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In functional neuroimaging, neurovascular coupling is used to generate maps of hemodynamic changes that are assumed to be surrogates of regional neural activation. The aim of this study was to characterize the microvascular system of the primate cortex as a basis for understanding the constraints imposed on a region's hemodynamic response by the vascular architecture, density, as well as area- and layer-specific variations. In the macaque visual cortex, an array of anatomical techniques has been applied, including corrosion casts, immunohistochemistry, and cytochrome oxidase (COX) staining. Detailed measurements of regional vascular length density, volume fraction, and surface density revealed a similar vascularization in different visual areas. Whereas the lower cortical layers showed a positive correlation between the vascular and cell density, this relationship was very weak in the upper layers. Synapse density values taken from the literature also displayed a very moderate correlation with the vascular density. However, the vascular density was strongly correlated with the steady-state metabolic demand as measured by COX activity. This observation suggests that although the number of neurons and synapses determines an upper bound on an area's integrative capacity, its vascularization reflects the neural activity of those subpopulations that represent a "default" mode of brain steady state.  相似文献   

A primary goal of investigations into the organization of human cerebral cortex is to determine the functional specificity of architectonic regions. This includes the correlation of neurobehavioral deficits with neuropathological data for clinical diagnosis and treatment, and the identification of active brain regions using functional neural imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography, electroencephalographic and magnetoencephalographic (EEG and MEG) source localization algorithms, and direct cortical stimulation. Currently, the architectonic classification of a cortical region identified by these methods is inferred from the comparison of its cerebral topographic position to cytoarchitectonic brain atlases. However, substantial intersubject variability in the position of cytoarchitectonic regions with respect to cerebral topographic landmarks may lead to errors in this procedure. An alternative method is presented here, which uses magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to identify myeloarchitectonic regions of isocortex directly by estimating the relative concentration of myelin within cortical laminae. This high-resolution MR protocol is used to identify striate cortex (Brodmann's area 17) and extrastriate cortex in vivo. Correspondence of MR signal intensity with myeloarchitectonic data from a postmortem brain confirms this identification. As MR imaging technology improves, this noninvasive method has the potential to identify and discriminate among at least 50 cortical regions in the living human brain.  相似文献   

Visual cortical lesions destroy the target cells for geniculocortical fibers from a certain retinotopic region. This leads to a cortical scotoma. We have investigated the receptive fields of cells in the visual cortex before, 2 days and 2 months after focal ibotenic acid lesions in the adult cat visual cortex and have found signs of receptive field plasticity in the surroundings of the chronic but not the acute and subacute excitotoxic lesions. In the subacute state (first two days post lesion) receptive field sizes of cells at the border of the lesion were reduced in size or remained unchanged. Remapping of cortical receptive fields 2 months later revealed a number of cells with multifold enlarged receptive fields at the border of the lesion. The cells with enlarged receptive fields displayed orientation and direction selectivity like normal cells. The size increase appeared not specifically directed towards the scotoma; however, the enlarged receptive fields can reduce the extent of a cortical scotoma, since previously unresponsive regions of the visual field activate cortical cells at the border of the lesion. This late receptive field plasticity could serve as a mechanism for the filling-in of cortical scotomata observed in patients with visual cortex lesions.  相似文献   

Primary sensory cortical responses are modulated by the presence or expectation of related sensory information in other modalities, but the sources of multimodal information and the cellular locus of this integration are unclear. We investigated the modulation of neural responses in the murine primary auditory cortical area Au1 by extrastriate visual cortex (V2). Projections from V2 to Au1 terminated in a classical descending/modulatory pattern, with highest density in layers 1, 2, 5, and 6. In brain slices, whole-cell recordings revealed long latency responses to stimulation in V2L that could modulate responses to subsequent white matter (WM) stimuli at latencies of 5-20 ms. Calcium responses imaged in Au1 cell populations showed that preceding WM with V2L stimulation modulated WM responses, with both summation and suppression observed. Modulation of WM responses was most evident for near-threshold WM stimuli. These data indicate that corticocortical projections from V2 contribute to multimodal integration in primary auditory cortex.  相似文献   

In search of the neuronal substrate for motion analysis in the ferret (Mustela putorius furo), we extracellularly recorded from extrastriate visual cortex in five pigmented and two albino ferrets under general anaesthesia and paralysis. Visual stimulation consisted of large area random dot patterns moving either on a circular path in the frontoparallel plane or expanding and contracting radially. Strongly direction-selective neurons were recorded in a circumscribed area in and just posterior to the suprasylvian sulcus, thus named by us the posterior suprasylvian area (area PSS). Altogether, we recorded 210 (90%) and 95 (72%) PSS neurons in pigmented and albino ferrets, respectively, that were direction selective. In these neurons responses during random dot pattern stimulation in the preferred direction were at least twice as strong than stimulation in the non-preferred direction. Response strength in preferred direction and tuning sharpness of PSS neurons in albinos were significantly reduced when compared to pigmented animals (median values: 34.1 versus 14.8 spikes/s and 142 versus 165 degrees for pigmented and albino ferrets, respectively). Inter-spike-intervals during visual stimulation were significantly shorter in pigmented (median 9 ms) than in albino PSS neurons (median 14 ms). Our data indicate that area PSS may play a crucial role in motion perception in the ferret.  相似文献   

We examined the development of the occipital lobe in fetal monkeys between embryonic day 37 (E37) and E108 in Nissl-stained and acetylcholine esterase (AChE)-reacted sections. We paid particular attention to features that distinguish the development of presumptive area 17. At E46 the neuroepithelium consists of a ventricular zone and a monolayer cortical plate sandwiched between a thin marginal zone and a minimal presubplate. Between E55 and E65 an augmented subplate emerges and continues to expand up to E94 to become a major compartment of the developing cortex. A mitotic subventricular zone is established by E55. Peaking in depth at E72, it constitutes the principal germinal zone. By E78 an invading fibre tract divides it into an outer radially organized zone and a more conventional inner zone. AChE staining reveals the future area 17/18 border from E86 onwards. Proceeding from presumptive area 17 to area 18 there is a progressive thinning of the radially structured subventricular zone. Comparison of these results with corticogenesis in rodents suggests a number of potentially unique primate features: (i) a minimal preplate stage; (ii) a radially augmented germinal zone not previously described in non-primates; (iii) a fibre tract dividing the subventricular zone into two laminae; (iv) late generation and expansion of the subplate.  相似文献   

The value of sulcal landmarks for predicting functional areas was quantitatively examined. Medial occipital sulci were identified using anatomical magnetic resonance images to create individual cortical-surface models. Functional visual areas were identified using retinotopically organized visual stimuli, and positron emission tomography subtraction imaging with intra-subject averaging. Functional areas were assigned labels by placement along the cortical surface from V1. Structure-function spatial covariances between sulci and functional areas, and spatial covariances among functional areas, were determined by projecting sulcal landmarks and functional areas into a standardized stereotaxic space and computing the 'r' statistics. A functional area was considered to spatially covary with a sulcus or another functional area if their geometric centers correlated significantly (P < 0.05) in two or more axes. Statistically significant spatial covariances were found for some, but not all comparisons. The finding of significant spatial covariances within a standardized stereotaxic space indicates that nine-parameter spatial normalization does not account for all the predictive value of structural or functional locations, and may be improved upon by using selected sulcal and functional landmarks. The present findings quantify for the first time the strength of structure--function spatial covariance and comment directly on developmental theories addressing the etiology of structure--function correspondence.  相似文献   

Little is known about the "inverse" of the receptive field--the region of cortical space whose spatiotemporal pattern of electrical activity is influenced by a given sensory stimulus. We refer to this activated area as the cortical response field, the properties of which remain unexplored. Here, the dynamics of cortical response fields evoked in visual cortex by small, local drifting-oriented gratings were explored using voltage-sensitive dyes. We found that the cortical response field was often characterized by a plateau of activity, beyond the rim of which activity diminished quickly. Plateau rim location was largely independent of stimulus orientation. However, approximately 20 ms following plateau onset, 1-3 peaks emerged on it and were amplified for 25 ms. Spiking was limited to the peak zones, whose location strongly depended on stimulus orientation. Thus, alongside selective amplification of a spatially restricted suprathreshold response, wider activation to just below threshold encompasses all orientation domains within a well-defined retinotopic vicinity of the current stimulus, priming the cortex for processing of subsequent stimuli.  相似文献   

How does the cortical circuitry analyze the visual scene? Here we explore the earliest levels of striate cortical processing: the first stage, where orientation sensitivity emerges, and the second stage, where stimulus selectivity is further refined. The approach is whole cell recording from cat in vivo. Neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus have circular receptive fields whose subregions, center and surround are concentrically arranged and have the reverse sign, on or off. These neurons supply cortical simple cells, whose receptive fields have on and off subregions that are elongated and lie side by side. Feedforward models hold that orientation sensitivity depends on this thalamocortical change in receptive field structure and an arrangement within subregions such that stimuli of the reverse contrast evoke synaptic responses of the opposite polarity-push-pull. Our work provides support for feedforward models and emphasizes that push-pull is key in the geniculostriate pathway, preserved from retina by thalamic relay cells and reiterated, point by point, by cortical simple cells. Also, we help define the cortical push-pull circuit by identifying inhibitory simple cells. Lastly, separate experiments that compare the first and second levels of cortical processing suggest that differences in the synaptic physiology of connections at the two (thalamocortical versus intracortical) stages underlie differential selectivity for properties such as motion.  相似文献   

The adult visual cortex maintains a substantial potential for plasticity in response to a change in visual input. For instance, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies have shown that binocular deprivation (BD) increases the cortical excitability for inducing phosphenes with TMS. Here, we employed TMS to trace plastic changes in adult visual cortex before, during, and after 48 h of monocular deprivation (MD) of the right dominant eye. In healthy adult volunteers, MD-induced changes in visual cortex excitability were probed with paired-pulse TMS applied to the left and right occipital cortex. Stimulus-response curves were constructed by recording the intensity of the reported phosphenes evoked in the contralateral visual field at range of TMS intensities. Phosphene measurements revealed that MD produced a rapid and robust decrease in cortical excitability relative to a control condition without MD. The cortical excitability returned to preinterventional baseline levels within 3 h after the end of MD. The results show that in contrast to the excitability increase in response to BD, MD acutely triggers a reversible decrease in visual cortical excitability. This shows that the pattern of visual deprivation has a substantial impact on experience-dependent plasticity of the human visual cortex.  相似文献   

How the receptive field (RF) of visual cells is formed and how to explain the orientation selectivity have been intensely studied and debated. Here we provided direct electrophysiological evidence by single-unit recording and electrophysiological mapping that the elongated excitatory RF of a visual cell in the pigeon nucleus isthmi is constructed from aligned circular excitatory RFs of tectal cells, whereas its inhibitory RF originates from intranuclear inhibitory circuits. The orientation selectivity of an isthmic cell is mainly determined by its excitatory RF and sharply tuned by its inhibitory RF. Retrograde tracing showed that the tectal cells converging onto an isthmic cell are arranged in a narrow dorsoventral column in the tectum. According to the retinotopic map on the tectum, the excitatory RFs of these tectal cells are aligned in a line orthogonal to the horizontal meridian of the visual field in agreement with the result obtained by electrophysiological mapping.  相似文献   

The kinetic occipital region in human visual cortex   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
In the present study we showed that the kinetic occipital (KO) region, located laterally in occipital cortex approximately 20 mm behind human MT/V5, can be strongly and bilaterally activated under passive viewing conditions. We used continuous, randomly changing visual stimulation to compare kinetic gratings to uniform motion and kinetic gratings to luminance defined gratings. The KO activations under these passive conditions are stronger than those observed when the two types of gratings are compared under active conditions, i.e. while subjects perform a task (counting gratings of a given orientation). Region KO was shown to process both shape and motion information, the conjunction of which is typically present in kinetic contours. Area MT/V5 also processes these two aspects of visual stimulation but favors motion signals. Clear segregation of shape and motion processing was observed only in occipitotemporal and parietal regions respectively. Although neurons with properties similar to those derived from the conditions activating the KO region have been documented in the macaque monkey, their location seems inappropriate for them to correspond to the KO activation observed in humans.   相似文献   

A central goal in systems neuroscience is to understand how the brain encodes the intensity of sensory features. We used whole-head magnetoencephalography to investigate whether frequency-specific neuronal activity in the human visual cortex is systematically modulated by the intensity of an elementary sensory feature such as visual motion. Visual stimulation induced a tonic increase of neuronal activity at frequencies above 50 Hz. In order to define a functional frequency band of neuronal activity, we parametrically investigated which frequency band displays the strongest monotonic increase of responses with strength of visual motion. Consistently in all investigated subjects, this analysis resulted in a functional frequency band in the high gamma range from about 60 to 100 Hz in which activity reliably increased with visual motion strength. Using distributed source reconstruction, we found that this increase of high-frequency neuronal activity originates from several extrastriate cortical regions specialized in motion processing. We conclude that high-frequency activity in the human visual motion pathway may be relevant for encoding the intensity of visual motion signals.  相似文献   

Receptor autoradiography was used to study the laminar distribution of excitatory amino acid, GABA(A), and GABA(B) binding sites in human striate cortex. Binding sites for all these receptor subtypes were found within striate cortex, but there were marked differences in the laminar distribution of binding sites. NMDA binding sites were most dense in layers 1-4C, with highest density in layer 4C and lower levels in layers 5 and 6. Among non-NMDA binding sites, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionic acid binding sites had highest levels in layers 1-3, intermediate levels in layers 5 and 6, and lowest levels in layers 4B and 4C. Kainate and metabotropic binding sites were more uniformly distributed across cortical laminae, with a trend toward highest kainate binding in layers 5 and 6. GABA(A)/benzodiazepine binding sites had highest levels in layers 2, 3, and 4C, with intermediate levels in 4B and lowest levels in layers 1, 5, and 6. GABA(B) binding sites were uniformly distributed across laminae. There was no evidence of a "columnar" or "blob" pattern of any binding site within any of the laminae. With the exception of kainate, metabotropic excitatory amino acid, and GABA(B) binding sites, the laminar distribution of binding sites within striate cortex was different than that seen in adjacent visual cortex.  相似文献   

How is development of cortical maps in V1 coordinated across cortical layers to form cortical columns? Previous neural models propose how maps of orientation (OR), ocular dominance (OD), and related properties develop in V1. These models show how spontaneous activity, before eye opening, combined with correlation learning and competition, can generate maps similar to those found in vivo. These models have not discussed laminar architecture or how cells develop and coordinate their connections across cortical layers. This is an important problem since anatomical evidence shows that clusters of horizontal connections form, between iso-oriented regions, in layer 2/3 before being innervated by layer 4 afferents. How are orientations in different layers aligned before these connections form? Anatomical evidence demonstrates that thalamic afferents wait in the subplate for weeks before innervating layer 4. Other evidence shows that ablation of the cortical subplate interferes with the development of OR and OD columns. The model proposes how the subplate develops OR and OD maps, which then entrain and coordinate the development of maps in other lamina. The model demonstrates how these maps may develop in layer 4 by using a known transient subplate-to-layer 4 circuit as a teacher. The model subplate also guides the early clustering of horizontal connections in layer 2/3, and the formation of the interlaminar circuitry that forms cortical columns. It is shown how layer 6 develops and helps to stabilize the network when the subplate atrophies. Finally the model clarifies how brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) manipulations may influence cortical development.  相似文献   

Brain size and folding of the human cerebral cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During evolution, the mammalian cerebral cortex has expanded disproportionately to brain volume. As a consequence, most mammals with large brains have profusely convoluted cortices. The human cortex is a good example of this trend, however, given the large variability in human brain size, it is not clear how cortical folding varies from the smallest to the largest brains. We analyzed cortical folding in a large cohort of human subjects exhibiting a 1.7-fold variation in brain volume. We show that the same disproportionate increase of cortical surface relative to brain volume observed across species can be also observed across human brains: the largest brains can have up to 20% more surface than a scaled-up small brain. We introduce next a novel local measure of cortical folding, and we show that the correlation between cortical folding and size varies along a rostro-caudal gradient, being especially significant in the prefrontal cortex. The expansion of the cerebral cortex, and in particular that of its prefrontal region, is a major evolutionary landmark in the emergence of human cognition. Our results suggest that this may be, at least in part, a natural outcome of increasing brain size.  相似文献   

In order to understand the relationship between brain activity and visual motion perception, knowledge of the cortical areas participating in signal processing alone is insufficient. Rather knowledge on how responses vary with the characteristics of visual motion is necessary. In this study, we measured whole brain activity using magnetoencephalography in humans discriminating the global motion direction of a random dot kinematogram whose strength was systematically varied by the percentage of coherently moving dot elements. Spectral analysis revealed 2 components correlating with motion coherence. A first component in the low-frequency domain ( approximately 3 Hz), linearly increasing with motion coherence, could be attributed to visual cortex including human area middle temporal (MT) +. A second component oscillating in the alpha frequency range and emerging after stimulus offset showed the inverse dependence on motion coherence and arose from early visual cortex. Based on these results, we first of all conclude that motion coherence is reflected in the population response of human extrastriate cortex. Second, we suggest that the occipital alpha activity represents a gating mechanism protecting visual motion integration in later cortical areas from disturbing upcoming signals.  相似文献   

A computational neuroscience framework is proposed to better understand the role and the neuronal correlate of spatial attention modulation in visual perception. The model consists of several interconnected modules that can be related to the different areas of the dorsal and ventral paths of the visual cortex. Competitive neural interactions are implemented at both microscopic and interareal levels, according to the biased competition hypothesis. This hypothesis has been experimentally confirmed in studies in humans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques and also in single-cell recording studies in monkeys. Within this neuro-dynamical approach, numerical simulations are carried out that describe both the fMRI and the electrophysiological data. The proposed model draws together data of different spatial and temporal resolution, as are the above-mentioned imaging and single-cell results.  相似文献   

The different patchy organizations of neurons projecting from primary visual cortex (area 17) to the various extrastriate areas may contribute to functional differences in the output to each of these areas. The pattern of neurons projecting to extrastriate area 21a was examined using large injections of retrograde tracers and compared to the pattern shown by neurons projecting to the lateral suprasylvian area (LS). Patches of neurons projecting to 21a showed a bimodal laminar distribution, with numerous labeled cells in the upper and lower third of layer 3 bracketing a sparsely labeled central third; LS-projecting neurons were confined to the lower and middle thirds of layer 3. The 21a projecting cells were relatively tighter in their clustering pattern than the LS projecting cells, i. e. the difference in labeling density between patch and interpatch zones was greater for 21a-projecting cells than for LS-projecting cells. As previously shown for the LS-projecting cells, patches of 21a-projecting cells colocalized with CO blob columns in area 17. Combined with our earlier results, this study shows that the CO blob compartments in area 17 give rise to at least two distinct efferent pathways, one projecting to LS and the other to 21a, and furthermore suggest that each pathway may carry unique information to its extrastriate target.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported considerable variability in primary visual cortex (V1) shape in both humans and macaques. Here, we demonstrate that much of this variability is due to the pattern of cortical folds particular to an individual and that V1 shape is similar among individual humans and macaques as well as between these 2 species. Human V1 was imaged ex vivo using high-resolution (200 microm) magnetic resonance imaging at 7 T. Macaque V1 was identified in published histological serial section data. Manual tracings of the stria of Gennari were used to construct a V1 surface, which was computationally flattened with minimal metric distortion of the cortical surface. Accurate flattening allowed investigation of intrinsic geometric features of cortex, which are largely independent of the highly variable cortical folds. The intrinsic shape of V1 was found to be similar across human subjects using both nonparametric boundary matching and a simple elliptical shape model fit to the data and is very close to that of the macaque monkey. This result agrees with predictions derived from current models of V1 topography. In addition, V1 shape similarity suggests that similar developmental mechanisms are responsible for establishing V1 shape in these 2 species.  相似文献   

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