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电化教学就是在教学过程中,使用幻灯、电影、电视、录音、录象等电教材料,对学生传授知识,以达到提高教学质量的目的。电化教学是一种先进的教学手段,它直接诉诸人们的感觉器官,国外一般称为视听教育。据研究,人们从听觉获得的知识能记忆15%,从视觉获得的知识能记忆25%,如果把视听结合起来,就能记忆65%。所以它具有超过单用语言讲授的力量,是教学方法上的重大改革。  相似文献   

目的探讨以患者问题为基础的教学模式(PBL)的教学法对中医学生在护理学基础教学中应用的可行性。方法165名中医药大学五年制本科生随机分为PBL教学组(94名)与传统教学组(71名),在护理学基础教学中分别采用进行采用PBL和传统教学方法授课,课程结束后进行书面考试,并采用问卷调查学生对传统教学和PBL教学的效果评价。结果授课后两组学生书面考试成绩差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),问卷调查显示两组学生对PBL教学法在激发学生的学习动机、学习兴趣、提高学生对所学知识的理解、记忆和思维能力等方面差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.01)。结论在护理学基础教学中应用PBL教学法具有实效性,调动了学生的学习兴趣和主动性,提高了学生分析问题和解决问题以及灵活应用知识的能力,从而提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

目的 探讨瘢痕防治临床案例库建立在整形外科专业型研究生实践教学中的效果.方法 笔者所在科室通过构建教学框架、搜集编写案例、推广数字化教学、加强效果评价四大步骤建立了瘢痕防治临床案例库,并将其应用于整形外科专业型研究生的实践教学中.结果 学生通过案例库中集广泛性、前沿性、代表性于一体的病例学习,更加全面的掌握了瘢痕的种类...  相似文献   

执行GB3100/3101/3102—19934国际单位制及其应用/有关量、单位和符号的一般原则/(所有部分)量和单位》的有关规定,具体执行可参照中华医学会杂志社编写的《法定计量单位在医学上的应用》第3版(人民军医出版社2001年出版)。  相似文献   

执行GB3100/3101/3102—1993《国际单位制及其应用,有关量、单位和符号的一般原则/(所有部分)量和单位》的有关规定,具体执行可参照中华医学会杂志社编写的《法定计量单位在医学上的应用》第3版(人民军医出版社2001年出版)。  相似文献   

执行GB3100/3101/3102—1993《国际单位制及其应用/有关量、单位和符号的一般原则/(所有部分)量和单位》的有关规定,具体执行可参照中华医学会杂志社编写的《法定计量单位在医学上的应用》第3版(人民军医出版社2001年出版)。  相似文献   

在医学院校开设性学课程可以拓宽学生的专业领域,增加从业技能,扩大为病人服务的范围,同时还可对自己进行有效的保护;课程内容主要包括性病理学、性医学技能、性心理学、性生活技能和性健康维护等知识.为实现教学目的,学校应领导重视,各部门协调配合,把该课程纳入教学体系,选择优秀教师承担授课任务,运用多种形式进行教学,同时还要尽早编写适合医学生使用的专门教材.只有这样,才能使医学院校的性学课程真正具有其存在的价值.  相似文献   

《常见皮肤病彩色图谱》,解放军总医院和首都医院皮肤科编写,人民卫生出版社1978年10月出版.全书分文字及图片两部分,各占80余页.内容比较丰富、系统.对当前皮肤病的教学起着有益的作用.  相似文献   

组织常驻记忆T细胞(tissue-resident memory T cells, TRM)是最近发现的记忆T淋巴细胞亚群。这类细胞不参与血液循环,当病原体被消除后仍长期存在于组织中,在病原再次侵入时即刻发挥保护作用。但是,TRM异常激活可能参与了自身免疫和炎症性疾病的发病机制。近年来,这类细胞在银屑病、白癜风、黑素瘤、变应性接触性皮炎等皮肤病中均被描述过。该文就TRM在皮肤病中的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

《医学期刊论文编写技术》由《中国煤炭工业医学杂志》编辑部主任栾奕主编,《中国综合临床杂志》编辑部主任冬奕伦主审,并组织几位有经验的期刊编辑,根据国际标准、国家标准以及我国对医学期刊的有关规定,结合多年的工作经验编写而成。全书共分 7章及附录,比较系统地阐述了医学期刊论文写作的基本知识、体裁特点、写作方法、编写格式及规范表达形式;简明地介绍了医学期刊一般的编辑程序、常见的名词术语和医学论文发表与编辑中经常遇到问题的一般处理办法。在附录中汇集了医学论文写作常用的一些规定、标准。该书由中国医药科技出版社…  相似文献   

It is imperative for any dermatology resident to have a good knowledge of the various triads in dermatology. For an easy grasp over this topic, we have grouped the various triads on the basis of their etiologies.  相似文献   

The internet is increasingly being used to distribute knowledge in medicine in novel and unconventional ways. In this article, we give a brief introduction into the website www.derm101.com, which was founded by A. B. Ackerman for the purpose of teaching dermatology and dermatopathology. A clinical atlas, online books such as the 3rd edition of his volume "Histologic diagnosis of inflammatory skin diseases", works on clues and differential diagnoses in dermatopathology, a resource on therapeutic strategies in dermatology, a video lecture library on controversial issues in dermatology, the quarterly online journal Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual and much more can be found on derm101.com. The site is enriched with new contents biweekly and offers several interactive teaching devices. Currently, www.derm101.com is the most comprehensive online library of dermatology resources.  相似文献   

探讨网络环境下PBL教学法在皮肤性病学教学中的应用。与传统的讲授教学法相比,网络环境下的PBL教学法普遍提高了学生的考试成绩受到学生的好评,更重要的是提高了学生分析和解决问题的能力和计算机网络应用水平,培养了学生分工协作的团队精神,节约了师资力量。同时,这种教学方式也要求教师不断提高自身业务素质,探索新的教育理念和方法。因此,网络环境下的PBL教学在皮肤性病学教学中的应用是可行有效的。  相似文献   

Background Recommendations for the dermatology content (learning outcomes) of the core undergraduate curriculum were sent to all U.K. medical schools in June 2006. Objective To carry out an audit of the content of the core curriculum in each U.K. medical school against the recommendations for a core undergraduate dermatology curriculum (the criteria) published by the British Association of Dermatologists, to identify areas of good practice and to gather evidence for developing the learning and teaching of dermatology. Methods A questionnaire was circulated to the dermatology teaching leads of all U.K. medical schools (29) and one Irish medical school. Questions which the teaching leads were unable to answer were sent to the relevant deans and responses incorporated into the results. All curricula should include the essential learning outcomes that focus on clinical skills; as this was an audit to benchmark current practice, we did not set standards for the other recommendations for a core curriculum. Results Replies were received from teaching leads in 29 of the 30 medical schools and from 16 of the deans. Essential clinical skills such as taking a dermatological history and examining the skin were included in the curricula of most, but not all, medical schools. Areas of good practice include teaching on tumours, acne and psoriasis, but we found some surprising omissions including the diagnosis of meningococcaemia. Our data suggest that some students have little exposure to dermatology, but dermatology teaching takes place in secondary care in all medical schools. Knowledge‐based assessments are used by 27 medical schools. Conclusions Curricula should be strengthened so that the recommended learning outcomes feature in the core curricula of all medical schools. Teaching leads in all specialties, including those in the community, should communicate so that learning and teaching are integrated horizontally and vertically. The results should provide a baseline for future audits.  相似文献   

Background/Objectives: With increasing medical student numbers and decreasing clinical teaching opportunities, there has been a need to develop alternative learning resources. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a new dermatology online teaching resource, from a student perspective. Methods: The Australasian College of Dermatologists developed an undergraduate dermatology curriculum and subsequently created online teaching modules in partnership with the University of Sydney. These modules were introduced to final year medical students at the University of Western Australia in 2010. The dermatology learning experiences of these 142 students were compared with the 2009 medical student cohort who did not have access to this resource. A self‐administered questionnaire, with a 5‐point rating scale, was used. Results: The 2010 cohort described an improved educational experience using the online modules. Despite a reduction in the number of clinics attended, knowledge and skills gained were scored higher among the 2010 cohort. The student's confidence in their ability to manage common dermatological conditions was also statistically higher in the cohort with the online teaching resource. The learning experience for dermatology compared to other subspecialty teaching in medical school was ranked as a significantly more positive experience in the 2010 cohort. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the introduction of the online modules described in this paper to support learning have improved the perceived educational experience of medical students and should be incorporated as a way to improve student teaching in the face of reduced clinic teaching.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives: We wish to develop and evaluate a user-friendly online interactive teaching and examination model as an adjunct to traditional bedside teaching of medical students during a clinical rotation in dermatology. Methods: Following completion of an online examination, senior medical students at the University of British Columbia (n = 178) were asked to complete an online survey to evaluate their acceptance of this new method. The online examination model was evaluated through students' responses to the questionnaire-based evaluation they were asked to complete following their examination. Responses were evaluated on a standardized 5-point scale. Results: A high response rate was achieved (98.9%). Overall, 93% of senior medical students felt that the Internet was a useful and effective way to administer a dermatology examination. Most (90%) preferred the online examination to a traditional paper-and-pencil examination and the majority (88%) felt that the quality of digital images presented was sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, students strongly supported the further development of teaching resources on the web and would use these resources in learning dermatology (93%). Conclusions: The development of an online interactive examination tool for dermatology is technically feasible with current technology. Senior medical students are not only accepting of this new technology but also prefer it to more traditional formats and indicate enthusiasm for the development of further online teaching resources in dermatology.  相似文献   

皮肤科临床教学有着以形态学示教为主的学科特点。如何面对教学工作中的实际困难,提升临床教师的师资力量,使学生能够在实践中提高学习兴趣,最大限度地学习皮肤科专业知识,增长临床技能,是新时期医学生素质教育所面临的问题。本文旨在分析皮肤科临床教学所面临的一些问题,探讨从教师师资队伍建设入手,提高教学质量的效果的有效办法。  相似文献   

沟通是一门技巧和艺术,是一个人综合素质的体现,更是教育工作者必须具备的能力之一。皮肤性病学教学具有病种繁多、形态学特征各异、教学课时少等特点。有无良好的沟通技巧,直接影响教学效果。如何做好教学中的沟通,确保在有限的时间内完成教学任务尤为重要。也是每个皮肤性病学教育工作者值得探讨的课题。该文力求阐明在皮肤性病学的教学过程中,如何进行有效沟通,探讨教学沟通技巧,以期共勉。  相似文献   

Summary Four hundred and fifty-six practitioners (GPs) in Avon were asked what they required from their department of dermatology, and what improvements to the present service they could suggest. Most GPs preferred to manage the majority of dermatological problems themselves, with support from the department where necessary. They referred to a hospital department because they lacked the necessary expertise, but would prefer to receive training, advice and support in managing their patients rather than surrender long-term care to a specialist department. Despite this expressed willingness to shoulder more of the dermatological burden, only 31% of the GPs had received any postgraduate training in dermatology. In fact 57% said they had little interest in the subject and had not attended any form of dermatology teaching since qualifying. GPs would also like more guidance in the form of regularly updated guidelines and protocols, and easy access to dermatologists for telephone advice at regular fixed times. Some also felt that consultants should aim to provide diagnosis, investigation, and management guidelines for referred patients after a single visit. These findings should prompt a re-appraisal of the relative roles of GP and dermatologist, and emphasize the need for vocational training and continuing medical education in dermatology for all GPs.  相似文献   

Background Atlases on CD‐ROM first substituted the use of paediatric dermatology atlases printed on paper. This permitted a faster search and a practical comparison of differential diagnoses. The third step in the evolution of clinical atlases was the onset of the online atlas. Many doctors now use the Internet image search engines to obtain clinical images directly. Objectives The aim of this study was to test the reliability of the image search engines compared to the online atlases. Methods We tested seven Internet image search engines with three paediatric dermatology diseases. Results In general, the service offered by the search engines is good, and continues to be free of charge. The coincidence between what we searched for and what we found was generally excellent, and contained no advertisements. Most Internet search engines provided similar results but some were more user friendly than others. It is not necessary to repeat the same research with Picsearch, Lycos and MSN, as the response would be the same; there is a possibility that they might share software. Conclusions Image search engines are a useful, free and precise method to obtain paediatric dermatology images for teaching purposes. There is still the matter of copyright to be resolved. What are the legal uses of these ‘free’ images? How do we define ‘teaching purposes’? New watermark methods and encrypted electronic signatures might solve these problems and answer these questions.  相似文献   

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