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Two hundred and five cases (mean age 13.4, SD 9.5) of persistent diarrhoea (PD) of 14–28 days duration, attending an urban slum clinic and treated according to standard WHO guidelines, were monitored at weekly intervals to obtain an estimate of treatment failure rates and to identify its clinical predictors. Vitamin and micronutrients (daily 2RDA) were additionally provided. Only 9 (8.2%) of 109 children with criteria for hospital care accepted in-patient care. Weight gain was considered inadequate if the daily increment between enrolment and day 7 of follow up was < 10 g at age 0–3 months, < 5 g at 4–6 months, and any weight loss for those older than 6 months. Recovery was considered delayed if diarrhoea ceased 7 days after enrolment. Overall, 28.3 % cases had inadequate weight gain and 25.6% had delayed recovery. The non-breast milk calorie intake was 11.2 % during infancy and 40.6 % at later ages of the recommended intakes. In a logistic regression model, initial watery stool frequency greater than median (adjusted OR 2.30, p=0.01), age < 6 months (adjusted OR 2.24, p=0.04) and low consumption of micronutrient mixture (adjusted OR 2.62, p=0.01) were associated with an increased risk of delayed recovery. In a Cox proportional hazards model for time to recovery from diarrhoea, low consumption of the micronutrient mixture and age < 6 months reduced the chances of recovery by 29 % and 37 % respectively. Low consumption of the prescribed micronutrient mixture (adjusted OR 2.21, p=0.04), fever (adjusted OR 1.91, p=0.05) and diarrhoea continuing beyond study day 7 (adjusted OR 2.29, p=0.03) increased the risk of inadequate weight gain. Breast feeding status and animal milk consumption did not influence weight gain or recovery. Due to the low compliance for advised hospitalisation, approaches for care at community level itself need to be evolved. Focus should be on increasing the overall dietary intake and provision of generous but safe amount of micronutrients; our findings do not support need for routine elimination of animal milk. The efficacy of individual micronutrients needs evaluation in controlled trials.  相似文献   

Aim: First, to what extent do general paediatric outpatients with functional abdominal pain experience other somatic and mental health symptoms compared with children in a population‐based sample? Second, to what extent are such symptoms in both patients and their mothers associated with persistent child abdominal pain and functional disability? Methods: Ninety‐four referred patients [mean age (SD) 11.1 (1.9) years, 62% girls] were assessed by questionnaires and a paediatric consultation at baseline and at follow‐up after 6–9 months (94% follow‐up participation). At baseline, somatic and mental health symptoms in the patients were compared with a population‐based sample of 14 000 school children. Outcome at follow‐up was patient self‐reported abdominal pain and disability. Prognostic factors explored included patient and maternal somatic and mental health symptoms. Results: The patients experienced significantly more somatic [e.g. headache (OR: 9.2; 95% CI: 5.9–14.6)] and emotional symptoms than the school children. Patient’s older age and peer problems at baseline were significantly associated with more abdominal pain at follow‐up, whereas patient’s older age, emotional symptoms, prosocial behaviour and maternal somatic symptoms were associated with disability. Conclusion: Our results highlight the importance of focusing wider than just the patient’s symptoms of abdominal pain in clinical practice and research.  相似文献   

Abdominal pain is a common experience during childhood and frequently presents to secondary healthcare facilities. Although non-specific abdominal pain and appendicitis are the most common causes, the clinician should also be aware of the diagnosis and management of all causes of abdominal pain in children. This article provides an overview of abdominal pain in children, including history and examination, initial management, diagnostic categories, modes of investigation, and definitive treatment.  相似文献   

Recurrent abdominal pain is a common symptom in children. It presents a diagnostic and management challenge. Underlying organic disease is rare but important to correctly identify. Most children with recurrent abdominal pain have a functional gastro-intestinal disorder. There are several recognized patterns of functional gastro-intestinal disorder affecting children. A combination of biological, psychological and social factors contribute to the aetiology of pain. Management is centred on identifying and modifying factors that may be contributing to the symptoms. The prognosis for functional gastro-intestinal disorder is generally good, though there is an increased chance of somatising and psychiatric disorders developing later in life.  相似文献   

Fjord Christensen M. Motilin in children with recurrent abdominal pain: a controlled study. Aeta Pædiatr 1994;83:542–4. Stockholm. ISSN 0803–5253
The aim of this study was to compare serum motilin levels in children with and without recurrent abdominal pain, based on the assumption that recurrent abdominal pain in children is a gut motility disorder. In this controlled study, 19 children between 6 and 15 years or age with recurrent non-organic abdominal pain and 20 control children between 6 and 15 years of age without abdominal pain or other functional somatic complaints were evaluated. No slatistical significant difference was found in serum motilin levels between children with and without abdominal pain. Median difference between the groups was II pmol/1 (95% confidence limits of median difference -9 to +33). This investigation could not support the assumption that motilin might be a pathogenic factor in children with recurrent abdominal pain. It is suggested, however, that future research should compare serum motilin levels during and between attacks of pain.  相似文献   

Lactose tolerance test (LTT) was performed in 70 children with idiopathic recurrent abdominal pain (IRAP) and 50 matched controls. The prevalence of lactose malabsorption in the IRAP patients (47.1%) was significantly higher than in controls (18%). When milk was withheld fora 4 week period, 33% (11/33) of lactose malabsorbers and 16.2% (6/37) of lactose absorbers were relieved of their symptoms, the difference being insignificant. The limitations of standard oral lactose tolerance test are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Abdominal pain is a common problem in childhood and accounts for a significant workload in general practice. The aim of this study was assess the nature of abdominal pain in a sample of Australian children attending a Western Australian general practice for any reason, and to determine factors associated with the reporting of such pain. METHODOLOGY: A prospective study of children and their families attending a rural general practice was undertaken using a parental survey to assess the frequency and nature of abdominal pain, demographic features, physical and behavioural characteristics. RESULTS: Abdominal pain was common in this population; 44% (70 of 164) of parents reported that the index child had experienced abdominal pain in the past 12 months. The average age of children who experienced recent abdominal pain was 9 years and 9 months. Multivariate analysis suggested that children experiencing abdominal pain in the preceding 12 months were more likely to be anxious (odds ratio (OR) = 3.74, P = 0.01), to have a family history of similar problems in siblings (OR = 4.26, P = 0.01) and to experience sleep disturbance (OR = 3.90, P = 0.02) than children without abdominal pain. Consumption of three or more serves of wholemeal bread or cereals per day had a significant protective effect on reported abdominal pain in children (OR = 0.12, P = 0.03). The majority of families (66%) dealt with the pain without resorting to medical care. CONCLUSIONS: Abdominal pain remains a common problem of children attending an Australian general practice, and was associated with features suggesting that it is related to anxiety and coping ability. Abdominal pain is not usually associated with disease; most families recognize this and cope with abdominal pain without medical consultation.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the epidemiology and some of the risk factors of childhood recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) in school age children. METHODS: We used a questionnaire concerning socioeconomic parameters, intensity, frequency, duration, nature of RAP and anthropometric measures. We used several criteria to identify RAP and the Wong-Baker FACES scale for pain intensity and calculated the gender/age-specific body mass index (BMI) Z-score using NCHS standards. Obesity was defined as a BMI>or=95th percentile for age and gender. RESULTS: A total of 925 children mean age of 9.5 years completed and returned the questionnaires. The prevalence of RAP was 24%; 22% among boys versus 26% among girls (p=0.28) and reached its peak among children aged 7-9 (29%) years. Children with BMI>or=95% percentile reported more RAP compared to those not obese (33.3% vs. 22.5%) (OR=1.8, p=0.01). There was an inverse correlation between fruit consumption and RAP prevalence with 20% among children reporting more than three serving of fruit per week compared to 40% of those who did not consume any fruits (p<0.002). Logistic regression analysis confirmed BMI>or=95th percentile and low consumption of fruits are significant risk factors for RAP. CONCLUSIONS: There is a significant association between RAP and obesity and both conditions are prevalent among children in this population. Understanding more about the co-morbidity between RAP and obesity could have important implications on RAP management and treatment.  相似文献   

Apley, working in Bristol, UK, defined recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) in 1958. After extensive investigations, he found that 8% of children presenting to his clinic with RAP had an organic pathology. The aims of this study were to identify (1) causes of RAP using modern methodology, (2) factors associated with organic RAP and (3) children with none-organic RAP who fulfill the diagnostic criteria for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Children, aged over 3 years, presenting with RAP were prospectively recruited to this study. They had a detailed questionnaire completed, a full examination with screening tests (blood for coeliac screen, Helicobacter pylori antibody titre, inflammatory markers, serum amylase, liver function tests, and full blood count, urine and stool analyses and abdominal ultrasonography). Endoscopy and oesophageal pH monitoring were performed if clinically indicated. IBS was diagnosed if the child had no organic pathology and fulfilled the Rome II criteria. Out of 103 children (median age of 10 years, mean 10.04, SD ±3.44,), 31 children (30%) had organic pathologies. Factors associated with organic pain were nocturnal symptoms (P<0. 01) and abdominal tenderness (P<0.005) and with non-organic pain were periumbilical locality (P<0.002), pain alleviation on defaecation (P<0.04) and low fibre diet (P<0.005). Of children with non-organic pain, 37/52 (51%) fulfilled the criteria for IBS (36% of the total). Conclusion:of children presenting with recurrent abdominal pain in a hospital setting, 30% have a diagnosable organic aetiology compared to 8% in Apleys time. Irritable bowel syndrome, however, may be the commonest cause of recurrent abdominal pain and should be considered.Abbreviations CRP C-reactive protein - GORD gastro-oesophageal reflux disease - IBS irritable bowel syndrome - RAP recurrent abdominal pain  相似文献   

Prevalence of abdominal migraine (AM) and recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) was evaluated in patients who visited Hikita Pediatric Clinic between May 2010 and April 2015. Patient data were collected prospectively using a questionnaire. Out of a total of 3611 cases, observed prevalence was 2.44% for repeated abdominal pain over a period of ≥3 months, 1.47% for RAP, and 0.19% for AM. Duration of abdominal pain was longer for AM than for non‐AM RAP. Certain clinical features were significantly different between AM and non‐AM RAP. No correlations were found among age at onset, frequency of attack, and duration of attack for various types of RAP. It was difficult to determine useful diagnostic criteria for distinguishing between AM and non‐AM RAP. They did not appear to be separate disease entities but, instead, lie on a disease spectrum. The present prevalence of AM (0.19%) was lower than that in many previous studies from countries other than Japan.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is accepted as an important factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease. Infection is probably most commonly acquired in early life but there is still limited information on the prevalence or symptomatology of H. pylori infection in childhood. The aim of the present study was to establish the prevalence of H. pylori infection in a large sample of urban school children and to determine its relationship, if any, to a history of recurrent abdominal pain. Using a commercial ELISA significant levels of anti- H , pylori IgG antibody were detected in 107/640 (16.7%) of school children (M, 383; F, 257; mean age 9.15 years, range 4-13). No relationship was demonstrated between H. pylori seropositivity and a personal or family history of recurrent abdominal pain or the nature of the pain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that psychological treatment given in combination with somatic treatment can relieve recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) of psychosomatic origin in childhood. STUDY DESIGN: Stomach Pain Clinic Group A, comprising 25 children receiving a combination of psychological treatment and physiotherapy given by two different persons and Stomach Pain Clinic Group B, comprising 23 children receiving physiotherapy only, were constituted in a randomized manner. Stomach Pain Clinic Group C, including 35 children receiving an integrated combination of psychological treatment and somatic treatment given by the same person was also constituted, as well as a reference group. Treatment outcome was measured by calculating a pain score and tender points (TP) score at inclusion and after 1 year. RESULTS: The pain score after 1 year improved significantly in all four groups. Stomach Pain Clinic Groups A and B did not show any significant difference, but Stomach Pain Clinic C had a significantly better outcome than Stomach Pain Clinic Group B. Stomach Pain Clinic Groups A and C had a significant decrease in the TP score after 1 year. Pain scores and TP scores calculated for all Stomach Pain Clinic groups correlated significantly at follow-up after 1 year. CONCLUSION: For children with psychosomatic RAP, a special method for integrated psychological and somatic treatment is probably effective. The results have to be confirmed in a randomized controlled study. These children have a special pattern of TPs related to their disorder, which diminishes with improvement in the disorder.  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate malabsorption of lactose and fructose as causes of recurrent abdominal pain (RAP). Methods: In 220 children (128 girls, mean age 8,8 [4.1–16.0] years) with RAP, hydrogen breath tests (H2BT; abnormal if ΔH2 > 30 ppm) were performed with lactose and fructose. Disappearance of RAP with elimination, recurrence with provocation and disappearance with re‐elimination, followed by a 6‐month pain‐free follow‐up, were considered indicative of a causal relation with RAP. For definite proof, a double‐blinded placebo‐controlled (DBPC) provocation was performed. Results: Malabsorption of lactose was found in 57 of 210, of fructose in 79 of 121 patients. Pain disappeared upon elimination in 24/38 patients with lactose malabsorption, and in 32/49 with fructose malabsorption. Open provocation with lactose and fructose was positive in 7/23 and 13/31 patients. DBPC provocation in 6/7 and 8/13 patients was negative in all. However, several children continued to report abdominal symptoms upon intake of milk or fructose. Conclusion: Lactose intolerance nor fructose intolerance could be established as causes of RAP, according to preset criteria including elimination, open provocation and DBPC provocation. However, in clinical practice, persistent feeling of intolerance in some patients should be taken seriously and could warrant extended elimination with repeated challenges.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess and compare the IgG seroprevalence of H. pylori in children with recurrent abdominal pain with healthy children and to investigate the related symptoms. IgG antibodies against low-molecular weight H. pylori antigens were assessed in 438 children with recurrent abdominal pain and in 91 healthy controls. Sera with an ELISA unit-value above the cut-off level were confirmed by Western immunoblot. Only seropositive children with recurrent abdominal pain were examined by an oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy. Symptomatology was recorded according to the localization of the abdominal pain, presence of pyrosis, nocturnal pain, relation of pain to meals and bowel irregularities. The seroprevalence was 21% (95% CI: 17-25%) in the children with recurrent abdominal pain and 10% (95% CI: 5–18%) in the healthy controls ( p = 0:30). In seropositive children with RAP H. pylori was found in 46/66 by culture and histology. The presence of H. pylori was significantly associated with active or inactive chronic gastritis. The presence of H. pylori was associated with both parents being born in a country with a high prevalence and a low social class. Helicobacter pylori-positive children had more often pain related to meals than the H. pylori- negative children. No differences among the two groups were seen according to the levels of haemoglobin, leucocytes, thrombocytes, weight and height. In conclusion, the seroprevalence of H. pylori is comparable in children with recurrent abdominal pain and healthy children. No specific symptomatology was seen in H. pylori- positive children with RAP.  相似文献   

A case control study including 175 children aged 0–36 months suffering from diarrhea of ≥14 days duration was undertaken to determine whether there is an association betweenGiardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica orCryptosporidium infection and persistent diarrhea (PD). Subjects were identified by ongoing household surveillance and enrolled as cases. For each case two controls were selected by survey of neighbouring households—a child with acute diarrhea and one without diarrhea. Both the controls were matched with the case for age and nutritional status. Two fresh stool samples were collected from all cases and controls at enrolment and examined for trophozoites ofGiardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica andCryptosporidium. Giardia lamblia trophozoites were detected in a significantly higher proportion of PD cases (20.0%) than acute diarrheal and non diarrheal controls (4.6% each, p<0,0001). There were no significant differences in the proportion of cases and controls who passedE. histolytica trophozoites or cryptosporidium in their stools. There was a consistent trend towards poorer weight gain in PD cases who passed Giardia trophozoites in stool; the differences were statistically significant at days 14 and 21, after enrolment. Giardia lamblia infection is more prevalent in PD cases than in acute diarrhea or non-diarheal controls. This prevalence is not high enough to warrant routine anti-giardia therapy in patients with PD. However, as giardiasis was observed to have adverse growth impact in PD cases, stool microscopy for detection and subsequent treatment ofGiardia lamblia seems to be justified.  相似文献   

Objective : Acute abdominal pain is a common problem in childhood, and appendicitis is frequently diagnosed by general practitioners and doctors working in emergency departments. The objective of the present report was to determine the frequency of appendicitis in a group of children with acute abdominal pain presenting to the emergency department of a general hospital, as well as attempting to analyse the manner in which these patients were managed.
Methodology : The initial assessment in hospital (by resident hospital staff) of the study group of patients was analysed and their subsequent clinical progress documented.
Results : The present report shows that the vast majority of children with acute abdominal pain do not have appendicitis and that appendicitis is significantly over-diagnosed by junior hospital doctors.
Conclusions : Appendicitis is a clinical diagnosis, best made by an experienced member of the paediatric surgical team. Frequent review, with a minimum of investigations, provides the best means of making a rational decision regarding surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to investigate the extent to which recurrent abdominal pain and other factors were associated with academic achievement among Year-6 (12 years of age) schoolchildren. METHODS: The present study was a cross-sectional survey conducted from September to November 2001. Schoolchildren were recruited from primary schools that were selected randomly from a list of all primary schools in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, using random sampling numbers. Information concerning recurrent abdominal pain, socio-economic status, life events, demographic and other details was obtained using a combination of questionnaires and interviews. Academic achievement was assessed using a score based on the Malaysian Primary School Achievement Examination. An overall score at or above the mean was taken to indicate high academic achievement while a score below the mean indicated poor academic achievement. RESULTS: A total of 1971 children were studied (958 boys and 1013 girls: 1047 Malays, 513 Chinese and 411 Indians). Of these children, 456 (23.1%) fulfilled the criteria for recurrent abdominal pain. Using the method of binary logistic regression analysis, the following factors were found to be independently associated with poor academic performance: a low socio-economic status (odds ratio (OR) 1.30; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.25-1.35); male sex (OR 1.61; 95% CI 1.26-2.05); the death of a close relative (OR 2.22; 95% CI 1.73-2.85); the divorce or separation of parents (OR 3.05; 95% CI 1.73-5.40); the commencement of work by the mother (OR 1.34; 95% CI 1.02-1.76); hospitalization of the child in the 12 months prior to the study (OR 1.83; 95% CI 1.12-3.01); lack of health-care consultation (OR 1.80; 95% CI 1.36-2.36); missing breakfast (OR 1.47; 95% CI 1.07-2.02); and lack of kindergarten education (OR 1.35; 95% CI 1.04-1.75). CONCLUSIONS: Many factors, such as socio-economic status and recent life events, were associated with poor academic performance. Recurrent abdominal pain did not correlate directly to academic performance. Stress may be a means by which various factors cause children to struggle academically.  相似文献   

We report on our experience with routine abdominal ultrasonography in 120 children (aged 3–15 years) with recurrent abdominal pain, in order to determine the diagnostic value of this investigation. Eight children (7%) revealed sonographic abnormalities: gallbladder stone (n = 2), splenomegaly (n = 1) and urogenital abnormalities (n = 5). The recurrent abdominal pain could be explained by these findings in only two (may be three) cases. Conclusion The diagnostic value of abdominal ultra‐sonography in unselected children with recurrent abdominal pain is low. However, the direct visualization of the abdominal structures as being normal may be helpful to the parents and the child in their understanding and acceptance of the benign nature of recurrent abdominal pain. Received: 19 March 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

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