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One of the major challenges in constructing multi‐channel and multi‐row transmit (Tx) or transceiver (TxRx) arrays is the decoupling of the array's loop elements. Overlapping of the surface loops allows the decoupling of adjacent elements and also helps to improve the radiofrequency field profile by increasing the penetration depth and eliminating voids between the loops. This also simplifies the design by reducing the number of decoupling circuits. At the same time, overlapping may compromise decoupling by generating high resistive (electric) coupling near the overlap, which cannot be compensated for by common decoupling techniques. Previously, based on analytical modeling, we demonstrated that electric coupling has strong frequency and loading dependence, and, at 9.4 T, both the magnetic and electric coupling between two heavily loaded loops can be compensated at the same time simply by overlapping the loops. As a result, excellent decoupling was obtained between adjacent loops of an eight‐loop single‐row (1 × 8) human head tight‐fit TxRx array. In this work, we designed and constructed a 9.4‐T (400‐MHz) 16‐loop double‐row (2 × 8) overlapped TxRx head array based on the results of the analytical and numerical electromagnetic modeling. We demonstrated that, simply by the optimal overlap of array loops, a very good decoupling can be obtained without additional decoupling strategies. The constructed TxRx array provides whole‐brain coverage and approximately 1.5 times greater Tx efficiency relative to a transmit‐only/receive‐only (ToRo) array, which consists of a larger Tx‐only array and a nested tight‐fit 31‐loop receive (Rx)‐only array. At the same time, the ToRo array provides greater peripheral signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) and better Rx parallel performance in the head–feet direction. Overall, our work provides a recipe for a simple, robust and very Tx‐efficient design suitable for parallel transmission and whole‐brain imaging at ultra‐high fields.  相似文献   

Although MRI offers highly diagnostic medical imagery, patient access to this modality worldwide is very limited when compared with X‐ray or ultrasound. One reason for this is the expense and complexity of the equipment used to generate the switched magnetic fields necessary for MRI encoding. These field gradients are also responsible for intense acoustic noise and have the potential to induce nerve stimulation. We present results with a new MRI encoding principle which operates entirely without the use of conventional B0 field gradients. This new approach – ‘Transmit Array Spatial Encoding’ (TRASE) – uses only the resonant radiofrequency (RF) field to produce Fourier spatial encoding equivalent to conventional MRI. k‐space traversal (image encoding) is achieved by spin refocusing with phase gradient transmit fields in spin echo trains. A transmit coil array, driven by just a single transmitter channel, was constructed to produce four phase gradient fields, which allows the encoding of two orthogonal spatial axes. High‐resolution two‐dimensional‐encoded in vivo MR images of hand and wrist were obtained at 0.2 T. TRASE exploits RF field phase gradients, and offers the possibility of very low‐cost diagnostics and novel experiments exploiting unique capabilities, such as imaging without disturbance of the main B0 magnetic field. Lower field imaging (<1 T) and micro‐imaging are favorable application domains as, in both cases, it is technically easier to achieve the short RF pulses desirable for long echo trains, and also to limit RF power deposition. As TRASE is simply an alternative mechanism (and technology) of moving through k space, there are many close analogies between it and conventional B0‐encoded techniques. TRASE is compatible with both B0 gradient encoding and parallel imaging, and so hybrid sequences containing all three spatial encoding approaches are possible. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to provide the topography of the main gray nuclei and white matter tracts of the human brainstem at 7 Tesla (7 T) high‐field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using structural imaging (T1) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Both imaging techniques represent a new field of increasing interest for its potential neuroanatomic and neuropathologic value. Brainstems were obtained postmortem from human donors, fixated by intracarotid perfusion of 10% neutral buffered formalin, and scanned in a Bruker BioSpec 7 T horizontal scanner. 3D‐data sets were acquired using the modified driven equilibrium Fourier transform (MDEFT) sequence and Spin Echo‐DTI (SE‐DTI) sequence was used for DTI acquisition. High‐resolution structural MRI and DTI of the human brainstem acquired postmortem reveals its basic cyto‐ and myeloar‐chitectonic organization, only visualized to this moment by histological techniques and higher magnetic field strengths. Brainstem structures that are usually not observed with lower magnetic fields were now topographically identified at midbrain, pons, and medullar levels. The application of high‐resolution structural MRI will contribute to precisely determine the extension and topography of brain lesions. Indeed, the current findings will be useful to interpret future high‐resolution in vivo MRI studies in living humans. Anat Rec, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to optimise a pulse sequence for high‐resolution imaging sensitive to the effects of conventional macromolecular magnetisation transfer (MTm) and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE), and to use it to investigate variations in these parameters across the cerebral cortex. A high‐spatial‐resolution magnetisation transfer‐prepared turbo field echo (MT‐TFE) sequence was designed to have high sensitivity to MTm and NOE effects, whilst being robust to B0 and B1 inhomogeneities, and producing a good point spread function across the cortex. This was achieved by optimising the saturation and imaging components of the sequence using simulations based on the Bloch equations, including exchange and an image simulator. This was used to study variations in these parameters across the cortex. Using the sequence designed to be sensitive to NOE and MTm, a variation in signals corresponding to a variation in MTm and NOE across the cortex, consistent with a reduction in myelination from the white matter surface to the pial surface of the cortex, was observed. In regions in which the stria was visible on T2*‐weighted images, it could also be detected in signals sensitive to MTm and NOE. There was greater variation in signals sensitive to NOE, suggesting that the NOE signal is more sensitive to myelination. A sequence has been designed to image variations in MTm and NOE at high spatial resolution and has been used to investigate variations in contrast in these parameters across the cortex. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Neonatal brain injury suffered by preterm infants and newborns with some medical conditions can cause significant neurodevelopmental disabilities. MRI is a preferred method to detect these accidents and perform in vivo evaluation of the brain. However, the commercial availability and optimality of receive coils for the neonatal brain is limited, which in many cases leads to images lacking in quality. As extensively demonstrated, receive arrays closely positioned around the scanned part provide images with high signal‐to‐noise ratios (SNRs). The present work proposes a pneumatic‐based MRI receive array that can physically adapt to infant head dimensions from 27‐week premature to 1.5 months old. Average SNR increases of up to 68% in the head region and 122% in the cortex region, compared with a 32‐channel commercial head coil, were achieved at 3 T. The consistent SNR distribution obtained through the complete coil size range, specifically in the cortex, allows the acquisition of images with similar quality across a range of head dimensions, which is not possible with fixed‐size coils due to the variable coil‐to‐head distance. The risks associated with mechanical pressure on the neonatal head are minimal and the head motion is restricted. The method could be used in coil designs for other age groups, body parts and subjects.  相似文献   

MRI is a versatile tool for the systematic assessment of anatomical and functional changes in small‐animal models of human disease. Its noninvasive nature makes it an ideal candidate for longitudinal evaluations of disease progression, but relatively long scan times limit the number of observations that can be made in a given interval of time, imposing restrictions on experimental design and potentially compromising statistical power. Methods that reduce the overall time required to scan multiple cohorts of animals in distinct experimental groups are therefore highly desirable. Multiple‐mouse MRI, in which several animals are simultaneously scanned in a common MRI system, has been successfully used to improve study throughput. However, to best utilize the next generation of small‐animal MRI systems that will be equipped with an increased number of receive channels, a paradigm shift from the simultaneous scanning of as many animals as possible to the scanning of a more manageable number, at a faster rate, must be considered. This work explores the tradeoffs between the number of animals to scan at once and the number of array elements dedicated to each animal, to maximize throughput in systems with 16 receive channels. An array system consisting of 15 receive and five transmit coils allows acceleration by a combination of multi‐animal and parallel imaging techniques. The array system was designed and fabricated for use on a 7.0‐T/30‐cm Bruker Biospec MRI system, and tested for high‐throughput imaging performance in phantoms and live mice. Results indicate that up to a nine‐fold throughput improvement of a single sequence is possible compared with an unaccelerated single‐animal acquisition. True data throughput of a contrast‐enhanced anatomical study is estimated to be improved by just over six‐fold. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dipole antennas have recently been introduced to the field of MRI and successfully used, mostly as elements of ultra‐high field (UHF, ≥ 7 T) human body arrays. Usage of dipole antennas for UHF human head transmit (Tx) arrays is still under development. Due to the substantially smaller size of the sample, dipoles must be made significantly shorter than in the body array. Additionally, head Tx arrays are commonly placed on the surface of rigid helmets made sufficiently large to accommodate tight‐fit receive arrays. As a result, dipoles are not well loaded and are often poorly decoupled, which compromises Tx efficiency. Commonly, adjacent array elements are decoupled by circuits electrically connected to them. Placement of such circuits between distantly located dipoles is difficult. Alternatively, decoupling is provided by placing passive antennas between adjacent dipole elements. This method only works when these additional components are sufficiently small (compared with the size of active dipoles). Otherwise, RF fields produced by passive elements interfere destructively with the RF field of the array itself, and previously reported designs have used passive dipoles of about the size of array dipoles. In this work, we developed a novel method of decoupling for adjacent dipole antennas, and used this technique while constructing a 9.4 T human head eight‐element transceiver array. Decoupling is provided without any additional circuits by simply folding the dipoles and using an RF shield located close to the folded portion of the dipoles. The array reported in this work demonstrates good decoupling and whole‐brain coverage.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that functional MRI (fMRI) can be sensitive to the laminar and columnar organization of the cortex based on differences in the spatial and temporal characteristics of the blood oxygenation level‐dependent (BOLD) signal originating from the macrovasculature and the neuronal‐specific microvasculature. Human fMRI studies at this scale of the cortical architecture, however, are very rare because the high spatial/temporal resolution required to explore these properties of the BOLD signal are limited by the signal‐to‐noise ratio. Here, we show that it is possible to detect BOLD signal changes at an isotropic spatial resolution as high as 0.55 mm at 7 T using a high‐density multi‐element surface coil with minimal electronics, which allows close proximity to the head. The coil comprises of very small, 1 × 2‐cm2, elements arranged in four flexible modules of four elements each (16‐channel) that can be positioned within 1 mm from the head. As a result of this proximity, tissue losses were five‐fold greater than coil losses and sufficient to exclude preamplifier decoupling. When compared with a standard 16‐channel head coil, the BOLD sensitivity was approximately 2.2‐fold higher for a high spatial/temporal resolution (1 mm isotropic/0.4 s), multi‐slice, echo planar acquisition, and approximately three‐ and six‐fold higher for three‐dimensional echo planar images acquired with isotropic resolutions of 0.7 and 0.55 mm, respectively. Improvements in parallel imaging performance (geometry factor) were up to around 1.5‐fold with increasing acceleration factor, and improvements in fMRI detectability (temporal signal‐to‐noise ratio) were up to around four‐fold depending on the distance to the coil. Although deeper lying structures may not benefit from the design, most fMRI questions pertain to the neocortex which lies within approximately 4 cm from the surface. These results suggest that the resolution of fMRI (at 7 T) can approximate levels that are closer to the spatial/temporal scale of the fundamental functional organization of the human cortex using a simple high‐density coil design for high sensitivity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High‐angular‐resolution diffusion‐weighted imaging (HARDI) is one of the most common MRI acquisition schemes for use with higher order models of diffusion. However, the optimal b value and number of diffusion‐weighted (DW) directions for HARDI are still undetermined, primarily as a result of the large number of available reconstruction methods and corresponding parameters, making it impossible to identify a single criterion by which to assess performance. In this study, we estimate the minimum number of DW directions and optimal b values required for HARDI by focusing on the angular frequency content of the DW signal itself. The spherical harmonic (SH) series provides the spherical analogue of the Fourier series, and can hence be used to examine the angular frequency content of the DW signal. Using high‐quality data acquired along 500 directions over a range of b values, we estimate that SH terms above l = 8 are negligible in practice for b values up to 5000 s/mm2, implying that a minimum of 45 DW directions is sufficient to fully characterise the DW signal. l > 0 SH terms were found to increase as a function of b value, levelling off at b = 3000 s/mm2, suggesting that this value already provides the highest achievable angular resolution. In practice, it is recommended to acquire more than the minimum of 45 DW directions to avoid issues with imperfections in the uniformity of the DW gradient directions and to meet signal‐to‐noise requirements of the intended reconstruction method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) have been recently included into the spectrum of BAP1‐tumor predisposition syndrome (TPDS). Uveal melanoma (UM) is also a tumor often observed in patients with this hereditary tumor syndrome, in particular bilateral UM is highly suspicious for BAP1‐TPDS although no patient has been reported yet. Based on our index patient with BAP1‐TPDS with bilateral UM (choroid OD, oculus dexter; iris OS, oculus sinister), several BCCs and thyroid cancer as well as a family history for cancer, this paper analyzes hints and pitfalls to diagnose this syndrome clinically and histologically. A previously undescribed germline variant, namely a heterozygous deletion of a single nucleotide on position 2001 (c.2001delG;p.[Thr668Profs*24] in exon 16 of the BAP1 gene), was identified. Structural changes in the C‐terminal of the BAP1 protein were observed by in silico analysis. While the excised iris melanoma showed loss of BAP1 nuclear staining by immunohistochemical staining, the BCCs of our patient (and in the control group, n = 13) were BAP1 positive. Genetic analysis of the BCC of the ocular adnexae confirmed a remaining intact BAP1 copy. The constellation of (bilateral) UM in combination with BCC should raise suspicion for a BAP1‐TPDS. As our BCCs probably developed independently from the BAP1‐TPDS and UMs frequently show loss of nuclear BAP1 staining, genetic analysis is mandatory to diagnose this syndrome.  相似文献   

To be able to examine dynamic and detailed brain functions, the spatial and temporal resolution of 7 T MRI needs to improve. In this study, it was investigated whether submillimeter multishot 3D EPI fMRI scans, acquired with high‐density receive arrays, can benefit from a 2D CAIPIRINHA sampling pattern, in terms of noise amplification (g‐factor), temporal SNR and fMRI sensitivity. High‐density receive arrays were combined with a shot‐selective 2D CAIPIRINHA implementation for multishot 3D EPI sequences at 7 T. In this implementation, in contrast to conventional inclusion of extra kz gradient blips, specific EPI shots are left out to create a CAIPIRINHA shift and reduction of scan time. First, the implementation of the CAIPIRINHA sequence was evaluated with a standard receive setup by acquiring submillimeter whole brain T2*‐weighted anatomy images. Second, the CAIPIRINHA sequence was combined with high‐density receive arrays to push the temporal resolution of submillimeter 3D EPI fMRI scans of the visual cortex. Results show that the shot‐selective 2D CAIPIRINHA sequence enables a reduction in scan time for 0.5 mm isotropic 3D EPI T2*‐weighted anatomy scans by a factor of 4 compared with earlier reports. The use of the 2D CAIPIRINHA implementation in combination with high‐density receive arrays, enhances the image quality of submillimeter 3D EPI scans of the visual cortex at high acceleration as compared to conventional SENSE. Both the g‐factor and temporal SNR improved, resulting in a method that is more sensitive to the fMRI signal. Using this method, it is possible to acquire submillimeter single volume 3D EPI scans of the visual cortex in a subsecond timeframe. Overall, high‐density receive arrays in combination with shot‐selective 2D CAIPIRINHA for 3D EPI scans prove to be valuable for reducing the scan time of submillimeter MRI acquisitions.  相似文献   

The performance of multichannel transmit coil layouts and parallel transmission (pTx) RF pulse design was evaluated with respect to transmit B1 (B1 +) homogeneity and specific absorption rate (SAR) at 3 T for a whole body coil. Five specific coils were modeled and compared: a 32‐rung birdcage body coil (driven either in a fixed quadrature mode or a two‐channel transmit mode), two single‐ring stripline arrays (with either 8 or 16 elements), and two multi‐ring stripline arrays (with two or three identical rings, stacked in the z axis and each comprising eight azimuthally distributed elements). Three anatomical targets were considered, each defined by a 3D volume representative of a meaningful region of interest (ROI) in routine clinical applications. For a given anatomical target, global or local SAR controlled pTx pulses were designed to homogenize RF excitation within the ROI. At the B1 + homogeneity achieved by the quadrature driven birdcage design, pTx pulses with multichannel transmit coils achieved up to about eightfold reduction in local and global SAR. When used for imaging head and cervical spine or imaging thoracic spine, the double‐ring array outperformed all coils, including the single‐ring arrays. While the advantage of the double‐ring array became much less pronounced for pelvic imaging, with a substantially larger ROI, the pTx approach still provided significant gains over the quadrature birdcage coil. For all design scenarios, using the three‐ring array did not necessarily improve the RF performance. Our results suggest that pTx pulses with multichannel transmit coils can reduce local and global SAR substantially for body coils while attaining improved B1 + homogeneity, particularly for a “z‐stacked” double‐ring design with coil elements arranged on two transaxial rings. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ultra‐high field (UHF, ≥7 T) tight fit transceiver phased arrays improve transmit (Tx) efficiency (B1+/√P) in comparison with Tx‐only arrays, which are usually larger to fit receive (Rx)‐only arrays inside. One of the major problems limiting applications of tight fit arrays at UHFs is the anticipated increase of local tissue heating, which is commonly evaluated by the local specific absorption rate (SAR). To investigate the tradeoff between Tx efficiency and SAR when a tight fit UHF human head transceiver phased array is used instead of a Tx‐only/Rx‐only RF system, a single‐row eight‐element prototype of a 400 MHz transceiver head phased array was constructed. The Tx efficiency and SAR of the array were evaluated and compared with that of a larger Tx‐only array, which could also be used in combination with an 18‐channel Rx‐only array. Data were acquired on the Siemens Magnetom whole body 9.4 T human MRI system. Depending on the head size, positioning and the RF shim strategy, the smaller array provides from 11 to 23% higher Tx efficiency. In general, the Tx performance, evaluated as B1+/√SAR, i.e. the safety excitation efficiency (SEE), is also not compromised. The two arrays provide very similar SEEs evaluated over 1000 random RF shim sets. We demonstrated that, in general, the tight fit transceiver array improves Tx performance without compromising SEE. However, in specific cases, the SEE value may vary, favoring one of the arrays, and therefore must be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

MR‐STAT is a recently proposed framework that allows the reconstruction of multiple quantitative parameter maps from a single short scan by performing spatial localisation and parameter estimation on the time‐domain data simultaneously, without relying on the fast Fourier transform (FFT). To do this at high resolution, specialized algorithms are required to solve the underlying large‐scale nonlinear optimisation problem. We propose a matrix‐free and parallelized inexact Gauss–Newton based reconstruction algorithm for this purpose. The proposed algorithm is implemented on a high‐performance computing cluster and is demonstrated to be able to generate high‐resolution (1 mm 1 mm in‐plane resolution) quantitative parameter maps in simulation, phantom, and in vivo brain experiments. Reconstructed and values for the gel phantoms are in agreement with results from gold standard measurements and, for the in vivo experiments, the quantitative values show good agreement with literature values. In all experiments, short pulse sequences with robust Cartesian sampling are used, for which MR fingerprinting reconstructions are shown to fail.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to illustrate a new coil decoupling strategy and its application to a transmit/receive sodium/proton phased array for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the human brain. We implemented an array of eight triangular coils that encircled the head. The ensemble of coils was arranged to form a modified degenerate mode birdcage whose eight shared rungs were offset from the z‐axis at interleaved angles of ±30°. This key geometric modification resulted in triangular elements whose vertices were shared between next‐nearest neighbors, which provided a convenient location for counter‐wound decoupling inductors, whilst nearest‐neighbor decoupling was addressed with shared capacitors along the rungs. This decoupling strategy alleviated the strong interaction that is characteristic of array coils at low frequency (32.6 MHz in this case) and allowed the coil to operate efficiently in transceive mode. The sodium array provided a 1.6‐fold signal‐to‐noise ratio advantage over a dual‐nuclei birdcage coil in the center of the head and up to 2.3‐fold gain in the periphery. The array enabled sodium MRI of the brain with 5‐mm isotropic resolution in approximately 13 min, thus helping to overcome low sodium MR sensitivity and improving quantification in neurological studies. An eight‐channel proton array was integrated into the sodium array to enable anatomical imaging.  相似文献   

The desire to visualize noninvasively physiological processes at high temporal resolution has been a driving force for the development of MRI since its inception in 1973. In this article, we describe a unique method for real‐time MRI that reduces image acquisition times to only 20 ms. Although approaching the ultimate limit of MRI technology, the method yields high image quality in terms of spatial resolution, signal‐to‐noise ratio and the absence of artifacts. As proposed previously, a fast low‐angle shot (FLASH) gradient‐echo MRI technique (which allows for rapid and continuous image acquisitions) is combined with a radial encoding scheme (which offers motion robustness and moderate tolerance to data undersampling) and, most importantly, an iterative image reconstruction by regularized nonlinear inversion (which exploits the advantages of parallel imaging with multiple receiver coils). In this article, the extension of regularization and filtering to the temporal domain exploits consistencies in successive data acquisitions and thereby enhances the degree of radial undersampling in a hitherto unexpected manner by one order of magnitude. The results obtained for turbulent flow, human speech production and human heart function demonstrate considerable potential for real‐time MRI studies of dynamic processes in a wide range of scientific and clinical settings. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Diffusion imaging is a promising technique as it can provide microstructural tissue information and thus potentially show viable changes in spinal cord. However, the traditional single‐shot imaging method is limited as a result of various image artifacts. In order to improve measurement accuracy, we used a newly developed, multi‐shot, high‐resolution, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) method to investigate diffusion metric changes and compare them with T2‐weighted (T2W) images before and after decompressive surgery for cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM). T2W imaging, single‐shot DTI and multi‐shot DTI were employed to scan seven patients with CSM before and 3 months after decompressive surgery. High signal intensities were scored using the T2 W images. DTI metrics, including fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD) and mean diffusivity (MD), were quantified and compared pre‐ and post‐surgery. In addition, the relationship between imaging metrics and neurological assessments was examined. The reproducibility of multi‐shot DTI was also assessed in 10 healthy volunteers. Post‐surgery, the mean grade of cervical canal stenosis was reduced from grade 3 to normal after 3 months. Compared with single‐shot DTI, multi‐shot DTI provided better images with lower artifact levels, especially following surgery, as a result of reduced artifacts from metal implants. The new method also showed acceptable reproducibility. Both FA and RD values from the new acquisition showed significant differences post‐surgery (FA, p = 0.026; RD, p = 0.048). These changes were consistent with neurological assessments. In contrast, T2W images did not show significant changes before and after surgery. Multi‐shot diffusion imaging showed improved image quality over single‐shot DWI, and presented superior performance in diagnosis and recovery monitoring for patients with CSM compared with T2W imaging. DTI metrics can reflect the pathological conditions of spondylotic spinal cord quantitatively and may serve as a sensitive biomarker for potential CSM management.  相似文献   

The visualization of activity in mouse brain using inversion recovery spin echo (IR‐SE) manganese‐enhanced MRI (MEMRI) provides unique contrast, but suffers from poor resolution in the slice‐encoding direction. Super‐resolution reconstruction (SRR) is a resolution‐enhancing post‐processing technique in which multiple low‐resolution slice stacks are combined into a single volume of high isotropic resolution using computational methods. In this study, we investigated, first, whether SRR can improve the three‐dimensional resolution of IR‐SE MEMRI in the slice selection direction, whilst maintaining or improving the contrast‐to‐noise ratio of the two‐dimensional slice stacks. Second, the contrast‐to‐noise ratio of SRR IR‐SE MEMRI was compared with a conventional three‐dimensional gradient echo (GE) acquisition. Quantitative experiments were performed on a phantom containing compartments of various manganese concentrations. The results showed that, with comparable scan times, the signal‐to‐noise ratio of three‐dimensional GE acquisition is higher than that of SRR IR‐SE MEMRI. However, the contrast‐to‐noise ratio between different compartments can be superior with SRR IR‐SE MEMRI, depending on the chosen inversion time. In vivo experiments were performed in mice receiving manganese using an implanted osmotic pump. The results showed that SRR works well as a resolution‐enhancing technique in IR‐SE MEMRI experiments. In addition, the SRR image also shows a number of brain structures that are more clearly discernible from the surrounding tissues than in three‐dimensional GE acquisition, including a number of nuclei with specific higher brain functions, such as memory, stress, anxiety and reward behavior. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) model has been successfully used to study angiogenesis, cancer progression and its pharmacological treatment, tumor pharmacokinetics, and properties of novel nanomaterials. MRI is an attractive technique for non‐invasive and longitudinal monitoring of physiological processes and tumor growth. This study proposes an age‐adapted cooling regime for immobilization of the chick embryo, enabling high‐resolution MRI of the embryo and the CAM tumor xenograft. 64 chick embryos were enrolled in this study. The novel immobilization and imaging protocol was optimized in 29 embryos. From d7 to d18 immobilization of the embryo up to 90 min was achieved by cooling at 4 °C pre‐imaging, with cooling times adapted to age. Its application to tumor growth monitoring was evaluated in 15 embryos after xenotransplantation of human MDA‐MB‐231 breast cancer cells on CAM. Tumor volumes were monitored from d4 to d9 after grafting (d11 to d16 after incubation) applying a T2‐weighted multislice RARE sequence. At d9 after grafting, the tumors were collected and compared with the MRI‐derived data by histology and weight measurements. Additional imaging methods comprising DWI, T2 mapping, and the bio‐distribution of contrast agents were tested at d9 after grafting in 20 further embryos. With the adaptive cooling regime, motion artifacts could be completely avoided for up to 90 min scan time, enabling high‐resolution in ovo imaging. Excellent anatomical details could be obtained in the embryo and tumors. Tumor volumes could be quantified over time. The results prove the feasibility of high‐resolution MRI for longitudinal tumor and organ growth monitoring. The suggested method is promising for future applications such as testing tailored and/or targeted treatment strategies, longitudinal monitoring of tumor development, analysis of therapeutic efficacies of drugs, or assessment of tumor pharmacokinetics. The method provides an alternative to animal experimentation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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