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军队远程精神医学服务有着广阔的应用前景,通过对相关资料的分析,主要阐述了国内外远程精神医学服务的现状、军队开展远程精神医学服务的必要性,列举了我军开展此项工作的有利条件,并对如何进一步做好军队远程精神医学服务工作提出了设想和建议。  相似文献   

为探讨新时期军队心理卫生服务中心的建设与发展,本文分析军队心理卫生中心目前的现状,在建设和发展中所面临问题,并从坚持姓军为战的科研发展方向、促进专业人才队伍建设、加强机动卫勤保障建设、完善骨干培训机制及远程咨询网络建设等方面提出相应对策。  相似文献   

我军心理服务日益受到重视,在多样化军事行动中均起到积极作用。我军心理服务人员目前专业水平参差不齐,急需督导培训,提高专业水平和服务质量。军队心理服务督导体系的信息化建设,可以解决督导资源稀少且分布不均的问题,具有统筹性、系统化、经济性、稳定性、开放性等特点。网站将面向军队心理服务人员、潜在心理服务人员和对心理健康感兴趣的一般用户,由两个模块构成:一是包括督导服务、培训资源等在内的核心功能模块;二是包括空间分享、交流论坛等在内的扩展功能模块,主要实现心理服务的督导、培训功能,和心理健康知识普及交流功能。  相似文献   

军队医院网站建设与应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Internet的迅猛发展使从网上获得医疗信息服务成为可能。建立军队医院网站,有助于向全球展示医院的形象、医疗特色和相关服务,构筑医患互动平台,实现医疗资源共享,探索和完善网络时代医院管理的模式。  相似文献   

心理服务与军队伤病员管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述在整体医疗思想的指导下,将心理服务应用军队伤病员的管理,通过心理检测评估军队伤病员的心理状态,依据不同的心理状态和心理特点,开展心理服务,使心理服务与管理有机结合,从而取得了良好的管理效果。  相似文献   

国家儿科远程医学网络应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立国家儿科远程医学网络,运用现代计算机、通信、网络等高新技术手段,在网上开展疑难病会诊咨询、保健指导及远程继续教育。自1998年以来,首都儿科研究所与全国14省24家医疗机构建立网络联系,开展各种疑难病会诊咨询46例,在全国范围内建立起适合国情、实用高效的儿科远程医学网络,最大限度的发挥了北京地区高水平儿科专家的资源优势,为边远贫困地区的儿童享受到高水平专家服务提供了一条方便、快捷、经济的就医途径。同时,通过对远程会诊的规范化管理及病例分析,建立了远程医学的质量控制体系,培养出一支较高素质的远程医学管理队伍。  相似文献   

目的开展军队心理服务教学骨干胜任特征研究,明确军队心理服务教学骨干胜任特征构成要素。方法综合运用文献分析法、行为事件访谈法、专家评定法收集军队心理服务教学骨干胜任特征条目;采用LIKERT5级度量法,编制《军队心理服务教学骨干胜任特征问卷》,运用编制的问卷对117名军队心理服务教学骨干进行问卷调查,探讨了军队心理服务教学骨干胜任特征结构。结果提取出7个因子,包括19个胜任特征项目,各因子的特征值分别为2.285、1.875、1.863、1.805、1.553、1.539、1.512,解释总变异率分别为10.387%、8.521%、8.467%、8.206%、7.059%、6.994%、6.873%。结论军队心理服务教学骨干胜任特征包括:人际影响、乐群性、成就特征、个人效能、知识经验与技能、服务导向、认知能力。  相似文献   

边远地区军队医院开展远程医疗服务的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本通过总结分析边疆地区军队医院开展远程医疗服务的应用实践,提出边远地区开展远程医疗服务力求因地制宜、注重应用、扬长避短。  相似文献   

新医改方案中明确提出,医院要"建立实用共享的医药卫生信息系统",并要求"利用网络信息技术,促进城市医院与社区卫生服务机构的合作,积极发展面向农村及边远地区的远程医疗"。近年来,利用网络、计算机和多媒体信息技术,特别是3G的移动通信技术,为社区医疗卫生服务中心、保健站和乡镇卫生院开展远程医疗咨询和会诊.为基层医疗卫生机构发展提供支持。  相似文献   

目的:分析便携式一体化远程检诊箱应用于军队卫勤保障的内部和外部的影响因素,为部队医院开展远程医疗服务提供参考。方法:采用SWOT(Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats)分析法定性分析自行研制的便携式一体化远程检诊箱在军队卫勤保障中的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。结果:便携式一体化远程检诊箱用于军队卫勤保障中具有:着眼部队需求、紧贴实战需要、军民融合发展的优势,没有专用移动网络、缺少专属体征采集设备、尚无成熟运行机制的劣势,列入国家卫生规划、符合强军目标、移动互联技术发展的机会,同时也面临接口标准不统一、政策出台不及时、责任权益不明确的威胁。结论:应抓住互联网发展的机遇,多头并进搞好相关的应用研究,进一步完善各项政策制度,大胆进行远程医疗服务的创新尝试,努力开创远程医疗服务的新局面。  相似文献   

The impact of breast cancer on the emotional and social health of women and their families is an important issue for the cancer field. Nevertheless, many patients do not avail themselves of support programmes. In rural communities there is often a lack of services, which, for many, leads to a perception of 'being alone' in the struggle to become better. This paper reports an evaluation of a pilot project to facilitate a self-help peer support group network: an extensive provincial audio teleconferencing network for rural breast cancer survivors, established by the Telemedicine Centre of the Memorial University of Newfoundland. A satisfaction questionnaire was distributed to participants in the pilot programme. Responses suggested that they were very satisfied with the use of audio teleconferencing for the facilitation of a social support programme. The programme appeared to help bridge the isolation gap that rural women with breast cancer often experience. The results have implications for the provision of self-help social support services through audio teleconferencing, as well as for the quality of life and wellbeing of rural women.  相似文献   

Compared to U.S. born Latinos, Mexican immigrants (MAs) have diminished health care access and face substantial barriers to accessing needed dental health services. However, little research has examined how MAs social networks shape their use of dental health services. Using data from 332 Mexican immigrants to the Midwest, this research examines the significance of individual and egocentric network characteristics on two measures of dental health service utilization. Findings reveal that network size, network dental service utilization, and the frequency with which MAs discuss acute problems with network ties, positively correspond to use of oral health services. Conversely, embeddedness in networks where ties hassle egos about dental issues and have low levels of dental health knowledge correspond to lower odds of using these services. This research is among the first to use ego network data and methods to examine the ways network characteristics shape oral health behaviors among this underserved population.  相似文献   

The Leon County Health Resource Commission sought to increase access to mental health services for their rural community. The commission formed a network of partners who collaborated to increase free transportation to mental health services outside the community and developed a telehealth-based counseling program through a counseling psychology training program. Learning opportunities emerged during the development and implementation of these activities for both the students and the community in how to successfully utilize and sustain this service. This article describes the telehealth counseling model, presents lessons learned in the process, and presents recommendations for others interested in utilizing similar strategies.  相似文献   

随着民众生活水平的提高,对医疗服务有了更高的要求,加上市场竞争日益激烈,单个医院的发展受到诸多限制,集群化医疗服务中心相对于单个医疗机构在降低医疗成本、技术创新、专业化、集群网络等方面都体现出强大的优势,是医疗机构提高服务能力和水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文针对医院心理科建设存在的问题,提出把握服务方向,明确工作任务和要求,建立完善学科标准,规范工作制度和管理,深化临床科研,贴近部队实际搞研究,创新服务模式,加强联络会诊和协作等应对措施。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市部分早产儿母亲对早产儿早期综合干预项目的需求与态度。方法 在儿童保健门诊开展针对早产儿早期综合干预项目的需求调查。结果 智能发育与早期教育示范指导是早产儿母亲最受欢迎的服务项目(92.23%)。早产儿家长比较倾向于医生与家庭一对一定期系统指导(58.03%)服务。早产儿家长在保健服务时间方面更倾向于预约服务。结论 早产儿照护者更需要系统、科学、具针对性的早产儿早期综合发展服务;医疗保健机构要扩展早产儿早期综合干预服务内容,改善服务模式,提高早产儿保健服务水平。  相似文献   

M-Bone, multimedia e-mail and teleconferencing are drawing providers to the Internet as a telemedicine network alternative. But security and reliability issues remain unresolved.  相似文献   

This study outlines the results of a survey carried out with parents of children with a learning disability, general practitioners and community learning disability teams as to the health service needs for this client group. Overall, 40% of parents were very dissatisfied or dissatisfied with the services they received. A number of gaps in service provision were identified. In particular, psychological and behavioural difficulties of children were of major concern to all those involved, but needs in relation to these areas were often unmet or inadequately dealt with. Of greater concern was that some families in the area studied were paying privately for child learning disability clinical psychology services because they had such difficulty in accessing NHS services. Implications for service provision are discussed.  相似文献   

文章围绕着新医改方案中提出的构建农村三级卫生服务网络之间的协调性与连续性的目标,在分析连续性医疗服务的特征和农村卫生网络连续性服务存在问题的基础上,深入分析开展农村卫生网络服务连续性互动机制研究的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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