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We studied major histocompatibility complex class II-dependent presentation of two T cell epitopes delivered as synthetic peptides by fixed macrophages. Treatment of bone marrow macrophages with inhibitors of proteinases of the metallo-, aspartic and serine proteinase families enhanced presentation of peptides, indicating that several enzyme families participate in destructive antigen processing of exogenous peptides. High performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated the presence of peptide fragments in macrophage supernatants, and permitted identification of the cleavage sites which confirmed the enzyme families involved. Peptide fragments were shown to be competitive inhibitors of presentation of the full-length peptide to CD4 T cells by fixed and live macrophages. The results indicate that several classes of proteinases can modulate antigen presentation by at least two mechanisms: (1) degradation of extracellular oligopeptides and (2) generation of natural peptide ligands that block antigen presentation to CD4 T cells. The generation of inhibitory natural peptide ligands is a new mechanism of immunoregulation which could operate during the induction of T cell responses in a variety of situations.  相似文献   

近年来,主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)-Ⅰ类递呈途径抗原肽的来源备受争议.选择性翻译产物作为抗原肽来源的模式,对经典全长蛋白降解作为抗原肽来源的模式提出了挑战,且这一模式已经被科学地实验数据证实和支持.因此,现在需要新的假说来探寻不同来源的抗原肽对MHC-I类递呈途径的生理意义.  相似文献   

Two soluble invariant chain (Ii) peptides with overlapping sequences had contrasting effects on the presentation of antigenic peptides by murine Ad, Ak, Ed, and Ek major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules. Naturally produced class II-associated invariant chain peptides human (h)Ii81–104/murine (m)Ii80–103 inhibited antigen presentation on these MHC class II alleles in a manner consistent with competitive inhibition. The Ii-4 peptides hIi77–92/mIi76–91 enhanced presentation of antigenic peptides on I-E class II alleles by promoting the exchange of peptides at the cell surface. Treatment of antigenpresenting cells (APC) with Ii-4 before the addition of antigenic peptide greatly enhanced subsequent T cell responses, while treatment of APC with Ii–4 after antigenic peptide binding decreased subsequent T cell responses. The hIi81–104 and mIi80–103 peptides inhibited T cell responses in both types of assays. The binding of biotinylated antigenic peptide to MHC class II-transfected L cells, as measured by flow cytometry, was inhibited by mIi80-103 and enhanced by mIi-4. Segments of Ii fragments remaining associated with MHC class II, or released Ii peptides, appear to regulate the formation of stable antigenic peptide/MHC class II complexes either positively or negatively through interactions at or near the antigenic peptide binding site. These findings open a pathway for the design of novel therapeutics based on the structure and function of natural and rationally designed fragments of Ii.  相似文献   

Summary: The class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC class 1) presents 8–10 residue peptides to cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Most of these antigenic peptides are generated during protein degradation in the cytoplasm and are then transported into the endoplasmic reticulum by the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), Several lines of evidence have indicated that the proteasome is the major proteolytic activity responsible for generation of antigenic peptides—probably most conclusive has been the finding that specific inhibitors of die proteasome block antigen presentation. However, other proteases (e.g. the signal peptidase) may also generate some epitopes, particularly those on certain MHC class I alleles. The proteasome is responsible for generating the precise C termini of many presented peptides, and appears to be the only activity in ceils that can make this cleavage. In contrast, aminopeptidases in the cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum can trim the N terminus of extended peptides to their proper size. Interestingly, the cellular content of proteases involved in the production and destruction of antigenic peptides is modified by inter-feron-γ (IFN-γ) treatment of cells, IFN-γ indicates the expression of three new proteasome β submits that are preferentially incorporated into new proteasomes and alter their pattern of peptidase activities. These changes are likely to enhance the yield of peptides with C termini appropriate for MHC binding and have been shown to enhance the presentation of at least some antigens. IFN-γ also upregulates leucine aminopeptidase, which should promote the removal of N-terminal flanking residues of antigenic peptides. Also, this cytokine downregulates the expression of a metallo-proteinase, thimet oligopeptidase that actively destroys many antigenic peptides. Thus, IFN-γ appears to increase the supply of peptides by stimulating their generation and decreasing their destruction. The specificity and content of these various proteases should determine the amount of peptides available for antigen presentation. Also, the efficiency with which a peptide is presented is determined by the protein's half life (e.g. its ubiquitination rate) and the sequences flanking antigenic peptides, which influence the rates of proteolytic cleavage and destruction.  相似文献   

Watts C 《Nature immunology》2004,5(7):685-692
The endosomes and lysosomes of antigen-presenting cells host the processing and assembly reactions that result in the display of peptides on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules and lipid-linked products on CD1 molecules. This environment is potentially hostile for T cell epitope and MHC class II survival, and the influence of regulators of protease activity and specialized chaperones that assist MHC class II assembly is crucial. At present, evidence indicates that individual proteases make both constructive and destructive contributions to antigen processing for MHC class II presentation to CD4 T cells. Some features of CD1 antigen capture within the endocytic pathway are also discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the functional consequences of targeting class II molecules to either the cell surface or to endocytic structures by expressing HLA-DR1 in human kidney cells in the presence or absence of different forms of the invariant chain (Ii). Transfectants expressing class II molecules in the absence of Ii present influenza virus efficiently and co-expression of full length Ii does not further increase antigen presentation. Chimeric Ii containing the cytoplasmic domain of the transferrin receptor (Tfr-Ii) delivers class II molecules associated with Tfr-Ii to endosomal compartments, but this does not result in efficient antigen presentation. When class II molecules are targeted to the cell surface by Ii lacking either 15 (Δ15Ii) or 23 (Δ23Ii) amino acids from the cytoplasmic domain, a fraction of free class II molecules is also observed. Whereas Δ15Ii did not affect antigen presentation by class II molecules, Δ23Ii inhibited, but did not abrogate, the response. We show that class II molecules expressed in the presence of Δ23Ii can be internalized, followed by degradation of Δ23Ii and return of free class II αβ heterodimers to the cell surface. A fraction of the resulting free class II molecules is sodium dodecyl sulfate stable, indicating that internalization and reappearance of class II molecules at the cell surface can be an alternative route for antigen presentation. In all transfectants, class II molecules were found in endocytic compartments that labeled for CD63 and resembled the multilaminar MIIC compartments found in B cell lines. Ii is not required for endosomal targeting of class II molecules. The number of class II molecules observed in the multilaminar compartments correlates with the efficiency of antigen presentation.  相似文献   

T-cell receptors recognize foreign proteins as peptide fragments associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Properties of antigenic peptides, methods for detecting peptide-MHC molecule combinations, and the characteristics of the interaction are reviewed. Possible explanations for graft rejection and autoimmune disease are suggested in the light of these data.  相似文献   

The appropriate crosses of mice lacking conventional major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II molecules generate single- and double-deficient offspring. These were used as donors for skin grafts across major plus minor, or just minor, histocompatibility differences. Surprisingly, in the two circumstances, there was a rapid rejection of grafts lacking both MHC class I and class II molecules. Rejection was mediated by thymically derived CD4+ T cells of the host. We provide evidence that these T cells recognize an unconventional ligand, capable of activating a pre-formed T cell compartment but incapable of positively selecting it. The existence of this unexpected rejection phenomenon should serve to caution those aiming to engineer “universal donor” cells by simply abrogating expression of MHC class I and class II molecules.  相似文献   

Peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules are derived mainly from cytosolic oligopeptides generated by proteasomes during the degradation of intracellular proteins. Proteasomal cleavages generate the final C terminus of these epitopes. Although proteasomes may produce mature epitopes that are eight to ten residues in length, they more often generate N-extended precursors that are too long to bind to major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Such precursors are trimmed in the cytosol or in the endoplasmic reticulum by aminopeptidases that generate the N terminus of the presented epitope. Peptidases can also destroy epitopes by trimming peptides to below the size needed for presentation. In the cytosol, endopeptidases, especially thimet oligopeptidase, and aminopeptidases degrade many proteasomal products, thereby limiting the supply of many antigenic peptides. Thus, the extent of antigen presentation depends on the balance between several proteolytic processes that may generate or destroy epitopes.  相似文献   

The peptide transporter-defective cell line RMA-S expressing the wild-type simian virus 40 large T antigen (wtT-Ag) from a transfected gene did not present two well-defined, H-2 class I (Db)-restricted epitopes of T-Ag to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Hence, “endogenous” processing and presentation of the wtT-Ag depended on a functional peptide transporter heterodimer. In contrast, both T-Ag epitopes were efficiently presented to CTL by transfected RMA-S cells expressing a truncated, cytoplasmic T-Ag variant (cT-Ag) or a karyophilic, amino-terminal 272-amino acid T-Ag fragment. Transporter-independent “endogenous” processing of mutant T-Ag molecules correlated with their association with the constitutively expressed heat shock protein 73 (hsp 73). Class I-restricted presentation of both epitopes processed from these hsp73-associated protein antigens was sensitive to NH4Cl and chloroquine. These data indicate that selected intracellular proteins access an alternative, hsp73-mediated pathway for class I-restricted presentation that operates independent of peptide transporters in an endosomal compartment.  相似文献   

The products of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) loci regulate an individual's immune response to pathogens. Cattle provide an important model to study the relationship between disease susceptibility and MHC haplotype since large half-sibling families are common. The definitive demonstration, however, of a firm relationship between MHC phenotype and disease susceptibility in cattle will require a precise definition of the bovine MHC allelic products. Available reagents for serological characterization of the bovine MHC gene products have not been adequate for these purposes. We have shown that existing mouse monoclonal antibodies and rabbit anti-human antisera precipitate bovine class I molecules, that these structures separate well by one-dimensional isoelectric focusing (1-D IEF), and that immunoprecipitation followed by 1-D IEF allows the detection of bovine class I MHC allelic products. Through this technique, we have identified previously undetected class I products. This approach will facilitate a detailed characterization of the bovine MHC class I gene products.  相似文献   

Serological approaches have been relatively unsuccessful in defining the allelic products of the bovine major histocompatibility (MHC) class II loci. We demonstrate that bovine class II allelic products can be characterized by precipitation with a polyclonal antiserum and separation using one-dimensional isoelectric focusing. Polymorphic beta chains were present in immunoprecipitates from both biosynthetically and surface-labeled lectin-stimulated bovine T cells. Precipitates from biosynthetically labeled but not surface-labeled T cells contained a basic invariant chain and a non-polymorphic structure. The non-polymorphic structure appears to be a beta chain. The polymorphic class II beta chain co-segregated with bovine MHC class I allelic products in a half-sibling family, providing evidence for linkage between bovine class I and class II loci. This approach to the biochemical analysis of the bovine class II structures should facilitate the investigation of the association between the bovine products and disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TcR) on CD8+ T lymphocytes recognizes a complex which consists of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) heavy chain, β2-microglobulin (β2M), and peptide on the surface of antigen-presenting cells. Mutational analyses have suggested that the TcR recognizes both the αl and α2 domains of the heavy chain as well as the peptide. In light of this, it is of interest to know to what extent the heavy chain domains take on distinct conformations when bound to individual peptides. It has recently been shown that antibodies which recognize the Kb MHC complex are sensitive to which peptides are bound in the groove. We have extended this analysis to include eight Kb-specific antibodies, seven of which are peptide sensitive. These antibodies, all of which are allo-antibodies, recognize Kb-bearing cells which, it is now appreciated, have a highly heterogeneous mix of self peptides presented in their grooves. We show that these self peptides also can affect antibody binding. It has been suggested that peptides alter the conformation of the αl and α2 domains of the heavy chain and that this in turn affects the recognition of Kb by antibody. An alternative hypothesis is that solvent-exposed peptide side chains may prevent the antibody from binding the complex. Using a panel of 128 single-amino acid variants of a Kb-binding antigenic peptide from ovalbumin we show that for most Kb-specific antibodies, the second idea is more likely. Those variants which prevent antibody binding are at solvent exposed positions, and in general, the bulkier the side chain, the greater the inhibition of antibody binding. However, in the case of two antibodies, 100.30 and 34.4.20, the peptide residues which affect antibody recognition are buried, suggesting that these antibodies see an alternate conformation of the peptide/MHC complex.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific and major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted recognition by the T cell receptor involves multiple structural contacts over a large molecular surface area. Using a human T cell clone specific for a rubella viral peptide restricted by subsets of HLA DR4 molecules, we identified structurally diverse combinations of peptide-MHC complexes which were functionally equivalent for T cell recognition. Presentation of the rubella-derived peptide on DR4 molecules with an E-74 polymorphism triggered T cell recognition, as did presentation of a single amino acid-substituted peptide in the context of the DR4 molecule which lacked the E-74 site. Peptide binding and molecular modeling analysis indicates the structural and functional complementarity of T cell recognition for a specific amino acid side chain, whether contributed by the peptide or by the MHC molecule.  相似文献   

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