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BACKGROUND: This study of age and gender profiles of health care populations fills a gap in the research literature by providing a population study of both single health agency and inter-agency 'Shared Care' populations. METHODS: It combines anonymous data to link individual cases across Community Health (N = 82 751), Mental Health (N = 19 029) and Social Services (N = 19 461) populations in one county Health Authority (N = 646 239) over 3 years. It compares age and gender characteristics of single care populations and overlapping inter-agency 'Shared Care'populations. RESULTS: Approximately two-thirds of all care populations were female compared to half (513.1) in the general Health Authority population. These differences were accentuated for almost all inter-agency 'Shared Care' populations, where, whilst a younger care profile emerged for mental health and social services dual agency clients, for other shared populations a distinct care profile emerged of greater proportions of older, female and older female patients. Gender differences were also apparent for different care groups within a total Community Health care population. Whilst females made much more use of services overall, in Community Health, older males were more likely to receive rehabilitative support services. CONCLUSION: Age and gender profiles of health care agency and inter-agency populations clarify service use patterns and identify high proportions of women in health and social care populations, particularly in older care populations. This type of care population analysis could inform single agency and inter-agency shared care planning and commissioning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the influence of physical activity (PA) and BMI on health care utilization and costs among Medicare retirees. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: This cross-sectional study was based on 42,520 Medicare retirees in a U.S.-wide manufacturing corporation who participated in indemnity/preferred provider and one health risk appraisal during the years 2001 and 2002. Participants were assigned into one of the three weight groups: normal weight, overweight, and obese. PA behavior was classified into three levels: sedentary (0 time/wk), moderately active (1 to 3 times/wk), and very active (4+ times/wk). RESULTS: Generalized linear models revealed that the moderately active retirees had US 1456 dollars, US 1731 dollars, and US 1177 dollars lower total health care charges than their sedentary counterparts in the normal-weight, overweight, and obese groups, respectively (p < 0.01). The very active retirees had US 1823 dollars, US 581 dollars, and US 1379 dollars lower costs than the moderately active retirees. Health care utilization and specific costs showed similar trends with PA levels for all BMI groups. The total health care charges were lower with higher PA level for all age groups (p < 0.01). DISCUSSION: Regular PA has strong dose-response effects on both health care utilization and costs for overweight/obese as well as normal-weight people. Promoting active lifestyle in this Medicare population, especially overweight and obese groups, could potentially improve their well-being and save a substantial amount of health care expenditures. Because those Medicare retirees are hard to reach in general, more creative approaches should be launched to address their needs and interests as well as help reduce the usage of health care system.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which private supplementary insurance and Medicaid, which vitiate the effect of Medicare cost-sharing, encourage elderly beneficiaries to seek additional medical care. A multivariate model of health services utilization is estimated with the Tobit technique, using the 1976 Health Interview Survey. We find that either private or public supplementation induces greater use of hospital and physician services, though in amounts that vary considerably according to health status. The paper closes with observations on cost savings brought about by Medicare cost-sharing and some implications for equity among beneficiaries.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the will to live by evaluating its association with the wish to prolong life and with indicators of well-being among men and women. First were assessed the strength of the will to live, and its relationship to the wish to prolong life in hypothetical illness conditions. Next, association between the will to live and explanatory factors, such as religious beliefs, fear of death and dying, physical and psycho-social dimensions of well-being were comparatively evaluated among men and women. Data were collected from a random sample of 987 Israeli elderly persons by structured interviews at the participants' homes. Findings indicated that women express a significantly weaker will to live than men, and less desire to prolong life by medical interventions in all the hypothetical health conditions presented to them. Gender differences were also found on the variables which contribute to the explanation of the will to live: For both genders, psycho-social indicators of well-being had more explanatory power than health indicators of well-being, but this finding was more striking among women. The implications of these findings for the study of the perceived meaningfulness of life, and the potential use of the will to live as an indicator of well-being are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES. This study was undertaken to determine whether adding a benefit for preventive services to older Medicare beneficiaries would affect utilization and costs under Medicare. METHODS. The demonstration used an experimental design, enrolling 4195 older, community-dwelling Medicare recipients. Medicare claims data for the 2 years in which the preventive visits occurred were compared for the intervention (n = 2105) and control (n = 2090) groups. Monthly allowable charges for Part A and Part B services and number of hospital discharges and ambulatory visits were compared. RESULTS. There were no significant differences in the charges between the groups owing to the intervention, although total charges were somewhat lower for the intervention group even when the cost of the intervention was included. Charges for both groups rose significantly as would be expected for an aging population. A companion paper describes a modest health benefit. CONCLUSIONS. There appears to be a modest health benefit with no negative cost impact. This finding gives an early quantitative basis for the discussion of whether to extend Medicare benefits to include a general preventive visit from a primary care clinician.  相似文献   

This study examines the differences between traditional U.S. Medicare and Medicare HMO Florida inpatient hospital utilization during the years 1992-1998, using nine high volume Diagnosis Related Groups. Utilization was measured by the number of ancillary services consumed, as well as the charges for those services. The analyses controlled for differences in utilization due to patient age, race, hospital size, year and market differences in hospital costs. Patient data were severity-adjusted and the analysis focused on the patients at the highest severity level. The study found that Medicare HMO patients with chronic diseases at the highest severity of illness level consumed significantly more services than traditional Medicare patients with the same chronic diseases. It was concluded that these Medicare HMO patients were either sicker (despite the severity adjustment) than the traditional Medicare patients and/or Medicare HMOs used different production processes than traditional Medicare, perhaps in order to minimize length of stay. Medicare HMO patients with acute illnesses at the highest severity level did not, in general, consume significantly more services than traditional Medicare patients at the same level of severity for the same diagnoses. The results imply that Medicare policy with regard to HMO expansion may not result in cost savings, and may, instead, result in higher costs if the proportion of the Medicare population hospitalized with chronic illnesses increases.  相似文献   

Objective To examine health service demand and utilization among rural residents aged ≥ 60 years in Hebei province. Methods Using stratified multistage cluster sampling, we conducted face-to-face interviews among 2 892 residents ≥ 60 years in 12 villages of 3 municipalities, Hebei province during July – September 2019. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect participants′ information on health service demand, utilization and accessibility. Results Among the participants surveyed, the prevalence of chronic diseases was 79.1%;the two-week prevalence rate was 20.5%;12.4% reported ever visiting a doctor during past two weeks;34.4% reported with illness to be treated but not seeking medical service during past two weeks;26.6% reported having hospitalization during previous one year and 46.8% reported with diseases needing hospitalization treatment but not having hospitalization. The reported top three reasons for not seeking medication during past two weeks and not having a required hospitalization during past one year were self-perceived mild illness, economic difficulty, and inconvenient transportation. The difference in health service accessibility was statistically significant among the participants living in regions with different social development levels (P < 0.05);the participants′ health service demand and utilization differed significantly by some sociodemographic features (P < 0.05 for all). Conclusion The health service demand is at a high level but the health service utilization is at a low level among rural elderly in Hebei province, suggesting that medical insurance and health resource allocation should be improved to promote health service utilization of the population. © 2022 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Public Health. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The objective of this cross-sectional, retrospective, claims-based analysis was to evaluate disease-specific quality measures, use of acceptable therapies, and health care cost and utilization among Medicare Advantage Part D (MAPD) enrollees overall and by income/subsidy eligibility status. Individuals aged ≥65 years with evidence of ≥1 of 8 common conditions and continuously enrolled in a MAPD plan throughout 2007 were assigned to low-income/dually eligible (LI/DE) or non-LI/DE cohorts. Quality of care metrics were calculated for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, and new episode depression. Persistence (proportion with percentage of days covered ≥80%), compliance (proportion with medication possession ratio ≥80%), health care costs, and utilization metrics were assessed by condition. All measures were evaluated for calendar year 2007. Bivariate comparisons were made between all LI/DE and non-LI/DE subgroups. A total of 183,213 patients were included. Metrics showed deficiencies in quality of care overall but generally favored non-LI/DE patients. The proportion of patients filling acceptable medication was suboptimal for most conditions, ranging from 40% to 96% across conditions and cohorts, with COPD the lowest and heart failure (HF) the highest. LI/DE patients were significantly more likely than non-LI/DE patients to fill acceptable therapy in each disease group (P<0.001) except HF. Percentages persistent and compliant with acceptable therapies were lowest for asthma and COPD, and highest for HF; percentages were generally higher among LI/DE patients. Mean disease-specific health care costs ranged from $345 (hyperlipidemia) to $2086 (HF) and were significantly higher for LI/DE than for non-LI/DE enrollees (P<0.001) for all diseases except coronary artery disease and HF. Overall, quality indicators, use of acceptable medications, and persistence/compliance metrics were suboptimal. Quality metrics favored non-LI/DE patients but medication metrics favored LI/DE patients. With an aging population and increasing health care costs, the deficits identified highlight the need for comprehensive strategies to improve clinical and economic outcomes across diseases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: African Americans experience disproportionate smoking-related mortality. Because established smoking during youth predisposes to adult smoking and serious health consequences, characterizing ethnic differences in adolescent smokers' self-quit attempts may inform ethnic-specific approaches to youth smoking cessation. METHODS: African American and European American teenage smokers applying to a teenage smoking cessation study (2000-2003) provided smoking-related data, including characteristics of previous cessation attempts and prior use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Tobacco dependence was assessed using the Fagerstrom Test of Nicotine Dependence (FTND). RESULTS: Of 980 (15.5 +/- 1.3 years, 41.8% African American, 59.9% female) participants, African Americans boys were significantly less likely than European American boys to report a prior quit attempt (OR = 0.35, 95% CI 0.17-0.73, P = 0.0049) or to have used NRT (OR = 0.60, 95% CI 0.36-0.998, P = 0.049) after adjusting for years smoked and FTND score. African American girls were more likely to report a prior request for cessation treatment than European American girls after adjusting for FTND and years smoked (OR = 2.19, 95% CI 1.37-3.48, P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: While increasing education and outreach to African American boys and enhancing access to formal cessation programs for African American girls who smoke may be beneficial, our findings warrant extension to non-treatment-seeking teenage smokers.  相似文献   

In clinical practice and epidemiological surveys, anthropometric measurements represent an important component of nutritional assessment in the elderly. The anthropometric standards derived from adult populations may not be appropriate for the elderly because of body composition changes occurring during ageing. Specific anthropometric reference data for the elderly are necessary. In the present study we investigated anthropometric characteristics and their relationship to gender and age in a cross-sectional sample of 3,356 subjects, randomly selected from an elderly Italian population. In both sexes, weight and height significantly decreased with age while knee height did not. The BMI was significantly higher in women than in men (27.6 SD 5.7 v. 26.4 SD 3.7; P<0.001) and it was lower in the oldest than in the youngest subjects (P<0.05) of both genders. The 75th year of age was a turning point for BMI as for other anthropometric measurements. According to BMI values, the prevalence of malnutrition was lower than 5 % in both genders, whereas obesity was shown to have a higher prevalence in women than in men (28% v. 16%; P<0.001). Waist circumference and waist: hip ratio values were higher for the youngest men than for the oldest men (P<0.05), whereas in women the waist: hip ratio values were higher in the oldest women, suggesting that visceral redistribution in old age predominantly affects females. In conclusion, in the elderly the oldest subjects showed a thinner body frame than the youngest of both genders, and there was a more marked fat redistribution in women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore three potential causes of racial/ethnic differences in influenza vaccination rates in the elderly: (1) resistant attitudes and beliefs regarding vaccination by African-American and Hispanic Medicare beneficiaries, (2) poor access to care during influenza vaccination weeks, and (3) discriminatory behavior by providers. DATA SOURCES: Medicare beneficiaries who responded to both the 1995 and 1996 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) (n=6,746). STUDY DESIGN: We combined survey information from the MCBS with Medicare claims. We measured resistance to vaccination by self-reported reasons for not receiving vaccination, access to care by claims submitted during vaccination weeks, and discrimination by racial differences in vaccinations among beneficiaries who visited the same providers during vaccination weeks. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: White beneficiaries (66.6 percent) were more likely to self-report having received vaccination than were African Americans (43.3 percent) or Hispanics (52.5 percent). Resistance to vaccination plays a role in low vaccination rates of African-American (-11.8 percentage points), but not Hispanic beneficiaries. Unequal access accounts for <2 percent of the disparity. Minority beneficiaries remained unvaccinated despite having medical encounters with their usual providers on days when those same providers were administering vaccinations to white beneficiaries. This disparity is attributable not to provider discrimination but to a 1.6-5 x higher likelihood of white beneficiaries initiating encounters for the purpose of receiving vaccination. CONCLUSION: Disparities in access to care and provider discrimination play little role in explaining racial/ethnic disparities in influenza vaccination. Eliminating missed opportunities for vaccination in 1995 would have raised vaccination rates in three racial/ethnic groups to the Healthy People 2000 goal of 60 percent vaccination.  相似文献   

This study describes the pattern and predictors of ambulatory care utilization among Korean Americans (KAs) living in Los Angeles. Data were gathered via a mail survey. Analysis employed a two-part model: logit model for factors affecting any health care use and truncated negative binomial model for frequency of use given one visit. Use of ambulatory care among KAs was low (2.80 visits during prior 12 months), compared to their counterparts in South Korea and the U.S. population. Variables associated with higher utilization included old age, health needs, and health insurance. Income had a positive effect on health care utilization decisions among the uninsured. Acculturation appeared to be neither a strong nor consistent predictor of ambulatory care utilization among KAs. Of particular concern is the finding that KAs suffer from inadequate access to care due to lack of employment-based health insurance.  相似文献   

老年居民对社区卫生服务利用及满意度调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
马菲  曲成毅  王婷  银炯  张晓东 《中国公共卫生》2008,24(10):1161-1162
目的 了解山西省太原市老年居民对社区卫生服务利用及满意情况,为开展社区卫生服务工作提供依据.方法 采用整群随机抽样方法对太原市4个社区卫生服务站257名65岁以上就诊老年居民进行面对面询问调查.采用SPSS 11.5统计软件描述频数分布,利用累加Logistic回归模型进行因素分析.结果 到社区卫生服务站就诊者中,老年女性、低文化程度、低家庭收入占多数,首选社区卫生服务机构就诊者中医疗费用负担方式以自费占绝大多数(71.8%).就诊目的以开药(80.2%)、诊疗(32.7%)、输液(32.7%)为主,就诊原因主要是快捷方便(60.0%)、离家近(45.9%)、解决小病(17.9%)、态度好(16.7%)等,对社区卫生服务机构总体满意度为46.3%.累加Logistic回归分析结果显示:影响老年人医疗服务满意度因素为性别、文化程度、经济收入、医疗费用负担方式、首诊地点选择.结论 社区老年居民对健康保健服务需求较高,对社区卫生服务较为满意认可,医疗服务质量有待进一步提高.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate exposure to stress at work in university teachers and see if there were differences between men and women as well as between positions. The study was carried out online and included a representative sample of 1,168 teachers employed at universities in Croatia. This included all teaching positions: assistants (50%), assistant professors (18%), associate professors (17%), and full professors (15%). Fifty-seven percent of the sample were women. The participants answered a questionnaire of our own design that measured six groups of stressors: workload, material and technical conditions at work, relationships with colleagues at work, work with students, work organisation, and social recognition and status. Women reported greater stress than men. Assistant professors, associate professors, and full professors reported greater stress related to material and technical conditions of work and work organisation than assistants, who, in turn, found relationships with colleagues a greater stressor. Full professors, reported lower exposure to stress at work than associate professors, assistant professors, and assistants.  相似文献   

This study examined surgery for colorectal cancer among Medicare beneficiaries 65 years of age or older with an initial diagnosis in 1987 (n = 81 579). Black patients were less likely than White to undergo surgical resection (68% vs 78%), even after age, comorbidity, and location and extent of tumor were controlled for. Among those who underwent resection, Black patients were more likely to die (a 2-year mortality rate of 40.0% vs 33.5% in White patients); this disparity also remained after confounders had been controlled. The disparities were similar in teaching and nonteaching hospitals and in private and public hospitals. These data may indicate racially based differences among Medicare beneficiaries in access to and quality of care for colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

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