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We compared the attributes of tibial cortex speed of sound (SOS) measurements with the SOS and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) of the calcaneus, and bone mineral densities of the lumbar spine and femoral neck in a patient crossover study. The three instruments used in the crossover study were the LUNAR DPX and AchillesTM, and a newly introduced device for measuring tibial cortical SOS, the SoundScanTM 2000. Ultrasound precision determinations on the two instruments were performed with the same group of 10 volunteers, and the bone densitometry precision was derived from 22 patients who were assessed twice in a single visit, with repositioning between spine and hip scans. There were 220 female patients in the clinical study, 28 of whom had thoracic spine fractures, and all had measurements with the three instruments. Of the three instruments, the best precision, or lowest coefficient of variation and standardized coefficient of variation, was obtained with the SoundScanTM 2000; 0.20% and 1.39%, respectively. The tibial SOS correlated more poorly with the lumbar spine and femoral neck bone mineral densities (BMDs) than the calcaneal parameters in 220 patients. Tibial SOS measurements could not distinguish the group with spinal fracture from an age-matched control group to aP<0.05 level, whereas the lumbar spine BMD and calcaneal BUA and stiffness showed a significant difference. We conclude that the SoundScanTM 2000 system measures propagation of sound in the tibial cortex with great precision, but its role in clinical practice is moot. Yet to be established by a long-term prospective study is its efficacy in predicting fracture risk and how well it reflects bone change in response to treatment of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), a radiation-free and portable technology, may be useful in assessing bone density and fracture risk. In this study, we compared cross-sectional BUA measurements to the more established single energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements of bone mineral density (BMD) at the calcaneus in 259 healthy postmenopausal women, aged 45–76 years. Paired measurements with repositioning of the subject's dominant heel were made consecutively by each method. A coefficient of variation (CV) for each method was calculated for each individual from the paired scans. BUA and BMD of the heel were also compared with BMD of the lumbar spine and femoral neck, as measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. BUA was significantly correlated with BMD at the calcaneus (r=0.66, P<0.01). Heel BUA was also correlated with lumbar spine BMD (r=0.43, P<0.01) and femoral neck BMD (r=0.43, P<0.01) but the correlations were lower than those between heel BMD and spine (r=0.63, P<0.01) or femoral neck BMD (r=0.62, P<0.01). The mean CV for heel BUA (3.60±3.50%) was significantly greater than that for heel BMD (1.06±0.99%, P<0.01). The moderate correlation of calcaneal BUA and BMD, the lower correlations of BUA than heel BMD with both spine and hip BMD, and lower precision of BUA indicate BUA does not predict bone density as effectively as absorptiometry, the current standard methodology.The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.  相似文献   

Introduction We evaluate reference data to examine whether there are sex-, age-, height-, weight- and BMI-related differences of quantitative ultrasound parameters (QUS) for healthy Chinese children and adolescents. Methods A total of 726 healthy children and adolescents (360 male and 366 female) aged from 10–21 years were examined with a Lunar Achilles Express densitometer. The measurements on the right heel included speed of sound (SOS), broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), and a calculated stiffness index (SI). Results Our results found that there were no significant differences for BUA, SOS and SI between males and females, except in the age range of 12 to 13 years. The values of all parameters were significantly higher in the 12-year-old females compared to males, and BUA values were significantly higher in 13-year-old females compared to males. A spurt in QUS parameters were observed at 12 years in females and at 14 years in males. A steady increase of BUA, SOS, and SI was seen with increasing body height and weight in both sexes. Conclusion In conclusion, the present results can be used as reference data for children and adolescents in China.  相似文献   

Introduction Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) assessment at the calcaneus, as a safe and reliable method for evaluating skeletal status, is rapidly gaining in popularity. Assessment by QUS provides three parameters of skeletal status: broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), speed of sound (SOS) and derived data-stiffness index (STI). The objective of the present study was firstly to determine the normative QUS data on healthy Chinese mainland men and women and secondly to investigate the effects of sex, age and body size on these three QUS parameters.Methods A study cohort consisting of 725 healthy Chinese women and 568 men aged 10–83 years participated in this investigation. The three QUS parameters all exhibited a characteristic mild rise-then-fall pattern with increasing age in both sexes. Younger men and women had similar QUS values, while older women had lower values than older men. Age-related differences were more pronounced among females. Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis showed that weight was a major determinant of QUS in both sexes, along with age.Results There were some discrepancies between our data and results from other populations, even when the same type of QUS instrument was used, probably as a result of various factors, including ethnic, life-style environment and diet, among others.Conclusions These normative data will be useful for comparing the results of individual studies, predicting fracture risk of Chinese men and women and determining diagnostic criteria of osteoporosis by QUS.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study was to determine the relationship between broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and bone mineral density (BMD) measured at different regions of the calcaneus with identical site-matched regions of interest (ROIs). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurements of the calcaneus and BUA imaging were performed in 30 women (15 premenopausal and 15 postmenopausal). Four square ROIs were located in the great tuberosity and one square ROI in the foramen calcaneus. A ROI adapted to the shape and size of the whole calcaneus was also considered. All ROIs were analyzed three times with both techniques to minimize intra-observer variability. The correlation coefficient between attenuation and frequency was used as an index of BUA measurement error. Before accepting a measurement of BUA in inhomogeneous material, it could be useful to map the spatial variations of the measurement error. In all ROIs we found the BUA and BMD were strongly related (r=0.78–0.91,p<0.001). The correlation between BUA and BMD was slightly higher in the inferior part of the posterior tuberosity than in the superior part and in the foramen calcaneus. The very high correlation between attenuation and frequency found in all ROIs (r=0.99) suggests that measurement errors of propagation were probably not significant. Ultrasound imaging yields the opportunity for studying the spatial acoustic properties in the calcaneus and their relation to bone mass or structural parameters provided by independent imaging techniques. BUA measured with current transmission techniques reflects mainly bone mass, and microarchitecture to a smaller extent.  相似文献   

A new approach to measuring bone properties at the calcaneus using ultrasound parametric imaging has recently emerged. However, an additional source of observer-related error is the substantial regional variations in the pattern of ultrasound parameters. The contribution of intra-observer and inter-observer variability to the coefficient of variation can be eliminated using an algorithm which selects the region of interest (ROI) completely automatically. The objective of the present study was the clinical assessment of an automatic ROI for both broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA) and speed of sound (SOS) measurement using ultrasound parametric imaging. The automatic ROI was defined as the circular region of lowest attenuation in the posterior tuberosity of the calcaneus. We have tested this algorithm using clinical images of the calcaneus from 265 women. Mean coefficients of variation were 1.6% (95% confidence interval 1.4%–1.9%) and 0.26% (95% confidence interval 0.23%–0.32%) for BUA and SOS respectively (standardized CV was 2.1% for BUA and 2.6% for SOS). Z-scores in an osteoporotic group were –0.61 and –0.52 for BUA and SOS respectively. In healthy women, the age-related decline was –0.50 dB/ MHz per year (0.7%/year) for BUA and –1.2 m/s per year (0.08%/year) for SOS. In the subgroup of healthy postmenopausal women, using stepwise multiple regression, we found that BUA was predicted best by years since menopause (YSM) and weight, with overall modelr 2=0.28; SOS was predicted best by YSM only (r 2=0.21). Neither the range of biological variation of ultrasound parameters nor the clinical value were affected by the choice of the region of lowest attenuation for measurement. The automatic procedure was totally independent of operator interaction, therefore excluding loss of precision due to intra- or inter-observer variability. The results showed the high precision and robustness of the procedure. These factors make this approach viable for routine clinical use.  相似文献   

An ultrasound transmission scanning system was constructed to makein vivo parametric images of the acoustic properties of the heel. Broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA) images were obtained in transmit mode by using a pair of broadband focused transducers (center frequency 0.5 MHz, diameter 29 mm, focus 50 mm) immersed in a water bath at room temperature. With these characteristics, the theoretical beam width at the focus was approximately 5 mm. The total duration of the acquisition period was 3 minutes. Comparison of the BUA image and the radiograph of the calcaneus was possible in one case and showed that all the anatomical details could be identified. The images reported here demonstrate the wide range of BUA found in both the whole bone and within a ROI centered in the posterior part of the bone thus reinforcing the idea of tremendous heterogeneity of the acoustic properties of bone. This suggests that the accurate control of the position of the measurement site is of the utmost importance for between-subject comparison and for repetitive measurements. We proposed a new method, the likelihood image, as an efficient way of highlighting the regions of the image suspected to be subject to waveform distortion. It could be used to guide the selection of the optimal measurement site. Our results suggest that ultrasound parametric imaging has the potential for enhancing the current ultrasound technique by (1) allowing reproducible, repetitive measurements, (2) permitting the selection of similar optimal measurement sites in all subjects, and (3) avoiding accuracy erros due to wave-form distortion.  相似文献   

Ultrasound measurements of the calcaneus are related to incidence of osteoporotic fracture. Such measurements are generally made at fixed coordinates relative to a footplate. This study compares measurements at an anatomically located region of interest (ROIanat) and at fixed coordinates (ROIfixed), with bone mineral density measurements, in 84 postmenopausal women. Bone mineral density (BMD) was assessed using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry at both ROIs as well as at lumbar spine and femoral neck. Broadband ultrasound attenuation and velocity of sound were measured using a CUBA system at ROIanat and ROIfixed. Additionally, broadband ultrasound attenuation at ROIfixed was measured using a Walker Sonix instrument. Mean bone mineral density, broadband ultrasound attenuation and velocity of sound did not differ significantly between ROIfixed and ROIanat, although broadband ultrasound attenuation by Walker Sonix (81.4±14.6 dBMHz-1) was significantly (P<0.001) greater than that by CUBA (63.7±14.2 dBMHz-1). The relationship between broadband ultrasound attenuation and BMD differed significantly between the 2 ROIs and the correlation of this relationship was significantly greater at ROIfixed than at ROIanat (r=0.74 versus 0.46, P<0.01). The differing relationship may reflect structural variation at different regions. ROI selection may thus be a possible confounding factor in ultrasound measurement.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic measures of bone have been available for clinical research purposes for nearly 10 years, yet there still seems to be a need to compare ultrasound with the accepted gold standard of densitometry. Recently there have been published reports showing that ultrasound measures are associated with both appendicular and hip fracture, in particular after adjustment for densitometry measures. We present here a comparison between speed of sound through the patella and forearm bone densitometry, using their association with prevalent vertebral fractures in a population-based study of women and men. The prospective phase of the Saunders Bone Quality Study includes 1401 women and men who had baseline spine radiographs, patellar ultrasound, and forearm densitometry measurements. Multivariate forward logistic regression was used to determine the age-adjusted odds of vertebral fracture, the number of fractures, and the severity of these fractures, when patellar ultrasound and each of four forearm densitometry measures were entered into the model. Age is the most important factor associated with vertebral fractures, their number, and severity for women, while age is not significantly related to vertebral fractures for men. Of the bone status measures, patellar ultrasound entered the logistic regression models more consistently than any other measure except ulnar bone mineral density for women. The ultrasound measure entered every model for men. We conclude that patellar ultrasound velocity is more consistently associated with the odds of vertebral fractures than radius bone mineral content.  相似文献   

The velocity (SOS), attenuation slope (BUA) and stiffness index in the os calcis were measured using the Achilles ultrasound bone densitometer (Lunar, Madison, WI). We evaluated the basic attributes of this ultrasound bone densitometer, and showed the age-related changes in ultrasound values in normal Japanese women. The precision was measured in vivo on ten occasions over a 2-week period in 5 subjects. The short-term precision errors (CVs) in vivo were 0.6% for stiffness index, 0.3% for SOS and 1.0% for BUA. Spine, femur neck and total body BMD using dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) were highly correlated with stiffness index (r=0.80, 0.77 and 0.78, respectively) in 194 subjects. Ultrasound values for patients with osteoporosis were significantly lower than those for the normal controls. TheZ-score compared with young normals was significantly higher for spine bone mineral density (–4.4) than for stiffness index (–3.5); BUA and SOS gave significantly lowerZ-scores –2.9 and –3.0, respectively). Ultrasound values were also lower compared with age-matched normal controls. TheZ-score for stiffness index (–2.1) was significantly superior to that for either SOS or BUA (–1.5). Age-related change in ultrasound values was evaluated in 842 normal women. There was a decline in stiffness index of about 24% from the values in young adulthood to those of women in their seventies, about 75% of which occurred from age 44–49 years onward. These findings seem to indicate that the menopause affected the change in ultrasound values. In conclusion, ultrasound bone densitometry may not be as useful as DXA of the spine for screening for osteoporosis, since theZ-score for DXA is excellent. However, ultrasound bone densitometry appears potentially to be applicable to problems in the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis when used in association with DXA.  相似文献   

Summary Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) of the calcaneus predicts axial density in women and is decreased in women who sustain hip fractures. To determine the relationship between ultrasonic and densitometric assessments of bone mass at the same site, BUA and velocity of sound (VOS) were correlated with bone density as measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at the calcaneus in 64 Caucasian women aged 35–83 years. BUA, VOS, and bone density in these women decreased annually as a function of age by 1.0%, 0.3%, and 0.9%, respectively. Holding age, years since menopause, height and weight constant, BUA correlated with VOS (r=0.74, P<0.001), and calcaneal density correlated with BUA (r=0.73, P<0.001) and with VOS (r=0.66, P<0.01). The results indicate that both BUA and VOS measurements reflect density at the calcaneus, but suggest that they measure properties of bone other than density and different from each other. The assessment of these additional properties may be useful in the prediction of fracture risk.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨在静力载荷作用下,正常与畸形愈合跟骨的应力分布差异。方法 将正常跟骨有限元模型的后关节面由内向外、由前向后楔形切除,模拟骨折后距下关节面塌陷的畸形愈合模型。切除前B?hler角为35°,切除后为0°。自足跟及跟腱附着点处分别垂直向上对模型施加320 N和160 N的载荷,观察畸形愈合跟骨的Vonmises应力分布,并与正常模型进行比较。结果 畸形愈合跟骨的距下关节面应力降低,应力分布特点为从正常的跟骨前中关节面为主要应力区转为跟骨外侧紧靠跟骰关节处,外侧主要应力区要高于内侧,是支撑载荷的主要部位。从跟骨结构的细化比较来看,首先,距下关节面顶部的塌陷造成跟骨主要应力区部分后移,转至跟腱附着点处由正常的(1.51±0.22) MPa增至(3.11±0.24) MPa,而距下关节面顶部的应力由正常的(6.71±0.37) MPa减至(2.83±0.49) MPa。其次,跟骨前侧近跟骰关节处应力明显加大,由正常的(0.46±0.15) MPa增至(2.13±0.15) MPa,载距突应力由5.18 MPa减少至1.41 MPa。结论 跟骨骨折距下关节面塌陷是多数病理变化的主因,在临床治疗中应先解决距下关节面的塌陷问题,恢复跟骨正常高度,跟骨内部应力的分布对解决跟骨骨折后期出现的相关部位疼痛至关重要。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the possible use of a low-cost radiation-free technique in the prediction of degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. Although an inverse correlation between osteoporosis and degenerative changes in the lumbar spine has been reported, no previous studies have asked whether there is a correlation between calcaneal quantitative ultrasound results and degenerative findings in the lumbar spine. In 117 patients with low back pain or pain in the lower limb, ultrasonographic parameters (speed of sound, broadband ultrasound attenuation, stiffness) of the calcaneus were correlated with evidence of degenerative changes and stenosis on magnetic resonance scans of the lumbar spine. Linear and logistic regression, as well as receiver operator characteristic curve analyses, were used to evaluate the correlation. Lumbar spine stenosis was associated with elevated calcaneal ultrasonographic parameters, particularly speed of sound. For the identification of a narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal below 100 mm2 of dural sac cross-sectional area, speed of sound showed 89% sensitivity and 75% specificity in males older than 60 years. In male patients, we also found a significant positive correlation between ultrasonographic parameters and scores on a degenerative scale that primarily reflects intervertebral disc degeneration (P=0.019 for speed of sound; P=0.039 for stiffness). In conclusion, calcaneal quantitative ultrasound is frequently used in elderly patients with low back pain as a diagnostic test for osteoporosis. The incidental finding of high values on ultrasonographic parameters in these subjects, particularly in males, is highly correlated with lumbar spine degeneration and stenosis, and can help to identify those symptomatic patients needing more extensive diagnostic testing.  相似文献   

Summary Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry evaluation of total body bone mineral content (TBBM), total bone mineral density (TBMD), and regional bone mineral content (BMC) (head, trunk, arms, and legs) was carried out in order to assess sex differences of bone in 120 women and 121 men aged 15–29 years. Subjects from both sexes were divided into 5-year groups (15 through 19, 20 through 24, and 25 through 29 years old, respectively). Significantly higher values for TBBM, TBMD, and regional BMC were observed in males compared with females in the 20 to 24 and 25 to 29-year-old groups (P<0.001), but not in the group aged 15–19. After adjusting TBBM for lean body mass (LBM), we observed significantly lower values of TBBM/LBM in the males compared with females in all the age groups. A positive and significant correlation was observed between TBBM and age in the males of all the groups (r=0.624, P<0.001), but not in the females. These data suggest that total bone mass peak acquisition takes place earlier in women than in men, leading to more reduced bone mass value, which in turn may be an osteoporosis predisposing factor.  相似文献   

目的 检测广西巴马地区健康成年男性的骨密度,探讨其骨密度随年龄、身高、体重和BMI变化的规律。方法 采用韩国生产跟骨超声骨密度测定仪对广西巴马地区随机抽取的476名20~111岁健康成年男性进行跟骨SI测量。按不同年龄分组,每组10岁,80岁以上合并为1组,共7组,对所测量的数据通过SPSS16.0进行分析。结果 男性跟骨SI峰值骨密度在20~30岁年龄段,SI随着年龄的增加出现下降的趋势。男性骨质疏松症的患病率随年龄的增加而逐步升高。偏相关性分析显示,男性SI与年龄呈现负相关(r=-0.219,P<0.05)与体重有显著(r=0.167,P<0.05)关系,但未发现与身高和BMI有线性关系。结论 广西巴马地区20~111岁健康成年男性SI与年龄和体重有显著相关性,本研究获得的SI将为该地区男性骨密度的参考值和骨质疏松症的临床诊断提供参考依据。  相似文献   

We examined with a median follow-up of 1.4 years (range 1.0–2.0 years) the rates of change per year in ultrasound parameters of the calcaneus. Speed of sound (SOS), Broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) and Stiffness were measured twice in 543 subjects (224 men) participating in the Rotterdam Study. SOS fell by –2.5 m/s per year in both sexes (95% CI –4.0 to –1.1 m/s per year in men and –3.6 to –1.4 m/s per year in women). Stiffness decreased by –0.62 (–1.33 to 0.09) per year in men and –0.66 (–1.24 to –0.08) per year in women. In men the rate of change in SOS and Stiffness tended to increase with age. BUA did not change significantly during follow-up in either sex. The prospectively assessed rates of loss differed considerably from those observed cross-sectionally, especially for SOS in men (cross-sectional –0.7 m/s per year, longitudinal –2.5 m/s per year). There was substantial variation between individuals both in changes per year in SOS and in changes per year in BUA. With a median follow-up time of 1.4 years, approximately 27% of the variation in the rate of change for SOS could be explained by measurement error while for BUA this was approximately 9% and for Stiffness 11%. Only a small percentage of subjects had changes larger than could be accounted for by measurement error (SOS: men 26.8%, women 21.6%; BUA: men 28.5%, women: 38.8%; Stiffness: men 32.6%, women 35.1%). The latter may limit the use of ultrasound measurements as a follow-up tool in individuals rather than in populations.  相似文献   

This study reports on the precision and variation of quantitative ultrasound (US) parameters [broadband ultrasonic attenuation (BUA) or slope of the frequency-dependent attenuation in dB/MHz and speed of sound (SOS m/second)] after 120 days of continuous bed rest in six normal male volunteers. Quantitative US was measured at the calcaneus using a new US bone imaging scanner. The measurements were carried out on both heels at approximately 2-week intervals. The short-term precision was 0.31% for SOS and 2.8% for BUA. The long-term precision was 0.58% for SOS, 4.7% for BUA. A significant decrease of SOS values of −26 m/second (P < 0.0001) for the right heel and −17 m/second (P < 0.05) for the left heel was found at the group level. In terms of percentage change this represents −1.7% for the right heel and −1.1% for the left heel. These percentage decrements were 3.5–5.5 times that of the short-term precision and 2–3 times that of the long-term precision of the technique. At the individual level, the decrease of SOS was statistically significant (P < 0.05) or marginally significant (P < 0.1) for four out of 6 subjects. For 2 other subjects, similar trends were observed, but without reaching statistical significance. BUA did not change significantly during follow-up. These results are consistent with previous findings on changes of ultrasonic properties from the calcaneus during aging, pregnancy, or therapy, showing that calcaneus SOS is a valuable index of bone loss. These preliminary data suggest that prolonged exposure to simulated weightlessness may lead to a lower SOS, which then could be used for the follow-up of bone demineralization occurring during long-term space flights. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 1 July 1999  相似文献   

Relatively inexpensive, portable bone ultrasound systems are of particular relevance to disabled or elderly subjects, who may have problems with access to other forms of densitometry. The effects of local soft tissues on ultrasound measurements are poorly understood and, as ankle oedema is common in such subjects, we examined its consequences for bone ultrasound readings at the heel. Eleven elderly subjects (mean age 81 years) with below-knee pitting oedema were assessed using a direct-contact bone ultrasound system (CUBAClinical). We made a total of 16 series of readings, 6 unilateral and 5 bilateral. In each series an initial reading was followed by repeated pressure over the measurement site to disperse oedema; subsequent readings were thus subject to a progressively lessening degree of local oedema, until a steady state was eventually reached in which no further oedema could be displaced. Heel width fell by a mean of 6.3 mm between initial and steady-state readings; consistent with the clinical appearance of moderate oedema, pitting to a mean depth of only 3.15 mm. Measurements in the presence of oedema were compared with those after its elimination, and oedema was shown to cause a mean reduction of 23.9 m/s in velocity of sound (VOS) and of 5.5 dB/MHz in broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA). Both changes were equivalent to a fall by a quarter of one standard deviation of the reference range, and were significant atp<0.05 on pairedt-test. As the severity of oedema will vary through the day, and from day to day, measurement protocols for bone ultrasound should pay attention to the confounding effects of oedema.  相似文献   

目的:探讨煤矿井下矿工骨代谢变化。方法:采用UBIS3000型定量超声仪,对140名井下矿工跟骨进行定量超声测定,并用化学发光免疫法测定尿脱氧吡啶酚(DPD)排泄浓度。用同样的方法和内容对井上工作人员跟骨进行定量超声测定和用化学发光免疫法测定尿DPD的排泄浓度。结果:井下矿工跟骨超声振幅衰减(BUA)、超声声速(SOS)和刚度(STI)各年龄段组与井上组比较均显著降低(P<0.01)。尿DPD排泄浓度井下20~30岁和31~40岁各年龄段组与井上组比较均显著增高(P<0.01)。结论:井下作业人员,因长年受缺少日光、缺氧、空气中有毒气体等因素的影响,可导致骨代谢异常,骨吸收增加。  相似文献   

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