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The nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase Src is overexpressed in 70% of pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Here, we describe the effect of molecular and pharmacological down-regulation of Src on incidence, growth, and metastasis of pancreatic tumor cells in an orthotopic model. Src expression in L3.6pl human pancreatic tumor cells was reduced by stable expression of a plasmid encoding small interfering RNA (siRNA) to c-src. In stable siRNA clones, Src expression was reduced >80%, with no change in expression of the related kinases c-Yes and c-Lyn, and proliferation rates were similar in all clones. Phosphorylation of Akt and p44/42 Erk mitogen-activated protein kinase and production of VEGF and IL-8 in culture supernatants were also reduced (P < 0.005). On orthotopic implantation of varying cell numbers into nude mice, tumor incidence was unchanged; however, in the siRNA clones, large tumors failed to develop, and incidence of metastasis was significantly reduced, suggesting that c-Src activity is critical to tumor progression. To examine this possibility further, animals bearing established wild-type tumors were treated with the Src/Abl-selective inhibitor BMS-354825 (dasatinib). Tumor size was decreased, and incidence of metastases was significantly reduced in treated mice compared with controls. These results demonstrate that Src activation contributes to pancreatic tumor progression in this model, offering Src as a candidate for targeted therapy.  相似文献   

KITENIN (KAI1 C-terminal interacting tetraspanin) promotes invasion and metastasis in mouse colon cancer models. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of KITENIN knockdown by intravenous administration of short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) in an orthotopic mouse colon cancer model, simulating a primary or adjuvant treatment setting. We established orthotopic models for colon cancer using BALB/c mice and firefly luciferase-expressing CT-26 (CT26/Fluc) cells. Tumor progression and response to therapy were monitored by bioluminescence imaging (BLI). In the primary therapy model, treatment with KITENIN shRNA substantially delayed tumor growth (P = 0.028) and reduced the incidence of hepatic metastasis (P = 0.046). In the adjuvant therapy model, KITENIN shRNA significantly reduced the extent of tumor recurrence (P = 0.044). Mice treated with KITENIN shRNA showed a better survival tendency than the control mice (P = 0.074). Our results suggest that shRNA targeting KITENIN has the potential to be an effective tool for the treatment of colon cancer in both adjuvant and metastatic setting.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have provided evidence suggesting an important role for diet and obesity in the development of cancer. Specifically, lipid nutrients of the diet have been identified as important regulators of tumor development and progression. In the present study, we have examined the role of dietary fat and cholesterol in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer using the well-characterized TRAMP mouse model. Consumption of a Western-type diet--that is, enriched in both fat and cholesterol--accelerated prostate tumor incidence and tumor burden compared to mice fed a control chow diet. Furthermore, we also show that this diet increased the extent and the histological grade of prostate tumors. These findings were confirmed by the presence of increased levels of protein markers of advanced tumors in prostates obtained from animals fed a Western-type diet compared to those obtained from control animals. Increased lung metastases in animals fed a Western-type diet were also observed. In addition, we found that with a Western diet, animals bearing tumors presented with reduced plasma cholesterol levels compared with animals fed a control diet. Finally, we show that tumors obtained from animals fed a Western-type diet displayed increased expression of the high-density lipoprotein receptor SR-BI and increased angiogenesis. Taken together, our data suggest that dietary fat and cholesterol play an important role in the development of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus serotype 6 (AAV6) viral vectors encoding mutant and normal tau were used to produce focal tau pathology. Two mutant forms of tau were used; the P301S tau mutation is associated with neurofibrillary tangle formation in humans, and the 3PO mutation leads to rapid tau aggregation and is associated with pathogenic phosphorylation and cytotoxicity in vitro. We show that adeno-associated viral injection into entorhinal cortex of normal and tau knockout animals leads to local overexpression of tau, and the presence of human tau in axons projecting to and emanating from the entorhinal cortex. Starting at 2 months and increasing by 6 months post-injection neurons expressing mutant tau developed hyperphosphorylated tau pathology, in addition to dystrophic neurites. There was neuronal loss in tau-expressing regions, which was similar in normal and in TASTPM mice injected with mutant tau. There was neuroinflammation around plaques, and in regions expressing mutant tau. We saw no evidence that mutant tau had affected amyloid-beta pathology or vice versa. Morris water maze behavioral tests demonstrated mild memory impairment attributable to amyloid-beta pathology at 2 and 4 months, with severe impairment at 6 months in animals receiving adeno-associated viral-3PO. Therefore, TASTPM mice injected with mutant tau displayed many of the main features characteristic of human Alzheimer's disease patients and might be used as a model to test new drugs to ameliorate clinical features of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Metastasis is the major cause of prostate cancer deaths and there is a need for clinically relevant in vivo models allowing elucidation of molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying metastatic behavior. Here we describe the development of a new in vivo model system for metastatic prostate cancer. Pieces of prostate cancer tissue from a patient were grafted in testosterone-supplemented male NOD-SCID mice at the subrenal capsule graft site permitting high tumor take rates. After five serial transplantations, the tumor tissues were grafted into mouse prostates. Resulting tumors and suspected metastatic lesions were subjected to histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. Samples of metastatic tissue were regrafted in mouse anterior prostates and their growth and spread examined, leading to isolation from lymph nodes of a metastatic subline, PCa1-met. Orthotopic grafting of PCa1-met tissue in 47 hosts led in all cases to metastases to multiple organs (lymph nodes, lung, liver, kidney, spleen and, notably, bone). Histopathological analysis showed strong similarity between orthotopic grafts and their metastases. The latter were of human origin as indicated by immunostaining using antibodies against human mitochondria, androgen receptor, prostate-specific antigen and Ki-67. Spectral karyotyping showed few chromosomal alterations in the PCa1-met subline. This study indicates that transplantable subrenal capsule xenografts of human prostate cancer tissue in NOD-SCID mice can, as distinct from primary cancer tissue, be successfully grown in the orthotopic site. Orthotopic xenografts of the transplantable tumor lines and metastatic sublines can be used for studying various aspects of metastatic prostate cancer, including metastasis to bone.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha)/epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling pathway appears to play a critical role in colon cancer progression, but the cellular and molecular mechanisms that contribute to metastasis remain unknown. KM12C colon cancer cell clones expressing high (C9) or negligible (C10) levels of TGFalpha were implanted into the cecal walls of nude mice. C9 tumors formed autocrine and paracrine EGFR networks, whereas C10 tumors were unable to signal through EGFR. The tumor microenvironment of C9, but not C10, contained cells enriched in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) A, interleukin-8, and matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 and had a high vascular surface area. C9 tumors recruited a macrophage population that co-expressed F4/80 and lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronic acid receptor and produced VEGFC. The mean lymphatic density of C9 tumors was threefold higher than that of C10 tumors. C9, but not C10, tumor cells metastasized to regional lymph nodes in all mice and to the liver in 5 of 10 mice. Forced expression of TGFalpha in C10 tumor cells led to the generation of autocrine and paracrine EGFR signaling, macrophage recruitment, enhanced blood and lymphatic vascular surface areas, and increased lymphatic metastasis. Collectively, these data show that activation of TGFalpha-EGFR signaling in colon cancer cells creates a microenvironment that is conducive for metastasis, providing a rationale for efforts to inhibit EGFR signaling in TGFalpha-positive colon cancers.  相似文献   

Vascular targeting is a novel strategy that directs endothelial toxins at tumor vessels expressing specific markers and kills tumor cells by vascular occlusion. Integrin-binding RGD motif has been reported to have a homing property to experimental tumor vasculature. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of vascular targeting by doxorubicin-RGD-4C conjugate in an orthotopic murine hepatoma model. MTT assay showed that dox-RGD-4C conjugates had lower cytotoxicity against MH134 mouse hepatoma cells than free dox. When given intravenously to mice with implanted orthotopic hepatoma, however, the dox-RGD-4C suppressed the growth of hepatoma more effectively than free dox (mean tumor volumes 24 mm(3) vs. 67 mm(3), respectively; p=0.047). Histologic analysis of the hepatoma tissue revealed prominent tumor cell death in the dox-RGD-4C treated group and complete tumor cell necrosis in 40% of cases. Immunochemical staining showed expression of integrin alphav mainly around the tumor nodule. These results show that dox-RGD-4C conjugate has a better antitumor effect in an orthotopic mouse hepatoma model by tumor targeting. Integrin alphav of hepatoma feeding vessels is suggested to be targeted by the dox-RGD-4C conjugate.  相似文献   

Disseminated colon carcinoma metastases in the liver are associated with low cure rates and constitute a serious therapeutic problem. Appropriate experimental models which mimic metastases development and outgrowth can provide insight into the mechanism of this lethal process and facilitate the finding of new approaches for its control. We established an orthotopic liver metastases model based on CC531 rat colon adenocarcinoma cells which were transfected with a -galactosidase gene as marker to facilitate their detection. Intraportal injection of CC531-lac-Z cells resulted in a rapid and locally aggressive growth within the liver and was characterised by a tumour volume doubling time of 20 h and abundant angiogenesis. A commercially available chemi-luminescence assay allowed rapid, quantitative and sensitive detection of the diffusely growing tumour cells. Immunogenicity of CC531-lac-Z cells induced by the marker gene was significantly reduced by co-administering the tumour cells with matrigel. Within an observation period of three weeks following tumour cell injection only 6% of the animals showed lung involvement, thus indicating a specific homing of CC531-lac-Z cells to the liver. This period appears long enough to allow therapeutic manipulations at various stages of tumour growth in the liver. It is envisaged that the model will have applications for various therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

A novel orthotopic model of breast cancer metastasis to bone   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Breast cancer affects approximately one woman in twelve and kills more women than any other cancer. If detected early, patients have a five year survival rate of 66%, but once metastatic disease has developed, there is no effective treatment. About 70% of patients with metastatic disease have bone involvement, while lungs and liver are the other common targets. Bone metastases cause severe pain, pathological fractures and hypercalcaemia and thus are a significant clinical problem. The development of new therapies for metastatic breast carcinoma depends on a better understanding of the mechanism of homing of the tumour cells to bone, liver and lungs and the factors required for their growth in these organs. Research on mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis, particularly to bone, has relied on in vitro studies or on tumour models in which the inoculation route is designed to promote delivery of tumour cells to a specific organ. Metastases in bone are achieved by inoculation into the right ventricle of the heart. To our knowledge there has been no report of a model of metastatic spread from the mammary gland to distant sites which reliably includes bone. In this paper, we describe our recent development of a novel murine model of metastatic breast carcinoma. The new model is unique in that the pattern of metastatic spread closely resembles that observed in human breast cancer. In particular, these murine breast tumours metastasise to bone from the primary breast site and cause hypercalcaemia, characteristics not normally found in murine tumours, but common in human disease. Furthermore, in a preliminary characterisation of this model, we show that secretion of parathyroid hormone-related protein, a role for which has been implicated in breast cancer spread to bone, correlates with metastasis to bone. This model therefore provides an excellent experimental system in which to investigate the factors that control metastatic spread of breast cancer to specific sites, particularly bone. The special advantage of this system is that it involves the whole metastasis process, beginning from the primary site. Existing models consider mechanisms that pertain to growth of tumour once the site has been reached. An understanding of the regulation of these factors by potential therapeutic agents could lead to improvement in therapies designed to combat metastatic disease. For the first time, this development will allow exploration of the molecular basis of site-specific metastasis of breast cancer to bone in a clinically relevant model.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been associated with initiation, progression and vascularization of a number of tumors. However, clinical trials using MMP inhibitors failed to meet expectations. Previously, we demonstrated the potential importance of MMP-9 activity in experimental prostate cancer bone tumor tissue. However, the particular roles of host- and tumor-derived MMP-9 remains to be defined. Herein, we examined the role of host MMP-9 in subcutaneous and intraosseous growth of the human androgen independent prostate cancer cell line PC3 in MMP-9 deficient mice. In the subcutaneous model, the tumor incidence in the control (RAG-1 ko/ko ) and experimental (RAG-1 ko/ko /MMP-9 ko/ko ) group was 100%, with similar tumor growth kinetics and microvascular densities. In the intraosseous tumor model, the tumor incidence was higher in RAG-1 ko/ko /MMP-9 ko/ko mice than in RAG-1 ko/ko mice (67% and 39%, respectively), though no statistical differences were found. The intraosseous tumor areas were similar in both groups, and the number of tumor-associated osteoclasts did not differ significantly. However, the microvascular density of intraosseous tumors was higher in RAG-1 ko/ko than in RAG-1 ko/ko /MMP-9 ko/ko mice, though no changes in tumor growth could be detected. In an in vitro assay, we found that bone marrow (BM) cells increased the invasiveness of PC3 cells, and that this enhancement was independent of MMP-9 expression by marrow cells. Our results with the RAG-1 model suggest that host-derived MMP-9 is neither necessary nor sufficient for subcutaneous or intraosseous PC3 tumor growth, osteoclastic response, or in vitro invasiveness of tumor cells.  相似文献   

Telomerase activity is over-expressed in nearly all pancreatic carcinomas, but not in chronic pancreatitis. Here, we investigated various protocols for expansion of telomerase-specific T cells for adoptive cell transfer and their use in a syngeneic pancreatic carcinoma mouse model. Telomerase-specific T cells were generated by stimulation of splenocytes from peptide-immunized donor mice with either interleukin (IL)-2, IL-15, artificial antigen-presenting cells, anti-signalling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) microbeads or allogeneic dendritic cells in combination with a limited dilution assay. T cells were tested for antigen specificity in vitro and for anti-tumour activity in syngeneic mice with orthotopically implanted tumours pretreated with cyclophosphamide. The immune cells from recipients were immunophenotyped. During a period of 2 weeks, the expansion approach using IL-2 was very successful in generating a high number of telomerase-specific CD8+ T cells without losing their function after adoptive cell transfer. Significantly slower tumour growth rate and less metastasis were observed after adoptively transferring telomerase specific CD8+ T cells, expanded using IL-2. Further investigations showed that anti-tumour efficacy was associated with a significant shift from naive CD8+ T cells to CD8+ central memory T cells, as well as recruitment of a high number of dendritic cells. Remarkable amounts of telomerase-specific T cells were detectable in the tumour. Generation of telomerase-specific T cells is feasible, whereat IL-2-based protocols seemed to be most effective and efficient. Antigen-specific T cells showed significant cytotoxic activity in a syngeneic, orthotopic mouse model, whereas central memory T cells but not effector memory T cells appear to be of high importance.  相似文献   

Micelles are promising a nano drug carrier for cancer therapy. However, their application is often limited due to the instability of them in vivo. Herein, we reported the development of stereocomplex micelle (SCM) based on amphiphilic dextran-block-polylactide (Dex-b-PLA) that could improve the stability of micelles, reduce the early release of loaded drugs and target the breast cancer through the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect for enhanced breast cancer therapy. The SCM were fabricated from the equimolar mixture of the enantiomeric Dex-b-PLA copolymers. Paclitaxel (PTX) as a model anti breast cancer drug was loaded in the SCM, noted as SCM/PTX. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic laser scattering (DLS) showed the diameter of SCM/PTX was below100?nm, which was suitable sizes for the EPR effect. The release kinetics of SCM/PTX exhibited that the release of PTX was obviously slow down and showed constant release. In the in vitro antitumor test, the SCM/PTX could effectively suppress the viability of 4T1 cells, which was demonstrated by the MTT assay. Moreover, the SCM/PTX could reduce the distribution of PTX at normal organs and obviously increase the accumulation of PTX at tumor sites. The circulation time of SCM/PTX was also obviously enhanced compared to free PTX. In the in vivo antitumor test, the SCM/PTX effectively inhibited the progression of 4T1 breast cancer in the orthotopic mouse model, as demonstrated by decreased tumor growth and increased apoptosis and necrosis areas within tumor tissues. In addition, the toxic side effects of PTX was also alleviated in the SCM/PTX group. This study introduced a stable micelle system that passive targeted the tumor for enhanced breast cancer therapy.  相似文献   

S Falk  H J Stutte 《Pathology, research and practice》1989,185(2):238-42; discussion 242-4
The case of an ileal carcinoid tumor metastatic to the spleen causing splenomegaly and symptoms that necessitated splenectomy is described. Morphological analysis reveals that viable tumor cells are present along the whole pathway of splenic circulation and, accordingly, may lead to metastatic deposits at different sites within the spleen.  相似文献   

Myopodin was previously reported as a gene that was frequently deleted in prostate cancer. This gene shares significant homology with a cell shape-regulating gene, synaptopodin. Myopodin was shown to bind actin and to induce actin bundling when cells were stimulated. To clarify the functional role of myopodin in prostate cancer, several assays were performed to evaluate the tumor suppression activity of myopodin. Our results indicate that myopodin inhibits tumor growth and invasion both in vitro and in vivo. The activity of tumor suppression of myopodin is located at the C-terminus region. To further evaluate the role of myopodin in suppressing the invasiveness of prostate cancer, an expression analysis of myopodin protein was performed in prostate tissues. The results indicate that down-regulation of myopodin expression occurs mostly in invasive stages of prostate cancer, implying a potential invasion suppression role for myopodin in prostate cancer. In addition, hemizygous deletion and down-regulation of myopodin expression occur in three aggressive prostate cancer cell lines. All these results support the hypothesis that myopodin functions as a tumor suppressor gene to limit the growth and to inhibit the metastasis of cancer cells.  相似文献   

The effects of the synthetic retinoid N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide (4-HPR) on prostate cancer metastasis in vivo were evaluated in the mouse prostate reconstitution (MPR) model. MPRs were produced by infection of either heterozygous (+/−) or nullizygous (−/−) p53-mutant fetal prostatic epithelial cells with the recombinant retrovirus Zipras/myc 9. Previous studies have documented that loss of p53 function potentiates metastasis in this model system. MPRs were grafted into homozygous (+/+) p53 male mice, fed a 4-HPR containing diet or a control diet and maintained until the status of tumor progression dictated sacrifice. Under these experimental conditions, treatment with 4-HPR did not have a significant effect on primary tumor wet weight for either p53 +/− or p53 −/− MPRs. For, p53 +/− MPRs the animals fed the 4-HPR diet had a slight improvement in survival and a significant reduction in the number of mesenteric metastases (P=0.0477, t-test). Notably, in p53 +/− MPRs the incidence of metastasis to lumbar spine and sternum was 92% in the control animals compared to 54% in the 4-HPR treated animals (P=0.035, χ2-test). In p53 −/− MPRs there was a trend toward a reduction in the number of soft tissue metastases to lung and liver in the 4-HPR group relative to the control diet group and a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of metastasis to bone was demonstrated in that 50% of control animals versus 30% of 4-HPR treated p53 −/− animals harbored bone metastases (P=0<0.05, χ2-test). Cell lines were established from portions of the primary tumor and from selected metastatic deposits in each experimental group. Clonal analysis, by retroviral integration pattern, indicated increased clonal diversity in both the primary tumors and metastasis-derived cell lines from 4-HPR treated animals relative to the control animals. In vitro treatment with 4-HPR did not reveal discriminating differences between cell lines derived from primary tumors and bone metastases or control and treatment groups in regard to growth arrest or apoptotic responses. Overall these studies indicate limited anti-tumor and anti-metastatic activity in this highly aggressive in vivo mouse model of prostate cancer, yet 4-HPR treatment significantly suppressed the development of bone metastases in p53 +/− and p53 −/− MPRs revealing a novel and potentially clinically useful activity of this retinoid. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is frequent among men over 45 years of age, but it generally only becomes lethal with metastasis. In this study, we identified a gene called cellular stress response 1 (CSR1) that was frequently down-regulated and methylated in prostate cancer samples. Survival analysis indicated that methylation of the CSR1 promoter, and to a lesser extent down-regulation of CSR1 protein expression, was associated with a high rate of prostate cancer metastasis. Forced expression of CSR1 in prostate cancer cell lines DU145 and PC3 resulted in a two- to threefold decrease in colony formation and a 10-fold reduction in anchorage-independent growth. PC3 cells stably expressing CSR1 had an average threefold decrease in their ability to invade in vitro. Expression of CSR1 in PC3 cell xenografts produced a dramatic reduction (>8-fold) in tumor size, rate of invasion (0 versus 31%), and mortality (13 versus 100%). The present findings suggest that CSR1 is a potent tumor sup-pressor gene.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肥胖对小鼠各组织中Metrnl表达的影响。方法:高脂饮食4个月诱导小鼠肥胖,实时定量PCR与免疫组织化学法检测正常饮食与高脂饮食小鼠肝、骨骼肌、肾、结肠及脂肪组织中Metrnl mRNA与蛋白的表达。结果:高脂饮食增加了小鼠的体质量和白色脂肪量。同时,高脂饮食显著增加了白色脂肪组织Metrnl mRNA与蛋白的水平,但未增加肝、骨骼肌、肾、结肠组织中Metrnl的表达。结论:肥胖特异性增加脂肪组织中Metrnl的表达,从而形成"肥胖-脂肪组织上调Metrnl表达-代谢改善"的反馈调节通路。  相似文献   

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