primary prevention, mental health programs remain overwhelmingly oriented to treatment. Prevention is given low priority because many psychiatrists who are leaders in the mental health field are focused on a medical-pathological model of prevention that has limited usefulness in mental health and because the guidelines for a social-behavioral model are not always clear.A model for conceptualizing and programming of primary prevention and promotion in all of the human services is offered with special attention to mental health functioning. Strategies for both primary prevention and promotion may be directed to individuals or to the environment, but, in either case, the targets and the strategies must be clearly identified. Prevention strategies are directed toward persons under some specific stress or risk, while promotion activities are directed to persons in normal situations of growth and development. For either prevention or promotion, the most widely effective strategies are those that require the least personal cost and effort—usually the strategies that are directed toward the environment.Prevention and promotion both depend on clear assessment of the stresses and needs and must be evaluated. Programs are often too global or too diffuse to be effective or credible. Working in closed social systems and sharp evaluation will help correct these problems.  相似文献   

In our preoccupation with developing professional health care services, we have lost sight of the contribution of lay people to their own health care. Indeed, health care has become synonymous with professional care. Recently, however, studies in Europe and North American suggest that the lay resource in health care constitutes at least 85% of all health care provided. As our knowledge of the world of lay health care expands, there is an emerging appreciation of multiple levels of lay self care, including behaviours relating to promotion, prevention, minor illnesses and injury treatment, chronic disease care, and rehabilitation. These activities appear to derive from an eclectic conceptual base that incorporates both allopathic and non-allopathic values, beliefs, and care-giving approaches. Furthermore, there is evidence of patterns of lay health care where care functions tend to be selectively distributed among discrete elements of the lay health care "system", comprised of individuals, the immediate family, the extended family, friends, mutual aid groups, lay voluntary organizations, and religious organizations. There remain, however, serious conceptual and methodological limitations in defining, observing, evaluating and interpreting the extent, quality and impact of the lay health resource. It is not, by and large, a regulated or officially sanctioned resource, so baseline data are not routinely available. Research methods useful in accounting for the lay system need further development and must be sensitive to often very subtle social and cultural aspects of lay health care. Many questions remain regarding demographic and social variations on the self-care theme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Health and safety regulation, training, and research were practically non-existent in Cuba before the Revolution in 1959. Since that time important advances have been made. Specialized inspectors, occupational physicians, and other such personnel are now trained in Cuba. An Occupational Health Institute, founded in 1976, provides training and specialized technical services, and conducts research. In 1978, a far reaching "Work Safety and Health Law" was enacted which defines the rights and responsibility of government agencies, workplace administrators, unions, and workers. Comprehensive control of toxic substances in workplaces, still at an early stage, is likely to increase in light of the new law, the growing availability of qualified personnel, and the mounting concern of public health authorities with the increasingly "developed" health profile of the population.  相似文献   

Public health in China.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

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