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The aspirating sphincter of Oddi manometry (SOM) catheter was shown to reduce the frequency of post-procedure pancreatitis from 31% to 4% following a pancreatic duct evaluation. This study was designed to prospectively evaluate the utility of the aspirating manometry catheter in reducing the frequency of pancreatic enzyme elevation and clinical pancreatitis following isolated bile duct manometry. Thirty-eight patients were randomly assigned to undergo bile duct SOM with the standard perfusion (infused group) catheter or the aspirating catheter (aspirated group). Overall, the frequency of both amylase and lipase level elevation at least two times the upper limits of normal was 30% at 2 hours, 25% at 6 hours, and 18% at 18 hours after the procedure and was similar for the aspirated and infused groups. No episodes of clinical pancreatitis occurred in either group. The SOM catheter was perfused with full-strength contrast in 12 consecutive patients undergoing a bile duct evaluation. Only one patient had any contrast material identified in the pancreatic duct. The results of this study support the theory that increased pancreatic duct hydrostatic pressure is the major cause for post-SOM pancreatitis and suggests that SOM evaluation of the bile duct alone appears to be safe.  相似文献   

Endoscopic manometry of the sphincter of Oddi is a new and invasive test which is currently being evaluated in patients with biliary-type pain, particularly after cholecystectomy, and idiopathic recurrent pancreatitis. Technical aspects of the test appear to have been clarified, but data are incomplete on the potential effect on manometric records of variables such as patient anxiety, prolonged endoscopy and the injection of radiological contrast material prior to the procedure. Despite these considerations, abnormal manometric records are frequent in patients with post-cholecystectomy pain and idiopathic recurrent pancreatitis, and minor abnormalities have been associated with choledocholithiasis. The term structural stenosis is currently being applied to those in whom the sphincter basal pressure is high while biliary dyskinesia describes a variety of manometric changes including rapid phasic contractions, an excess of waves oriented in a retrograde direction and an abnormal response to the intravenous infusion of cholecystokinin octapeptide. Reasons for the motility disorders remain unclear but may include histopathological changes in sphincter tissue, enteric nerve dysfunction, autonomic dysfunction, hormonal/metabolic changes and psychiatric disorders. Heterogeneity within the patient population needs to be carefully addressed in any prospective study of potential benefit from drugs or other procedures such as endoscopic sphincterotomy and operative sphincteroplasty.  相似文献   

A nonoperative examination of the function of the sphincter of Oddi, involving percutaneous transhepatic manometry via the percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage tract, was developed and clinically applied in 23 patients with biliary disease. Long-term recording of sphincter of Oddi motility, which was impossible using conventional intraoperative or endoscopic manometry, was made possible by means of this method and revealed various changes of sphincter of Oddi motility. The mean recording time was 131.33±9.77 min. The frequency of contractions of the sphincter of Oddi in basal fasting conditions varied from 0 to 13/min and high-frequency contractions (frequency 9.49±0.35/min, duration 5.77±0.54 min) were observed in 12 patients on a total of 19 occasions. In five patients, high-frequency contractions were observed twice during one session of continuous recording and the interval between burst contractions was 85.4±13.3 min. Long-term continuous recording is advantageous for the evaluation of the function of the sphincter of Oddi and short-term manometry may not be representative of overall sphincter of Oddi motility.  相似文献   

Reproducibility of endoscopic sphincter of Oddi manometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Results from endoscopic sphincter of Oddi manometry are being used to support the diagnosis of sphincter dysfunction in patients with unexplained pain after cholecystectomy. However, there are few data on the reproducibility of manometric records or motility diagnosis during a second test. In this study, the reproducibility of manometric records was assessed in 12 patients with pain after cholecystectomy by performing a second study after three months. Manometric tracings were evaluated without access to patients details and scored for sphincter basal pressure, frequency and amplitude of phasic contractions, propagation of phasic contractions, and responses to intravenous injection of cholecystokinin octapeptide (20 ng/kg). At the initial manometric study, four patients were diagnosed as normal, four as stenotic, and four as dyskinetic. Those diagnosed as normal and stenotic at the first study had an identical diagnosis at the second study. However, the diagnosis of dyskinesia was reproduced only in two of the four patients. In the other two patients a diagnosis of "stenosis" and "normal" was made at the second study. Cholecystokinin octapeptide (20 ng/kg intravenous bolus) produced inhibition of phasic contractions in all studies, both initially and at three months. We conclude that endoscopic sphincter of Oddi manometry is reproducible when the initial diagnosis is either normal or stenosis. However, the diagnosis of dyskinesia is poorly reproducible, perhaps due to the episodic nature of this manometric disorder or to progression of sphincter of Oddi dysfunction.  相似文献   



The paucity of controlled data for the treatment of most biliary sphincter of Oddi disorder (SOD) types and the incomplete response to therapy seen in clinical practice and several trials has generated controversy as to the best course of management of these patients. In this observational study we aimed to assess the outcome of patients with biliary SOD managed without sphincter of Oddi manometry.  相似文献   

Endoscopic sphincter of Oddi manometry in healthy volunteers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates the endoscopic manometric findings within the sphincter of Oddi (SO) in nine healthy volunteers premedicated with atropine 1 h before and with diazepam during the investigation. We measured the bile duct sphincter in seven persons and the pancreatic duct sphincter in two. A hydraulic capillary infusion system and a triple-lumen catheter were used. In all the SO was identified as a zone (median length, 8 mm) with elevated base-line pressure and superimposed phasic activity. Median values for amplitude was 102.9 mm Hg; base-line pressure, 10 mm Hg; wave duration, 4.8 sec; and frequency, 2.6/min. Most waves propagated antegrade or simultaneously, and in no individual were more than one third of the waves retrograde. When peak-to-peak intervals were analyzed in one volunteer with prolonged manometry, a basal mode of 6 sec or an even multiple of this value was disclosed, indicating that the SO is paced.  相似文献   

奥狄括约肌测压是诊断奥狄括约肌功能障碍的金标准。但由于奥狄括约肌生理解剖位置的特殊性,人们对其研究仍有一定局限性。本文旨在综述奥狄括约肌和胆胰管测压技术发展演进过程、各种导管的特点及测压相关并发症等。  相似文献   

How safe is endoscopic sphincter of Oddi manometry?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Abstract The safety of endoscopic manometry of the sphincter of Oddi was evaluated in a prospective survey of 158 consecutive procedures in 126 patients with either unexplained pain after cholecystectomy or idiopathic recurrent pancreatitis. The only complication was that of pancreatitis which was defined as the development of abdominal pain in association with a plasma amylase above the reference range. This occurred in 13 patients (8%) and was more frequent ( P = 0.001) when the indication for the procedure was idiopathic recurrent pancreatitis (29%) than unexplained pain (6%). Pancreatitis was also more frequent ( P = 0.02) in patients with abnormal manometry (14%) than in those with normal manometry (3%) and occurred at highest frequency (50%) in a subgroup of patients with idiopathic recurrent pancreatitis and sphincter stenosis (high sphincter basal pressure). All episodes of pancreatitis were mild with a median increase in hospital stay of 2 days; no patients died. The risk of pancreatitis after endoscopic manometry is relatively low but increases in patients with abnormal sphincter manometry, particularly those with idiopathic recurrent pancreatitis.  相似文献   

In seven patients operated on with cholecystectomy for simple gallstones, sphincter of Oddi manometry was performed during surgery. The sphincter was localized as a zone with elevated base-line pressure and phasic contractile activity. Mean value of the amplitude was 90 mm Hg; wave duration, 4 sec; frequency, 5/min; and base-line pressure, 10 mm Hg. No activity was seen in the antrum or duodenum. The plotting of peak-to-peak intervals in a histogram showed that these were evenly distributed around 6 sec or at integrated multiples of this value. This indicates that the sphincter of Oddi is paced. The origin of the pacing is not yet established.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serum amylase levels 2 hours after ERCP predict postprocedure pancreatitis. The value of serum amylase measurements after sphincter of Oddi manometry (SOM) and the effect of pancreatic-duct stent placement on serum amylase are unknown. METHODS: Records were reviewed for 88 SOM patients who had serum amylase measured 2 hours after the procedure. Post-SOM pancreatitis was defined as pain with a >3-fold elevation of serum amylase on the morning after SOM. "Possible pancreatitis" was defined as pain with a <3-fold elevation of serum amylase on the morning after SOM. RESULTS: Post-SOM pancreatitis and possible pancreatitis each occurred in 13% of the study cohort. Post-SOM pancreatitis was associated with the absence of a pancreatic stent and occurred in 0% of patients without a stent who had normal 2-hour serum amylase vs. 67% with elevated 2-hour serum amylase (p < 0.01). Among patients who received a stent, pancreatitis occurred in 6%, regardless of whether the 2-hour serum amylase was elevated. Possible pancreatitis occurred mainly in patients who received stents, and it also was associated with elevation of the 2-hour serum amylase. CONCLUSIONS: Elevation of the serum amylase level 2 hours after SOM predicts post-SOM pancreatitis but only in patients who do not receive a pancreatic stent. Among patients who received a stent, elevated 2-hour serum amylase levels predict subsequent findings that may be caused by attenuated pancreatitis.  相似文献   

The myoelectric and manometric activities of the sphincter of Oddi were recorded in 8 patients using an original probe passed through the papilla of Vater during duodenoscopy. The sphincter of Oddi's myoelectric activity showed rhythmic bursts of action potentials which appeared in correspondence with the ascending phase of the phasic pressure waves. On the basis of these results, we believe that electromyography could in some cases replace manometry for studying sphincter of Oddi motility, since it avoids pressure perfusion of the bilio-pancreatic tract, with its concomitant risks, and provides sufficient information for motor studies.  相似文献   

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