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新生儿型神经轴索营养不良的皮肤神经和肌肉病理改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 报道2例新生儿型神经轴索营养不良(INAD)的神经末梢和骨骼肌的病理改变特点。方法 2例患者均为男性,年龄分别为3岁及2岁,均于1岁左右出现智力和运动发育落后或倒退,头颅磁共振成像(MRI)均示小脑萎缩。肌电图提示骨骼肌神经源性损害。例1进行左侧腓肠神经、肌肉和皮肤活检,例2进行左小腿皮肤和肌肉活检,标本进行光镜和电镜检查。结果 2例患者皮下神经末梢均可见椭圆体状巨大轴索,其内充满空泡或致密物质。例1腓肠神经偶见小的致密轴索。例2的骨骼肌间小神经发现异常巨大轴索。两例骨骼肌均存在神经源性病理改变。电镜发现巨大轴索内存在颗粒样物质或空泡膜管样结构。结论 出现中枢神经系统、周围神经系统以及视神经的广泛受累提示INAD的可能性,而脑外病理检查发现神经末梢出现椭圆体样巨大轴索可以确诊该病。巨大轴索内的成分具有不同的超微结构特点。显著的皮肤神经末梢损害提示此病存在小纤维性周围神经病。  相似文献   

目的探讨副肿瘤性周围神经病(PPN)的临床、电生理及病理改变特点。方法回顾性分析4例PPN患者的临床资料。结果 4例患者均以疼痛、麻木等感觉症状起病,其中3例首先累及双下肢,3例双下肢不对称受累,3例累及植物神经,2例累及颅神经,所有患者周围神经症状均由远端向近端进行性发展。4例患者均出现感觉神经传导异常,其中3例以轴索损害为主,1例以脱髓鞘损害为主;1例伴有运动神经传导异常,以脱髓鞘损害为主。4例行腓肠神经活检的患者中,3例为活动性轴索改变,1例为轴索和髓鞘混合性改变,4例均无小血管周围炎性改变。结论 PPN多为不对称分布的感觉神经病,进行性发展,颅神经和植物神经受累常见。PPN的电生理以感觉神经传导异常为主、轴索损害较重。活动性轴索变性是PPN的主要病理改变,极少伴有小血管周围炎。  相似文献   

目的总结不同类型血管炎性周围神经病临床和病理学特点,提出病理诊断要点以指导临床诊断。方法回顾分析11例血管炎性周围神经病患者之临床表现、实验室检查和神经肌肉组织活检特点,观察神经、肌肉和皮肤组织病变。通过免疫组织化学染色检测神经微丝蛋白、髓鞘碱性蛋白、外周髓鞘蛋白22、S-100蛋白,以及人类白细胞抗原DR、CD68、CD3、CD20表达变化,分别观察神经轴索、髓鞘、施万细胞病变和炎性细胞浸润情况;免疫荧光染色检测免疫球蛋白IgA、IgM、IgG和补体C3在血管壁沉积情况;特殊染色检测肌肉病变程度。结果血管病变以神经束周和外膜小血管CD3+T细胞浸润为主,呈活动性血管炎(3例)或非活动性血管炎(8例)改变,8例中4例呈血管纤维闭塞性改变严重、炎性细胞浸润较轻,4例以血管周围炎为主、血管壁本身病变不明显。神经病变以轴索变性为主(6例)或轴索变性伴髓鞘松解和脱失(5例),大直径有髓纤维明显减少,甚至呈终末期改变。肌肉组织活检呈神经源性萎缩。病理诊断为系统性血管炎性周围神经病8例[原发性系统性血管炎5例(抗中性粒细胞胞质抗体相关性小血管炎2例、Churg-Strauss综合征1例、免疫相关性间质性肺疾病2例)和继发性系统性血管炎3例(干燥综合征)],以及非系统性血管炎性周围神经病3例。结论血管炎性周围神经病的神经改变以轴索病变为主,血管炎病理改变呈多样性,不能仅以活动性血管炎作为唯一的病理诊断标准。因此对于临床可疑血管炎性周围神经病患者应完善血液免疫学指标检查和神经组织活检,必要时联合肌肉组织活检以明确诊断。  相似文献   

系统性红斑狼疮神经系统病变的临床及病理特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)神经系统病变的临床及病理特征。方法回顾性分析6例SLE神经系统病变患者的临床及病理资料。结果本组患者累及中枢神经系统4例,其中癫痫1例、脑梗死2例、白质脑病1例;多发性单神经病3例,腓肠神经活检示1例有典型血管炎改变,2例无血管炎改变,腓肠神经内可见有髓纤维丢失、轴索和髓鞘断裂呈块状深染及髓磷脂小球形成。肌活检1例示肌纤维轻度变性坏死。皮肤活检3例示胶原变性,小静脉周围可见炎性细胞浸润。结论SLE可导致神经系统广泛病变,故其临床表现和病理改变复杂多样。  相似文献   

慢性格林-巴利综合征49例临床、电生理与病理研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的研究慢性格林-巴利综合征(CIDP)的临床、电生理及病理特征,探讨腓肠神经活检的诊断价值.方法总结49例CIDP患者的临床表现,病程特点,腰穿脑脊液(CSF)检查、肌电图检查以及21例患者的腓肠神经活检病理结果.结果本组49例CIDP患者大多无明显前驱因素,临床表现为对称性肢体运动和感觉障碍,少数(16例)可伴颅神经损害;脑脊液蛋白量波动较大,单次腰穿24例可见蛋白细胞分离;大多数肌电图(39例/466例)提示有脱髓鞘损害,少数有轴索损害(15例/46例).21例患者行腓肠神经病理检查,显示明显脱髓鞘病灶17例,轴索变性5例,洋葱头样改变5例,炎性细胞浸润11例.结论电生理和病理检查均提示CIDP是以神经脱髓鞘改变为主,对临床表现不典型者腓肠神经活检有较大的诊断价值.  相似文献   

骨骼肌营养不良症的免疫组织化学及超微结构的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 研究骨骼肌营养不良症(SMD)的病理学、免疫组织化学及超微结构改变与疾病进展的关系。方法 选取20例SMD患者的骨骼肌组织,按常规箴片、半薄切片和超薄切片,采用光镜和电镜系统观察。结果 20例SMD分为三种类型:单纯性肌营养不良8例,多为局灶性的病变;进行性肌营养不良10例,多为弥漫性的病变并伴有大量的细胞器变性;神经源性肌营养不良2例,可见为变性的神经所支配区域骨骼肌的损伤。骨骼肌受损伤时,Myosin首先发生变性。结论 病理改变及超微结构改变可判断骨骼肌营养不良的进展程度;Myosin的丢失程度可早期预测疾病的进展程度。  相似文献   

目的 探讨慢性格林-巴利综合征(CIDP)临床和神经病理特点。方法 对11例CIDP患者进行临床和腓肠神经活检分析。结果 11例CIDP例患者大多无明显前驱症状,临床表现为对称性肢体运动和感觉障碍,少数可伴颅神经损害;11例患者腰穿脑脊液检查均可见不同程度的蛋白细胞分离,全部患者肌电图均提示有脱髓鞘损害,11例腓肠神经活检显示以脱髓鞘为主要表现,其中5例伴有轻度轴索变性;全部患者均有不同程度的雪旺氏细胞增生,其中4例合并有洋葱头样神经改变。结论 慢性格林-巴利综合征病情迁延、表现复杂,激素冲击治疗有效,电生理和病理检查均提示CIDP以神经脱髓鞘改变为主,为临床表现不典型CIDP患者行腓肠神经活检有较大的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的总结11例强直性肌营养不良Ⅰ型(DM1)患者的临床、病理和双下肢肌肉受累的特点。方法回顾性分析2012年01月至2020年10月就诊于南京鼓楼医院神经内科的11例DM1患者的临床、骨骼肌活检病理及5例双下肢骨骼肌磁共振的特点。结果11例患者均有不同程度的肌强直、伴有肌无力/肌萎缩症状,肌无力/肌萎缩远端重于近端。骨骼肌病理特点:10/11例患者可见Ⅰ型肌纤维轻度萎缩,部分患者可见核内移、核聚集、肌浆块现象。双下肢肌肉磁共振:5例患者双下肢远端脂肪浸润重于近端,双侧肌肉受累程度不对称,大腿肌肉脂肪浸润以股中间肌最严重,小腿肌肉以腓肠肌、比目鱼肌、腓骨长肌最严重。结论骨骼肌磁共振对诊断强直性肌营养不良Ⅰ型有重要的提示意义。  相似文献   

复发的格林—巴利综合征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道3例复发的格林——巴利综合征,发现其具有明确的前驱因素,发病到症状达高峰少于1个月,易累及颅神经及引起呼吸衰竭,发作期脑脊液蛋白质升高,神经传导速度减慢,病理表现为周围神经脱髓鞘改变,炎性细胞浸润及轴索变性的特点,与慢性炎性脱髓鞘性多神经病相区别。其临床表现为数次急性炎性脱髓鞘造成病理损害所致。  相似文献   

干燥综合征患者伴神经系统损害7例临床及病理变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 探讨干燥综合征患者伴神经系统损害患者的临床及其肌肉和周围神经病理改变。方法 对7例患者的临床表现、实验室检查进行系统描述,对肌肉及神经组织进行组织学及组织化学染色,并行电子显微镜检查。结果 2例神经组织活检可见有髓神经纤维严重脱失,有髓神经纤维数目严重减少,轻度轴索变性。5例肌肉活检可见肌纤维萎缩、坏死,血管周围有单核样细胞浸润,肌内衣有微血管炎的病理改变。结论 干燥综合征患者的肌肉或周围神经并发症在疾病的早期即可出现,肌肉或神经活检可证实有无损害及其严重程度,早期诊断及早期治疗对改善干燥综合征患者伴神经系统损害者的预后是很有 必要的。  相似文献   

To assess the clinical and electrophysiological features of n-hexane neuropathy caused by addictive inhalation, 4 patients were studied in the progressive phase. The neurological manifestations were characterized by subacute predominantly motor polyneuropathy and disease progression despite discontinuance of the chemicals, which were similar to those reported in industrial exposure, although with a severer degree associated with anorexia and body weight loss. Electrophysiological studies showed that all showed multifocal conduction block and profound conduction slowing, as well as features of axonal degeneration. Sural nerve biopsy showed axonal loss, axonal swelling, and thin myelin probably due to retraction by axonal swelling. n-Hexane abuse causes severe subacute polyneuropathy. The mixed axonal and demyelinating electrophysiological features were consistent with peculiar pathological findings. Conduction block, probably due to paranodal myelin retraction or ongoing wallerian degeneration, is very frequent and could be responsible for the clinical deficits, especially in the early phase of illness.  相似文献   

目的分析强直性肌营养不良(DM)的临床特点,以提高对DM疾病的认识及诊断水平。方法对21例DM患者的临床资料进行回顾性总结与分析。结果 21例患者均为慢性起病,以双手无力,活动不灵活起病多见,其中5例有家族史,部分病例伴有心脏、眼部、内分泌及中枢神经系统等其他多系统损害。19例行肌电图检查提示肌源性损害,其中16例发现有肌强直电位。10例行肌活检,主要表现为部分肌纤维萎缩,变性、坏死肌纤维,核内移及肌浆块形成,部分萎缩纤维内可见无结构胞浆体。1例强直性肌营养不良蛋白激酶(DMPK)基因CTG重复序列分析发现拷贝数超过正常范围。结论 DM是一种主要累及肌肉系统,以肌强直、肌无力和肌萎缩为主要临床表现并伴有多系统损害的疾病。综合评估多系统损害并结合肌肉的电生理学及病理学检查,有助于提高对DM的认识;在有条件的医疗机构可以开展DM基因诊断,对DM确诊很有意义。  相似文献   

强直性肌营养不良症的临床与肌肉病理学特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨强直性肌营养不良症(DM)的临床及肌肉病理学的特点。方法对6例DM患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果6例患者均呈慢性病程,以肌无力、肌强直和肌肉萎缩为主要表现,多伴有脱发、白内障、心脏传导阻滞等多系统损害。肌电图检查结果为肌源性损害,6例均可见肌强直电位发放。病理学检查见肌纤维核内移、核袋及核链现象,部分患者可见肌质块及肌纤维分布异常。结论DM是一种以肌无力和肌强直为主要表现的多系统损害的遗传性疾病;特征性病理改变为肌纤维核内移、核链以及肌质块、肌纤维分布异常。  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve involvement in dermatomyositis (DM) has been known as neuromyositis. However, the pathogenic mechanism is not clear, and the association between DM and peripheral neuropathy is still controversial. Our patient exhibited symptomatic polyneuropathy that was documented electrophysiologically in addition to typical features of DM. The sural nerve biopsy showed evidence of a continuing neuropathic process of axonal type. There was no finding of inflammatory cells infiltrating the vessels. Neither methylprednisolone nor intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) improved neurological symptoms including muscle weakness and sensory disturbance. Clinical, electrophysiological, and neuropathological features in our case demonstrate the association of DM and polyneuropathy. The possibility that the same pathological process affecting skin and skeletal muscles also affected peripheral nerves in our patient should be considered.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant sensory ataxia (ADSA), a rare hereditary ataxia, is characterized by progressive dysfunction of central sensory pathways. Its pathological features have not been previously documented. We report a case of a 61-year-old man with ADSA who died of congestive heart failure. Autopsy specimens of brain, thoracolumbar spinal cord, peripheral nerve and skeletal muscle were examined. There was no abnormality on gross examination. Microscopically, there were occasional swollen axons within the cerebral cortex and deep nuclei, particularly the subthalamic nucleus, with no neuronal loss, gliosis or microglial activation. There were many axonal spheroids within the medulla, particularly in the dorsal column nuclei. Axonal spheroids were also seen in the dorsal columns and ventral horns in the thoracolumbar spinal cord, but there was no Wallerian degeneration or demyelination. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) immunostaining of some of the spheroids suggested continuing dysfunction of axoplasmic flow in some regions. There was mild inflammation of peripheral nerve roots but no spheroid, and patchy chronic inflammation of skeletal muscle. In summary, the major pathological process in ADSA is a neuroaxonal dystrophy most prominent in the dorsal columns and dorsal column nuclei, consistent with the clinical pattern of central sensory pathway degeneration.  相似文献   

强直性肌营养不良的临床与肌肉病理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 研究强直性肌营养不良(DM)的临床与病理变化。方法 总结3例DM的临床特点,并对肌活检标本进行光镜和电镜检查。结果 3例DM患者,年龄25~40岁,临床特点为缓慢进行的四肢无力,肌强直发作,腱反射迟钝对称,前额秃发。EMG示肌源性损害,可见肌强直发放。肌活检光镜下可见肌纤维萎缩,肌核内移呈核链形成,肌纤维横纹尚存,晚期可见脂肪细胞浸润,电镜下可见肌纤维变性,溶解,Z带破坏,线粒体肿胀、变性,  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The clinical manifestations of CMTX have been well described but the natural history has not yet been studied in detail. We studied phenotype variability in a family with a Pro 87 to Leu mutation of the connexin 32 (Cx32) gene. METHODS: A total of 32 family members, of which 19 patients were affected, underwent clinical, electrophysiological, and genetic studies. RESULTS: Onset was in the second decade. Clinical features were similar in both sexes when quantitative scores were compared, but more males had a steppage gait and skeletal deformities. All adult patients had a predominant involvement of the thenar muscles. The median values of nerve conduction velocities (NCVs) were not statistically different in men and in women. The correlation coefficients were low between motor NCVs within the same extremities, indicating nonuniform slowing between nerves, the ulnar nerve being the least affected. When disability was rated, a strong correlation was seen in male patients between severity of motor axonal loss and duration of the disease. The main pathological features were axonal loss, clusters of regenerating fibers and paranodal demyelination, the hallmark of a Schwann cell pathology. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the hypothesis that clinical disability in CMTX is caused by loss of large myelinated axons in men. Furthermore, this study shows that the nerves are not uniformly affected in terms of axonal loss. Preventing axonal degeneration and promoting axonal regeneration in the most affected nerves might be the best therapeutic approaches to ameliorate disability in CMTX.  相似文献   

Lewis rat experimental allergic neuritis (EAN) was treated with the 21–aminosteroid, tirilazad mesylate (U–74006F). High doses of tirilazad mesylate, begun just before the onset of clinical signs, reduced the clinical and pathological severity of the disease. In rats immunized with a high dose of myelin, axonal degeneration was a major pathological feature. Tirilazad mesylate reduced the amount of axonal degeneration but had little effect on the other pathological features of EAN, such as inflammation and demyelination. Tirilazad mesylate may block axonal degeneration by inhibiting lipid peroxidation of axonal membranes. Inhibition of axonal degeneration is an important goal in the treatment of human neuropathies.  相似文献   

The clinical features, results of nerve conduction studies and sural nerve biopsy findings have been compared in 5 patients with chronic relapsing polyneuropathy in whom plasma exchange was used in treatment. In 2 patients who consistently responded to plasma exchange, the dominant pathological finding was segmental demyelination without prominent onion bulb formation, whereas axonal degeneration was more prominent in the cases which did not respond. It is concluded that in cases of chronic relapsing polyneuritis where the clinical, electrophysiological and histological features suggest primary demyelination, plasma exchange may provide a useful adjunct to therapy.  相似文献   

Peripheral neuropathy has attracted relatively little attention in mitochondrial myopathy. However, mitochondrial myopathies are clinically heterogeneous disorders that can affect multiple systems including peripheral nerves other than the skeletal muscle. In addition to the survey of the literature, we studied 6 cases of mitochondrial myopathy with peripheral neuropathy; 3 cases of oligo-systemic involvement confined mainly to skeletal muscles and peripheral nerves, and 3 cases of multi-systemic involvement diagnosed as myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers (MERRF) or mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). This study suggests that peripheral neuropathy may be relatively common and has similar clinical and laboratory features in a broad spectrum of mitochondrial myopathies. The clinical manifestation is usually of mild sensorimotor neuropathy with frequent subclinical involvement. Sensory disturbances are more evident than manifestations of motor neuropathy which is usually subclinical. It is also noteworthy that there exist some cases of oligo-systemic involvement, which present with peripheral neuropathy as main clinical manifestations. Electrophysiological findings include decreased nerve conduction velocities and neuropathic electromyograms. Peripheral nerves show loss of myelinated fibers, particularly of large ones, and the remaining fibers have disproportionately thin myelin sheaths with or without onion-bulb formation. Thus the pathological process is axonal degeneration with demyelination resulting from involvement of both neurons (axons) and Schwann cells.  相似文献   

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