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Peripheral neuropathy in burn patients may be frequently missed in clinical settings. Although its incidence has been reported, little is known regarding the factors that cause burn-related peripheral neuropathy. A retrospective chart review of the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients admitted to a university hospital based burn center was conducted to explore the characteristics of burn-related neuropathy and factors affecting its types or extent. The variables collected were gender, age, length of hospital stay, site and surface area of burn, type of burn, and electrodiagnostic findings. We found that flame injuries, and third degree injuries were the most common in patients with peripheral neuropathy. Axonotmesis was more common than demyelinating injury and polyneuropathy was more common than mononeuropathy. Higher degree and larger area burns were more frequently associated with axonotmesis than with demyelination. Length of hospital stay was significantly longer in patients with axonotmesis. Overall, more severe burns showed a significant association with axonotmesis and a tendency to be related to polyneuropathy.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the epidemiology and functional results of hand burns in young children, 92 consecutive patients (126 hand burns) under age 5 years admitted to a Burn Center were reviewed. Scald burns (49 per cent) were most common, followed by flame (34 per cent), contact (14 per cent) and electrical burns (3 per cent). The child was left unattended by an adult in 53 per cent of cases and documented abuse was present in 6 per cent. The mean total body surface area (TBSA) burned was 17 per cent, and 77 patients (85 per cent) had additional burns in other areas (arms 34 per cent, legs 31 per cent, chest 29 per cent and face 27 per cent).

Palmar burns occurred in 24 hands (19 per cent), dorsal in 41 (33 per cent), while both surfaces were burned in 61 (48 per cent). Joints involved included the MP in 96 (76 per cent). PIP in 87 (69 per cent) and DIP in 80 (63 per cent). The depth was superficial partial thickness in 53 (47 per cent), deep partial in 55 (44 per cent), and full thickness in 18 hands (14 per cent); a total of 29 hands were grafted (15 deep partial and 14 full thickness). Escharotomies were required in 12 hands (9 per cent) (9 flame and 3 scald) and partial amputation of digits was required in 3 (2 per cent).

Follow-up was available in 46 hands from 7 to 120 months (mean 39 months). Partial thickness burns (34) healed with normal (32) or near-normal (2) hand function and developmental delay occurred in one patient. Hand function in 12 full thickness burns was normal in 9, decreased in 3 with developmental delay in 2 patients. The number of reoperations required per hand burned after hospital discharge varied with age (2 years and under 1.2 vs. over 2 years 0.6), depth (deep partial 0.4 vs. full thickness 1·6) and surface involved (palmar 1.3 vs. dorsal 0.1 vs. both 1.5), indicating that children under 2 years with full thickness palmar burns are at increased risk of developing burn scar deformities requiring surgical correction. Although 24 total reoperations were required in 25 deep partial and full thickness hand burns, residual burn scar deformities were present in only 2 hands at follow-up (1 boutonniere and I web space contacture).

It is concluded that the overall outcome of hand burns in this age-group is good and developmental delay is rare with proper acute management and prompt surgical correction of burn scar deformities.  相似文献   

We have reviewed 113 cases of electrical burns treated at the Cook County Hospital Burn Center during the past 10 years. There were 3265 acute burn admissions during this period. the incidence of electrical burns being 3.5 per cent. Low-voltage electrical burns occurred in 82 of the 113 patients (73 per cent). These were caused mostly by household electricity supplies, occurred in children, and were preventable. Arc burns of the perioral region were allowed to heal spontaneously. The surgical management of other arc burns and flash burns was similar to that for most deep burn wounds. The incidence of high-voltage electrical injuries was 27 per cent in our series. Over 50 per cent of these injuries were not work-related. These tended to occur outside the home in young adult males and were also frequently preventable. None of these patients developed acute renal failure. Early surgical debridement of devitalized tissue with allografting, followed by delayed definitive wound closure or amputation prevented septic complications. Early fasciotomy appeared to have little effect on complete limb salvage. Limb loss continues to be the major factor contributing to the high morbidity associated with these injuries. All 113 patients survived. We attribute this to early transfer of patients to our Burn Unit, aggressive fluid resuscitation, continuous haemodynamic and metabolic support, and early surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Seventy-five patients more than fifty years of age were admitted for treatment of burns from January 1, 1986, to December 31, 1987, to two community-hospital-based burn units. Patients were managed by a team of burn surgeons at each unit and early excision and grafting was used whenever possible in deep partial-thickness and full-thickness burns. The extent of burn was charted weekly during hospitalization and rate of wound healing was calculated using linear regression analysis. The mean total percent burn was 26.2 per cent (range, 4-85%). The overall mortality rate was 40 per cent. Mortality rate increased sharply by decade from 17.4 per cent for those aged 50-59 years to 100 per cent for the five patients age 90 and more. Excision and grafting were performed in 40 patients; 35 patients were not operated upon. Although hospitalization was somewhat longer in patients treated surgically, survival was better. Excision and grafting should be used when needed to achieve rapid wound closure in patients more than fifty years of age.  相似文献   

Patients with electrical burns have problems which are unique to their type of injury. In the acute stage, amputations, peripheral neuropathy, and entrapment syndromes occur more commonly in electricity-induced trauma than in thermal burns. In addition, clinicians must be vigilant because peripheral neuropathy, quadriplegia, paraplegia, and entrapment syndromes may have an insidious onset and become manifest days to months after the original injury. Both electrical and thermal burn patients are subjected to two types of trauma: the insult caused by the acute event, and complications which occur because of poor positioning, bulky dressings, intramuscular injections, and neurotoxic medications.  相似文献   

Burns due to cooking oils--an increasing hazard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From July 1967 to June 1981, the proportion of all burns patients admitted to the Royal Brisbane Hospital Burns Unit, who were burnt by hot cooking oil or fat, rose 5.1 per cent during the first five years of the study, to 11.3 per cent during the last four years, probably due mainly to the rising popularity of cooking food in hot oil, but also probably due partly to the changing patterns of how cooking oil is used. Sixty-two of the 112 patients sustaining hot cooking oil or fat burns over the 14-year period, were males (55 per cent), and 50 were females (45 per cent). Patients of all ages were involved, but there was a notable increase in the proportion of 30-39 year-olds and a notable decrease in the proportion of those aged 60 years and older. The vast majority of these burns occurred in the domestic situation, and this majority increased over the 14 years, may be explained by changes in the of industrial cooking. The notable increase in the ratio of deep partial/full thickness burns in the series, over the fourteen years, may be explained by changes in the relative amounts of cooking done with different types of fats and oils, which have differing physico-chemical properties, although the proportion of patients receiving skin grafts did not alter much with time, reflecting the increasing tendency to graft burns. Ninety-six per cent of the patients in the series sustained burns of less than 20 per cent of their body surface area, and the proportion suffering burns of 1 per cent or less in area has risen markedly. No deaths directly resulted, and predisposing factors to burn injury were remarkably absent. The majority of patients sustained burns to their hands, reflecting the situation in which most of these burns occur, that is, spilling a carried vessel of ignited cooking oil. Prevention by greater consumer education is recommended.  相似文献   

Data from 45 adult patients with flame burns covering up to 20 per cent EAB (Group 1), 21-40 per cent (Group 2), and 41-60 per cent (Group 3) are presented. Each group contains 15 patients with 29 females and 16 males, and females had the more extensive burns. All the patients were treated by the exposure method followed by Eusol dressings beginning between post burn days 5 and 7, i.e. as soon as infection was detected or the eschar had started separating. Eusol is an effective antibacterial agent and also assists in slough separation. It appears to be inactive against living tissues and helps obtain healthy granulation tissue. The bed thus created is ideal for grafting. A burn wound up to 40 per cent EAB is suitable for treatment by the exposure-Eusol method. Septicaemia was the common cause of mortality and its incidence was directly related to the extent of injury.  相似文献   

Three hundred and nineteen patients with different types of burns were studied at King Fahd Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia over a 2-year period (December, 1985 to December, 1987). Scalding was the most common cause (56.4 per cent) of burn injuries compared with 41.4 per cent of patients who sustained flame injury; 84.6 per cent of the thermal injuries occurred at home, with children (less than or equal to 18 years of age) being affected most frequently (61.8 per cent). The overall mortality was 9.4 per cent.  相似文献   

Three hundred and ninety patients who died following fire burns and scalds between 1973 and 1982 were subjected to autopsy examination at the departments of Forensic Medicine in the Ministry of Health and Jordan University Hospital. Flame burns caused 82 per cent of the deaths. Most of the burn injuries occurred at home and most of the accidents may have been avoidable. Seventy-six per cent of the patients were children and young adults (0–29 years). Suicide caused 13·5 per cent of the deaths. The most common causes of death were septicaemia and hypovolaemia.  相似文献   

Survival in major burn injuries treated by one bathing in cerium nitrate.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sixty-four patients aged 16-74 years with total body surface area burns (TBSA) ranging from 30 to 90 per cent, were given one bathing in 0.04 M cerium nitrate within 4 h of admission to hospital. Of 21 patients aged 16-30 years, one died (aged 28 with 90 per cent TBSA), and of those aged 31-74 years, two died, one (aged 50 years with 55 per cent TBSA) had multiple internal injuries, the other (aged 51 years with 55 per cent TBSA) had a pulmonary embolism at day 19. Two risk scores, developed from data on 11,200 burn patients treated by standard methods (Roi et al. 1983), were applied to the analysis of risk for 59 patients for whom both total burn surface (TB) and full thickness (FT) areas had been recorded. About 20 patients bore risk of 0.8 or greater on the FT scale and 1.0 on the TB scale, yet instead of 80 per cent deaths among these, only two died. No FT assessment had been made on the multiple injury death whose TB risk score was 0.66. Such survival results in high-risk patients should encourage the use of cerium nitrate for treating serious burn injury.  相似文献   

During the 6 years between 1980 and 1985, 39 nursing home patients were admitted to the Ilvidovre Burns Unit in Copenhagen with accidental burns. These patients accounted for 20 per cent of all burn patients above the age of 69 years admitted during this period. The median age of the patients was 80 years. Two-thirds of them suffered from burns of less than 15 per cent of their total body surface area. The mortality rate was 64 per cent. All patients were burned in single-person accidents, most often while sitting alone in their own living room, and smoking materials were involved in 85 per cent of the injuries. Senility, hemiplegia and other neurological diseases with tremor or paresis were frequently present in the victims.

Several preventive measures are proposed, including smoking under supervision, use of flame-resistant aprons of adequate size. Flame-resistant materials in chairs, etc.. and installation of smoke detectors in rooms where patients smoke. A possible relation between the marked incidence of these accidents during weekends or holidays, at a time when staff numbers are reduced in the nursing homes, is discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of burn mortality: a report from a Spanish regional burn centre   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports an analysis of the mortality rates and related factors in our Burn Centre, based on 710 patients treated between 1985 and 1988. The average age of the patients was 23.8 years and the average burn size was 14 per cent of the body surface area. Burning injury affected mainly men (66 per cent), and their mortality rate was higher than that of women. The overall mortality rate was 6.6 per cent, the average age of the fatally injured patients being 54 years. We confirm that mortality in burned patients is closely related to: age (51 per cent of the patients were over 60 years of age); burn size (68 per cent of the patients had burns covering more than 30 per cent TBS); burn depth (57.4 per cent had full skin thickness burns); inhalation injury (present in 66 per cent of the fatally injured); and associated risk factors. The main cause of the burning injury was flames, chiefly from domestic accidents. The average survival time for the fatally injured patients was 10 days. Finally, our expected mortality followed a linear regression model, the LA50 for patients with only full skin thickness burns was 50 per cent.  相似文献   

From 1 January 1979 to 31 December 1993, 1109 patients were admitted to our burn unit located at Hacettepe University. Of the patients, 638 (57.5 per cent) were children (under the age of 16 years). The male to female ratio was 1.4: 1 in children, and was approximately 2.6: 1 for patients over 16 years of age. Of the 638 paediatric patients, 67 (10.5 per cent) sustained electrical burns. The causes of injury in the remaining 571 cases (89.5 per cent) were hot liquids in 379 (66.4 per cent of the non-electrical burns), flame in 190 (33.3 per cent) and contact burns in two (0.3 per cent). Of the scalds, 296 (78.1 per cent of the scalds), 52 (13.7 per cent), 22 (5.8 per cent) and nine (2.4 per cent) were caused by hot water, milk, meal and oil respectively. Of the flame burns, 21 (11.1 per cent) were due to LPG explosions.

Of the 471 adult patients (over 16 years), 159 (33.8 per cent) were injured by electricity. The causes of non-electrical burn injuries were: hot liquid in 25, flame in 274, chemical agents in four, contact in four, and other causes in four. Although our centre is located in Central Anatolia, 41.8 per cent of all patients were referred from the other six regions of Turkey. Of the 1109 inpatients, 645 (58.2 per cent) were injured in Central Anatolia, 279 (25.2 per cent) in the Black Sea Region, 55 (5.0 per cent) in the Mediterranean Region, 18 (1.6 per cent) in the Marmara Region, 34 (3.1 per cent) in the Aegean Region, 52 (4.7 per cent) in Southeastern Anatolia and 26 (2.3 per cent) in Eastern Anatolia. Approximately two-thirds of the patients (419) required one or more surgical interventions, including debridement and grafting, as well as amputation. The most important early complications were acute renal failure (148 patients −13.3 per cent), sepsis (660 patients −59.5 per cent) and gastrointestinal haemorrhage (seven patients −0.6 per cent). The overall mortality rate was 34.4 per cent. The epidemiological pattern of the burns showed that emergency measures should be taken to prevent scalding accidents to children throughout the country, and for electrical burns in adults, particularly those living in the Black Sea Region. In establishing, implementing and directing prevention programmes, regional differences should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Epidemiology and mortality among burn patients over age 60 years who were admitted to the Burn Centre of La Fé Hospital (Valencia, Spain) between 1 January 1988 and 1 January 1991 have been studied. A total of 443 patients (7.8 per cent of all presenting patients) were hospitalized during this 3-year period; of these, 69 (15.5 per cent) were over 60 years old. There were 40 females and 29 males (mean age, 72.2 years). Mean burn area was 21.6 per cent of total body surface, and the most commonly involved regions were the lower limbs (81 per cent). Fire flames were the most common cause of burns (65.2 per cent) and produced the most extensive lesions. Eight-five per cent of the accidents occurred at home, and winter was the season of highest incidence. Patient mortality was 33.3 per cent, the most common causes of which were hypovolaemic shock during the first 24 h and pneumonia in the later stages.  相似文献   

Five hundred and eighty-three children (0-18 years old), consisting of 33.4 per cent of all burn inpatients, were admitted to the University of Alberta Hospitals over an 11-year period (January 1978 to December 1988). Demographic and outcome variables, in addition to aetiological factors, were examined. 48.4 per cent of burns occurred in children less than 4 years of age, with males predominating in every age group (P less than 0.001). Children had smaller burns, a higher incidence of scalds, less inhalation injuries and a lower mortality compared to adult burn patients admitted over the same time period (P less than 0.05). There was a low incidence of confirmed child abuse by burns (1.4 per cent). High-risk environments identified were the home (74.6 per cent of burns) and recreational settings (12.4 per cent of burns), mainly occurring around campfires. Native children were overrepresented in the burn population compared to the general population by a factor of approximately 10:1. Scald prevention, high-risk environments (home and recreational), high-risk populations (male and natives) and unsafe practices with flammable liquids (petrol in particular) should be emphasized in paediatric burn prevention programmes.  相似文献   

More than 1.3 million children sustain burns each year, resulting in 40,000 admissions and more than 3000 pediatric deaths. Pediatric burn surgery has been described as excessively bloody. Strategies to reduce intraoperative blood loss include the use of topical thrombin and epinephrine, extremity tourniquets, acute normovolemic hemodilution, and hypotensive anesthesia. This study reviews the single surgeon pediatric burn experience at a children's hospital and describes a comprehensive blood conservation protocol to achieve transfusion-free pediatric burn surgery. A retrospective chart review of consecutive pediatric burn surgeries from July 2000 to April 2002 was performed. Patient demographics, burn characteristics, treatment, blood loss, laboratory values, transfusion history, and complications were reviewed. Blood loss per percent total body surface area (TBSA) treated as well as percent total blood volume (TBV) loss divided by percent TBSA treated were calculated. A total 31 burn surgeries in 23 patients were reviewed. The average age was 7 years (range, 9 months-17 years). There were 17 extremity, 6 trunk, and 2 head/neck burns. The average TBSA burned was 15% (range, 1-55%). The protocol to reduce intraoperative blood loss consisted of the debridement of full-thickness burns with electrocautery and partial-thickness burns with dermabrasion. All debrided or harvested surgical sites were treated immediately with epinephrine solution-soaked pads. All graft harvest sites were injected with an epinephrine solution before harvesting split-thickness skin grafts. The average TBSA treated per surgery was 7% (range, 1-29%). The average blood loss per percent TBSA treated was 15 mL (range, 0.7-37 mL). The average percent TBV/percent TBSA was 0.76% (range, 0.04-3.6%). All 20 patients underwent surgical debridement, 7 patients were treated with AlloDerm and ultrathin split-thickness skin grafts, 2 with full-thickness skin grafts, and 17 with split-thickness skin grafts alone. Five children required blood transfusions. These burns averaged 32% TBSA (range, 20-55%). All 5 children receiving transfusions had anemia of thermal injury and demonstrated an average preoperative drop in hematocrit of 12% (range, 10-14%). There was a 29% complication rate, with 7 patients experiencing partial graft loss, and 1 patient who developed a postgraft contracture that required revisional surgery. There was a single mortality secondary to systemic inflammatory response syndrome and acute respiratory distress syndrome. After the proposed pediatric burn treatment protocol, intraoperative blood loss requiring transfusion can be minimized or eliminated. Large TBSA burns must be surveilled for burn wound anemia that may ultimately require blood transfusion.  相似文献   

Early excision and grafting of the burn wound appears to shorten the hospital stay and decrease mortality in children and adults. However, whether an early surgical approach is safe in elderly burn patients has not been resolved. To answer this question we carried out a prospective study of early surgery in 114 consecutive patients over the age of 50 years. Patients were generally operated on between post-burn days 2 and 5. The mean age of the patients was 68 years, with a burn size of 22 per cent, of which 13 per cent was full thickness skin loss. The mean hospital stay of the surviving patients was reduced by 40 per cent compared to national averages (P less than 0.001). The mortality rate for the entire group of patients was 17 per cent, with 2 deaths in the 65 patients with burns less than 20 per cent total body surface area (TBSA). Although the mortality rate for patients with burns greater than 20 per cent TBSA was 35 per cent, this was less than predicted (P less than 0.05). The improvement in survival appeared to be due to a decrease in the incidence of lethal burn wound infections.  相似文献   

This is a retrospective study analysing 5264 patients treated in the burn centre at Gülhane Military Medical Academy from 1 January 1986 to 31 December 1995. Our burn centre is not only the firs, but one of the best established and supported in Turkey. Our present study has the largest patient group of other previously published studies from Turkey. Of the total patients studied, 4464 patients had minor burns and were treated on an outpatient basis and 800 patients had moderate to major burns. Although our centre is in a military area in Ankara, only 1047 (20 per cent) patients were military personnel and the military-related burn causes comprised only 6 per cent of the total. The remaining 4217 (80 per cent of the total patients) were civilians. Flame injuries were also more frequent in military patients than civilians. Minor burns were most common in the age group 0–10 years old (40 per cent) and moderate to major burns in the age group 21–30 years (54 per cent). Scalds were the main cause of paediatric burns. Male patients were dominant. The overall mortality among inpatients was 18.2 per cent and mean total body surface area (TBSA) was 57.6 per cent in patients who died. 134 patients demonstrated inhalation injury and 82 per cent of these patients died. The epidemiological pattern of our patients is similar to that in other studies from developed countries, although some ethnic causative factors could be found. Our study indicates that emergency measures should be taken to prevent flame injuries at military barracks and industrial workplaces and scalding accidents to children at home and throughout the country.  相似文献   

An epidemiological survey of 411 patients over a period of five and a half years is analysed. There were no yearly trends but there was a slight increase in the number of female burns during the survey. There were 293 males, 71.3 per cent and 118 females, 28.7 per cent. The majority of the burns occurred in the younger age groups and reflect the cause of the injury. Approximately one-half of the injuries were burns of less than 10 per cent and three-quarters were of less than 20 per cent. The most extensive burns were caused by petrol and clothes fires. Predisposing conditions were present in 23.8 per cent of the patients, with alcohol abuse figuring prominently. Epilepsy was present in 2.7 per cent of the patients. The major predisposing conditions, causes and complications of the burn injuries are discussed. Burn infection occurred in 18.2 per cent of the patients and septicaemia in 3.5 per cent. There was a mortality rate of 8.3 per cent and the average length of hospital stay was 22.9 days. While these burns are mainly preventable it is difficult to see how this can be fully achieved.  相似文献   

During the 6 years from July 1984 to May 1990, 193 patients (30.2 per cent of all patients) were admitted to our regional adult burn centre, for treatment of work-related burn injuries. The median age of patients was 32.5 years (range 18-64 per cent), and 94 per cent were males. Fifty-nine per cent of the patients came from metropolitan Toronto, and 40 per cent from rural Ontario. Most of the patients (97.3 per cent) were referred to the burn centre within 24 h of their injury. The most common aetiology was electrical injury (29.5 per cent), followed by flame (24.4 per cent), contact (10.4 per cent), flash (9.8 per cent), tar and asphalt (9.3 per cent), scald (7.8 per cent), chemical (5.1 per cent), steam (4.7 per cent) and grease (1 per cent). Within the electrical burn group, about one-half were flash burns, one-quarter were clothing fire injuries, and one-quarter were contact injuries. These occupational burns tended to be extensive injuries. The median body surface area (BSA) was 16.5 per cent, with a median full thickness (FT) component of 5.0 per cent. The average length of stay was 20.0 days. Inhalation injury requiring intubation occurred in 14.8 per cent of patients. Sepsis--confirmed by positive blood cultures--developed in 14 per cent of the patients, at an average time of 8.8 days postburn. Staphylococcus aureus was the commonest organism isolated from blood cultures. Pneumonia occurred in 6.3 per cent of patients. A total of 207 surgical procedures was performed on 113 of the 193 patients.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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