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“健康中国”于2016年8月召开的全国卫生工作会议中正式提出,其根本目的是保障并促进全民健康。而公民健康保障要聚焦于强大的公共卫生法治体系,力求用法治的手段消除危害公众健康的因素。新冠疫情猛烈来袭,在“依法治国”和“健康中国”战略背景下,依法保障人民健康摆在了优先发展的位置,公共卫生法治作为保护人民健康的顶层设计,发挥着重要的指导作用。文章以公众健康为主线,通过梳理总结现有的健康法律、分析公共卫生法治的演化规律、探讨公共卫生法治的现实困境与未来发展路径,提出将公众健康当作卫生法治研究的新维度构建公共卫生法治体系,让健康中国的内涵要义在公共卫生法治体系的建设中得以拓展和升华。  相似文献   

健康新农村框架构建   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1  
农村居民的生存环境、医疗卫生服务提供、医疗保障制度和公共支持是影响农民健康的四个主要因素。文章针对这四个主要因素,提出了以农村公共卫生体系、基本医疗服务体系和医疗保障体系为主线,以公共支持为支撑,通过四者的有机结合来构建“健康新农村”的整体框架,逐步建立起农村安全的公共卫生环境、可及的医疗服务、公平的医疗保障和有效的公共支持,并就我国农村卫生建设的现实问题提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

该文以大卫生大健康的理念为指导,应用健康共治理论,探讨当今因专业细化和线性工作思维模式下形成的公共卫生体系所存在的问题,建议传统的公共卫生体系必须作出相应的改进,构建起"大卫生和大健康观"下的公共卫生体系。在此基础上,进一步阐述了公共卫生体系各组成部分,如何根据自身的特点,明确功能定位,在政府的统一领导下,构建多元主体共同参与的平台,完善多元主体平等协商的机制,做到各部门、企业以及社会群体和公众各负其责,共建共享,通过综合性举措建设健康中国,实现全社会健康发展目标和社会的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

重庆市江津区坚持新时期卫生与健康工作方针,强化大卫生大健康理念,全面实施健康中国战略江津行动,织牢公共卫生防护网,为人民群众提供全方位全周期健康服务。"大考"显"大治",织密公共卫生防护网突如其来的疫情让全社会更加充分认识到织密公共卫生防护网的重要性和紧迫性。这次应对新冠肺炎疫情,公共卫生体系发挥了重要作用。结合此次疫情,江津区不断提升重大公共卫生应急处置能力。  相似文献   

健康新农村建设是以农村公共卫生体系、基本医疗服务体系和医疗保障体系为主线,以公共支持为支撑,逐步建立起农村安全的公共卫生环境、可及的医疗服务、公平的医疗保障和有效的公共支持,符合低成本、高效益的科学的农民健康保障模式.  相似文献   

"健康中国公共健康宣传促进委员会"(简称"健促委",英文简写CHDC)系由中国红十字会总会网络信息中心、卫生部健康大视野杂志社等单位共同发起,联合相关权威媒体、知名医学院校、营销机构、医疗单位和健康产业厂商等组建。其宗旨是"为公众健康服务,为健康产业服务",致力于打造国内最权威、公信、高效的公共健康传播平台。  相似文献   

我国社会主义法制建设的发展为健康教育与健康促进提供了法律依据,健康教育与健康促进法制化体现了以公共卫生为基础的基本原则,有利于完善公共卫生的法律体系,有利于倡导健康社会、健康环境、健康人群,有利于保障公共卫生的安全。  相似文献   

《"健康上海2030"规划纲要》于2017年9月正式发布,该文通过分析上海市传染病疫情形势和发展趋势,从优化监测体系,完善综合预警系统,建设重大公共卫生设施,规范预防接种管理和强化传染病防控等方面进行阐述。在进一步优化健康服务,完善公共卫生安全体系,构建健康环境的同时,促进人才培养和技术创新,推进健康科技,从而为维护城市公共卫生安全,保障社会经济正常有序运行,提高居民健康水平和生活质量提供必要的支撑和保障。  相似文献   

中国正处于人口老龄化迅速发展的阶段,同时仍处于健康模式的转变过程中,疾病谱和死亡谱蕴藏着庞大且复杂的人口健康安全风险,为我国公共卫生带来巨大的挑战.本文从制度优化的角度提出要建立适应我国国情与需求的"人口健康报告制度",并从人口经济学视角对其进行成本与收益分析,结果发现健康报告制度的提出是人口健康监测的进一步发展,也是...  相似文献   

王文学 《现代预防医学》2005,32(10):1408-1409
加强公共卫生体系建设,建立健全突发公共卫生事件应急机制,有效保障人民群众身体健康和生命安全,是政府履行社会管理和公共服务职能的一项很重要的任务。近年来,我市以构建预防为主、平战结合的长效管理与应急处理机制为目标,按照政府主导、社会参与,统一规划、分步实施,突出重点、基础优先,合理布局、整合资源等原则,进一步健全公共卫生组织,加强公共卫生基础建设,完善运行机制,使我市公共卫生体系建设实现了跨越式发展。  相似文献   

当前,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控是对我国治理能力和治理水平的重要检验。审视此次疫情防控中出现的新现象、新问题并深入剖析,是新时代国家治理效能提升的内在要求。公共卫生法治保障机制不健全、抓好疫情防控中关键群体工作的意识和能力不足、技术融入国家应急治理体系不明显等问题极大削弱了国家在疫情防控中的治理效能。为此,必须牢牢把握三个“赋能”:良法善治赋能疫情防控,特定群体赋能疫情防控,科学技术赋能疫情防控,推动我国制度优势更好地转化为重大疫情防控的治理效能。  相似文献   

Of the many concepts and issues that have dominated debates in western health care systems in the last 20 or so years few can have had as much currency as that of “patient satisfaction”. The word “patient” is loaded and often deliberately substituted so that reference is made to the satisfaction of the “user”, “consumer”, “community”, “public” or “lay person”. All versions draw attention to a universal concern that modern health care is inherently prone to failure to meet the wants, needs, demands and expectations of the recipients of health care. “Patient satisfaction” as a policy issue is invariably viewed as a problem in need of urgent solutions. For some analysts it is the most urgent of all problems for health care systems the primary purpose of which is to satisfy users and potential users of health care.  相似文献   

The health and human rights movement (HHR) shows obvious signs of maturation both internally and externally. Yet there are still many questions to be addressed. These issues include the movement’s epistemological status and its perspectives of development. This paper discusses critically the conditions of emergence of HHR, its identity, its dominant schools of thought, its epistemological postures and its methodological issues. Our analysis shows that: (a) the epistemological status of HHR is ambiguous; (b) its identity is uncertain in the absence of a validated definition: is it an action movement, an interdisciplinary field, a domain, an approach, a setting or a scientific discipline? (c) its main schools of thoughts are defined as “advocacists”, “ethicists”, “interventionists”, “normativists”; (d) the movement is in the maturation process as a discipline in which “interface”, “distance”, “interference” and “fusion” epistemological postures represent the fundamental steps; (e) parent disciplines (health sciences and law) competences, logics and cultures introduce duality and difficulties in knowledge production, validation and diffusion; (f) there is need to re-write the history of the HHR movement by inscribing it not only into the humanitarian or public health perspectives but also into the evolution of sciences and its social, political and economical conditions of emergence. The ambiguous epistemological status of this field, the need to re-write its history, the methodological duality in its research, the question of the competence of the knowledge validation, as well as the impact of HHR practice on national and international health governance are the challenges of its future development. To meet those challenges; we call for the creation and implementation of an international research agenda, the exploration of new research topics and the evaluation of the movement’s contribution to the national and global public health and human rights governance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether increased uptake of private health insurance (PHI) in a traditionally NHS type system is likely to affect support for the public healthcare system. Using the Norwegian healthcare system as our case, and building on a survey among 7500 citizens, with 2688 respondents, we employed multivariate analysis to uncover whether the preferences for public health services are associated with having PHI, controlling for key predictors such as socio-economic background, self-rated health and perceived health service quality, as well as age and gender. The basis for our analysis was the following two propositions related to the role of public healthcare, which the respondents were asked to score on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = “totally disagree”, 5 = “totally agree”): 1) “the responsibility of providing health services should mainly be public”, and 2) “the activity of private commercial actors should be limited”. The regression analyses showed that the willingness to increase the role of commercial private actors is positively associated with having a PHI. However, we found no relationship between holding a PHI and support for public provision of health services when other factors were controlled for.  相似文献   

精神健康问题已成为影响经济社会发展的重大公共卫生问题和社会问题。基于社区的精神健康服务有利于精神疾病的早发现、早治疗、早控制,是促进精神健康的重要途径。我国当前的社区精神健康服务需综合运用健康治理、优势治理和协同治理的规律和方法,重组社区事务,建立协同平台,完善监护制度,加强考核评估的协同,提升服务能力,对社区居民不同的精神健康服务需求进行多层次、整体性回应。  相似文献   

全球公共卫生安全成为维护国家主权、国家安全和发展利益的重要阵地并纳入国家安全体系。在抗击新冠肺炎疫情中发现我国尚缺乏对全球公共卫生安全领域的战略性安排,国际合作与交往不够充分,相关法律政策体系尚不健全,治理体系和治理能力现代化有待提升;争取国际话语权就需要创新全球公共卫生安全战略思维,创新国家公共卫生安全治理策略与方式。建议通过将公共卫生安全纳入国家总体安全体系,建立突发性公共卫生事件应急处理体系和协调机制,加强国际合作交流,提供中国方案,主动参与全球公共卫生问题治理,提升我国的国际话语权。  相似文献   

公共卫生在健康中国建设中的地位和作用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
健康中国建设是国家战略,是建成全面小康社会的重要基础,具有重大意义。公共卫生在健康中国建设中具有重要地位和作用。健康中国建设必须坚持把人民健康放在优先发展的战略位置;坚持把建设健康中国作为奋斗目标;坚持正确的卫生与健康工作方针;坚持“大健康”的发展理念;坚持卫生与健康事业发展的公益性;坚持以改革创新为推进健康中国建设的根本动力;坚持把人才队伍建设作为核心要素。健康中国建设要坚持预防为主,全面提高人民健康水平,加强慢性病防控;加强健康教育;塑造自主自律的健康行为;提高全民身体素质;强化覆盖全民的公共卫生服务;充分发挥中医药独特优势;加强重点人群健康服务;深入开展爱国卫生运动;加强影响健康的环境问题治理。公共卫生在健康中国建设中必须坚持政府主导,预防为主方针;坚持大卫生观念和国家公共卫生的基本职能;坚持大众生态健康模型,推进医学整合发展;坚持人才战略,加强公共卫生队伍的能力建设;坚持科研为依托,切实抓好公共卫生基础研究;坚持科学、规范、有序,抓好常规公共卫生工作,确保常规与应急协调发展;坚持循证决策,早日实现公共卫生服务均等化。健康中国、健康一生都需要健康的环境支持。要携手共同应对全球的公共卫生问题,促进全球健康。在健康中国建设的新时代,要全方位、全周期保障人民健康,走出一条中国特色卫生与健康发展道路,为新时代中国特色社会主义伟大实践做出贡献。  相似文献   

县域医共体的构建与运行超越了单一行政部门和服务组织边界,需要运用更加系统化与整体性的视角进行治理.本文基于整体性治理理论,从治理理念、治理结构、治理机制三方面结合安徽省紧密型医共体建设的实践,对紧密型医共体建设过程与关键要素进行分析,归纳总结紧密型医共体整体性治理模式的构建逻辑与实现路径.并进一步对整体性治理模式的适用...  相似文献   

Health and social care integration has been a long‐term goal for successive governments in Scotland, culminating in the implementation of the recent Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Act 2014. This laid down the foundations for the delegation of health and social care functions and resources to newly formed Integrated Joint Boards. It put in place demands for new ways of working and partnership planning. In this article, we explore the early implementation of this Act and how health and social care professionals and the third sector have begun to renegotiate their roles. The paper draws on new empirical data collated through focus groups and interviews with over 70 professionals from across Scotland. The data are explored through the following key themes: changing cultures, structural imbalance, governance and partnership and the role of individuals or “boundary spanners” in implementing change. We also draw on evidence from other international systems of care, which have implemented integration policies, documenting what works and what does not. We argue that under the current framework much of the potential for integration is not being fulfilled and that the evidence suggests that at this early stage of roll‐out, the structural and cultural policy changes that are required to enable this policy shift have not yet emerged. Rather, integration has been left to individual innovators or “boundary spanners” and these are acting as key drivers of change. Where change is occurring, this is happening despite the system. As it is currently structured, we argue that too much power is in the hands of health and despite the rhetoric of partnership working, there are real structural imbalances that need to be reconciled.  相似文献   

eHealth is expected to contribute in tackling challenges for health care systems. However, it also imposes challenges. Financing strategies adopted at national as well regional levels widely affect eHealth long‐term sustainability. In a public health care system, the public actor is among the main “buyers” eHealth. However, public interventions have been increasingly focused on cost containment. How to match these 2 aspects? This article explores some central issues, mainly related to financial aspects, in the development of effective and valuable eHealth strategies in a public health care system: How can the public health care system (as a “buyer”) improve long‐term success and sustainability of eHealth solutions? What levers are available to match in the long period different interests of different stakeholders in the eHealth field? A case study was performed in the Region of Tuscany, Italy. According to our results, win‐win strategies should be followed. Investments should take into account the need to long‐term finance solutions, for sustaining changes in health care organizations for obtaining benefits. To solve the interoperability issues, the concept of the “platform approach” emerged, based on collaboration within and between organizations. Private sector as well as beneficiaries and final users of the eHealth solutions should participate in their design, provision, and monitoring. For creating value for all, the evidence gap and the financial needs could be addressed with a pull mechanism of funding, aimed at paying according to the outcomes produced by the eHealth solution, on the base of an ongoing monitoring, measurement, and evaluation of the outcomes.  相似文献   

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