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目的 建立一种快速鉴别结核分枝杆菌(tuberculous mycobaetefia,TIM)和非结核分枝杆菌(nontuberculous mycobacteria.NTM)的简单方法.方法 收集165例诊断为肺结核病人的痰标本,经除污染杂菌处理后各取0.1 ml的痰液沉淀物.分别加入到含不同浓度对硝基苯甲酸(para-nitro benzoic acid,PNB)的未成熟椰汁液体培养基和罗氏培养基中培养.对在含PNB的培养基中生长的阳性培养物进行烟酸检测.结果 所测样本菌株中有18株在含PNB的培养基中生长.其培养物中检测不含烟酸.形态学检查18例未成熟椰汁液体培养基中阳性培养物都不同于典型的结核分枝杆菌.结论 含PNB的未成熟椰汁液体培养基,可作为一种快速鉴定人肺部感染中非结核分枝杆菌的简单筛选方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨克拉霉素(Clarothromycin)和阿奇霉素(Azithromycin)治疗小儿非结核分支杆菌感染的疗效及毒副作用。方法 回顾性分析22例儿科龟分支杆菌切口感染患儿的克拉霉素和阿奇霉素的应用方法、疗程及副作用。结果 22例中21例应用克拉霉素,20例转用阿奇霉素。治愈率为100%。克拉霉素组副作用大于阿奇霉素组(P〈0.01)。随访5年,无复发病例。结论 应用克拉霉素和阿奇霉素治疗龟分支杆菌感染,治愈率高达100%,阿奇霉素较克拉霉素更安全。  相似文献   

ObjectiveAeromonas has recently been recognized as an emerging human pathogen. Aeromonas-associated diarrhea is a phenomenon occurring worldwide. This study was designed to determine the prevalence, genetic diversity, antibiotic resistance, and pathogenicity of Aeromonas strains isolated from food products in Shanghai.MethodsAeromonas isolates (n = 79) collected from food samples were analyzed using concatenated gyrB-cpn60 sequencing. The antibiotic resistance of these isolates was determined using antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Pathogenicity was assessed using β-hemolytic, extracellular protease, virulence gene detection, C. elegans liquid toxicity (LT), and cytotoxicity assays.ResultsEight different species were identified among the 79 isolates. The most prevalent Aeromonas species were A. veronii [62 (78.5%)], A. caviae [6 (7.6%)], A. dhakensis [3 (3.8%)], and A. salmonicida [3 (3.8%)]. The Aeromonas isolates were divided into 73 sequence types (STs), of which 65 were novel. The isolates were hemolytic (45.6%) and protease-positive (81.0%). The most prevalent virulence genes were act (73.4%), fla (69.6%), aexT (36.7%), and ascV (30.4%). The results of C. elegans LT and cytotoxicity assays revealed that A. dhakensis and A. hydrophila were more virulent than A. veronii, A. caviae, and A. bivalvium. Antibiotic resistance genes [tetE, blaTEM, tetA, qnrS, aac(6)-Ib, mcr-1, and mcr-3] were detected in the isolates. The multidrug-resistance rate of the Aeromonas isolates was 11.4%, and 93.7% of the Aeromonas isolates were resistant to cefazolin.ConclusionThe taxonomy, antibiotic resistance, and pathogenicity of different Aeromonas species varied. The Aeromonas isolates A. dhakensis and A. hydrophila were highly pathogenic, indicating that food-derived Aeromonas isolates are potential risks for public health and food safety. The monitoring of food quality and safety will result in better prevention and treatment strategies to control diarrhea illnesses in China.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the diversity and the distribution of host animal species of hantavirus and the effect on human health in Jiuhua Mountain area,China.Methods The host animal species of hantavirus was surveyed by using the trap method and the species diversity was evaluated by using the Simpson,Shannon-Weaner,and Pielou indices.Hantavirus antigens or antibodies in lung and blood samples of all the captured host animals were detected by direct or indirect immunofluorescence.Results Nine animal species of hantavirus were distributed in the forest ecosystem of Jiuhua Mountain.Of these,Niviventer confucianus and Apodemus agrarius were predominant,and N.confucianus,Rattus norvegicus,and Mus musculus had relatively large niche breadth index values.The host animals in the eastern and western mountain regions shared similar biodiversity index characteristics,predominant species,and species structures.Hantavirus was detected in 5 host animal species in Jiuhua Mountain area,the carriage rate of hantavirus was 6.03%.The average density of host animals in forest areas of the mountainous area was only 2.20%,and the virus infection rate in the healthy population was 2.33%.Conclusion The circulation of hantavirus was low in the forest areas of Jiuhua Mountain and did not pose a threat to human health.  相似文献   

云南锦鸡儿属药用植物物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对云南锦鸡儿属药用植物进行了分类和地理分布的研究,对藏药“渣玛兴”、“腰冒”,“扎马”及其它锦鸡儿属药用植物进行了讨论,为合理保护,开发,利用云南所产锦鸡儿属植物提供了依据。  相似文献   

云南黄芪药用植物物种多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
云南作为黄芪属植物的一个分布中心,具有丰富的药用植物资源,有正品黄芪2个种,代用品5个种和地方习用品13个种,正品沙苑子1个种,代用品和地方用品各1种,本文从物种多样性方面对该药物植物进行讨论,并对其亚属,组的等级,特别是同且中的药用植物进行了研究,找出了一定规律。还介绍了几个兄弟民族对黄芪属药用植物的利用情况。  相似文献   

与国际上许多国家不同,我国城镇化一般要经历两个过程:第一个过程是把农民转化为农民工:第二个过程是把农民工转化为市民.只有相继完成这两个过程,我国城镇化的目标才称得上真正实现.我国城镇化的主要困难,不在于把农民转化为农民工,而是在于把农民工转化为市民.农民工指的是农民的身份没有改变,而又进城打工的工人.农民工是城乡差别在城市的缩影,是城乡二元结构体制转型过程中的产物.城乡二元结构体制消亡之日,就是农民工终结之时.要把农民工转化为市民,就必须从根本上改变城乡二元结构体制,这是一个长期的过程,既取决于改革的力度,又取决于发展的程度,而且,改革力度又不能超越发展程度.可见我国城镇化道路之漫长,任务之艰辛.  相似文献   

面对新的居住状况、新的社会交往网络和新的业缘关系,返乡农民工的角色认知表现出模糊性,其角色选择呈现出多样性。要引导返乡农民工的思想观念由"应然受动"转向"自主自立",尽快完成角色认知选择。针对返乡农民工的不同状况,其现实身份须由"传统农民"转向"新式农民"、由"打工者"转向"创业者"、由"农民工"转向"准市民"。  相似文献   

世纬苣苔属一新种   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道世纬苣苔属(苦苣苔科)植物一新种:壶花黔苣苔Tengia potiflora S. Z. He,用拉丁文和中文对其特征作了集要描述。  相似文献   

目的 了解安徽省野生植物资源分布的新品种。方法 采用野外采集、文献查阅和标本比对的研究方法。结果 在安徽省休宁县采集到1个新分布种——华中婆婆纳(Veronica henryi T. Yamazaki),凭证标本现存放于安徽中医药大学标本中心(ACM)。结论 该植物资源的发现为其分布于安徽省提供了依据,丰富了安徽省野生植物资源。  相似文献   

生物医学工程学(BME)是理、工、医相结合的边缘学科,是多种工程学科向生物医学领域渗透的产物。它是运用现代自然科学和工程技术的原理与方法,从工程学的角度在不同层次上研究人体的结构、功能及其相互关系,揭示其生命现象,为防病治病、促进健康提供新技术手段的一门综合性的  相似文献   

背景喉癌对人群健康的危害已得到全世界的广泛关注,但目前仍缺乏针对我国居民2005—2016年喉癌发病及死亡趋势分析的研究。目的通过收集《中国肿瘤登记年报》中2005—2016年喉癌发病与死亡数据,描述和分析该时期我国居民喉癌发病与死亡变化趋势,为我国喉癌的科学防控提供参考依据。方法采用Excel整理2005—2016年喉癌发病与死亡数据,计算每年的标化发病率、标化死亡率、年龄别发病率和年龄别死亡率。标化率的计算根据2000年全国普查标准人口年龄构成计算。运用Joinpoint软件计算年度变化百分比(APC)和平均年度变化百分比(AAPC),分析我国喉癌发病与死亡随时间(年度)的变化趋势。结果2005—2016年我国居民喉癌标化发病率整体呈下降趋势(AAPC=-2.25%,P<0.05);城市的喉癌标化发病率整体高于农村,男性的标化发病率高于女性;40~岁年龄组以后发病率随年龄增长呈上升趋势,历年发病高峰集中出现在70~岁年龄组和75~岁年龄组。2005—2014年我国居民喉癌标化死亡率整体呈下降趋势(APC=-1.67%,P<0.05),2014—2016年死亡率虽略微上升,但变化不明显(P>0.05),城市标化死亡率整体高于农村,男性标化死亡率高于女性,40~岁年龄组以后死亡率随年龄的增长呈逐渐上升趋势。结论2005—2016年我国喉癌标化发病率和标化死亡率整体呈下降趋势,但在性别、年龄和城乡之间表现出一定差异,因此应采取针对性措施,积极制订喉癌防治策略,降低喉癌的危害。  相似文献   

薛健 《医学动物防制》2000,16(3):161-164
经历年采集调查,山东省吸血蠓种类已达3属37种,其中孔林库蠓、崂山库蠓、伪盐库蠓、青岛库蠓、曲阜库蠓、渎圣库蠓和威海细蠓等为发现的新蠓种、对部分吸血蠓种的孳生习性、成蠓活动规律和优势种明斑库蠓生活史、生物学习性等进行了观察记述。  相似文献   

目的调查研究重庆市蚊虫种类及其地理分布。方法采用人帐诱捕法、网捕法、灯诱法和人工小时法收集成蚊分类鉴定;采集蚊幼带回实验室饲养,羽化为成蚊后鉴别种类;同时检视收藏的蚊虫标本并查阅相关文献资料。结果发现重庆市有蚊虫10属73种,并对其地理分布进行了描述。结论为重庆市开展蚊虫防制和预防控制蚊媒传染病提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Great progresses have been made in fundamental and clinical stem cell research in China in recent years. The official policy on stem cells, which was announced in 2015, seems as the spring of stem cell therapy in China. However, the regulation, governance, and management of clinical expectations are still challenging. This review summarized the current stem cell research and development in the field, as well as its rapidly evolving commercial, regulatory and ethical environment in China. As expected, the prospects of stem cells in China look prospective.  相似文献   

目的:了解中国湖北地区汉坦病毒的遗传学特征。方法:采集2000~2001年肾综合征出血热(HFRS)患者的血液标本,通过逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)扩增汉坦病毒M片断基因。22例IgM阳性患者中,从5例患者的血凝块中扩增得到特异性PCR产物。结果:对550bp和403bp扩增产物进行的系统进化分析揭示汉坦病毒至少存在3个不同分支。W613株和W1141株与原型株HTN76-118,CUMC-B11(韩国),cl-l和cl-2(日本)同一分支;W1219株和H8205同一分支;另外两株与A9和HV114同一分支。结论:首次发现湖北地区人类汉坦病毒株与韩国和日本的HTN型具有高度序列同源性。  相似文献   

Objective To realize AIDS related knowledge, attitude and behavior among floating people in China and discuss its influencial factors, and to provide the evidence for how to prevent AIDS in floating population. Methods The data were collected from the "Sex and Reproductive Health Baseline Survey among Floating People in China" conducted in March 2004. The standard questionnaires were used to interview altogether 4 900 floating people from 6 provinces. Results Nearly 95.4 % of them had heard about AIDS, but only 0.5% can judge all the transmitted ways and no-transmitted ways correctly, 45.9 % believed that we need to isolate the HIV positive people. Only 65.7% knew that using condom can preventive HIV infection, 43. 7% showed their understanding about the man who has long time no sexual life has sex with a sexual worker. About 13.6% floating people chose condom as FP method and among them only 34. 6% used condom every time. Conclusion Chinese floating people are lack of AIDS knowledge. Most of them do not practise Safe Sex Activity. We need to give more intervention to the floating population.  相似文献   

背景卵巢癌对女性健康的危害已得到全世界的广泛关注,但目前缺乏针对我国卵巢癌发病及死亡趋势分析的研究。目的通过收集《中国肿瘤登记年报》中2005—2016年卵巢癌发病与死亡数据,描述和分析该时期我国女性卵巢癌发病与死亡变化趋势,为我国卵巢癌的科学防控提供参考依据。方法整理2005—2016年卵巢癌发病与死亡数据,计算每年的标化发病率、标化死亡率、年龄别发病率和年龄别死亡率。运用Joinpoint软件计算年度变化百分比(APC)和平均年度变化百分比(AAPC),分析我国卵巢癌发病与死亡随时间(年度)的变化趋势。结果2005—2016年我国卵巢癌发病率整体呈快速上升趋势(AAPC=7.25%,P<0.05),历年城市的卵巢癌标化发病率均高于农村,35~岁年龄组以后发病率随年龄增长呈上升趋势,发病高峰主要集中出现在55~岁年龄组。2005—2016年我国卵巢癌死亡率整体呈快速上升趋势(AAPC=6.06%,P<0.05),历年城市卵巢癌标化死亡率均高于农村,35~岁年龄组以后死亡率随年龄的增长快速上升,75~岁年龄组以后死亡率逐渐下降。结论2005—2016年我国卵巢癌发病率和死亡率呈快速上升趋势,但在年龄和城乡之间表现出一定差异,应采取针对性措施,积极制订卵巢癌防治策略,降低卵巢癌的危害。  相似文献   

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