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Superantigens stimulate naive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in a TCR V beta- specific manner. However, it has been reported that memory T cells are unresponsive to superantigen stimulation. In this study, we show that staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) can activate influenza virus-specific CD8+ memory cytotoxic T cells. In vivo SEB challenge of mice that had recovered from influenza virus infection (memory mice) resulted in the generation of vigorous influenza-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity and in vitro SEA or SEB stimulation of splenic T cells from memory mice, but not naive mice, also induced influenza-specific CTL. Analysis of the mechanism of activation suggested that although there may be a component of cytokine-mediated bystander activation, the CTL activity is largely generated in response to direct TCR engagement by superantigen. Moreover, influenza-specific CTL could be generated from purified CD8+ CD62L loCD44hi (memory phenotype) T cells cultured in the presence of T cell-depleted splenic antigen-presenting cells and SE. Purified CD8+ memory T cells also secreted lymphokines and synthesized DNA in response to superantigen. These results definitively demonstrate that CD8+ memory T cells respond to SE stimulation by proliferating and developing appropriate effector function. Furthermore, the data raise the possibility that otherwise inconsequential exposure to bacterial superantigens may perturb the CD8+ T cell memory pool.   相似文献   

The strict segregation of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II loading pathways has been challenged by recent reports indicating that MHC class I molecules can acquire antigen in the phagocytic pathway. We now show that this alternative peptide loading pathway can be used efficiently to generate macrophages able to activate unprimed antigen-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. Short peptides (8–11 residues), administered in the phagocytic pathway at nanomolar concentrations, were found to be effective in specifically activating naïve cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in vitro, but longer peptides or whole protein antigen were not. Whole protein antigen coated on beads did, however, render macrophages susceptible to lysis by an antigen-specific CTL clone. This indicates that proteolysis in the phagocytic pathway has limited capability for class I-restricted presentation. We propose a model for class I loading in the phagocytic pathway consisting of direct trafficking of nascent MHC class I from the trans-Golgi network to the phagosome, prior to appearance at the cell surface, and the use of the narrow cavity between bead and phagosomal membrane as a peptide exchange/loading compartment. Targeting immunogenic class I-binding peptide to the phagocytic pathway of macrophages facilitates presentation in association with class I. This is a useful tool for CTL response induction in vitro.  相似文献   

Major expansions of CD8hi+CD57+ T lymphocytes frequently occur during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and after transplantation. To investigate mechanisms of such cell expansion, we compared the activation and functional status of CD8hi+CD57+ and CD57-peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from normal, bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and HIV+ donors. The CD8hi+CD57+ PBL from BMT and HIV+ donors preferentially displayed CD38 and HLA-DR activation markers without correlation between CD8hi+CD57+ percentages and HIV load, the CD45RA+ isoform in all ex vivo conditions but acquired CD45RO after in vitro expansion, CD11b and CD11c in BMT and HIV+ donors but decreased expression of CD62-L, VLA-2 and VLA-6. The CD8hi+CD57+ cells were positive for perforin and granzyme B and spontaneously mediated cytolytic activity in a CD3-redirected assay. In contrast the inhibitor of cytolytic functions (ICF) produced by CD8hi+CD57+ cells down- modulated the CD3-redirected cytolytic activity but only at low levels of CD3 cross-linking. While CD3-triggering induced a low, if any, short- term proliferation of CD8+CD57+ cells, this subset could be amplified after long-term stimulation either with mitogens or with HIV antigens, thereby enriched in HIV-specific T cells producing tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Altogether these data suggest that CD8hi+CD57+ cells represent a terminal differentiation state of activated effector cytotoxic T lymphocytes which are enriched in antigen-specific T cells and down-modulate their own cytolytic potential, thus participating in a negative control of effector cell functions during persistent viral infections or transplantations.   相似文献   

Of the many dendritic cell (DC) subsets, DCs expressing the monomorphic coreceptor CD8 alpha-chain (CD8alpha) are localized permanently in lymphoid organs, whereas 'tissue-derived DCs' remain in nonlymphoid tissues until they 'capture' antigen and then move to local lymph nodes. Here we show that after lung infection, both naive and memory CD8+ 'killer' T cells responded to influenza virus antigens presented by lymph node-resident CD8alpha+ DCs, but only naive cells responded to antigens presented by lung-derived DCs. This difference provides a mechanism for priming naive T cell responses in conditions in which robust memory predominates. Our findings have implications for immunity to pathogens that can mutate their T cell epitopes, such as influenza virus and human immunodeficiency virus, and challenge the long-held view that memory T cells have less-stringent requirements for activation than naive T cells have.  相似文献   

The requirements for the conversion of CD8+ memory T cells into effector class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Kd-restricted cytotoxic T (Tc) cells in vitro have been studied. Purified CD8+ splenocytes from influenza A/WSN-primed BALB/c (H-2d) mice stimulated with a synthetic nucleoprotein peptide 147-158 R156- (NPP) alone generated Tc cells specific for influenza virus-infected target cells. No additional requirements for accessory cells or their lymphokine products were necessary indicating that peptide antigen (Ag) in association with Kd was presented on CD8+ T cells. The evidence for presentation of NPP by CD8+ T cells was supported by the use of CD8+ memory T cells from semiallogeneic bone marrow radiation chimeras of P1----F1 type (H-2b----[H-2d x H-2b]F1). Memory CD8+ splenocytes from A/WSN-immune chimeras did not develop into secondary effector Tc cells as a result of a 4-day culture with NPP alone, however, were able to do so if NPP was presented by Kd-bearing Ag-presenting cells. In addition, these results exclude the possibility of direct recognition of free NPP molecules by the specific T cell receptor of CD8+ memory T cells. CD8+ memory splenocytes (H-2b) from chimeras were also able to develop into functionally active Tc cells as a result of presentation of Db-restricted synthetic peptide (NP 366-374) with a sequence derived from influenza virus nucleoprotein with high affinity for Db MHC class I molecules. Blockade of endogenously produced interleukin 2 (IL-2) activity by anti-IL-2 or anti-IL-2 receptor monoclonal antibody in the culture of CD8+ memory T cells during a 4-day NPP stimulation completely abolished Tc cell generation, indicating that the utilization of this lymphokine is absolutely required for the secondary Tc cell development. These findings demonstrate that CD8+ memory T cells per se are able to recognize the restimulating epitope as a result of its presentation by CD8+ T cells and develop into cytolytically active and highly specific Tc cells with no requirements for other cellular helper components or their lymphokine products.  相似文献   

Based on recent advances in techniques that can detect and enumerate antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, it is evident that these cells can differentially regulate CD8+ T cell effector mechanisms at the single-cell level. Interplay between effector mechanisms that are employed by antigen-specific CD8+ T cells during the immune response in vivo can be addressed with different techniques that "count" cells either directly (T cell receptor (TCR) expression) or indirectly (antigen-specific cytokine production).  相似文献   

The ability of human keratinocytes to present antigen to T cells is controversial and, indeed, it has been suggested that keratinocytes may promote T cell hyporesponsiveness. Furthermore, it is unclear whether keratinocytes can process antigen prior to MHC class I and class II presentation. We tested the ability of keratinocytes to induce functional responses in epitope-specific CD4+ and CD8+ memory T cells using peptides, protein and recombinant expression vectors as sources of antigen. Keratinocytes were able to efficiently process and present protein antigen to CD4+ T cells, resulting in cytokine secretion (Th1 and Th2). This interaction was dependent on keratinocyte expression of HLA class II and ICAM-1, which could be induced by IFN-gamma. In addition, keratinocytes could present virally encoded or exogenous peptide to CD8+ T cells, resulting in T cell cytokine production and target cell lysis. Finally, T cell lines grown using keratinocytes as stimulators showed no loss of function. These findings demonstrate that keratinocytes are able to efficiently process and present antigen to CD4+ and CD8+ memory T cells and induce functional responses. The findings have broad implications for the pathogenesis of cutaneous disease and for transcutaneous drug or vaccine delivery.  相似文献   

目的:探讨EpCAM 蛋白激活树突细胞(DC)诱导产生CD8+ 细胞毒T 淋巴细胞(CD8+ CTL)进行卵巢癌免疫 治疗的效果,为卵巢癌的临床治疗提供帮助。方法:利用EpCAM 蛋白诱导成熟DC 同时检测DC 表面分子和白介素(IL)鄄10 与IL鄄12 表达量的变化,随后通过EpCAM鄄DC 诱导EpCAM 抗原特异性CD8+ CTL,继而检测EpCAM鄄DC鄄CD8+ CTL 对正常卵巢 上皮细胞IOSE80 和卵巢癌细胞SKVO3 的杀伤效果,同时检测干扰素(IFN)鄄酌释放量。随后进一步检测EpCAM鄄DC鄄CD8+ CTL 对卵巢癌移植裸鼠的肿瘤抑制程度,并通过病理学染色检测治疗后肿瘤组织变化情况。结果:与PBS 刺激相比,EpCAM 蛋白能够显著上调DC 表面分子DC80、DC83、DC86 和HLA鄄DR 水平,依次达到4郾79、4郾85、4郾60 和10郾91 倍;同时EpCAM 蛋白 显著提高IL鄄12 释放和显著抑制IL鄄10 分泌(P<0郾05)。DC鄄CD8+ CTL 与EpCAM鄄DC鄄CD8+ CTL 均引起少量IOSE80 细胞凋亡 (P>0郾05),但EpCAM鄄DC鄄CD8+ CTL 对SKVO3 细胞杀伤率是DC鄄CD8+ CTL 的6郾82 倍(P<0郾05)。动物实验表明,经EpCAM鄄 DC鄄CD8+ CTL 治疗后,BALB/ c鄄nu/ nu 卵巢癌移植肿瘤体积比明显低于PBS 组以及DC鄄CD8+ CTL 组,分别达到0郾27 和0郾28 倍 (P<0郾05)。HE 染色显示EpCAM鄄DC鄄CD8+ CTL 治疗导致肿瘤组织出现明显的病理学改变。结论:EpCAM 蛋白刺激促进了 DC 成熟继而诱导产生EpCAM 特异性CD8+ CTL,EpCAM鄄DC鄄CD8+ CTL 能够高效的杀伤肿瘤细胞并延迟肿瘤生长,对卵巢癌 临床免疫治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The primary activation of T-helper and T-cytotoxic cells following mucosal immunization with recombinant Streptococcus gordonii was studied in vivo by adoptive transfer of ovalbumin (OVA)-specific transgenic CD8+ (OT-I) and CD4+ (OT-II) T cells. A recombinant strain, expressing on the surface the vaccine antigen Ag85B-ESAT-6 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis fused to OVA T-helper and T-cytotoxic epitopes (peptides 323 to 339 and 257 to 264), was constructed and used to immunize C57BL/6 mice by the intranasal route. Recombinant, but not wild-type, bacteria induced OVA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell clonal expansion in cervical lymph nodes, lung, and spleen. OVA-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell proliferation appeared first in cervical lymph nodes and later in the spleen, suggesting a possible migration of activated cells from the inductive site to the systemic district. A significant correlation between the percentages of CD4+ and CD8+ proliferating T cells was observed for each animal. The expression of CD69, CD44, and CD45RB on proliferating T lymphocytes changed as a function of the cell division number, confirming T-cell activation following the antigen encounter. These data indicate that intranasal immunization with recombinant S. gordonii is capable of inducing primary activation of naive antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, both locally and systemically.  相似文献   

CD8(+) CD56(+) cells isolated from human peripheral blood lymphocytes have been shown recently to represent a population of cytotoxic active T cells. However, it is not known if these cells are intrathymically or extrathymically developed or how these cells are influenced by growth factors. In the present study, we investigated the effects of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-15 on human thymocytes with respect to development of CD8(+) CD56(+) T cells. Freshly isolated thymocytes contain few CD8(+) CD56(+) cells, but the number of these cells increases significantly when thymocytes are grown in the presence of IL-15 or IL-2. However, IL-15 induced a significantly higher fraction of CD8(+) CD56(+) cells compared with IL-2. Thus, although IL-2 and IL-15 are known to have a number of redundant functions, we here demonstrate that IL-15 is superior to IL-2 in inducing CD8(+) CD56(+) T cells from cultures of thymocytes. The majority of the IL-15-grown CD8(+) CD56(+) cells were CD45R0(+), representing a memory phenotype, and showed high expression of the IL-15R-complex and high numbers of CD69(+) cells. Moreover, cytotoxic activity was confined to this cell population.  相似文献   

Targeting cytotoxic T cells to antigen-specific B lymphocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A recent development in immunomanipulation involves the targeting of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to cell-bound antigens using bispecific antibodies. These antibodies have been engineered such that specificity is directed against the T cell receptor (TCR) or TCR-associated T3 molecules, as well as against the chosen antigen. The present study was aimed to force interactions between T and B cells by bridging their receptors. F23.1 antibodies, which are specific for gene products of the TCR V beta 8 gene family, were conjugated with TNP (2,4,6-trinitrophenyl) and this construct was used to bridge the receptors of V beta 8+ T cells with the receptors of TNP-specific B cells. The bridging was demonstrated by direct killing of both a TNP-specific B hybridoma and of blast cells from mice transgenic for mu, kappa of the TNP-specific antibody Sp6. Further, F23.1-TNP constructs in conjunction with V beta 8+ CTL were shown to specifically deplete Ig-secreting B cells from Sp6 transgenic mice. Conjugates of TCR-specific antibodies and antigen are theoretically useful in vivo to either deplete or expand B cells of a given specificity by coupling their receptors to the TCR of CTL or T helper cells, respectively.  相似文献   

CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T cells are increasingly recognized as central players in the regulation of immune responses. In vitro studies have mostly employed allogeneic or polyclonal responses to monitor suppression. Little is known about the ability of CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T cells to suppress antigen-specific immune responses in humans. It has been previously shown that CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T cells anergize CD4(+) T cells and turn them into suppressor T cells. In the present study we demonstrate for the first time in humans that CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells are able to inhibit the proliferation and cytokine production of antigen specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. This suppression only occurs when CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells are preactivated. Furthermore, we could demonstrate that CD4(+) T-cell clones stop secreting interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), start to produce interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor-beta after coculture with preactivated CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells and become suppressive themselves. Surprisingly preactivated CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells affect CD8(+) T cells differently, leading to reduced proliferation and reduced production of IFN-gamma. This effect is sustained and cannot be reverted by exogenous interleukin-2. Yet CD8(+) T cells, unlike CD4(+) T cells do not start to produce immunoregulatory cytokines and do not become suppressive after coculture with CD4(+) CD25(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Recent evidence showed that transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) regulates the global expansion of CD8+ T cells, which are CD44hi, a marker for memory cells. However, it is not clear whether this regulatory mechanism also applies to the antigen-specific CD8+ memory cells. By using a murine mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) model, we examined the effect of TGF-beta on antigen-specific CD8+ memory cells [cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)]. We found that the secondary CTL response in CD8+ memory cells from untreated MLC was not affected by TGF-beta but augmented by interleukin (IL)-2, whereas the CD8+ memory cells from TGF-beta-pretreated MLC (MLC-TGF-beta) failed to mount a significant, secondary CTL response, even when IL-2 was added. In exploring this dichotomy, in combination with flow cytometry analysis, we found that prolonged exposure to TGF-beta reduces the CTL activity in CD8+ memory cells. The increase by IL-2 and the reduction by TGF-beta of the CTL responses were clonal-specific. TGF-beta did not affect the CTL response to a third-party antigen or polyclonal T cell activation. Experiments performed with transgenic 2C cells gave similar results. Cell-cycle study performed with adoptive transfer of the cell tracker-labeled MLC cells revealed that the in vivo expansion of CD8+ memory cells from MLC-TGF-beta was restricted severely, and the restriction was clonal-specific, thus offering direct evidence to show that TGF-beta induces clonal restriction of CD8+ memory cell expansion.  相似文献   

We generated an antigen (streptococcal cell wall antigen)-specific T-cell line from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of a healthy donor with an intermediate response to streptococcal cell wall antigen. Proliferation of the T-cell line was completely blocked by a monoclonal antibody to HLA-DR. This line activated autologous CD8+ T cells in an antigen-specific manner in the presence of autologous monocytes. This activation was mediated by a factor derived from this line and was blocked by a monoclonal antibody against HLA class I molecules. The resultant CD8+ T blasts showed antigen-nonspecific suppression but no cytolytic activity. This antigen-specific generation of the CD8+ T-cell line in vitro by the antigen-specific CD4+ T-cell line is expected to contribute to analyses of functions of CD8+ T-cell subsets, particularly in the down-regulating system, at both cellular and molecular levels.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes is a T‐cell‐mediated autoimmune disease in which autoreactive CD8+ T cells destroy the insulin‐producing pancreatic beta cells. Vitamin D3 and dexamethasone‐modulated dendritic cells (Combi‐DCs) loaded with islet antigens inducing islet‐specific regulatory CD4+ T cells may offer a tissue‐specific intervention therapy. The effect of Combi‐DCs on CD8+ T cells, however, remains unknown. To investigate the interaction of CD8+ T cells with Combi‐DCs presenting epitopes on HLA class I, naive, and memory CD8+ T cells were co‐cultured with DCs and proliferation and function of peptide‐specific T cells were analyzed. Antigen‐loaded Combi‐DCs were unable to prime naïve CD8+ T cells to proliferate, although a proportion of T cells converted to a memory phenotype. Moreover, expansion of CD8+ T cells that had been primed by mature monocyte‐derived DCs (moDCs) was curtailed by Combi‐DCs in co‐cultures. Combi‐DCs expanded memory T cells once, but CD8+ T‐cell numbers collapsed by subsequent re‐stimulation with Combi‐DCs. Our data point that (re)activation of CD8+ T cells by antigen‐pulsed Combi‐DCs does not promote, but rather deteriorates, CD8+ T‐cell immunity. Yet, Combi‐DCs pulsed with CD8+ T‐cell epitopes also act as targets of cytotoxicity, which is undesirable for survival of Combi‐DCs infused into patients in therapeutic immune intervention strategies.  相似文献   

马刚  杨庆强  何兴状 《解剖学报》2017,48(4):428-433
目的 探讨富含亮氨酸重复序列的G蛋白耦联受体5(Lgr5)蛋白激活树突状细胞(DCs),诱导产生CD8+ 细胞毒T淋巴细胞(CTL)进行结肠癌免疫治疗的效果。 方法 利用Lgr5蛋白诱导DCs成熟,同时检测DCs表面标记物和白细胞介素(IL)-10与IL-12表达量的变化,随后通过Lgr5-DC诱导Lgr5抗原特异性CD8+ CTL,并检测Lgr5-DC-CD8+ CTL对正常结肠上皮细胞CCD-18Co和结肠癌细胞HT29的作用,同时检测干扰素(IFN)-γ释放量。然后进一步检测Lgr5-DC-CD8+ CTL对BALB/C-nu/nu小鼠结肠癌的抑制情况,并通过组织染色观察治疗后肿瘤组织的变化。 结果 与PBS刺激相比,Lgr5蛋白刺激能够显著上调DCs表面标记物DC80、DC83、DC86和HLA-DR水平,依次达到3.29、3.06、2.90和6.93倍;同时Lgr5蛋白刺激显著促进IL-12的释放和显著减少IL-10的分泌(P<0.05)。Lgr5-DC-CD8+ CTL和DC-CD8+ CTL均导致少量CCD-18Co细胞杀伤(P>0.05), 而Lgr5-DC-CD8+ CTL对HT29细胞的杀伤率是DC-CD8+ CTL的4.40倍(P<0.05)。动物实验表明,BALB/C-nu/nu结肠癌移植鼠经Lgr5-DC-CD8+ CTL治疗后,肿瘤体积比显著低于PBS组和DC-CD8+ CTL组,依次达到0.25和0.24倍(P<0.05)。组织染色显示 Lgr5-DC-CD8+CTL处理导致明显的肿瘤组织病理学改变,同时BAX表达升高。 结论 Lgr5蛋白促进DCs成熟并诱导产生Lgr5抗原特异性CD8+ CTL,Lgr5-DC-CD8+ CTL能够高效的杀伤肿瘤细胞并延迟肿瘤生长。  相似文献   

The major function of CD8 T cells is to kill specifically target cells. Moreover in certain incurable diseases, antigen-specific human CD8 T cells are impaired, and assessment of their cytolytic activity could bring insights into their physiopathological role and ways to restore immune dysfunctions for immunotherapeutic purposes. Despite this, T cell cytolytic function has been seldom analyzed thoroughly in humans, due to the lack of approaches well suited for ex vivo assessment of T cell cytotoxicity. Current techniques require prior in vitro expansion of antigen-specific CD8 T cell populations and the use of immortalized cells as targets to measure the cell-mediated killing. Furthermore, bulk cytotoxic activity is frequently measured using percentage of specific lysis calculations that do not quantify actual target cell death and effector numbers at the single cell level. Here we established a new flow cytometry-based assay that allows accurate single-cell analysis of cytotoxic capacity of primary antigen-specific CD8 T cells generated in vivo in humans after antigenic exposure without in vitro amplification that can be used for specificities restricted by different HLAs as target cells are autologous cells. We show that this assay is robust, highly sensitive irrespective of the frequency of antigen-specific CD8 T cells, and allows accurate calculation of the index of cytotoxic capacity in lytic units. This new assay provides a sensitive method to measure the intrinsic cytotoxic activity of antigen-specific CD8 T cells directly ex vivo on human primary cells.  相似文献   

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