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Slovenia initiated a nation-wide project to introduce smart cards in the health sector in 1995 and its full-scale deployment started in September 2000. Although the basic aim of the project was to support insurance related procedures, the system was designed in a flexible and open manner to present an infrastructure for the whole health sector. The functionality of the current system is described in this paper along with lessons learned so far. The upgrade of the system is outlined, with emphasis on technical details, the objective being to provide a real-time EDI based environment for a general set of applications in the medical sector, supported by the flexibility and security of modern smart card technologies. Integration with similar systems in other EU countries is discussed.  相似文献   

Responding to the challenge for efficient and high quality health care, the shared care paradigm must be established in health. In that context, information systems such as electronic patient records (EPR) have to meet this paradigm supporting communication and interoperation between the health care establishments (HCE) and health professionals (HP) involved. Due to the sensitivity of personal medical information, this co-operation must be provided in a trustworthy way. To enable different views of HCE and HP ranging from management, doctors, nurses up to systems administrators and IT professionals, a set of models for analysis, design and implementation of secure distributed EPR has been developed and introduced. The approach is based on the popular UML methodology and the component paradigm for open, interoperable systems. Easy to use tool kits deal with both application security services and communication security services but also with the security infrastructure needed. Regarding the requirements for distributed multi-user EPRs, modelling and implementation of policy agreements, authorisation and access control are especially considered. Current developments for a security infrastructure in health care based on cryptographic algorithms as health professional cards (HPC), security services employing digital signatures, and health-related TTP services are discussed. CEN and ISO initiatives for health informatics standards in the context of secure and communicable EPR are especially mentioned.  相似文献   

Time of information in which the authors live resulted in the increase of the amount of the information exponential growth of the new kind of knowledge, flourishing of the familiar ones and the appearance of the new sciences. Medical (health) informatics occupies the central place in all the segments of modern medicine in the past 30 years—in practical work, education and scientific research. In all that, computers have taken over the most important role and are used intensively for the development of the health information systems. Following activities develop within the area of health informatics: health-documentation, health-statistics, health-informatics and big-medical, scientific and professional information. The pioneer in the development of the health statistics and informatics in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was Dr Evgenije Sherstnew, who was the Chief of Health Statistics in the Ministry of Health of BiH from 1946–1952. and who founded and led, from 1952 to the end of his life, the Department of Medical Documentation and Health Statistics of the Central Health Institute of BiH, the core around which a group of experts for the development of this field have gathered. In the eighties computers were intensively used as a tool for the processing medical data and with them the development of health information systems at the level of the outpatient-clinics, hospitals, clinical centers, as well as the integral information system of health, health insurance and the social security system of BiH began. Finally, Society for Medical Informatics of BiH, which as a professional association gathers experts in the area of health informatics, actively propagates this profession in the Republic, was founded. With reform of the lectures and curriculum at the medical faculty in Sarajevo, the course in ‘Medical Informatics’ has been in 1992. into the second semester, since it was assumed that an early insight into the principles of information along with studies of so called basic pre-clinic sciences, especially basics of information, would make things easier for the students the more informative education is in the course of their medical studies. The medical faculty in Sarajevo also established and accepted a course of health informatics and economics of post-graduate studies in 1979, of which the main objective is education of experts for work informatics jobs in health care system and services, especially for needs of the future information systems in BiH.  相似文献   

Health care in the information society. A prognosis for the year 2013   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our society is increasingly influenced by modern information and communication technology (ICT). Health care has profited greatly by this development. How could health care provision look in the near future, in 10 years, or more precisely, in the year 2013? What measures must be undertaken by political and self-governing health institutions, and by medical informatics research, to ensure an efficient, medically advanced and yet affordable future health care system? Three factors will greatly influence the further development of information processing in health care within the near future: the development of the population, medical advances, and advances in informatics. These factors have motivated us to set up 30 theses for health care provision in the year 2013. The theses cover areas of health care, such as its people, its information systems, and its ICT tools. Three major goals requiring achievement have been identified: patient-centered recording and use of medical data for cooperative care, process-integrated decision support through current medical knowledge, comprehensive use of patient data for research and health care reporting. In consequence, political institutions should provide a framework for networked, patient-centered health care. They are called on to regulate the storage and exchange of health care data and of appropriate information system architectures. Finally, the health care institutions themselves must emphasize professional information management more strongly. Relevant research topics in medical informatics are: comprehensive electronic patient records, modern health information system architectures, architectures for medical knowledge centers, specific data processing methods ('medical data mining'), and multi-functional, mobile ICT tools.  相似文献   

An investigation into health informatics and related standards in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To describe the current status of and future plans for health informatics and related standards in China and analyze the problems raised in the process of standardization for health informatics. METHODS: Data were collected through investigation and interviews, complemented by a comprehensive review of relevant literatures and regulations/law documents about health informatics and related standards in China. RESULTS: Health informatics has been greatly developed in China. Significant resources were committed to construct and improve the health information system. Approximately 35-40% of hospitals have constructed hospital information system. Over 80% of medical organizations above the county/district level, 27% of town level hospitals and all CDC above the county/district level can transmit real-time epidemic situation reporting through public health information system. However, lack of standards became a bottleneck to utilize and improve health informatics. China has adopted some vocabulary, classification, coding standards and message standards. Moreover, several national standardization actions for health informatics have been taken. In the process of standardization, the main barriers consist of financial, technical, cultural and language problems, legal and ethical concerns and others. CONCLUSIONS: Informatics has the potential to play an important role in China's healthcare reform process and standards are the basis for the information sharing and interoperability. Governments and partners of health informatics have realized the importance of standards and taken the initiatives in trying to solve the problem of lacking standards, but much work still needs to be done.  相似文献   

The paper is presenting the recent evolution of e-health aspects in Romania. Data presented are based on governmental reports. Surveys organized by the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and studies carried on by the national Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (I.C.I.) have shown that Romania has important health problems, from cardio vascular diseases (CVD) to cancer and infectious diseases, a high score on mortality and morbidity and a low one on natality. Poor management of the health sector did not help to solve all these problems. In the last 14 years there were several attempts to reform healthcare but none succeeded until now. The health insurance system is operational but needs still to be improved. Acknowledging the deep crisis of the health system the Prime Minister nominated a new minister of health and important changes in the health management approach are to be envisaged. One of this is the introduction of the e-procurement system for all health related goods. In spite of the crisis of the health system, e-health applications are flourishing. We can distinguish applications at national and local level and also punctual applications. The main applications refer to hospital information systems (HIS), electronic health records (EHR), e-procurement, image processing, diagnosis and treatment aids, telediagnosis, teleconsultation, education, research and domain oriented web support services. Most academic clinical hospital is now members of a web community "mednet". Unfortunately a lot of medical web sites have disappeared for lack of funds. As the health sector is in general funded from the public budget and the health crisis is deepened in the last years, the driving force in implementing e-health concepts and technologies is not the Ministry of Health but the Information Technology (IT) community, with a strong support from the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications and also from the Ministry of Education and Research, the Romanian Academy and professional non-governmental organizations. Our government has established the strategy for achieving the e-society for almost all domains but healthcare is still the Cinderella. It is expected that IT will play the role of the Fair Godmother by improving the general health status of the population through a better management of health services and better access to information and knowledge, for both major actors: the health professionals and the citizens.  相似文献   

Informatization process of the Croatian health care system started relatively early. Computer processing of data of persons not covered by health insurance started in 1968 in Zagreb. Remetinec Health Center served as a model of computer data processing (CDP) in primary health care and Sveti Duh General Hospital in inpatient CDP, whereas hospital administration and health service were first introduced to Zagreb University Hospital Center and Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital. At Varazdin Medical Center CDP for health care services started in 1970. Several registries of chronic diseases have been established: cancer, psychosis, alcoholism, and hospital registries as well as pilot registries of lung tuberculosis patients and diabetics. Health statistics reports on healthcare services, work accidents and sick-leaves as well as on hospital mortality started to be produced by CDP in 1977. Besides alphanumeric data, the modern information technology (IT) can give digital images and signals. Communication in health care system demands a standardized format of all information, especially for telemedicine. In 2000, Technical Committee for Standardization in Medical Informatics was founded in Croatia, in order to monitor the activities of the International Standardization Organization (ISO) and Comite Européen de Normalisation (CEN), and to implement their international standards in the Croatian standardization procedure. The HL7 Croatia has also been founded to monitor developments in the communication standard HL7. So far, the Republic of Croatia has a number of acts regulating informatization in general and consequently the informatization of the health care system (Act on Personal Data Confidentiality, Act on Digital Signature, Act of Standardization) enacted. The ethical aspect of data security and data protection has been covered by the Code of Ethics for medical informaticians. It has been established by the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), and the Croatian Society of Medical Informatics (CSMI) has translated it into Croatian and published it on its website. Based on a survey of medical staff attitudes toward health care system informatization, the Croatian health system appears to be ready for informatization. The only requirement is that the present and future health care providers have appropriate medical informatics education, proper computer equipment at their workplace, and an opportunity to participate in the development and/or improvement of the health information system. One of the EU health strategy priorities is the improvement of health information and knowledge. It means that integrated health information systems are required, i.e. systems able to provide key information on health and health care system to the politicians, health professionals and public in general.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, the chief information officer (CIO) in the health care enterprise has gained recognition as a member of the senior management team based on an understanding of business processes and business language. The clinical information system (CIS) in the health care environment poses a new frontier for CIOs, who are generally unfamiliar with both clinical languages and clinical processes. The authors discuss the role formal informatics training can have in preparing learners for future careers as CIOs in CIS environments. The health information management (HIM) specialization within the MBA program at the University of Illinois at Chicago is one example of an educational program designed to train future CIOs who can manage the business, technical, and clinical aspects of the health care environment.  相似文献   

The effective use of information technology (IT) is a crucial component for the delivery of effective services in health care. Current approaches to medical informatics (MI) research have significantly contributed to the success of IT use in health care but important challenges remain to be addressed. We believe that expanding the multi-disciplinary basis for MI research is important to meeting these research challenges. In this paper, we outline theories and methods used in information systems (IS) research that we believe can inform our understanding of health care IT applications and outcomes. To do so, we discuss some general differences in the focus and methods of MI and IS research to identify broad opportunities. We then review conceptual and methodological approaches in IS that have been applied in health care IT research. These include: technology-use mediation, collaborative work, genre theory, interpretive research, action research, and modeling. Examples of these theories and methods in healthcare IS research are illustrated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to propose a case-based approach to instruction regarding ethical issues raised by the use of information technology (IT) in healthcare. These issues are rarely addressed in graduate degree and continuing professional education programs in health informatics. There are important reasons why ethical issues need to be addressed in informatics training. Ethical issues raised by the introduction of information technology affect practice and are ubiquitous. These issues are frequently among the most challenging to young practitioners who are ill prepared to deal with them in practice. First, the paper provides an overview of methods of moral reasoning that can be used to identify and analyze ethical problems in health informatics. Second, we provide a framework for defining cases that involve ethical issues and outline major issues raised by the use of information technology. Specific cases are used as examples of new dilemmas that are posed by the introduction of information technology in healthcare. These cases are used to illustrate how ethics can be integrated with the other elements of informatics training. The cases discussed here reflect day-to-day situations that arise in health settings that require decisions. Third, an approach that can be used to teach ethics in health informatics programs is outlined and illustrated.  相似文献   

This paper reports outcomes of a national survey of health informatics (HI) education and training carried out in the UK. A questionnaire to elicit details of HI and IT skills teaching was derived from a national consensus document (Learning to Manage Health Information, LtMHI). Forms were sent to all pre-qualification medical and nursing schools and to a stratified sample of postgraduate and post-registration programmes. Three case studies were carried out in acute hospital trusts to gain insight into opportunities for continuing professional development in health informatics and IT. Our evidence suggests that in the UK, health informatics is not yet integrated into the clinical curriculum. Nearly all the pre-qualification courses made some provision for teaching IT skills. Nonetheless, many respondents felt that students did not receive sufficient training. There was considerable variation in the amount of HI teaching provided in the different educational sectors. The case studies suggested very little HI training was provided for clinical staff and take-up of provision was not monitored. A number of factors are holding up progress, the most important being a lack of staff with the knowledge and skills to provide academic leadership. The paper outlines some steps that need to be taken to ensure health informatics is embedded in all clinical curricula.  相似文献   

Informaticians are challenged to design health information technology (IT) solutions for complex problems, such as health disparities, but are achieving mixed results in demonstrating a direct impact on health outcomes. This presentation of collective intelligence and the corresponding terms of smart health, knowledge ecosystem, enhanced health disparities informatics capacities, knowledge exchange, big-data, and situational awareness are a means of demonstrating the complex challenges informatics professionals face in trying to model, measure, and manage an intelligent and smart systems response to health disparities. A critical piece in our understanding of collective intelligence for public and population health rests in our understanding of public and population health as a living and evolving network of individuals, organizations, and resources. This discussion represents a step in advancing the conversation of what a smart response to health disparities should represent and how informatics can drive the design of intelligent systems to assist in eliminating health disparities and achieving health equity.  相似文献   

The Croatian Ministry of Health started a health care system computerization project aimed at strengthening the collaboration among health care institutions, expert groups and individual health care providers. A tender for informatic system for Primary Health Care (PHC) general practice, pediatrics and gynecology, a vital prerequisite for project realization, has now been closed. Some important reasons for undertaking the project include rationalization of drug utilization, savings through a reduced use of specialists, consultants and hospitalization, then achievement of better cooperation, work distribution, result linking, data quality improvement (by standardization), and ensuring proper information-based decision making. Keeping non-standardized and thus difficult to process data takes too much time of the PHC team time. Since, however, a vast amount of data are collected on only a few indicators, some important information may remain uncovered. Although decisions made by health authorities should rely on evidence and processed information, the authorities spend most of the time working with raw data from which their decisions ultimately derive. The Informatic Technology (IT) in PHC is expected to enable a different approach. PHC teams should be relieved from the tedious task of data gathering and the authorities enabled to work with the information rather than data. The Informatics Communication Technology (ICT) system consists of three parts: hardware (5000 personal computers for work over the Internet), operative system with basic software (editor, etc.), and PHC software for PHC teams. At the national level (National Public Health Informatics System), a software platform will be built for data collection, analysis and distribution. This data collection will be based on the International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC-2) standard to ensure the utilization of medical records and quality assessment. The system permits bi-directional data exchange between a central database and sources at different levels, across the spectrum from basic PHC teams to local authorities. This will enable data collection control, comparisons with national averages and prompt distribution of information over the Internet. The investment into IT is a strategic imperative having no alternative. A cost/benefit analysis has shown its operation in the PHC system to return the investment in two years. As defined according to the Project priorities (with measurable objectives), the use of new technologies will be introduced by stages.  相似文献   

Modern genetic analysis can be divided into three main areas of investigation. The first is data acquisition, in the form of genomic sequence and the cataloguing of polymorphism data of the single nucleotide polymorphism variety (so called SNPs). Once identified, such genetic information can be adapted into high throughput tests to examine genetic information in large populations, making the analysis of sufficiently large numbers both cost and time effective so that relatively low-penetrant genetic effects can be accurately detected. The third step is correlating variation with phenotype (e.g. disease susceptibility or resistance) for a variety of disorders is paramount in our motivation and indeed is a common goal of modern human genetic analysis. While the technology to acquire vast amounts of genetic data is now well established and continues to expand, the ability to deal with such data, from the process of acquisition, storage, and analysis depends fundamentally on a solid informatics infrastructure as an essential component. Indeed, most of the major gains in productivity in this field are to be realized on the informatics front, and involve automating data acquisition, defining and sorting data in databases for quality control and analysis and facilitating access to data for the large variety of data analyses. Informatics-related issues including those relating to data acquisition, database structure, and analysis tools are summarized here in an effort to define some of the issues relevant to establishing informatics infrastructure in a small genetics laboratory focused on resequencing human immune response genes. From inherited diseases to drug efficacy to the specific genetic changes occurring during tumor development, this new field of medical genetics promises a profound impact on the state of human health. Ultimately, any and all advances in this field will continue to depend on major investments in informatics.  相似文献   



One of the most important factors for the success of health information technology (IT) implementation is users’ acceptance and use of that technology. Thailand has implemented the national universal healthcare program and has been restructuring the country's health IT system to support it. However, there is no national data available regarding the acceptance and use of health IT in many healthcare facilities, including community health centers (CHCs). This study employed a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) structural model, to understand factors that influence health IT adoption in community health centers in Thailand and to validate this extant IT adoption model in a developing country health care context.


An observational research design was employed to study CHCs’ IT adoption and use. A random sample of 1607 regionally stratified CHC's from a total of 9806 CHCs was selected. Data collection was conducted using a cross-sectional survey by means of self-administered questionnaire with an 82% response rate. The research model was applied using the partial least squares (PLS) path modeling.


The data showed that people who worked in CHCs exhibited a high degree of IT acceptance and use. The research model analyses suggest that IT acceptance is influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and voluntariness. Health IT use is predicted by previous IT experiences, intention to use the system, and facilitating conditions.


Health IT is pervasive and well adopted by CHCs in Thailand. The study results have implications for both health IT developmental efforts in Thailand and health informatics research. This study validated the UTAUT model in the field context of a developing country's healthcare system and demonstrated that the PLS path modeling works well in a field study and in exploratory research with a complex model.  相似文献   

The teaching of medical informatics is of importance for students in medicine and health care, realizing that they will be the health professionals of the future. Training in medical informatics is also of value for practicing clinicians who are overwhelmed by the avalanche of systems that are available on the market. Some examples of operational systems are presented here to indicate that health care has changed dramatically over the last decades. This paper intends to contribute to the drafting of IMIA guidelines for teaching medical informatics by (1) reporting on the experience at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Erasmus University Rotterdam as part of the curriculum, (2) reporting on the implementation of guidelines for teaching medical informatics in The Netherlands since these guidelines were drafted in 1986, and (3) by introducing the teaching material contained in the new Handbook of Medical Informatics and on its Web site.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To obtain an overview of study designs and study methods used in research evaluating IT in health care, to present a list of quality criteria by which all kinds of reported evaluation studies on IT systems in health care can be assessed, and to assess the quality of reported evaluation studies on IT in health care and its development over time (1982-2005). METHODS: A generic 10-item list of quality indicators was developed based on existing literature on quality of medical and medical informatics publications. It is applicable to all kind of IT evaluation papers and not restricted to randomized controlled trials. One hundred and twenty explanatory papers evaluating the effects of an IT system in health care published between 1982 and 2005 were randomly selected from PubMed, the study designs and study methods were extracted, and the quality indicators were used to assess the quality of each paper by two independent raters. RESULTS: The inter-rater variability of scoring the 10 quality indicators as assessed by a pre-test with nine papers was good (K=0.87). There was a trend towards more multi-centre studies and authors coming more frequently from various departments. About 70% of the studies used a design other than a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Forty percent of the studies combined at least two different data acquisition methods. The quality of IT evaluation papers, as defined by the quality indicators, was only slightly improving in time (Spearman correlation coefficient [rs]=0.19). The quality of RCTs publications was significantly higher than the quality of non-RCT studies (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The continuous and dominant number of non-RCT studies reflects the various approaches applicable to evaluate IT systems in health care. Despite the increasing discussion on evidence-based health informatics, the quality of published evaluation studies on IT interventions in health care is still insufficient in some aspects. Journal editors and referees should take care that reports of evaluation on IT systems contain all aspects needed for a sufficient understanding and reproducibility of a paper. Publication guidelines should be developed to support more complete and better publications of IT evaluation papers.  相似文献   

Developing curriculum in nursing informatics in Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The NIGHTINGALE Project (NIGHTINGALE Project: HC1109 DGXIII Contract and Technical Annex, European Commission, December 1995) which started on the 1st of January, 1996, after the approval of the European Commission, has a 36 month duration. It is essential in planning and implementing a strategy in training the nursing profession in using and applying healthcare information systems. NIGHTINGALE contributes towards the appropriate use of the developed telematics infrastructure across Europe by educating and training nurses in a harmonious way across Europe in the upcoming field of nursing informatics. NIGHTINGALE develops courseware material based on the curriculum development process using multimedia technologies. Computer based training software packages in nursing informatics will be the basis of the training material and the corresponding courses. CD-ROM based training and reference material will also be provided in the courses whereas the traditional booklets, teaching material and textbooks can also play an adequate role in training. NIGHTINGALE will disseminate all information and courseware material freely to all interested parties through the publications of the proceedings of the conferences, through the establishment of the world wide web (WWW) server in nursing informatics for Europe (http://www.dn.uoa.gr/nightingale), which will become a depository of nursing information knowledge across Europe as well as a dissemination node of nursing informatics throughout the European members states for the benefit and welfare of the European citizen.  相似文献   

The effectiveness and quality of health informatics systems' support to healthcare delivery are largely determined by two factors-the suitability of the system installed, and the competence of the users. However, the profile of users of large-scale clinical health systems is significantly different from the profile of end-users in other enterprises such as the finance sector, insurance, travel or retail sales. Work with a mental health provider in Ireland, who was introducing a customized electronic patient record (EPR) system, identified the strong legal and ethical importance of adequately skills for the health professionals and others, who would be the system users. The experience identified the need for a clear and comprehensive generic user qualification at a basic but robust level. The European computer driving license (ECDL) has gained wide recognition as a basic generic qualification for users of computer systems. However, health systems and data have a series of characteristics that differentiate them from other data systems. The logical conclusion was the recognition of a need for an additional domain-specific qualification-an "ECDL Health Supplement". Development of this is now being progressed.  相似文献   

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