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OBJECTIVE—To consider whether earlier detection of otitis media with effusion (OME) in asymptomatic children in the first 4 years of life prevents delayed language development.
METHODS—MEDLINE and other databases were searched and relevant references from articles reviewed. Critical appraisal and consensus development were in accordance with the methods of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.
RESULTS—No randomised controlled trials assessing the overall screening for OME and early intervention to prevent delay in acquiring language were identified, although one trial evaluated treatment in a screened population and found no benefit. The "analytic pathway" approach was therefore used, where evidence is evaluated for individual steps in a screening process. The evidence supporting the use of tools for early detection such as tympanometry, microtympanometry, acoustic reflectometry, and pneumatic otoscopy in the first 4years of life is unclear. Some treatments (mucolytics, antibiotics, steroids) resulted in the short term resolution of effusions as measured by tympanometry. Ventilation tubes resolved effusions and improved hearing. Ventilation tubes in children with hearing loss associated with OME benefited children in the short term, but after 18 months there was no difference in comparison with those assigned to watchful waiting. Most prospective cohort studies that evaluated the association between OME and language development lacked adequate measurement of exposure or outcome, or suffered from attrition bias. Findings with regard to the association were inconsistent.
CONCLUSIONS—There is insufficient evidence to support attempts at early detection of OME in the first 4 years of life in the asymptomatic child to prevent delayed language development.


OBJECTIVE: To consider whether earlier detection of otitis media with effusion (OME) in asymptomatic children in the first 4 years of life prevents delayed language development. METHODS: MEDLINE and other databases were searched and relevant references from articles reviewed. Critical appraisal and consensus development were in accordance with the methods of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care. RESULTS: No randomised controlled trials assessing the overall screening for OME and early intervention to prevent delay in acquiring language were identified, although one trial evaluated treatment in a screened population and found no benefit. The "analytic pathway" approach was therefore used, where evidence is evaluated for individual steps in a screening process. The evidence supporting the use of tools for early detection such as tympanometry, microtympanometry, acoustic reflectometry, and pneumatic otoscopy in the first 4 years of life is unclear. Some treatments (mucolytics, antibiotics, steroids) resulted in the short term resolution of effusions as measured by tympanometry. Ventilation tubes resolved effusions and improved hearing. Ventilation tubes in children with hearing loss associated with OME benefited children in the short term, but after 18 months there was no difference in comparison with those assigned to watchful waiting. Most prospective cohort studies that evaluated the association between OME and language development lacked adequate measurement of exposure or outcome, or suffered from attrition bias. Findings with regard to the association were inconsistent. CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient evidence to support attempts at early detection of OME in the first 4 years of life in the asymptomatic child to prevent delayed language development.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest a role for antioxidants in the prevention of pulmonary hypoplasia associated with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). We studied the effects of vitamin E in the nitrofen-rat model of CDH. After an initial fast, timed-pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were gavage-fed nitrofen at gestational day 11 (term is 22 d). On the same day, one group was given a s.c. injection of vitamin E in alcohol; a second group was given an injection of alcohol alone. A third group received no treatment (control). Fetuses were delivered on day 21, and static pressure-volume curves were measured by immersion. Lungs were analyzed for total DNA and protein content by standard methods. A total of 203 fetuses were studied. Of 151 nitrofen-exposed fetuses, 77% had CDH; 92% of these were right-sided. CDH was present in 82% of vehicle-treated fetuses and 71% of vitamin E-treated fetuses (p=0.17). Nitrofen-exposed fetuses not only were smaller than control fetuses but also had disproportionately smaller lungs and poorer lung function, even when CDH was absent; however, lung function was worse when CDH was present. Vitamin E treatment did not improve either lung growth or function, although there was a trend toward less CDH. We have shown, for the first time, that the lung hypoplasia seen in nitrofen-exposed rat fetuses is associated with a dramatic reduction in static lung function, even when CDH is not present. Finally, our findings support the notion that lung hypoplasia in the nitrofen-rat model is independent of CDH formation.  相似文献   

Aim: Management of acute otitis media (AOM) in infants younger than 2 months old is controversial. It varies between treatment on an outside basis, and hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics and sepsis work‐up based on variability of the reported AOM pathogens in this particular group. Our aim is to identify clinical indicators that may suggest a need for an invasive medical work‐up and/or hospitalization of these young patients, and compare their management to that of older infants. Methods: Retrospective chart review. Admitted infants with AOM and a random sample of infants presenting to the emergency room with AOM over a 20‐year period. Infants younger than 2 months were designated as ‘young infants’, and those older as ‘older infants’. Demographic data, relevant history, physical examination, laboratory studies and treatment were reviewed. Results: Twenty‐nine admitted infants were included (13 young infants). A sample of 58 outpatients was studied, including two young infants. Compared to older inpatient infants, admitted young infants were less febrile (P < 0.05), had more benign white cell count (P < 0.05) but had more otorrhea (P < 0.05). These grew gram‐negative organisms. Sepsis work‐up was negative. Young infants were more likely to be admitted (P < 0.05). Admitted older infants had more otorrhea than outpatients (P < 0.05) or a complication (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Young infants often need admission for intravenous antibiotics, until middle ear culture is out. Sepsis work‐up may be necessary only in toxic patients. Older infants need admission when severely ill or have a complication.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Information regarding the specific characteristics of bilateral acute otitis media (BAOM) versus unilateral acute otitis media (UAOM) is lacking. OBJECTIVES: To compare the epidemiologic, microbiologic, and clinical characteristics of BAOM with UAOM in children. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 1026 children aged 3-36 months (61%, <1 year of age) with AOM were enrolled during 1995-2003. All patients had tympanocentesis and middle ear fluid (MEF) culture at enrollment. Clinical status was determined by a clinical/otologic score evaluating severity (0 = absent to 3 = severe, maximal score 12) of patient's fever and irritability and tympanic membrane redness and bulging. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to estimate the risk of BAOM and UAOM presenting with a high severity score (> or =8). RESULTS: Six-hundred twenty-three (61%) patients had BAOM. Positive MEF cultures were recorded in 786 (77%) patients. More patients with BAOM had positive MEF cultures than patients with UAOM (517 of 623, 83% versus 269 of 403, 67%; P < 0.01). Nontypable Haemophilus influenzae was more common in BAOM than in UAOM (390 of 623, 63% versus 170 of 430, 42%; P < 0.01). Overall, the clinical/otologic score showed higher severity in culture-positive than in culture-negative patients (8.2 +/- 2.0 versus 7.7 +/- 2.2; P < 0.001) and in BAOM than in UAOM (8.3 +/- 2.1 versus 7.8 +/- 2.1; P = 0.001). Clinical/otologic score of > or =8 was more frequent in BAOM than in UAOM patients (371, 61.8% versus 200, 51.3%; P = 0.001). The estimated risk for BAOM patients (compared with UAOM patients) to present with a score > or =8 was 1.5. The association between BAOM and clinical/otologic score > or = 8 was maintained after adjustment for age, previous AOM history, and culture results at enrollment. CONCLUSIONS: (1) BAOM is frequent; (2) Nontypable H. influenzae is more frequently involved in the etiology of BAOM than of UAOM; (3) The clinical picture of BAOM is frequently more severe than that of UAOM, but overlap of clinical symptoms is common.  相似文献   

Introduction Otitis media with effusion is one of the most frequent diseases in children, and its management requires the attention of general practitioners, pediatricians and ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeons. The main complications associated with tympanostomy tube insertion, are: (1) purulent otorrhea (10–26% of cases), in which local otic preparations might be effective, and biofilm-resistant tubes may decrease this complication in the future; (2) myringosclerosis (39–65% of operated ears), with usually no serious sequelae; (3) segmental atrophy (16–75% of cases); (4) atrophic scars and pars flaccida retraction pockets (28 and 21% of operated ears, respectively); (5) tympanic membrane perforations (3% of cases, although with T-tubes, the incidence may be as high as 24%); (6) cholesteatoma (1% of cases), although tympanostomy tubes may sometimes prevent, rather than contribute to its development; (7) granulation tissue (5–40% of instances), when the duration of tube retention is prolonged. Conclusion It would appear that the complications associated with tympanostomy tube insertion are more frequent than anticipated, reaching 80% of operated ears under specific circumstances and in certain subgroups of children. These complications may resolve with conservative management, but in persistent cases surgical removal of the tubes is mandatory.  相似文献   

The “wait and see” approach in acute otitis media (AOM), consisting of postponing the antibiotic administration for a few days, has been advocated mainly to counteract the increased bacterial resistance in respiratory infections. This approach is not justified in children less than 2 years of age and this for several reasons. First, AOM is an acute inflammation of the middle ear caused in about 70% of cases by bacteria. Redness and bulging of the tympanic membrane are characteristic findings in bacterial AOM. Second, AOM is associated with long-term dysfunction of the inflamed eustachian tube (ET), particularly in children less than 2 years of age. In this age group, the small calibre of the ET together with its horizontal direction result in impaired clearance, ventilation and protection of the middle ear. Third, recent prospective studies have shown poor long-term prognosis of AOM in children below 2 years with at least 50% of recurrences and persisting otitis media with effusion (OME) in about 35% 6 months after AOM. Viruses elicit AOM in about 30% of children. A prolonged course of AOM has been observed when bacterial and viral infections are combined because viral infection is also associated with ET dysfunction in young children. Bacterial and viral testing of the nasopharyngeal aspirate is an excellent tool both for initial treatment and recurrence of AOM. Antibiotic treatment of AOM is mandatory in children less than 2 years of age to decrease inflammation in the middle ear but also of the ET particularly during the first episode. The best choice is amoxicillin because of its superior penetration in the middle ear. Streptococci pneumoniae with intermediary bacterial resistance to penicillin are particularly associated with recurrent AOM. Therefore the dosage of amoxicillin should be 90 mg/kg per day in three doses. In recurrent AOM with β-lactamase-producing bacilli, amoxicillin should be associated with clavulanic acid at a dose of 6.4 mg/kg per day. The duration of the treatment is not established yet but 10 days is reasonable for a first episode of AOM. OME may be a precursor initiating AOM but also a complication thereof. OME needs a watchful waiting approach. When associated with deafness for 2–3 months in children over 2 years of age, an antibiotic should be given according to the results of the bacterial resistance in the nasopharyngeal aspirate. The high rate of complications of tympanostomy tube insertion outweighs the beneficial effect on hearing loss. The poor results of this procedure are due to the absence of effects on ET dysfunction. Pneumococcal vaccination has little beneficial effects on recurrent AOM and its use in infants needs further studies. Treatment with amoxicillin is indicated in all children younger than 2 years with a first episode of AOM presenting with redness and bulging of the tympanic membrane. Combined amoxicillin and clavulanic acid should be given in patients with β-lactamase-producing bacteria. The duration of treatment is estimated to be at least 10 days depending on the findings by pneumo-otoscopy and tympanometry. Bacterial and viral testing of the nasopharyngeal aspirate is highly recommended particularly in children in day care centres as well as for regular follow-up. The high recurrence rate is due to the long-lasting dysfunction of the eustachian tube and the immune immaturity of children less than 2 years of age.  相似文献   

A 1 mg dose of vitamin K given intramuscularly at birth prevents almost all cases of late VKDB, whereas even two oral doses of 1 mg vitamin K given in the first week and a third given in week 5 to 6 are less effective. Is efficacy improved by increasing the dose to 3 2 2 mg? For active surveillance of VKDB, monthly postcards which include a nothing-to-report option, were sent to all heads of pediatric hospitals in Germany from January 1995 to December 1998. All reports were validated according to a standard case definition for late VKDB by means of a questionnaire. The incidence of VKDB with three oral doses of 2 mg vitamin K is compared to previously published rates for VKDB on 3 oral 1 mg oral doses, which had been ascertained with the same surveillance scheme. The number of cases of VKDB (excluding the failure-of-management cases) in children aged 8 days to 12 completed weeks during the 4 year period was 23. 14 had intracranial hemorrhage, 22 had been exclusively breastfed, and in 20 cholestasis was detected after the bleeding episode. 14/23 had been given all recommended 2 mg doses for vitamin K prophylaxis. Until 1996 all had been given the cremophor vitamin K preparation, whereas in 1997 to 1998 two children with late VKBD had received the new mixed micellar (MM) preparation, first licensed in July 1996. The incidence of VKBD per 100,000 live births during the 1995 to 1998 period was 0.72, including children given no vitamin K prophylaxis, and 0.44 for children who had received all age-related recommended vitamin K doses. These incidence rates are significantly lower than those previously published for the 3 2 1 mg dose regimen in Germany (1.8 cases of late VKDB per 100,000 live births in children who had received all recommended vitamin K doses). Not all cases of late VKDB, however, are prevented by the 3 2 2 mg dose regimen, even if the new mixed micellar preparation is given instead of the cremophor preparation.  相似文献   

Otitis media is a common pediatric problem. It is well established that over half of infants and children with acute otitis media may have spontaneous recovery. Since it is difficult to predict the course (self-limited versus serious disease) all the children with acute suppurative otitis media need to be treated with antibiotics. Amoxicillin is still the initial antibiotic of choice. There are several alternate antibiotics available with activity against beta-lactamase positive bacteria. These agents have no advantage over amoxicillin in infections due to penicillin resistant pneumococci. Recent use of beta-lactam antibiotics and/or attendance in a day care where there is frequent use of antibiotics are predisposing factors for penicillin resistant pneumococcal infection. In such cases after tympanocentesis, higher dose of amoxicillin, clindamycin or intramuscular ceftriaxone should be considered. Secretory otitis media does not need to be treated with antibiotics unless the patient is in high risk group. Prophylactic use of antibiotics should be actively discouraged. Influenza and pneumococcal vaccination (2 years or older) should be encouraged in children with recurrent episodes of acute otitis media. Breast feeding should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Hypospadias is the second most common genital anomaly in children. The etiology of hypospadias remains unknown in the overwhelming majority of patients. Herein, I review the etiology of hypospadias and propose that hypospadias can be explained by a two-hit hypothesis: genetic susceptibility plus environmental exposure to endocrine disruptors. The strategy to prevent hypospadias should be focused on (1) identifying genetic susceptibility prior to pregnancy and (2) identifying and eliminating exposure to potential toxic endocrine disruptors that effect urethral development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous limited data suggest that acute otitis media (AOM) caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae can present as a more severe disease than that caused by Haemophilus influenzae or Moraxella catarrhalis, as expressed by both tympanic membrane and systemic findings. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the severity of disease and impact of various pathogens, age, disease history and previous antibiotic therapy in children with AOM by using a comprehensive clinical/otologic score. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study group consisted of 372 children ages 3 to 36 months with AOM seen at the pediatric emergency room during 1996 through 2001. All patients had tympanocentesis and middle ear fluid culture performed at enrollment. Clinical status was determined by a clinical/otologic score evaluating severity (0 = absent to 3 = severe) of tympanic membrane findings (redness and bulging) and patient's fever, irritability and ear tugging. Maximal severity score was 15. RESULTS: There were 138 (37%) H. influenzae, 76 (21%) S. pneumoniae, 64 (17%) mixed infections (H. influenzae + S. pneumoniae) and 94 (25%) culture-negative cases. The overall clinical/otologic score was higher in culture-positive than in culture-negative patients (9.27 +/- 2.75 vs.8.38 +/- 3.08, P = 0.01). When analyzed by age groups, this difference was significant only for the youngest age group (3 to 6 months, P = 0.05). The severity scores for AOM caused by H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae were significantly higher than in the culture-negative AOM when tympanic membrane redness and bulging were analyzed separately. No differences were recorded in clinical/otologic scores between different pathogens (9.49 +/- 2.86, 9.03 +/- 2.72 and 9.09 +/- 2.54 for H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae + S. pneumoniae, respectively). The mean clinical/otologic score was higher in culture-positive than in culture-negative patients without relationship to previous antibiotic treatment or number of previous AOM episodes. CONCLUSIONS: (1) The clinical/otologic score of culture-positive young infants was higher than that of culture-negative infants; (2) the severity of tympanic membrane redness and bulging were the most indicative factors discriminating between a bacterial and nonbacterial etiology of AOM; and (3) the use of a clinical/otologic score could not discriminate among various bacterial etiologies of AOM.  相似文献   

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