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F-wave for assessment of segmental motoneurone excitability.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The purpose of this study was to evaluate alterations in F-wave parameters in spasticity and the possibility for using them as a method for assessment of segmental motoneurone excitability. Clinical and electromyographical examinations were performed on 120 patients with varying degrees of spasticity after cerebrovascular lesions. The F-wave was determined after supramaximal electrostimulation of the median, ulnar, fibular and tibial nerves in the distal points. As all patients were with hemiparesis, the healthy side was used as a control. The F-wave was found to be increased in amplitude (mean and maximal), duration and persistence on the spastic side. The number of F-wave phases and the Fmax/M, Fmean/M, Fmean/Fmax amplitude ratios were also increased on the involved side. We can conclude that alterations in F-wave parameters in spasticity are more complex than it has been known. They are more precise for assessment of segmental motoneurone excitability than the well known T and H-reflexes.  相似文献   

Activity of Renshaw cells evoked by electrical stimulation of either phrenic or internal intercostal axons was extracellularly recorded in anaesthetized spontaneously breathing cats. The response of all the studied units to antidromic invasion of the corresponding motoneurones was related to the respiratory cycle and some units displayed spontaneous respiratory activity. Recurrent IPSPs were recorded on phrenic and intercostal motoneurones.  相似文献   

Anatomical and neurophysiological evidence indicates that thoracic interneurons can serve a commissural function and activate contralateral motoneurons. Accordingly, we hypothesized that respiratory-related intercostal (IC) muscle electromyogram (EMG) activity would be only modestly impaired by a unilateral cervical spinal cord injury. Inspiratory tidal volume (VT) was recorded using pneumotachography and EMG activity was recorded bilaterally from the 1st to 2nd intercostal space in anesthetized, spontaneously breathing rats. Studies were conducted at 1-3 days, 2 wks or 8 wks following C2 spinal cord hemisection (C2HS). Data were collected during baseline breathing and a brief respiratory challenge (7% CO(2)). A substantial reduction in inspiratory intercostal EMG bursting ipsilateral to the lesion was observed at 1-3 days post-C2HS. However, a time-dependent return of activity occurred such that by 2 wks post-injury inspiratory intercostal EMG bursts ipsilateral to the lesion were similar to age-matched, uninjured controls. The increases in ipsilateral intercostal EMG activity occurred in parallel with increases in VT following the injury (R=0.55; P<0.001). We conclude that plasticity occurring within a "crossed-intercostal" circuitry enables a robust, spontaneous recovery of ipsilateral intercostal activity following C2HS in rats.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanism of action of aminophylline on the hypoxic ventilatory response in humans, we analyzed the effects of aminophylline on respiratory neural output. To evaluate the respiratory neural output, we analyzed the electromyogram (EMG) of the parasternal intercostal muscle, one of the major inspiratory muscles, in eight healthy subjects. Both before and during aminophylline administration, measurements of ventilatory parameters with EMG recordings were conducted in room air, mild hypoxia (F(I)(o)(2) 0.15), and severe hypoxia (F(I)(o)(2) 0.11). Before administering aminophylline, hypoxic stimulation elicited ventilatory augmentation in a hypoxia-intensity dependent manner. Administration of aminophylline caused significant increases in ventilation (V (I)), tidal volume (V(T)), respiratory frequency (f(R)), and the respiration-related phasic moving averaged EMG amplitude (tidal EMG), at corresponding levels of hypoxia compared to before aminophylline. Augmentation patterns of hypoxia-induced increases in V(T) and tidal EMG showed close similarity. These results indicate that augmentation of hypoxic ventilatory response by aminophylline is mainly mediated by an increase in the respiratory neural drive in healthy humans.  相似文献   

Summary The discharge frequencies of 35 single phrenic and 13 inspiratory intercostal motoneurons were recorded in anaesthetised paralysed cats. Chemical stimulation by asphyxia or hypercapnia increased the discharge frequency and number of motoneurons active within each inspiratory discharge without altering the general pattern of respiratory activity, but mechanical stimulation of the epipharynx and electrical stimulation of the pharyngeal branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve caused repetitive bursts of very high frequency (up to 400 impulses/ sec) in inspiratory motoneurons, with disruption of their normal phasic activity. The latency of the motoneuron response to electrical stimulation of the glossopharyngeal nerve ranged from 15–30 msec and varied with respiratory phase, being shorter during spontaneous inspiratory activity.Phrenic motoneurons were divided according to their order of recruitment during inspiratory activity, and the later recruited (high-threshold) units had significantly larger spike amplitudes than motoneurons which discharged throughout inspiration. High-threshold motoneurons also achieved higher maximum discharge frequencies in response to electrical stimulation of the glossopharyngeal nerve, and it is suggested that these properties are important in increasing the tension developed by respiratory muscles near the end of inspiration when there is greater elastic resistance to lung inflation.  相似文献   

A 32 channel data acquisition system for the survey of intercostal muscle activity in the cat has been developed. Electromyographic signals, picked up by electrodes implanted in the intercostal muscles, are conditioned to be digitised and recorded on a magnetic tape through an on-line digital computer. In this signal conditioning, significant importance is given to motor unit selection and weighing, according to their size and distance from the electrode pick up point. A low pass-filter, with a response time course similar to the one observed in the twitch of the intercostal muscles of the cat, is also used. Since data obtained in the process is time locked, synchronised multichannel time domain analysis can be achieved.  相似文献   

1. Surface EMG recordings were made from left and right homologous muscle pairs in healthy adults. During each recording session subjects were requested to maintain a weak isometric contraction of both the left and right muscle. 2. Cross-correlation analysis of the two multiunit EMG recordings from each pair of muscles was performed. Central peaks of short duration (mean durations, 11.3-13.0 ms) were seen in correlograms constructed from multiunit EMG recordings obtained from left and right diaphragm, rectus abdominis and masseter muscles. No central peaks were seen in correlograms constructed from the multiunit EMG recordings from left and right upper limb muscles. 3. To investigate descending pathways to the homologous muscle pairs, the dominant motor cortex was stimulated using a focal magnetic brain stimulator whilst recording from homologous muscle pairs. 4. Following magnetic stimulation of the dominant motor cortex, a response was recorded from both right and left diaphragm, rectus abdominis and masseter muscles. In contrast, when recording from homologous upper limb muscles, a response was only seen contralateral to the side of stimulation. 5. The finding of short duration central peaks in the cross-correlograms constructed from multiunit recordings from left and right diaphragm, rectus abdominis and masseter, suggests that muscles such as these, that are normally co-activated, share a common drive. The mechanism is discussed and it is argued that the time course of the central correlogram peaks is consistent with the hypothesis that they could be produced by a common drive that arises from activity in last-order branched presynaptic fibres although presynaptic synchronization of last-order inputs is also likely to be involved. 6. The results of the magnetic stimulation experiments suggest that this common drive may involve the corticospinal tract. 7. We saw no evidence for a common drive to left and right homologous muscle pairs that may be voluntarily co-activated but often act independently.  相似文献   

Cramps: a sign of motoneurone 'bistability' in a human patient.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a patient suffering from severe long-lasting cramps, cramps were triggered in the triceps surae by volleys in homonymous Ia afferents (elicited by electrical stimulation or by tendon taps) and were interrupted by antidromic invasion and Renshaw inhibition of triceps surae motoneurones (evoked by a single maximal stimulation of motor axons). This result suggests that the mechanisms which generate the cramps are intrinsic to alpha-motoneurone somata. A similar on-off switching of a self-sustained motor discharge has been observed in the decerebrate cat and recognized to depend on 'bistability' of the motoneuronal membrane. We propose that the same mechanism may be at the origin of the cramp discharge.  相似文献   

The electrical constants of the motoneurone membrane   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文

The effects of transient hypoxia on the responses of internal intercostal (IIC) muscle activity before and after surgical denervation of the carotid sinus nerves were studied in the bilaterally vagotomized rabbits. Bilateral vagotomy caused a complete inhibition of IIC activity in 11 of 13 animals. In the vagotomized animals with no expiratory activity in the IIC muscles, lung inflations with low O2 gas mixture (6% O2 in N2) produced an increase in IIC activity, whereas these excitatory effects were remarkably reduced after sectioning the carotid sinus nerves. In addition, the effects of lung inflation with low O2 gas mixture (6% O2 in N2) on carotid chemoreceptor activity were also studied in the vagotomized rabbits. Lung inflations with hypoxic gas caused an increase in carotid chemoreceptor activity. These results indicate that in the absence of proprioceptive input from the lungs, hypoxic stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptors is capable of activating the expiratory activity in the IIC muscles.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of the motoneurone membrane   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

1. There are two opposite points of view concerning the way climbing fiber input in a Purkinje cell modifies simple spike (SS) activity transiently: depression versus enhancement of SS activity. The different groups of investigators favored one effect predominating over the other. In the decerebrate unanesthetized cat, we recorded spontaneous activity of single Purkinje cells and investigated time course of SS activity after the complex spike (CS). 2. In the peri-CS time histogram, there was a SS pause lasting, on average, 10.8 ms after onset of the CS in all of the 316 cells recorded. The pause was followed by a rapid increase in SS activity to a maximum, which was on average 175.6% of a pre-CS control level, and a gradual return to around the control level in the majority of the cells recorded (pause-facilitation type, 71.2%). The increase in SS activity was significant (P < 0.01, t test) during 20-100 ms. The SS activity during the 20-100 ms was, on average, 163.7% of the control level. In some cells (pure-pause type, 25.3%), no significant changes were found (P > 0.01) in the post-pause SS firing. In contrast, only 3.5% of the cells (pause-reduction type) showed a significant (P < 0.01) firing decrease (average 54.0% of the control level) lasting 20-60 ms after the pause period. 3. Analysis of the pre-CS time histogram revealed no significant differences (P > 0.01) in the SS activity between pre-CS periods in all of the cells recorded, suggesting that the SS activity enhancement is not due to a coactivated mossy fiber input just preceding the activation of the climbing fiber input. 4. Analysis of the raster diagram revealed variability of individual SS responses after the CS. The probability of occurrence of the increase in SS number during a post-CS period of 0-100 ms with respect to that during a pre-CS period of -100-0 ms in individual raster traces was high (on average 78.2%), medium (57.3%), and low (36.3%) in the pause-facilitation, pure-pause, and pause-reduction types of the cell, respectively. 5. Nonsequential time histograms showing frequency distribution of the pause duration after the CS in individual raster traces and that showing interspike intervals of the SS were constructed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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