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In the process of introducing a new disability unit into an undergraduate nursing curriculum in a New Zealand educational setting, the opportunity arose to conduct a small study comparing the attitudes of student nurses towards people with disabilities. This paper discusses the literature reviewed, which formed the basis for the study. A range of perspectives and research was identified that explored societal and nurses' attitudes, disability studies in undergraduate nursing curricula, the impact of nurses' attitudes on patient care, and interventions for changing those attitudes. Effective nursing care can be severely compromised through negative attitudes, and concerns are expressed at the lack of attention given to this issue in nursing curricula generally. The literature showed that combining educational approaches with opportunities for student nurses to interact with disabled people provides the most effective means for student nurses to develop positive attitudes towards disabled people. The goal for nurse educators is to ensure the inclusion of disability studies as a core component in undergraduate nursing education.  相似文献   

It has been stated that the history of nursing is, in itself, a suitable subject for research (Maggs 1996) but that historians of nursing have looked to the broader social sciences for their frame of reference. Over the past decade or more there has been debate as to the purposes of nursing history and its relevance to the education of modern nurses and to practice. There is also discussion as to the contribution nursing history has, or could, make to nursing theory and its development.Nursing history has been part of nursing curricula for many years in some shape or form, with variation in its timing, structure, content and the emphasis and importance placed on it by nurse educators. We have recently reintroduced nursing history to the curriculum in the form of a stand alone course. The aim of this paper is to describe the formal reintroduction of nursing history into the curriculum and its place in a newly developed honours undergraduate programme. A review of the literature will be undertaken which will outline the main areas of importance. The review will be followed by a discussion of the history of nursing course and its inception. Using points identified in the literature, the rationale for content and structure are made and the integration of history with theoretical and practical aspects of nursing is explained. The impact of the supporting sciences, both physical and behavioural, and issues surrounding students efforts to reconcile the art and science of nursing are analysed. The introduction has posed questions which are currently being addressed and changes will be made for the new academic year.This supports the philosophy of the Nursing & Midwifery School that history has relevance to the education of nurses and therefore a significant place in the curriculum.  相似文献   

Although endorsed by nursing professional bodies and incorporated into undergraduate nursing curricula, high-fidelity simulation has undergone little evaluation at the program or curriculum levels. A comprehensive program evaluation of a Simulation Demonstration Project was undertaken to explore the influence of simulation across an undergraduate curriculum in a college of nursing. The focus of the evaluation was on program activities accomplished (implementation evaluation) and the extent to which program objectives and outcomes were met (impact evaluation). The Nursing Education Simulation Framework (NESF) was used to arrange multiple variables to be explored and to support the use of diverse simulation-related data sources. The framework was helpful in both guiding the evaluation and interpreting the results at the curriculum level from implementation and impact perspectives. Although continued use and testing of the NESF is warranted, findings from the study supported the utility of the NESF in program evaluation of simulation at the curriculum level.  相似文献   

Educators face the dilemma of conveying didactic information in concise, creative ways that evoke critical thinking. In addition, high patient acuity, coupled with a growing nursing shortage, requires assimilation of didactic knowledge into sound clinical judgment in a timely manner. Human simulation offers a creative teaching modality that allows transference of textbook knowledge into a real-life situation where nursing students can function in their role without untoward effects to their clients. The author illustrates the use of a human birthing simulator, Noelle, in an undergraduate nursing program as a creative and effective teaching strategy.  相似文献   

Violence occurring in the home and community, and its resultant negative effects on public health, is of critical concern to health care professionals. The aim of this article is to underscore the importance of the role of nurse educators in preventing and reducing the consequences of domestic violence and abuse. A viable solution for the disconnect that exists between violence reduction strategies and their effective implementation is proposed, including an integration of forensic nursing concepts and skills into the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Doing so will enable nurse educators to prepare practitioners who can help break the cycle of violence and close the gap that exists in health care delivery for individuals affected by violence. Related issues and challenges are presented, including the need to prepare culturally competent health care professionals, to examine and revise overloaded curricula on the basis of empirical research and societal trends, and to address faculty competence.  相似文献   

The authors describe integrating theoretical content of families into an undergraduate curriculum based on the biopsychosocial spheres. Using audiovisual materials, and printed media, the student is introduced to independent learning and applies content to clinical settings in the community.  相似文献   

Aim:  To incorporate basic aspects of acute care into the undergraduate nursing programme by providing an opportunity for the development of knowledge and skills in the early recognition and assessment of deteriorating patients on general hospital wards.
Background:  Acute care initiatives implemented in the hospital setting to improve the identification and management of 'at risk' patients have focused on the provision of education for trained or qualified staff. However, to ensure student nurses are 'fit to practice' at the point of registration, it has been recommended that acute care theory and skills are incorporated into the undergraduate nursing curriculum.
Practice development initiative:  An 'Integrated Nursing Care' module was incorporated into year 3 of the undergraduate nursing programme to introduce students to acute care theory and practice. Module content focuses on the early detection and management of acute deterioration in patients with respiratory, cardiac, neurological or renal insufficiencies. We used a competency-based framework to ensure the application of theory to practice through the use of group seminars. High-fidelity patient-simulated clinical scenarios were a key feature. The United Kingdom Resuscitation Council Intermediate Life Support course is also an important component of the module.
Conclusions:  Incorporating the Integrated Nursing Care module into the undergraduate nursing curriculum provides pre-registration students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in acute care.
Relevance to clinical practice:  The provision of undergraduate education in care of the acutely ill patient in hospital is essential to improve nurses' competence and confidence in assessing and managing deteriorating patients in general wards at the point of registration.  相似文献   

Computer courses in the undergraduate nursing curriculum in Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study surveys computer courses in undergraduate nursing schools in Turkey. To accomplish this, the investigator gave an assignment to first-year students at the Ege University School of Nursing as part of a computer course in 2003-2004. The assignment consisted of having students use their computer skills and do research on the Internet to obtain information about computer classes at other Turkish nursing schools. The objective of this assignment was to correspond by e-mail with first-year students at these institutions. Because of this assignment, at least 70 contacts were established, and information has been exchanged between nursing students at 45 different universities in Turkey. This study shows that one method used by undergraduate nursing schools in Turkey to educate their students in modern nursing practices is to integrate computer courses in their curricula, thereby providing students important practical technology skills.  相似文献   

目的探讨《关怀技巧》课程的设计方法及实施效果。方法通过课程前评估、课程内容设置和课程实施的各个环节,对护理本科生进行关怀教育,并采用关怀能力问卷进行测量比较。结果课程实施前护理本科生的关怀能力得分为(193.80±18.11)分,其中理解和耐心维度得分均低于常模(P〈0.01);课程实施后护理本科生的关怀能力得分为(206.29±19.23)分,关怀能力总分及理解和鼓励维度得分高于课程实施前(P〈O.01)。结论护理本科生的关怀能力相比国外常模较低,而且在各个维度发展不平衡,《关怀技巧》课程有助于提高护理本科生的关怀能力。  相似文献   

Pediatric nursing courses have been affected by the increasingly limited amount of clinical placements and experiences for students. Securing clinical sites that provide well-rounded experiences in a limited amount of time is difficult. In addition, "teachable moments" can be lost on a busy unit due to variables outside of the control of the clinical faculty member, leading to a less than positive learning experience for students. A pediatric simulation curriculum was developed for the clinical rotation. This allowed students to begin their clinical experience better prepared and broadened their overall clinical experiences in a limited amount of time.  相似文献   

Aim.  The aim of this study was to identify the attitudes of Egyptian nursing home residents towards staying in a nursing home and to differentiate between various types of these attitudes.
Background.  The number of older persons in Egypt who require nursing care is increasing. In response, nursing homes in bigger cities like Cairo were founded, although family care seems to be the prevalent norm.
Methods.  Semi-structured guideline interviews were performed with 21 residents from four different nursing homes in Cairo. Interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.
Findings.  One category of resident was those who were sent to the nursing home by persons closely related to them. Another category made their own decision to move to a nursing home. Relationships with social networks and self-help abilities are factors of importance in influencing decision-making.
Conclusion.  Nursing homes in Egypt fulfil different functions for different types of older persons. Charitable institutions are a last resort for those with no income and a disrupted social network. For better-off older persons, nursing homes may provide the benefits of socialising with peers and receiving medical treatment.  相似文献   

Fulfilling nutritional requirements in residents with eating problems can be a challenge for both the person in need of help and for the caregiver. In helping and supporting these residents, a positive attitude is assumed to be as important as practical skill. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that nutritional education and implementation of a nutritional programme would change the attitudes towards nutritional nursing care among nursing staff with daily experience of serving food and helping residents in municipal care. The study was carried out as a before and after experimental design. An attitude scale, staff attitudes to nutritional nursing care (SANN scale), was developed and used. The response on the scale gives a total SANN-score and scores in five underlying dimensions: self ability, individualization, importance of food, assessment and secured food intake. Nursing staff at eight different residential units (n = 176) responded to the attitude scale and, of these, staff at three of the units entered the study as the experimental group. After responding to the attitude scale, nutritional education was introduced and a nutritional programme was implemented in the experimental units. One year later, attitudes were measured a second time (n = 192). Of these, 151 had also responded on the first occasion. Education and implementation of a nutritional programme did not significantly change attitudes. Overall, nursing staff responded with positive attitudes towards nutritional nursing care. Most of the positive attitudes concerned items within the dimension importance of food. In contrast, items within self ability showed the lowest number of staff with positive attitudes.  相似文献   

Concerns relating to the adequacy of nurses' preparation for the care of people with mental illness prompted significant revision of the mental health component in a Bachelor of Health Science nursing programme in New Zealand that prepares approximately 200 students per year. Working collaboratively with clinical providers, university staff developed and introduced three courses (equivalent to 450 hours of learning) specifically focused on mental health science, inpatient practice, and primary community mental health practice. This paper provides an overview of the new courses and reports the findings of an appreciative inquiry evaluation of this curriculum innovation.  相似文献   

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