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This article analyzes the ethical issues raised by embryonic stem cell research and recent recommendations by the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) regarding federal support for this research. The authors identify the key ethical issue as the moral significance that should be granted to early embryos and discuss arguments supporting the diverse answers to that question and the implications each view has on the formulation of rules and policies for stem cell research. The authors conclude that several of NBAC's recommendations regarding the derivation of stem cells from embryos for research are ethically justifiable and sound public policy.  相似文献   

United Kingdom (UK) funding to build human embryonic stem cell (hESC) derivation labs within assisted conception units (ACU) was intended to facilitate the 'In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)-stem cell interface', including the flow of fresh 'spare' embryos to stem cell labs. However, in the three sites reported on here, which received this funding, most of the embryos used for hESC research came from long term cryopreservation storage and/or outside clinics. In this paper we explore some of the clinical, technical, social and ethical factors that might help to explain this situation. We report from our qualitative study of the ethical frameworks for approaching women/couples for donation of embryos to stem cell research. Members of staff took part in 44 interviews and six ethics discussion groups held at our study sites between February 2008 and October 2009. We focus here on their articulations of social and ethical, as well as scientific, dimensions in the contingent classification of 'spare' embryos, entailing uncertainty, fluidity and naturalisation in classifying work. Social and ethical factors include acknowledging and responding to uncertainty in classifying embryos; retaining 'fluidity' in the grading system to give embryos 'every chance'; tensions between standardisation and variation in enacting a 'fair' grading system; enhancement of patient choice and control, and prevention of regret; and incorporation of patients' values in construction of ethically acceptable embryo 'spareness' ('frozen' embryos, and embryos determined through preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to be genetically 'affected'). We argue that the success of the 'built moral environment' of ACU with adjoining stem cell laboratories building projects intended to facilitate the 'IVF-stem cell interface' may depend not only on architecture, but also on the part such social and ethical factors play in configuration of embryos as particular kinds of moral work objects.  相似文献   

Three reports on ethical aspects of research involving human embryonic stem cells were issued in the final months of 1999. Two were from governmental agencies or commissions: the National Institutes of Health and the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. The third report was issued by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Institute for Civil Society. All three reports endorse the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research, but other differences distinguish these reports. This article describes the differences and provides an ethical analysis of the main arguments.  相似文献   

United Kingdom (UK) funding to build human embryonic stem cell (hESC) derivation labs within assisted conception units (ACU) was intended to facilitate the ‘In-vitro fertilisation (IVF)-stem cell interface’, including the flow of fresh ‘spare’ embryos to stem cell labs. However, in the three sites reported on here, which received this funding, most of the embryos used for hESC research came from long term cryopreservation storage and/or outside clinics. In this paper we explore some of the clinical, technical, social and ethical factors that might help to explain this situation. We report from our qualitative study of the ethical frameworks for approaching women/couples for donation of embryos to stem cell research. Members of staff took part in 44 interviews and six ethics discussion groups held at our study sites between February 2008 and October 2009. We focus here on their articulations of social and ethical, as well as scientific, dimensions in the contingent classification of ‘spare’ embryos, entailing uncertainty, fluidity and naturalisation in classifying work. Social and ethical factors include acknowledging and responding to uncertainty in classifying embryos; retaining ‘fluidity’ in the grading system to give embryos ‘every chance’; tensions between standardisation and variation in enacting a ‘fair’ grading system; enhancement of patient choice and control, and prevention of regret; and incorporation of patients’ values in construction of ethically acceptable embryo ‘spareness’ (‘frozen’ embryos, and embryos determined through preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to be genetically ‘affected’). We argue that the success of the ‘built moral environment’ of ACU with adjoining stem cell laboratories building projects intended to facilitate the ‘IVF-stem cell interface’ may depend not only on architecture, but also on the part such social and ethical factors play in configuration of embryos as particular kinds of moral work objects.  相似文献   

In the social worlds of assisted conception and stem cell science, uncertainties proliferate and particular framings of the future may be highly strategic. In this article we explore meanings and articulations of the future using data from our study of ethical and social issues implicated by the donation of embryos to human embryonic stem cell research in three linked assisted conception units and stem cell laboratories in the UK. Framings of the future in this field inform the professional management of uncertainty and we explore some of the tensions this involves in practice. The bifurcation of choices for donating embryos into accepting informed uncertainty or not donating at all was identified through the research process of interviews and ethics discussion groups. Professional staff accounts in this study contained moral orientations that valued ideas such as engendering patient trust by offering full information, the sense of collective ownership of the National Heath Service and publicly funded science and ideas for how donors might be able to give restricted consent as a third option.  相似文献   

Ethical boundary-work in the embryonic stem cell laboratory   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Most accounts of the ethics of stem cell research are de- contextualised reviews of the ethical and legal literature. In this chapter we present a socially embedded account of some of the ethical implications of stem cell research, from the perspectives of scientists directly involved in this area. Based on an ethnography of two leading embryonic stem cell laboratories in the UK, our data form part of the findings from a larger project mapping the scientific, medical, social and ethical dimensions of innovative stem cell treatment, focusing on the areas of liver cell and pancreatic islet cell transplantation. We explore three key issues: what individual scientists themselves view as ethical sources of human embryos and stem cells; their perceptions of human embryos and stem cells; and how scientists perceive regulatory frameworks in stem cell research. We argue that these dimensions of laboratory practice are all examples of 'ethical boundary-work', which is becoming an integral part of the routine practice and performance of biomedical science. Our work adds to the relatively few sociological studies that explore ethics in clinical settings and to an even smaller body of work that explores scientists' views on the ethical issues relating to their research.  相似文献   

In November 1998 biologists announced that they had discovered a way to isolate and preserve human stem cells. Since stem cells are capable of developing into any kind of human tissue or organ, this was a great scientific coup. Researchers envision using the cells to replace damaged organs and to restore tissue destroyed by, for example, Parkinson's disease, diabetes, or even Alzheimer's. But, since stem cells are taken from aborted embryonic and fetal tissue or "leftover" in vitro embryos, their use raises large ethical issues. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently decided to fund research employing, not stem cells, but "cell lines" derived from them. The NIH has essentially made an ethical determination, finding sufficient "distance" between cell lines and abortion. Can Catholic universities sponsoring biological research agree with this finding? Probably not. In Catholic teaching, the concept of "complicity" would likely preclude such research. However, Catholic teaching would probably allow research done with stem cells obtained from postpartum placental tissue and from adult bone marrow and tissue. These cells, which lack the pluripotency of embryonic and fetal stem cells, are nevertheless scientifically promising and do not involve the destruction of human life.  相似文献   

Research on human embryos is controversial. Whether federal dollars can or should fund this work has been debated for 25 years, without satisfactory resolution. Many commentators point out that current conflict over embryo research grows out of this country's seemingly intractable conflict over abortion and the moral status of the fetus. This commentary reviews the most recent iteration of the embryo research debate--federal funding of human embryonic stem cell investigation--and explores the ways in which the terms of this debate not only reflect abortion disputes, but may in turn be shifted to strengthen feminist claims vis-à-vis abortion.  相似文献   

In this article two inter-related issues concerning the ongoing commercialisation of biomedical research are analyzed. One aim is to explain how scientists and clinicians at Swedish public institutions can make profits, both commercially and scientifically, by controlling rare human biological material, like embryos and embryonic stem cell lines. This control in no way presupposes legal ownership or other property rights as an initial condition. We show how ethically sensitive material (embryos and stem cell lines) have been used in Sweden as a foundation for a commercial stem cell enterprise--despite all official Swedish strictures against commercialisation in this area. We also show how political decisions may amplify the value of controlling this kind of biological material. Another aim of the article is to analyze and discuss the meaning of this kind of academic commercial enterprise in a wider context of research funding strategies. A conclusion that is drawn is that the academic turn to commercial funding sources is dependent on the decline of public funding.  相似文献   

In the past 3 years, five scientific stories captivated the media and public attention: a sheep, Dolly, was cloned in Scotland; two scientific teams in the United States reported that they had isolated human stem cells; Jesse Gelsinger, an 18-year-old patient, died in a gene transfer experiment at the University of Pennsylvania; Vanderbilt University reported that it is providing fetal surgery for meningomyelocele; and researchers announced that a herd of previously cloned cows appears to be genetically younger than had been expected. These reports illustrate important issues in the ongoing discussion about research on children; indeed some of them challenge the breadth of the definition of research on children. This article, originally presented at an International Symposium sponsored by UNESCO on Bioethics and the Rights of the Child, describes how the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) addressed two of these subjects-cloning and stem cell research-and identifies five challenges that science and society must address in the face of such emerging research technologies.  相似文献   

目的:建立国人胚胎干细胞系递交国际干细胞库,并在此基础上建立既符合中国国情又得到国际认可的相关伦理管理体系。方法:在比尔盖茨基金会的资助下,与北京大学生命科学院再生生物学实验室合作,募集胚胎建立人胚胎干细胞系,在此过程中探讨可行的符合国际伦理原则的相关伦理管理机制。结果:成功建立了国人胚胎干细胞系及相关伦理管理体系。结论:进行干细胞研究时应充分重视伦理问题,国际干细胞伦理管理与中国相关伦理原则是可以有机结合的。  相似文献   

目的:建立国人胚胎干细胞系递交国际干细胞库,并在此基础上建立既符合中国国情又得到国际认可的相关伦理管理体系。方法:在比尔盖茨基金会的资助下,与北京大学生命科学院再生生物学实验室合作,募集胚胎建立人胚胎干细胞系,在此过程中探讨可行的符合国际伦理原则的相关伦理管理机制。结果:成功建立了国人胚胎干细胞系及相关伦理管理体系。结论:进行干细胞研究时应充分重视伦理问题,国际干细胞伦理管理与中国相关伦理原则是可以有机结合的。  相似文献   

Citing advances in transgenic animal research and setbacks in human trials of somatic cell genetic interventions, some scientists and others want to begin planning for research involving the genetic modification of human embryos. Because this form of genetic modification could affect later-born children and their offspring, the protection of human subjects should be a priority in decisions about whether to proceed with such research. Yet because of gaps in existing federal policies, embryo modification proposals might not receive adequate scientific and ethical scrutiny. This article describes current policy shortcomings and recommends policy actions designed to ensure that the investigational genetic modification of embryos meets accepted standards for research on human subjects.  相似文献   

The Committee for the National Institute for the Environment (CNIE) was created in 1990 "to improve the scientific basis for making decisions on environmental issues," possibly through the establishment of a separate institute devoted to the environmental sciences. But while the goals proposed for the National Institute for the Environment were universally applauded, Congress was averse to adding a new agency to the federal bureaucracy. Recently, a compromise plan has been proposed that could expand the science base without having to create a new agency. On 29 July 1999, the National Science Board approved an interim report recommending an expanded program of environmental research and research planning, education, and scientific assessment with a funding target of an additional $1 billion over five years. The report stresses the importance of environmental research in formulating environmental protection programs and contains 12 recommendations intended to enhance and complement existing research activities in environmental sciences and engineering. If the National Science Foundation implements the recommendations in the report and if Congress appropriates funds for that purpose, the need for additional funding for new science activities identified by the CNIE should be satisfied.  相似文献   

Human and non-human primate embryonic stem (ES) cells are invaluable resources for developmental studies, pharmaceutical research and a better understanding of human disease and replacement therapies. In 1998, subsequent to the establishment of the first monkey ES cell line in 1995, the first human ES cell line was developed. Later, three of the National Institute of Health (NIH) lines (BG01, BG02 and BG03) were derived from embryos that would have been discarded because of their poor quality. A major challenge to research in this area is maintaining the unique characteristics and a normal karyotype in the NIH-registered human ES cell lines. A normal karyotype can be maintained under certain culture conditions. In addition, a major goal in stem cell research is to direct ES cells towards a limited cell fate, with research progressing towards the derivation of a variety of cell types. We and others have built on findings in vertebrate (frog, chicken and mouse) neural development and from mouse ES cell research to derive neural stem cells from human ES cells. We have directed these derived human neural stem cells to differentiate into motoneurons using a combination of developmental cues (growth factors) that are spatially and temporally defined. These and other human ES cell derivatives will be used to screen new compounds and develop innovative cell therapies for degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Self-regulation of assisted reproduction by the medical community is not working. The continuing ban on in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryo research will only further erode the opportunity to develop comprehensive policies to protect the growing numbers of infertile couples, former cancer patients, gamete donors and their offspring produced through assisted reproduction. The President's National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) with the help of the Institute of Medicine can serve as an effective policy-building body because of its expertise, public forum, and national authority. National guidelines have been developed for gene therapy and xenotransplantation which could serve as models for dealing with the thorny bioethical dilemmas of assisted reproduction. In the interim, research on the social and ethical aspects of assisted reproduction should be a high priority for the NIH.  相似文献   

Human embryos can be conceived by cell nuclear transfer in order to isolate human embryonic stem cells (hES cells) for research into autologous cell therapy (therapeutic cloning). However, this technique broaches the major ethical problem concerning the instrumental use of human preimplantation embryos. From the viewpoint of subsidiarity, it is argued that various potential alternatives for therapeutic cloning should first be investigated further. The question as to whether therapeutic cloning should be allowed only becomes apparent when research with surplus embryos obtained in the course of in-vitro fertilization suggests that usable transplants can be obtained in vitro from hES cells, and when the potential alternatives for therapeutic cloning are either less promising or need more time for development than is currently expected.  相似文献   

There is great promise for stem cell research to develop cells and tissues for transplantation and treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, diabetes, and heart problems. There is also promise to advance understanding and treatment of cancer and congenital defects. Human embryo research is fundamentally the only way to understand human fertilization, implantation, and early development. For years, federal funding of human embryo research has been held hostage to a congressional prolife agenda. Any reasonable solution to these political disputes that so greatly affect women's reproductive interests and the promise of health benefits from embryo and stem cell research should mandate that governmental sponsorship proceed.  相似文献   

In the mid-1980s, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognized the need to study genetic risk factors for common diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. To take advantage of a rare opportunity to obtain a nationally representative, population-based sample to study genetic risk factors, the CDC collected and stored DNA as part of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). At the time, the methods for studying these risk factors in large epidemiologic studies were not available. However, in the midst of planning for NHANES III, a revolution was occurring in the field of genetics. The resulting changes would provide a means to realize the goal of explaining why some people are more susceptible than others to risks such as elevated cholesterol or exposure to carcinogens. During this period, ethicists were increasingly asking questions about the safety and risks for participants in genetic research. Was genetic research different from other research? Were new rules for obtaining informed consent for genetic research needed, or should our methods of obtaining informed consent be equally rigorous for all research? When collection of the NHANES III DNA bank was complete in 1994, the CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) held a workshop to address these questions. The published recommendations of this workshop stimulated a national debate that resulted in a significant change in the way genetic epidemiologic research is done in the United States including not only stored biologic specimens but data collected for one purpose but used for another. In 1999, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC) published recommendations for the ethical use of human biological materials. The recommendations of the NBAC and policies and practices of the CDC about informed consent for research on stored tissue samples will serve as models for future epidemiologic research. The problems that were recognized in the national debate that ensued and the solutions that followed will affect the way we gain access to biological specimens and data in the 21st century. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On 25 April 2002, the German Parliament has passed a strict new law referring to stem cell research. This law took effect on July 1, 2002. The so-called embryonic Stem Cell Act (Stammzellgesetz — StZG) permits the import of embryonic stem (ES) cells isolated from surplus IvF-embryos for research reasons. The production itself of ES cells from human blastocysts has been prohibited by the German Embryo Protection Act of 1990, with the exception of the use of ES cells which exist already. The debate on the legitimate use of ES cells escalated, after the main German research funding agency, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), unexpectedly published new guidelines recommending are stricted use of human ES cells for research. Meanwhile, the debate has ethically dividedsociety, political parties, government and church members into a group supporting and a group rejecting ES cell research. The arguments in favour of such a research can be summarized as arguments derived from a new ethics ofhealing calling for a therapeutic imperative, whereas the arguments against can be summarized as arguments violating the fundamental principle of human dignity as they imply the destruction of human embryos. This article willtry to present and evaluate various ethical arguments founded on the latest biological and medical data on the potential use of stem cell technologies. It will finally come to the conclusion that ES cell research is opposed to human dignity, since the procedures of isolating ES cells require the destruction and instrumentalization of human embryos. Human embryos are human beings at a very early stage of their development, fully possessing the ability of completing their development. At this very early stage, human embryos are extremely dependent and fragile, and thus vulnerable corporealities. Vulnerability and human dignity demand the protection of the embryo's corporeal integrity. Hence, this essay will try to propagate research with adult stem(AS) cells, a procedure which does not require the destruction of human embryos; with regard to the necessary plasticity, it should be emphasized that AS cells very much resemble ES cells.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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